title:Basic HTTP server keywords:c,http,server # Basic HTTP server Basic HTTP server. When you type url it shows listing of your local directory. If you tipe with path to file name noting hapens Use: ```sh http://*.*.*.*:/ -> disk start directory http://*.*.*.*:/home/ -> home directory ``` Run: ```sh ./server [port] ``` Compile: ```sh gcc server.c -o server ``` Here is also python source. It runs on port:8081 and prints in terminal HTTP request. You can see what browser sends to server. ## Downloads servpy.zip - 1KiB - http://archive.main.lv/files/writeup/basic_http_server/servpy.zip serverc.zip - 2KiB - http://archive.main.lv/files/writeup/basic_http_server/serverc.zip