#include #include "common.h" #include "math.h" extern struct global global; //might change this to use hashtables for faster lookups. c3_group_rot_t *get_group_rotation(char *id) { int i; for(i=0;global.group_rot[i];i++) { if(!strcmp(global.group_rot[i]->id,id)) { return global.group_rot[i]; } } return 0;//need to be sure to check return value for this function! } c3_t rotate_c3_xr(c3_t p1,c3_t p2,radians xr) {//rotate y and z around camera based on xr (looking up and down) c2_t tmp; tmp=rotate_c2((c2_t){p1.y,p1.z},(c2_t){p2.y,p2.z},xr); return (c3_t){p1.x,tmp.x,tmp.y}; } c3_t rotate_c3_yr(c3_t p1,c3_t p2,radians yr) {//rotate x and z around camera based on yr (looking left and right) c2_t tmp; tmp=rotate_c2((c2_t){p1.x,p1.z},(c2_t){p2.x,p2.z},yr); return (c3_t){tmp.x,p1.y,tmp.y}; } c3_t rotate_c3_zr(c3_t p1,c3_t p2,radians zr) {//rotate x and y around camera based on zr (cocking your head to a side) c2_t tmp; tmp=rotate_c2((c2_t){p1.x,p1.y},(c2_t){p2.x,p2.y},zr); return (c3_t){tmp.x,tmp.y,p1.z}; } c2_t rotate_c2(c2_t p1,c2_t p2,radians dr) {//dr is in radians c2_t p3; real d=distance2(p1,p2); radians r=points_to_angle(p1,p2); r.r=r.r+dr.r; p3.x=(sinl(r.r) * d) + p2.x; p3.y=(cosl(r.r) * d) + p2.y; return p3; } real distance2(c2_t p1,c2_t p2) { return sqrtl(( (p1.x-p2.x)*(p1.x-p2.x) )+( (p1.y-p2.y)*(p1.y-p2.y) )); } radians d2r(degrees d) { while(d.d<0) d.d+=360; return (radians){(real)(d.d%360) / (real)180 * M_PIl}; } radians points_to_angle(c2_t p1,c2_t p2) { real a=atan2l(p2.y-p1.y,p2.x-p1.x); return (radians){a>=0?a:M_PIl+M_PIl+a}; }