#include "syntax.h" //token postion/type #define TP(POS) tl_tok_type(tl,(POS)) #define TP_EQ(POS,TYPE) (tl_tok_type(tl,(POS)) == TYPE) #define TP_EQ2(POS,TYPE1,TYPE2) ((tl_tok_type(tl,(POS))==TYPE1)||(tl_tok_type(tl,(POS))==TYPE2)) #define TP_NEQ(POS,TYPE) (tl_tok_type(tl,(POS)) != TYPE) #define TP_NEQ2(POS,TYPE1,TYPE2) ((tl_tok_type(tl,(POS))!=TYPE1)&&(tl_tok_type(tl,(POS))!=TYPE2)) //check if enought tokens to parse #define TE(POS) (tl_size(tl) > (POS)) /*****************************************************************************/ ast_root* ast_syntax( token_list *tl ) { ast_root *ast_tree = NULL; ast_range *rng = NULL; tk_pos=0; ast_tree = atrt_i(); while ( tk_pos < tl_size(tl) ) { //current - INT|HEX next not RANGE if (TP_EQ2(tk_pos,TOK_INT,TOK_HEX) && TP_NEQ(tk_pos+1,TOK_RANGE)) { rng = att_range( tl, tk_pos ); if (rng == NULL ) break; atrt_a_range( &ast_tree, rng, 0 ); // current - INT|HEX next RANGE } else if ( TP_EQ2(tk_pos,TOK_INT,TOK_HEX) && TP_EQ(tk_pos+1,TOK_RANGE) ) { rng = att_range( tl, tk_pos ); if (rng == NULL ) break; atrt_a_range( &ast_tree, rng, 0 ); } else { printf("ERR:%d\n",tl_tok_type(tl,tk_pos)); printf("Syntax error\n"); break; } } return ast_tree; } /*****************************************************************************/ ast_if* att_if( token_list *tl, int pos ) { //PRINT("IF:pos->%d %d\n",tk_pos,pos); ast_if *ret = NULL; ast_expr *expr = NULL; ast_value *val = NULL; if ( TP_NEQ(pos,TOK_IF) ) { printf("not if syntax error\n"); return NULL; } // SHOULD BE first LBR (INT|HEX) third RBR if ((TP_EQ(pos+1,TOK_LBR)) && (TP_EQ2(pos+2,TOK_HEX,TOK_INT)) && (TP_EQ(pos+3,TOK_RBR)) ) { expr = att_expr( tl, pos+1 ); pos = tk_pos; val = att_value( tl, pos ); ret = ati_i(); ati_s_expr( &ret, expr ); ati_s_val( &ret, val ); } else { printf("invalid range\n"); return NULL; } return ret; } /*****************************************************************************/ ast_range* att_range( token_list *tl, int pos ) { //PRINT("RNG:pos->%d %d\n",tk_pos,pos); ast_range *ret = NULL; ast_value *val = NULL; ast_if *iff = NULL; if ( TP_NEQ2(pos,TOK_HEX,TOK_INT) ) { printf("range incorrect syntax\n"); return NULL; } //current HEX STR if ( TP_EQ(pos+1,TOK_STR) ) { ret = atrn_i(); atrn_s_rng0( &ret, tok2int(tl_get_tok(tl,pos)) ); val = att_value( tl, pos+1 ); if (val==NULL) return NULL; atrn_s_val( &ret, val ); tk_pos = pos+2; //current HEX IF ... } else if ( TP_EQ(pos+1,TOK_IF) ) { ret = atrn_i(); atrn_s_rng0( &ret, tok2int(tl_get_tok(tl,pos))); iff = att_if( tl, pos+1 ); if (iff==NULL) return NULL; atrn_a_if( &ret, iff ); //current HEX RNG HEX } else if (TP_EQ(pos+1,TOK_RANGE) && (TP_EQ2(pos+2,TOK_HEX,TOK_INT))) { ret = atrn_i(); atrn_s_rng1( &ret, tok2int(tl_get_tok(tl,pos)), tok2int(tl_get_tok(tl,pos+2))); if (TP_EQ(pos+3,TOK_STR)) { val = att_value(tl,pos+3); if (val==NULL) return NULL; atrn_s_val( &ret, val ); tk_pos = pos+4; } else if (TP_EQ(pos+3,TOK_IF)) { iff = att_if( tl, pos+3 ); if (iff==NULL) return NULL; atrn_a_if( &ret, iff ); } } else { printf("wrong range syntax TOK=%d\n",tl_tok_type(tl,pos+1)); return NULL; } while (TE(tk_pos) && TP_EQ(tk_pos,TOK_IF) && (ret != NULL)) { //PNL(); pos = tk_pos; //PRINT("There is more ifs\n"); iff = att_if( tl, pos ); if (iff==NULL) return NULL; atrn_a_if( &ret, iff ); //PNL(); } return ret; } /*****************************************************************************/ ast_expr* att_expr( token_list *tl, int pos ) { //PRINT("EXPR:pos->%d %d\n",tk_pos,pos); ast_expr *ret = NULL; ast_expr_cmp *cmp = NULL; // SHOULD BE first LBR (INT|HEX) third RBR if ( TP_NEQ(pos,TOK_LBR) ) { printf("Missing ( syntax error\n"); return NULL; } if ( TP_NEQ(pos+2,TOK_RBR) ) { printf("Missing ) syntax error\n"); return NULL; } ret = ate_i(); cmp = att_expr_cmp( tl, pos+1 ); if (cmp==NULL) return NULL; ate_a_cmp( &ret, cmp ); tk_pos += 1; return ret; } /*****************************************************************************/ ast_expr_cmp* att_expr_cmp( token_list *tl, int pos ) { //PRINT("CMP:pos->%d %d\n",tk_pos,pos); ast_expr_cmp *ret = NULL; //current should be one HEX|INT if (TP_EQ2(pos,TOK_HEX,TOK_INT)) { ret = atec_i(); atec_s_val( &ret, tok2int(tl_get_tok(tl,pos))); tk_pos = pos + 1; } else { printf("Expression not INT not HEX\n"); return NULL; } return ret; } /*****************************************************************************/ ast_expr_bit* att_expr_bit( token_list *tl, int pos ) { } /*****************************************************************************/ ast_value* att_value( token_list *tl, int pos ) { //PRINT("VAL:pos->%d %d\n", tk_pos, pos); ast_value *val = NULL; token *tok = NULL; //current should be one STR if (TP_NEQ(pos,TOK_STR)) { printf("value incorrect syntax\n"); return NULL; } val = atv_i(); tok = tl_get_tok(tl,pos); atv_s_note( &val, tok->s, (tok->e)-(tok->s) ); //PRINT("VAL[%.10s]\n",tok->s); tk_pos = pos + 1; return val; } /*****************************************************************************/ ast_root* atrt_i() { ast_root *ret = NULL; ret = malloc( sizeof(ast_root) ); if (ret == NULL) { printf("Cannot alloc ast_root\n"); return NULL; } memset( ret, 0, sizeof(ast_root) ); return ret; } /*****************************************************************************/ int atrt_a_range( ast_root **rt, ast_range *rng, int idx) { //PNL(); (*rt)->range = realloc( (*rt)->range, sizeof(void*)*(*rt)->total_tokens+1 ); (*rt)->range[(*rt)->total_tokens] = rng; (*rt)->total_tokens += 1; return 0; } /*****************************************************************************/ ast_range* atrn_i() { ast_range *ret = NULL; ret = malloc( sizeof(ast_range) ); if (ret == NULL) { printf("Cannot alloc ast_range\n"); return NULL; } memset( ret, 0, sizeof(ast_range) ); return ret; } /*****************************************************************************/ int atrn_a_if( ast_range **rng, ast_if *iff ) { //PNL(); (*rng)->iff = realloc( (*rng)->iff, sizeof(void*)*(*rng)->size_iff+1 ); (*rng)->iff[(*rng)->size_iff] = iff; (*rng)->size_iff += 1; return 0; } /*****************************************************************************/ int atrn_a_val( ast_range **rng, ast_value *val ) { (*rng)->val = val; return 0; } /*****************************************************************************/ int atrn_s_rng0( ast_range **rng, int value ) { (*rng)->range_type = 0; (*rng)->start = value; (*rng)->end = value; return 0; } /*****************************************************************************/ int atrn_s_rng1( ast_range **rng, unsigned long start, unsigned long end) { (*rng)->range_type = 1; (*rng)->start = start; (*rng)->end = end; return 0; } /*****************************************************************************/ int atrn_s_val( ast_range **rng, ast_value *val ) { (*rng)->val = val; return 0; } /*****************************************************************************/ ast_if* ati_i() { ast_if *ret = NULL; ret = malloc( sizeof(ast_if) ); if (ret == NULL) { printf("Cannot alloc ast_if\n"); return NULL; } memset( ret, 0, sizeof(ast_if) ); return ret; } /*****************************************************************************/ int ati_s_expr( ast_if **iff, ast_expr *expr ) { (*iff)->expr = expr; return -1; } /*****************************************************************************/ int ati_s_val( ast_if **iff, ast_value *val ) { (*iff)->val = val; return -1; } /*****************************************************************************/ ast_expr* ate_i() { ast_expr *ret = NULL; ret = malloc( sizeof(ast_expr) ); if (ret == NULL) { printf("Cannot alloc ast_expr\n"); return NULL; } memset( ret, 0, sizeof(ast_expr) ); return ret; } /*****************************************************************************/ int ate_a_bit( ast_expr **expr, ast_expr_bit *bit ) { //PNL(); if ((*expr)->bit == NULL) { (*expr)->bit = malloc(sizeof(void *)); (*expr)->bit[0] = bit; (*expr)->size_bit = 1; } else { (*expr)->bit = realloc( (*expr)->bit, sizeof(void*)*((*expr)->size_bit+1) ); (*expr)->bit[(*expr)->size_bit] = bit; (*expr)->size_bit += 1; } return 0; } /*****************************************************************************/ int ate_a_cmp( ast_expr **expr, ast_expr_cmp *cmp ) { //PNL(); if ((*expr)->cmp == NULL) { (*expr)->cmp = malloc(sizeof(void *)); (*expr)->cmp[0] = cmp; (*expr)->size_cmp = 1; } else { (*expr)->cmp = realloc( (*expr)->cmp, sizeof(void*)*((*expr)->size_cmp+1) ); (*expr)->cmp[(*expr)->size_cmp] = cmp; (*expr)->size_cmp += 1; } return 0; } /*****************************************************************************/ int ate_eval( ast_expr *expr ) { } /*****************************************************************************/ ast_expr_bit* ateb_i() { ast_expr_bit *ret = NULL; ret = malloc( sizeof(ast_expr_bit) ); if (ret == NULL) { printf("Cannot alloc ast_expr_bit\n"); return NULL; } memset( ret, 0, sizeof(ast_expr_bit) ); return ret; } /*****************************************************************************/ int ateb_s_mask( ast_expr_bit **expr, unsigned char mask ) { (*expr)->mask = mask; return 0; } /*****************************************************************************/ ast_expr_cmp* atec_i() { ast_expr_cmp *ret = NULL; ret = malloc( sizeof(ast_expr_cmp) ); if (ret == NULL) { printf("Cannot alloc ast_expr_cmp\n"); return NULL; } memset( ret, 0, sizeof(ast_expr_cmp) ); return ret; } /*****************************************************************************/ int atec_s_val( ast_expr_cmp **expr, unsigned char val ) { (*expr)->val = val; return 0; } /*****************************************************************************/ ast_value* atv_i() { ast_value *ret = NULL; ret = malloc( sizeof(ast_value) ); if (ret == NULL) { printf("Cannot alloc ast_value\n"); return NULL; } memset( ret, 0, sizeof(ast_value) ); return ret; } /*****************************************************************************/ int atv_s_note( ast_value **val, char *note, int size) { (*val)->note = note; (*val)->size = size; return 0; } /*****************************************************************************/ int print_ast( ast_root *root ) { int i,j,k; ast_range *rng = NULL; if ( root == NULL ) { printf("Empty ast_root\n"); return -1; } for (i=0;itotal_tokens;i++) { printf("RANGE:%d\n",i ); rng = root->range[i]; if ( rng->range_type == 0 || rng->range_type == 1 ) { printf("%d-%d:\n",rng->start, rng->end); if (rng->val != NULL) { printf("\t[%.12s]\n",rng->val->note); } if (rng->iff != NULL) { printf("\tIF\n"); for (j=0;jsize_iff;j++) { if (rng->iff[j]->expr != NULL) { printf("\t\tCMP:"); for (k=0;kiff[j]->expr->size_cmp;k++) { printf("0x%02x ",rng->iff[j]->expr->cmp[k]->val); } printf("\n"); } if (rng->iff[j]->val != NULL) { printf("\t\tVAL:%.7s\n",rng->iff[j]->val->note); } } } } } return 0; }