title: Building OpenWRT for RTL8196C keywords: openwrt,rtl8196c # Building OpenWRT for RTL8196C In previous post there wasn't clearly described how to download and compile sources for OpenWRT realtek release. Its not official repository because not yet all things is updated with mainline OpenWRT and not officially and OpenWRT port. To compile by your self there is need to do some basic configuration of sources. ## Getting sources Fits of all need to get sources from git server. There is some branches in git. But only one of them intended to be used for non development purposes its "realtek-unstable" ```sh git clone http://git.advem.lv/rtl819xx cd ./rtl819xx/ git branch -a git checkout realtek-unstable ``` ## Config in menuconfig There is supported only compilation with binutils 2.21.1 and gcc-4.6.x-linaro. Now you should setup that options with menuconfig. ```sh make menuconfig ``` This options should be set in main menu: __Target System__ as (Realtek RTL8xxx) __Target Profile__ as (nprove) __Advanced configuration options (for developers)__ switch on Now in __Advanced configuration options__ set __Toolchain Options__ and there options for binutils and gcc as in image __Binutils Version__ as (binutils 2.21.1) __GCC compiler Version__ as (gcc 4.6.x with Linaro enhancements) Last option to switch of is in main menu __Network__ ```text firewall3 odhcp6c ``` ## Build It could take some time to compile image. With some compiling output ```sh make V=s ``` Without extra output ```sh make ``` Compile in many threads ```sh make -j8 ``` Final image is inside bin/realtek ## UPDATE 9 dec 2014 as main manager that was involved in this "nprove brand" router development based on 8196c/d chip changed job he dont invloved anymore in this project as it was. Also domain nprove.in not belong to any who where involved in this router development. Probably I can say that this try to port realtek fake open source openwrt firmware to mainline openwrt is ended. Also chanell on ~~freenode.net/#nprove~~ libera.chat/#mainlv with main developer also can be considered died. Also all this post now is for historical puropouses. If someone interested i could try to get all this 8196c git repo sources and put in archive. Maybe someone will continue development of 8196c chip support for mainline openwrt not for fake-relatek-openwrt. 8 jan 2015 old repo from git.nprove.in moved to http://git.advem.lv/ 30 apr 2015 updated links 29 jan 2022 changed irc chat location ## Links http://git.advem.lv/ https://openwrt.org/ https://forum.openwrt.org/viewtopic.php?id=46606 http://main.lv/writeup/rtl8196c_support_for_openwrt.html [DEAD]http://www.nprove.net/ [linux-](https://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/v2.6/linux- [usb-modeswitch-1.2.5.tar.bz2](http://pkgs.fedoraproject.org/repo/pkgs/usb_modeswitch/usb-modeswitch-1.2.5.tar.bz2/c393603908eceab95444c5bde790f6f0/) [DEAD]https://downloads.nprove.in [DEAD]https://git.nprove.in ## Downloads build_openwrt.tar.gz - 12KiB - http://archive.main.lv/files/writeup/building_openwrt_for_rtl8196c/build_openwrt.tar.gz ## Images OpenWRT menuconfig OpenWRT menuconfig