#!/bin/bash # blank lines deleteallexcept epoch # expected input format: # # line1 # line2 # line3 # # line1 # line2 while read -r line;do if [ "_$line" != '_' ];then # ../tools/obj2hackvr.pl "$line" ../meshes/cube.obj printf "%s addshape 18 3 8 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 0\n" "$line" cd .. printf "%s\n" "$line" | ./makelabel.sh "$line" 15 0 0 cd filebrowser printf "%s move 0 %d 0 0 0 0 0 0 0\n" "$line" "$i" #somehow printf '%s\n' "$line" | ./testfont.sh and make its output belong to same group as $line.. sed? i=$[i+10] else printf "USER deleteallexcept USER\n" #deleteallexcept doesn't have gr deletions yet I think. i=0 fi done