this may not be what actually happens, but this is what I'd like:

x and z are floor.

y is up and down.

yr rotation 0 is facing east. because that's what rotation 0 is in cartesian coordinates.
yr is yaw
xr is pitch
zr is roll

the rotations need to be within the range: 0 <= r < 360 (so modulo 360 should work)

minimap: view from above (how it actually is in hackvr)
-z --------+-------- +z
the reason the minimap has positive x being down is so that camera view at rotation 0 is with
positive x to the right so 2D vector graphics don't need any dimensions flipped

camera view: facing rotation 0 (normal x,y plane that 2d is used to with increasing Z going away from camera.)
-x --------+-------- +x

increasing yr causes rotation counter-clockwise on the minimap. (around y axis)

this is what minetest does shit. I don't know if I'll change shit for this or not.

camera angle 0 is north.
north is +Z
south is -Z
west  is -X
east  is +X
up    is +Y
down  is -Y

there is no angle 0 actually. 0 < angle <= 360

I think OpenGL does what hackvr does except flipped Z. negative is away instead of closer.