#ifndef _HACKVR_GRAPHICS_CS_H_ #define _HACKVR_GRAPHICS_CS_H_ #include "math.h" //these are just the functions that all backends need to implement to work with hackvr. //the list of functions are subject to change. void draw_cs_line(cs_t p1,cs_t p2); void draw_cs_text(cs_t p,char *text); void draw_cs_shape(cs_s_t s); void draw_cs_filled_shape(cs_s_t s); void set_aspect_ratio(); void set_color_based_on_distance(real); void set_luminosity_color(int); void flipscreen(); void set_ansi_color(int); void set_color(); void set_color_red(); void set_color_blue(); void clear_backbuffer(); void keypress_handler(unsigned char sym,int x,int y); int graphics_init(); int graphics_event_handler(); void set_clipping_rectangle(int x,int y,int width,int height); void red_and_blue_magic(); void draw_mode_and(); void draw_mode_set(); void draw_mode_or(); void draw_mode_copy(); #endif