#include "util.h" /* return unique ID, with atomic counter should work in all cases */ _Atomic static int _glbl_id=1; int uniq_id() { int ret=-1,id; //what possible could go wrong? // sry emilsp this is not important for now id = atomic_load(&_glbl_id); ret = id; id += 1; atomic_store(&_glbl_id, id); return ret; } char *alloc_new_str_s(char *str, size_t size) { char *ret = NULL; if (str == NULL) { return NULL; } //1MB is enought if (size > (1024*1024)) { return NULL; } ret = malloc(size+1); //extra for 1 zero at then end if (ret == NULL) { return NULL; } memcpy(ret, str, size); ret[size] = 0; //add zero at the end return ret; } char *alloc_new_str(char *str) { return alloc_new_str_s(str, strlen(str)); } off_t file_size(const char *fname) { struct stat st; if ( !stat( fname, &st ) ) { return st.st_size; } return 0; //hehe if error or file is 0, same woop woop }