//what data type to use for storing all of the shit? //hashtable with hash == fd? //should I use FILE *, or fd, or write functions for both? #define _GNU_SOURCE //I want memmem out of string.h #include #include #include #include #include //#define CHUNK 4096 #include "line.h" #define TSIZE 65536 /* might not put this function in here... or maybe I will, but not use it. char *read_line_hack(FILE *fp,int len) { short in; char *t; errno=0; switch(in=fgetc(fp)) { case '\n': t=malloc(len+1); t[len]=0; return t; case -1: if(errno == EAGAIN) return 0; if(feof(fp)) { fprintf(stderr,"# reached EOF. exiting.\n"); exit(0); } fprintf(stderr,"# some other error happened while reading. %d %d\n",EAGAIN,errno); perror("hackvr"); exit(1); default: //we need to check the last strlen(delim) bytes for delim to indicate end of line-read. if((t=read_line_hack(fp,len+1))) t[len]=in; break; } return t; } */ /* in line.h struct shit { //I need to choose which of these two. //FILE *fp; int fd; char *backlog; int blsize; int bllen; char buffer[CHUNK];//THIS IS *NOT* NULL TERMINATED. char *delim; //other stuffs? // union { void (*line_handler)(struct shit *me,char *line);//function pointer to the handler. ??? // (void *line_handler_fd)(int fd,char *) // };//??? void *extra_info;//extra info that I don't care to name atm }; */ struct global libline; int update_shits() { //loop over all shits and find the maxfd int i; for(i=0;i < libline.shitlen;i++) { libline.fdmax = libline.fds[i].fd>libline.fdmax ? libline.fds[i].fd : libline.fdmax; } return 0; } int add_fd(int fd,void (*line_handler)(struct shit *,char *)) { int i; for(i=0;libline.fds[i].fd != -1;i++);//we're going to use the index of the first -1 libline.fds[i].fd=fd; libline.fds[i].backlog=malloc(CHUNK); memset(libline.fds[i].backlog,0,CHUNK); memset(libline.fds[i].buffer,0,CHUNK); libline.fds[i].blsize=CHUNK; libline.fds[i].bllen=0;//CHUNK; libline.fds[i].line_handler=line_handler; libline.shitlen = i >= libline.shitlen ? i+1 : libline.shitlen ; update_shits(); return 0; } //functions to add: /* main_looper() add_fd_and_handler()? remove_fd_and_handler()? */ #define SILLYLIMIT 1024 char *memstr(char *s,char *find,size_t l) { return memmem(s,l,find,strlen(find)); } int select_on_everything() { int hack; fd_set master; fd_set readfs; // struct timeval timeout; // int fdmax=0,n,i; int n,i,j; char tmp[256]; char *t,*line=0; FD_ZERO(&master); FD_ZERO(&readfs); for(;;) { //at the start of each loop we'll need to recalculate some stuff if there was a change. //printf("in mainloop\n"); //if(recalc_shit) { //this is set by anything changing the table of descriptors for(i=0;libline.fds[i].fd != -1;i++) { FD_SET(libline.fds[i].fd,&master); } // recalc_shit=0; //} readfs=master; // timeout.tv_sec=0; //going to leave these three lines if I change my mind about acting like snow-white // timeout.tv_usec=1000; // if((j=select(fdmax+1,&readfs,0,0,&timeout)) == -1 ) { if((j=select(libline.fdmax+1,&readfs,0,0,NULL)) == -1 ) {//we want to select-sleep as long as possible. //any reason to wake up should be a file descriptor in the list. (works for X11 events, dunno about others) //on error filedescriptors aren't changed //the value of timeout is undefined //so says the linux man page for select. return perror("select"),1; //continue; } // for(i=0;fds[i] != -1;i++) if(extra_handler) extra_handler(fds[i]); if(j == 0) continue;//don't bother to loop over them. for(i=0;libline.fds[i].fd != -1 && j>0;i++) { if(!FD_ISSET(libline.fds[i].fd,&readfs)) continue;//did not find one. hurry back to the for loop j--;//we found one. trying to get j==0 so we can get out of here early. if((n=read(libline.fds[i].fd,libline.fds[i].buffer,CHUNK)) <= 0) { snprintf(tmp,sizeof(tmp)-1,"fd %d: read",libline.fds[i].fd);//hopefully this doesn't error and throw off error messages. perror(tmp); return 2; } if(libline.fds[i].bllen+n > libline.fds[i].blsize) {//this is probably off... t=malloc(libline.fds[i].blsize+n); if(!t) exit(253); memcpy(t,libline.fds[i].backlog,libline.fds[i].blsize); libline.fds[i].blsize+=n; free(libline.fds[i].backlog); libline.fds[i].backlog=t; } memcpy(libline.fds[i].backlog+libline.fds[i].bllen,libline.fds[i].buffer,n); libline.fds[i].bllen+=n; while((t=memchr(libline.fds[i].backlog,'\n',libline.fds[i].bllen))) {//no. backlogs aren't nulled. line=libline.fds[i].backlog; if(*(t-1) == '\r') { t--; hack=2; } else { hack=1; } *t=0; if(libline.fds[i].line_handler) libline.fds[i].line_handler(&libline.fds[i],line); libline.fds[i].bllen-=((t+hack)-libline.fds[i].backlog); if(libline.fds[i].bllen <= 0) libline.fds[i].bllen=0; else memmove(libline.fds[i].backlog,(t+hack),libline.fds[i].bllen); } } } return 0; } //this function mangles the input. //gotta free the returned pointer but not each pointer in the array. /* char **line_cutter(int fd,char *line,struct user *user) { int i; char **a=malloc(sizeof(char *) * 256);//heh. if(!a) exit(54); memset(a,0,sizeof(char *) * 256); if(!user) return 0; user->nick=0; user->user=0; user->host=0; if(!line) return 0; if(strchr(line,'\r')) *strchr(line,'\r')=0; if(strchr(line,'\n')) *strchr(line,'\n')=0; if(line[0]==':') { if((user->nick=strchr(line,':'))) { *(user->nick)=0; (user->nick)++; } } if(user->nick) { if((a[0]=strchr((user->nick),' '))) { *a[0]=0; a[0]++; for(i=0;(a[i+1]=strchr(a[i],' '));i++) { *a[i+1]=0; a[i+1]++; if(*a[i+1] == ':') {//we're done. *a[i+1]=0; a[i+1]++; break; } } } if(((user->user)=strchr((user->nick),'!'))) { *(user->user)=0; (user->user)++; if(((user->host)=strchr((user->user),'@'))) { *(user->host)=0; (user->host)++; } } else { user->host=user->nick; } } return a; } */