#define _POSIX_C_SOURCE 200809L //for fileno and strdup #include //isspace #include #include #include #include #include #include #include //code to use select instead of non-blocking is commented out. might decide to use it later. #include #include #include #include #include "config.h" #include "common.h" #include "math.h" #include "physics.h" #include "input.h" //just the input handler function definitions. #ifdef GRAPHICAL #include "graphics_c3.h" extern struct gra_global gra_global; #endif #include extern struct idc_global idc; struct hvr_global global; //TODO: optimizations //TODO: store caches of cs_t, c2_t, and c3_t numbers. //TODO: don't forget to remake gophervr with this. //TODO: XSegment or line structs to store some shit? //TODO: line and triangle intersection for finding what object was clicked on //if I don't do hiliting I only need to calculate that upon click. //TODO: will have to make some pixmaps get resized when the window does. //for now set them to be as big as you think you'll ever resize the window to. int lum_based_on_distance(c3_s_t *s) { int i; real sum=0; for(i=0;i < s->len;i++) { sum+=distance2((c2_t){s->p[i].x,s->p[i].z},(c2_t){0,0}); } //sum /= s->len; return sum * 5; } //might be able to make this faster by just using fgets() and not using recursion and malloc. /* does not return the newline. */ //this isn't being used anymore afaict. char *read_line_hack(FILE *fp,int len) { short in; char *t; errno=0; switch(in=fgetc(fp)) { case '\n': t=malloc(len+1); t[len]=0; return t; case -1: if(errno == EAGAIN) return 0; if(feof(fp)) { fprintf(stderr,"# reached EOF. exiting.\n"); exit(0); } fprintf(stderr,"# some other error happened while reading. %d %d\n",EAGAIN,errno); perror("hackvr"); exit(1); default: if((t=read_line_hack(fp,len+1))) t[len]=in; break; } return t; } int selfcommand(char *s) {//send this line to be handled by ourselves and output to stdout if(global.localecho) { write(global.selfpipe[1],s,strlen(s)); } write(1,s,strlen(s));//stdout return 0; } //warning: clobbers input //skips leading and trailing space. //compresses multiple spaces to one. //returns pointer to array of strings. second argument is return by reference length of returned array. char **line_splitter(char *line,int *rlen) { char **a; int len,i=0; len=1;//we're just counting how much we'll need the first loop through. for(i=0;line[i] && isspace(line[i]);i++);//skip leading space for(;line[i];len++) { for(;line[i] && !isspace(line[i]);i++);//skip rest of data for(;line[i] && isspace(line[i]);i++);//skip rest of space } a=malloc(sizeof(char *) * len+1); a[len]=0; len=0;//reuse! for(i=0;line[i] && isspace(line[i]);i++);//skip leading space a[len]=line+i; for(;;) { for(;line[i] && !isspace(line[i]);i++);//skip rest of data if(!line[i]) break; line[i++]=0; for(;line[i] && isspace(line[i]);i++);//skip rest of space if(!line[i]) break; a[++len]=line+i; } a[++len]=0; *rlen=len; return a; } //this function is like strcmp //but the first argument MAY use a simple * glob ONLY at the end. //this function may be changed to allow globs in different spots later. int glob_match(char *a,char *b) { if(strchr(a,'*')) { if(*a == '*') return strcmp("yep","yep");//lol return strncmp(a,b,strchr(a,'*')-a-1);//hack? sure. } return strcmp(a,b); } void hvr_version() { fprintf(stderr,"# hackvr version: %s\n",global.version); } int hackvr_handler(char *line); void hackvr_handler_idc(struct shit *me,char *line) { //fprintf(stderr,"# got a hackvr line.\n"); switch(hackvr_handler(line)) { case -1://quit fprintf(stderr,"# exiting due to EOF\n"); exit(0); case 0://don't redraw break; case 1://redraw please. #ifdef GRAPHICAL redraw(); #endif break; default://no idea. break; } } //this function returns -1 to quit, 0 to not ask for a redraw, and 1 to ask for redraw int hackvr_handler(char *line) { int ret=0; int len; int j,i,k,l; unsigned int key_count; c3_group_rel_t *gr,*pgr; real tmpx,tmpy,tmpz; char **a; char **keys; struct entry *m; char helping=0;//a flag that we can check for to see if we need to output our help // radians tmpradx,tmprady,tmpradz; radians tmprady; char *id; //might use these so make command code easier to read. char *command; //char **args; if(!line) return -1;//EOF if(*line == '#') return 0; // fprintf(stderr,"# read command: %s\n",line); a=line_splitter(line,&len); // for(i=0;i 1) { command=a[1]; } else { command=a[0];//meh } if(len < 2) { if(!strcmp(id,"version")) { hvr_version(); return 0; } if(!strcmp(id,"help")) { helping=1; #ifdef GRAPHICAL fprintf(stderr,"# NOT built headless.\n"); #else fprintf(stderr,"# built headless.\n"); #endif fprintf(stderr,"# commands that don't get prepended with groupname: help, version\n"); fprintf(stderr,"# command format:\n"); fprintf(stderr,"# group names can be globbed in some cases to operate on multiple groups\n"); fprintf(stderr,"# some commands that take numbers as arguments can be made to behave relative\n"); fprintf(stderr,"# by putting + before the number. makes negative relative a bit odd like:\n"); fprintf(stderr,"# user move +-2 +-2 0\n"); fprintf(stderr,"# groupnam* command arguments\n"); fprintf(stderr,"# commands:\n"); } } ret=1; /* ---------- */ if(helping) fprintf(stderr,"# deleteallexcept grou*\n"); if(!strcmp(command,"deleteallexcept")) { if(len == 3) { for(j=0;global.shape[j] && j < MAXSHAPES;j++) {//mark first. compress later. if(glob_match(a[2],global.shape[j]->id)) { free(global.shape[j]->id); free(global.shape[j]); global.shape[j]=0; } } for(k=0;koriginal)) {//we're inverting the glob match if(m->target != &global.camera) { gr=m->target; free(gr->id); free(gr);//ht_delete doesn't know that the target is a malloc()d structure, so we have to do this. ht_delete(&global.ht_group,m->original); } } } else { fprintf(stderr,"# somehow an item is in the list of keys but ht_getentry failed. '%s'\n",a[2]); abort(); } } free(keys); ret=1; return ret; } } /* ---------- */ if(helping) fprintf(stderr,"# _ deletegroup grou*\n"); if(!strcmp(command,"deletegroup")) {//should the grouprot get deleted too? sure... if(len == 3) { for(j=0;global.shape[j] && j < MAXSHAPES;j++) { if(!glob_match(a[2],global.shape[j]->id)) { free(global.shape[j]->id); free(global.shape[j]); global.shape[j]=0; } } //we now have an array that needs to be compressed. //max length of j. for(k=0;ktarget != &global.camera) { //maybe later... gr=m->target; free(gr->id); free(gr); ht_delete(&global.ht_group,m->original); } } } else { keys=ht_getkeys(&global.ht_group,&key_count); for(i=0;itarget != &global.camera) { gr=m->target; free(gr->id); free(gr); ht_delete(&global.ht_group,m->original); } } else { fprintf(stderr,"# somehow an item is in the list of keys but ht_getentry failed. '%s'\n",a[2]); abort(); } } free(keys); } ret=1; return ret; } } /* ---------- */ if(helping) fprintf(stderr,"# assimilate grou*\n"); if(!strcmp(command,"assimilate")) {//um... what do we do with the group_relative? flatten it? if(len == 3) { for(j=0;global.shape[j];j++) { if(!glob_match(a[2],global.shape[j]->id)) { free(global.shape[j]->id); global.shape[j]->id=strdup(id); } } } ret=1; return ret; } /* ---------- */ if(helping) fprintf(stderr,"# renamegroup group\n"); if(!strcmp(command,"renamegroup")) {//this command doesn't need globbing if(len == 4) {//syntax: epoch renamegroup originally eventually? for(j=0;global.shape[j];j++) { if(!strcmp(a[2],global.shape[j]->id)) { free(global.shape[j]->id); global.shape[j]->id=strdup(a[3]);//wait. what? wtf is the syntax for this? } } gr=get_group_relative(a[2]);//this shouldn't be used here. why? if(gr) { ht_delete(&global.ht_group,gr->id); free(gr->id); gr->id=strdup(a[3]);//we also need to remove and reinsert into the hash table. ht_setkey(&global.ht_group,gr->id,gr); } } ret=1; return ret; } /* ---------- */ if(helping) fprintf(stderr,"# status # old. just outputs a variable that is supposed to be loops per second.\n"); if(!strcmp(command,"status")) { fprintf(stderr,"# loops per second: %d\n",global.lps); return ret; } /* ---------- */ if(helping) fprintf(stderr,"# dump # tries to let you output the various things that can be set.\n"); if(!strcmp(command,"dump")) {//same as debug output... and the periodic data. printf("%s set global.camera.p.x %f\n",global.user,global.camera.p.x); printf("%s set global.camera.p.y %f\n",global.user,global.camera.p.y); printf("%s set global.camera.p.z %f\n",global.user,global.camera.p.z); printf("%s set global.camera.r.x %d\n",global.user,global.camera.r.x.d); printf("%s set global.camera.r.y %d\n",global.user,global.camera.r.y.d); printf("%s set global.camera.r.z %d\n",global.user,global.camera.r.z.d); printf("%s set global.zoom %f\n",global.user,global.zoom); //printf("%s set title %s\n",global.user return ret; } /* ---------- */ if(helping) fprintf(stderr,"# quit #closes hackvr only if the id that is doing it is the same as yours.\n"); if(!strcmp(command,"quit")) { if(!strcmp(id,global.user)) {//only exit hackvr if *we* are quitting return -1; } else { fprintf(stderr,"# %s has quit hackvr\n",id); } } /* ---------- */ if(helping) fprintf(stderr,"# set\n"); if(!strcmp(command,"set")) { //set variable //TODO: add more things to this. if(len != 3 && len != 4) return ret; if(len == 4) { if(0); #ifdef GRAPHICAL else if(!strcmp(a[2],"title")) set_title(a[3]);//who cares for spaces anyway? else if(!strcmp(a[2],"camera.p.x")) global.camera.p.x=strtold(a[3],0); else if(!strcmp(a[2],"camera.p.y")) global.camera.p.y=strtold(a[3],0); else if(!strcmp(a[2],"camera.p.z")) global.camera.p.z=strtold(a[3],0); else if(!strcmp(a[2],"global.zoom")) global.zoom=strtold(a[3],0); else if(!strcmp(a[2],"camera.r.x")) global.camera.r.x.d=atoi(a[3]); else if(!strcmp(a[2],"camera.r.y")) global.camera.r.y.d=atoi(a[3]); else if(!strcmp(a[2],"camera.r.z")) global.camera.r.z.d=atoi(a[3]); else if(!strcmp(a[2],"input_mode")) gra_global.input_mode=atoi(a[3]); #endif else { fprintf(stderr,"# unknown variable: %s\n",a[2]); #ifdef GRAPHICAL fprintf(stderr,"# variables: camera.{p,r}.{x,y,z}, global.zoom, input_mode"); #else fprintf(stderr,"# don't have any variables to set in headles mode.\n"); #endif } ret=1; return ret; } #ifdef GRAPHICAL if(!strcmp(a[2],"global.beep")) global.beep=1; else if(!strcmp(a[2],"force_redraw")) gra_global.force_redraw^=1; else if(!strcmp(a[2],"red_and_blue")) { gra_global.red_and_blue^=1; set_aspect_ratio(); } #endif else { fprintf(stderr,"# unknown variable: %s\n",a[2]); #ifdef GRAPHICAL fprintf(stderr,"# variables: global.beep, force_redraw, red_and_blue\n"); #else fprintf(stderr,"# don't have any variables to toggle in headless mode.\n"); #endif return ret; } fprintf(stderr,"# %s toggled.\n",a[2]); ret=1; return ret; } /* ---------- */ if(helping) fprintf(stderr,"# physics\n"); if(!strcmp(command,"physics")) { apply_physics();//lol } /* ---------- */ if(helping) fprintf(stderr,"# control grou* [globbing this group could have fun effects]\n"); if(!strcmp(command,"control")) { if(len > 2) { free(global.user);//need to ensure this is on the heap global.user=strdup(a[2]); // :D } ret=0;//doesn't change anything yet... return ret; } /* ---------- */ if(helping) fprintf(stderr,"# subsume child-group\n"); if(!strcmp(command,"subsume")) { if(strchr(a[2],'*')) { for(i=0;i < global.ht_group.kl;i++) { for(m=global.ht_group.bucket[global.ht_group.keys[i]]->ll;m;m=m->next) { if(!glob_match(id,m->original)) { gr=m->target; pgr=get_group_relative(id); gr->parent = pgr->id; } } } } else { gr=get_group_relative(a[2]);//we need the child's group relative... pgr=get_group_relative(id); gr->parent = pgr->id; } ret=0; return ret; } /* ---------- */ if(helping) fprintf(stderr,"# addshape color N x1 y1 z1 ... xN yN zN\n"); if(!strcmp(command,"addshape")) { if(len > 3) { if(len != ((strtold(a[3],0)+(strtold(a[3],0)==1))*3)+4) { fprintf(stderr,"# ERROR: wrong amount of parts for addshape. got: %d expected %d\n",len,((int)strtold(a[3],0)+(strtold(a[3],0)==1))*3+4); fprintf(stderr,"# usage: addshape color number x y z x y z repeated number of time.\n"); return ret; } for(i=0;global.shape[i];i++) { if(i>= MAXSHAPES) abort();}//just take me to the end. global.shape[i]=malloc(sizeof(struct c3_shape)); global.shape[i]->len=strtold(a[3],0); global.shape[i]->id=strdup(id); global.shape[i]->attrib.col=strtold(a[2],0); for(j=0;j < global.shape[i]->len+(global.shape[i]->len==1);j++) { global.shape[i]->p[j].x=strtold(a[(j*3)+4],0);//second arg is just for a return value. set to 0 if you don't want it. global.shape[i]->p[j].y=strtold(a[(j*3)+5],0); global.shape[i]->p[j].z=strtold(a[(j*3)+6],0); } global.shape[i]->attrib.lum=0;//lum_based_on_distance(global.shape[i]);//set to distance from center? i++; global.shapes=i; global.shape[i]=0; //wtf are we actually needing here? just initialization? if(!get_group_relative(id)) abort();//malloc error. fuck this shit. } ret=1; return ret; } /* ---------- */ if(helping) fprintf(stderr,"# export grou*\n"); if(!strcmp(command,"export")) {//dump shapes and group rotation for argument (or all if arg is *) if(len > 2) { for(i=0;global.shape[i];i++) { if(!glob_match(a[2],global.shape[i]->id)) { printf("%s_%s addshape %d %d",id,global.shape[i]->id,global.shape[i]->attrib.col,global.shape[i]->len); for(j=0;j < global.shape[i]->len+(global.shape[i]->len==1);j++) { printf(" %f %f %f",global.shape[i]->p[j].x,global.shape[i]->p[j].y,global.shape[i]->p[j].z); }//possible TODO: should I combine the string and output it all at once instead of throughout a loop? printf("\n"); } } //so... this might be a bit dense. //the hash table has an array of the filled buckets //and we're looping over all of them. //THEN inside each bucket is a linked list we also have to descend //this all to just find the keys that match a glob. for(i=0;i < global.ht_group.kl;i++) {//for each bucket and item in each bucket... for(m=global.ht_group.bucket[global.ht_group.keys[i]]->ll;m;m=m->next) { if(!glob_match(a[2],m->original)) { gr=m->target;//this almost CERTAINLY exists... I think. printf("%s_%s rotate %d %d %d\n",id,gr->id,gr->r.x.d,gr->r.y.d,gr->r.z.d); printf("%s_%s move %f %f %f\n",id,gr->id,gr->p.x,gr->p.y,gr->p.z); printf("%s_%s scale %f %f %f\n",id,gr->id,gr->s.x,gr->s.y,gr->s.z); } } } } return ret; } /* ---------- */ if(helping) fprintf(stderr,"# ping any-string-without-spaces\n"); if(!strcmp(command,"ping")) {//lol wat? if(len > 2) { printf("%s pong %s\n",global.user,a[2]); } else { printf("%s pong\n",global.user); } return ret; } /* ---------- */ if(helping) fprintf(stderr,"# * scale x y z\n"); if(!strcmp(command,"scale")) { if(len == 5) { if(strchr(id,'*')) {//we're globbing for(i=0;i < global.ht_group.kl;i++) { for(m=global.ht_group.bucket[global.ht_group.keys[i]]->ll;m;m=m->next) { if(!glob_match(id,m->original)) { gr=m->target; gr->s=(c3_t){strtold(a[2],0),strtold(a[3],0),strtold(a[4],0)}; } } } } else { gr=get_group_relative(id); gr->s=(c3_t){strtold(a[2],0),strtold(a[3],0),strtold(a[4],0)}; } } return 1; } /* ---------- */ if(helping) fprintf(stderr,"# * rotate [+]x [+]y [+]z\n"); if(!strcmp(command,"rotate")) { if(len == 5) { if(strchr(id,'*')) {//we're globbing for(i=0;i < global.ht_group.kl;i++) { for(m=global.ht_group.bucket[global.ht_group.keys[i]]->ll;m;m=m->next) { if(!glob_match(id,m->original)) { gr=m->target; gr->r.x=(degrees){(a[2][0]=='+'?gr->r.x.d:0)+atoi(a[2]+(a[2][0]=='+'))}; gr->r.y=(degrees){(a[3][0]=='+'?gr->r.y.d:0)+atoi(a[3]+(a[3][0]=='+'))}; gr->r.z=(degrees){(a[4][0]=='+'?gr->r.z.d:0)+atoi(a[4]+(a[4][0]=='+'))}; //now to sanitize them into 0 <= degrees < 360 gr->r.x.d -= (-(gr->r.x.d < 0)+(gr->r.x.d / 360)) * 360; gr->r.y.d -= (-(gr->r.y.d < 0)+(gr->r.y.d / 360)) * 360; gr->r.z.d -= (-(gr->r.z.d < 0)+(gr->r.z.d / 360)) * 360; } } } } else { gr=get_group_relative(id); gr->r.x=(degrees){(a[2][0]=='+'?gr->r.x.d:0)+atoi(a[2]+(a[2][0]=='+'))}; gr->r.y=(degrees){(a[3][0]=='+'?gr->r.y.d:0)+atoi(a[3]+(a[3][0]=='+'))}; gr->r.z=(degrees){(a[4][0]=='+'?gr->r.z.d:0)+atoi(a[4]+(a[4][0]=='+'))}; //now to sanitize them into 0 <= degrees < 360 gr->r.x.d -= (-(gr->r.x.d < 0)+(gr->r.x.d / 360)) * 360; gr->r.y.d -= (-(gr->r.y.d < 0)+(gr->r.y.d / 360)) * 360; gr->r.z.d -= (-(gr->r.z.d < 0)+(gr->r.z.d / 360)) * 360; } } ret=1; return ret; } /* ---------- */ if(helping) fprintf(stderr,"# periodic # flushes out locally-cached movement and rotation\n"); if(!strcmp(command,"periodic")) { #ifdef GRAPHICAL // fprintf(stderr,"# loops per second: %d mouse.x: %f mouse.y: %f\n",global.lps,gra_global.mouse.x,gra_global.mouse.y); #else fprintf(stderr,"# loops per second: %d\n",global.lps); #endif global.periodic_output = PERIODIC_OUTPUT; //output any difference between current camera's state //and the camera state the last time we output it. if(memcmp(&global.old_p,&global.camera.p,sizeof(c3_t))) {//could I use plain ==? I bet I could. global.old_p=global.camera.p; printf("%s move %f %f %f\n",global.user,global.old_p.x,global.old_p.y,global.old_p.z); } if(memcmp(&global.old_r,&global.camera.r,sizeof(c3_rot_t))) { global.old_r=global.camera.r;//duh printf("%s rotate %d %d %d\n",global.user,global.camera.r.x.d,global.camera.r.y.d,global.camera.r.z.d); } } /* ---------- */ if(helping) fprintf(stderr,"# flatten # combines group attributes to the shapes.\n"); if(!strcmp(command,"flatten")) {//usage: gro* flatten\n if(len > 1) { if(strchr(id,'*')) {//we're globbing for(i=0;i < global.ht_group.kl;i++) { for(m=global.ht_group.bucket[global.ht_group.keys[i]]->ll;m;m=m->next) { if(!glob_match(id,m->original)) { gr=m->target; for(j=0;global.shape[j];j++) { if(!strcmp(global.shape[j]->id,gr->id)) { (*global.shape[j])=apply_group_relative((*global.shape[j]),0); } } gr->r=(c3_rot_t){(degrees){0},(degrees){0},(degrees){0}}; gr->p=(c3_t){0,0,0}; gr->s=(c3_t){1,1,1}; } } } } else { //this... would like to find a way to combine them. gr=get_group_relative(id); for(j=0;global.shape[j];j++) { if(!strcmp(global.shape[j]->id,gr->id)) { (*global.shape[j])=apply_group_relative((*global.shape[j]),0); } } gr->r=(c3_rot_t){(degrees){0},(degrees){0},(degrees){0}}; gr->p=(c3_t){0,0,0}; gr->s=(c3_t){1,1,1}; } } return ret; } if(helping) { fprintf(stderr,"# * move [+]x [+]y [+]z\n"); fprintf(stderr,"# * move forward|backward|up|down|left|right\n"); } if(!strcmp(command,"move")) {//this is only moving the first group_rel it finds instead of all group_rels that match the pattern if(len > 2) { gr=get_group_relative(id); } //this is to allow globbing of moves finally. /*if(len == 5) { if(strchr(id,'*')) {//we're globbing for(i=0;i < global.ht_group.kl;i++) { for(m=global.ht_group.bucket[global.ht_group.keys[i]]->ll;m;m=m->next) { if(!glob_match(id,m->original)) { gr=m->target; gr->s=(c3_t){strtold(a[2],0),strtold(a[3],0),strtold(a[4],0)}; } } } } else { gr=get_group_relative(id); gr->s=(c3_t){strtold(a[2],0),strtold(a[3],0),strtold(a[4],0)}; } }*/ //pasted from shit. if(len > 4) { //if we have > 4 we're doing relative movement gr->p.x=(a[2][0]=='+'?gr->p.x:0)+strtold(a[2]+(a[2][0]=='+'),0); gr->p.y=(a[3][0]=='+'?gr->p.y:0)+strtold(a[3]+(a[3][0]=='+'),0); gr->p.z=(a[4][0]=='+'?gr->p.z:0)+strtold(a[4]+(a[4][0]=='+'),0); } else if(len > 2) { tmpy=0; if(!strcmp(a[2],"forward")) { tmprady=d2r((degrees){global.camera.r.y.d}); } else if(!strcmp(a[2],"backward")) { tmprady=d2r((degrees){global.camera.r.y.d+180}); } else if(!strcmp(a[2],"up")) { tmprady=(radians){0}; } else if(!strcmp(a[2],"down")) { tmprady=(radians){0}; } else if(!strcmp(a[2],"left")) { tmprady=d2r((degrees){global.camera.r.y.d+270}); } else if(!strcmp(a[2],"right")) { tmprady=d2r((degrees){global.camera.r.y.d+90}); } else { fprintf(stderr,"# dunno what direction you're talking about. try up, down, left, right, forward, or backward\n"); return ret; } if(!tmpy) {//if we're moving up or down we don't need to calculate this shit. tmpx=WALK_SPEED*sin(tmprady.r);//the camera's y rotation. tmpz=WALK_SPEED*cos(tmprady.r);//these are only based on } else { tmpx=0; tmpz=0; } gr->p.x+=tmpx; gr->p.y+=tmpy; gr->p.z+=tmpz; } else { fprintf(stderr,"# ERROR: wrong amount of parts for move. got: %d expected: 4 or 2\n",len); } ret=1; return ret; } if(!helping) { fprintf(stderr,"# I don't know what command you're talking about. %s\n",command); for(i=0;a[i];i++) { fprintf(stderr,"# a[%02d] = %s\n",i,a[i]); } } //I used to have free(line) here, but this place is never gotten to if a command is found so it wasn't getting released. return ret; } int export_file(FILE *fp) {//not used yet. maybe export in obj optionally? no. that should be an external program // struct c3_shape *to; // int i; // for(i=0;global.shape[i];i++) { // to=global.shape[i]; // printf("%s addshape %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f\n",to->id,to->p1.x,to->p1.y,to->p1.z,to->p2.x,to->p2.y,to->p2.z,to->p3.x,to->p3.y,to->p3.z); // } return 0; } #ifdef GRAPHICAL void redraw_handler(struct shit *me,char *line) {//how do we strip out extra redraws? //fprintf(stderr,"# attempting to redraw\n"); if(gra_global.redrawplzkthx) {//this is how multiple calls to redraw() don't cause a flood of draw_screen(); draw_screen(); gra_global.redrawplzkthx=0; if(gra_global.force_redraw == 1) { fprintf(stderr,"# warning. force redrawing.\n"); redraw();//wew. } } } #endif void alarm_handler(int sig) { selfcommand("periodic"); alarm(10);//no... } int main(int argc,char *argv[]) { global.version=HVR_VERSION; int i; int fd=0;//stdin if(argc == 2) { if(!strcmp(argv[1],"-v") || !strcmp(argv[1],"--version")) { hvr_version(); return 0; } if(!strcmp(argv[1],"-h") || !strcmp(argv[1],"--help")) { //wtf should go here? printf("try this: echo help | hackvr\n"); return 0; } } if(argc == 1) { //we're just doing stdin } if(argc > 1) { //open every argument and add it to list of files to read.. //I could just read } global.user=strdup(getenv("USER"));//this gets free()d later so we need to strdup it. if(!strcmp(global.user,"help") || !strcmp(global.user,"version")) { fprintf(stderr,"# /!\\ WARNING /!\\/ a USER of help or version maybe cause problems when piped into another hackvr. right now it is '%s'\n",global.user); } global.localecho=1; inittable(&global.ht_group,65536); setbuf(stdin,0); setbuf(stdout,0); global.debug=DEBUG; global.periodic_output=PERIODIC_OUTPUT; global.beep=0; //libidc init for(i=0;i<100;i++) { idc.fds[i].fd=-1; } idc.shitlen=0; add_fd(fd,hackvr_handler_idc);//looks like default mode is to exit on EOF of stdin pipe(global.selfpipe); add_fd(global.selfpipe[0],hackvr_handler_idc);//looks like default mode is to exit on EOF of stdin #ifdef GRAPHICAL //even if the fds for graphics, mouse, and keyboard are all the same, we need to run the handler on it that many times... right? if((fd=graphics_init()) == -1) { fprintf(stderr,"# graphics system in use doesn't generate events.\n"); } else { i=add_fd(fd,graphics_event_handler); fprintf(stderr,"# graphics fd: %d\n",idc.fds[i].fd); idc.fds[i].read_lines_for_us=0; } i=add_fd(mouse_init(),mouse_event_handler);//this should probably be split to keyboard_init, and mouse_init fprintf(stderr,"# mouse fd: %d\n",idc.fds[i].fd); idc.fds[i].read_lines_for_us=0; i=add_fd(keyboard_init(),keyboard_event_handler); fprintf(stderr,"# keyboard fd: %d\n",idc.fds[i].fd); idc.fds[i].read_lines_for_us=0; pipe(gra_global.redraw); add_fd(gra_global.redraw[0],redraw_handler);//write a line to get a redraw? #endif //signal(SIGALRM,alarm_handler); //alarm(10); fprintf(stderr,"# entering main loop\n"); select_on_everything(); return 0; }