title:OU Math Courses keywords:math,ou # OU Math Courses ## Intro Researching what kind of difference between few undergraduate programmes is available at OU (OpenUniversity). Compare how they are different and similar. In future to compare them with other universities. Also to make decision choice on with one to choose based on most topics interested in or not known. Q31 - BSc (Honours) Mathematics Q36 - BSc (Honours) Mathematics and Statistics R38 - BSc (Honours) Data Science Q15 - BSc (Honours) Economics and Mathematical Sciences ## Stages This is list of modules that is possible to choose on each of the stage. Each stage represents year in brick uni. As all stages could be taken as any speed as possible. ### Stage 1 ``` DS (R38) - TM111, MST124, M140, TM112 M (Q31) - MU123, MST124, M140, MST125 MS (Q36) - MU123, MST124, M140, MST125 ES (Q15) - MU123, MST124, M140, DD126 ``` ### Stage 2 DS - M248, M249, M269, MST224, M - M208 (M248, MST210, MST224) MS apl - M248, M249, MST210 MS pure - M248, M249, M208 ES - DD209, M248, MST224 ### Stage 3 DS - (M343) (M347) M348, (M373) (MT365) (TM351) TM358 (TM356) M - M303 !M337 !M343, M346, M347, M373, MS327, MT365 ME620 MST326 SMT359 SM358 MS apl - (M337) M343, M346, M347 (M373) (MS327) (MT365) (ME620) (MST326) MS pure - (M337) M343, M346, M347 (M373) (MS327) (MT365) (ME620) ES - (M337) (M343) M346, (M373) (MS327) (MT365) DD309 ## Selected path ### Similarity ## Topics All modules and topics covered in each of modules ### TM111 Introduction to computing and information technology 1 http://www.open.ac.uk/courses/qualifications/details/tm111?orig=r38 ### TM112 Introduction to computing and information technology 2 http://www.open.ac.uk/courses/qualifications/details/tm112?orig=r38 ### MU123 Discovering mathematics http://www.open.ac.uk/courses/qualifications/details/mu123?orig=q15&setAcc=true ### MST124 Essential mathematics 1 http://www.open.ac.uk/courses/qualifications/details/mst124?orig=q31 ### MST125 Essential mathematics 2 http://www.open.ac.uk/courses/qualifications/details/mst125?orig=q31 ### DD126 Economics in context http://www.open.ac.uk/courses/qualifications/details/dd126?orig=q15 #### Block 1 This provides a detailed historical analysis of how the UK economy, and its interactions with other economies, has changed since the 1700s. You'll look at some of the reasons why the Industrial Revolution occurred in the UK at that time. It also explores the themes of the module: change, agents and success, navigating through events in economic history, and in economics as a discipline. #### Block 2 In this block you'll explore the market and the role of markets in societies. The view of economics that looks at economic agents and their motives in isolation is the foundation to thinking about markets as the interactions between these agents, and their measures of success; and also how markets operate within economies that have organised themselves, and their main economic activities, in particular ways. You'll look at the competitive model of the market and as economists often analyse formal models using diagrams a key skill in the economist s toolkit extensive use of demand and supply diagrams is made to explain how the model works. #### Block 3 This third block looks at economies in a more holistic way, critically reflecting on the best way of organising economic activities, and striking a balance between market activity and government intervention. The key areas that are explored are employment, industry and trade. You'll return to discussions of economics across time and place to explore the experiences and evolution of markets under different types of economic systems. This block will also give you the chance to measure and explain success through the use and collection of data sources, which is another important skill in the economist s toolkit. ### M140 Introducing statistics http://www.open.ac.uk/courses/qualifications/details/m140?orig=q31 #### Unit 1 Looking for patterns The basic idea of statistical modelling and the modelling diagram Stemplots The shape (skewness, modes) of data sets Median and range #### Unit 2 Prices Mean, weighted mean, quartiles, interquartile range Five-figure summary Simple ideas of index numbers UK consumer price indices (CPI, RPI) #### Unit 3 Earnings Earnings ratios Percentile and deciles Boxplots Deviations, variance and standard deviation Average Weekly Earnings index and comparing changes in prices and earnings #### Unit 4 Surveys Basic ideas of survey sampling Simple random sampling, Systematics sampling, General ideas of stratification and clustering, Quota sampling Sampling errors #### Unit 5 Relationships Relationships, scatterplots, response and explanatory variables Describing relationships Lines and residuals. Least squares regression #### Unit 6 Truancy Basic ideas of probability Combining probabilities (addition and multiplication rules) Steps in a hypothesis test The sign test p-values and interpreting significance test results #### Unit 7 Factors affecting reading The normal distribution One- and two-sample z-tests #### Unit 8 Teaching how to read Contingency tables. Joint and conditional probabilities The chi-squared test in contingency tables Type 1 and type 2 errors #### Unit 9 Comparing schools Causality and association Correlation. Outliers and influential points Confidence intervals and prediction intervals #### Unit 10 Experiments Basic ideas of scientific experimentation One- and two-sample t-test (one and two-sided) Matched pairs t-test Calculating confidence intervals #### Unit 11 Testing new drugs Drug testing and clinical trials Types of design for trials (group comparative, matched pairs, crossover) Phases of drug trials, post-marketing surveillance #### Unit 12 Review Using Minitab to carry out straightforward data analyses ### M208 Pure mathematics http://www.open.ac.uk/courses/qualifications/details/m208?orig=q31 ### DD209 Running the economy http://www.open.ac.uk/courses/qualifications/details/dd209?orig=q15 ### MST210 Mathematical methods, models and modelling http://www.open.ac.uk/courses/qualifications/details/mst210?orig=q31 ### MST224 Mathematical methods http://www.open.ac.uk/courses/qualifications/details/mst224?orig=q31 ### M248 Analysing data http://www.open.ac.uk/courses/qualifications/details/m248?orig=q31 ### M249 Practical modern statistics http://www.open.ac.uk/courses/qualifications/details/m249?orig=q36 ### M269 Algorithms, data structures and computability http://www.open.ac.uk/courses/qualifications/details/m269?orig=r38 ### M303 Further pure mathematics http://www.open.ac.uk/courses/qualifications/details/m303?orig=q31 ### DD309 Doing economics: people, markets and policy http://www.open.ac.uk/courses/qualifications/details/dd309?orig=q15 ### MST326 Mathematical methods and fluid mechanics http://www.open.ac.uk/courses/qualifications/details/mst326?orig=q31 ### MS327 Deterministic and stochastic dynamics http://www.open.ac.uk/courses/qualifications/details/ms327?orig=q31 ### M337 Complex analysis http://www.open.ac.uk/courses/qualifications/details/m337?orig=q31 ### M343 Applications of probability http://www.open.ac.uk/courses/qualifications/details/m343?orig=q31 ### M346 Linear statistical modelling http://www.open.ac.uk/courses/qualifications/details/m346?orig=q31 ### M347 Mathematical statistics http://www.open.ac.uk/courses/qualifications/details/m347?orig=q31 ### M348 Applied statistical modelling New ### TM351 Data management and analysis http://www.open.ac.uk/courses/qualifications/details/tm351?orig=r38 ### TM356 Interaction design and the user experience http://www.open.ac.uk/courses/qualifications/details/tm356?orig=r38 ### SM358 The quantum world http://www.open.ac.uk/courses/qualifications/details/sm358?orig=q31 ### TM358 Machine learning and artificial intelligence New ### SMT359 Electromagnetism http://www.open.ac.uk/courses/qualifications/details/smt359?orig=q31 ### MT365 Graphs, networks and design http://www.open.ac.uk/courses/qualifications/details/mt365?orig=q31 ### M373 Optimization http://www.open.ac.uk/courses/qualifications/details/m373?orig=q31 ### ME620 Mathematical thinking in schools http://www.open.ac.uk/courses/qualifications/details/me620?orig=q31 ## Literature recommended to read List of literature that are recommended in source or a course text book. ## Links