title:Naive FFT implementation in C
# Naive FFT implementation in C
## Intro
Time to implement DFT/FFT by myself. Just followed Ifeachor book on theory part and
IOWA FFT source on implementation side.
## Implementation
### DFT
Formula for most simple Discreate Fourier Transformation. Also most slowest one.
Official DFT formula
$$X(k) = F_{D}[x(nT)] = $$
$$ \sum_{n=0}^{N-1} x(nT) e^{-jk\omega nT} , k=0,1,...,N-1 $$
My wording of DFT algorithm:
Go over data array and sumup multiplication of each "frequency" $$e^{-jk\omega nT}$$ over data array $$x(nT)$$
void dft(double *x_i, double *x_q, int n, int inv) {
double Wn,Wk;
double *Xi, *Xq;
double c,s;
int i,j;
Xi = malloc(n*sizeof(double));
Xq = malloc(n*sizeof(double));
Wn = 2*M_PI/n;
if (inv==1) {
for (i=0;i>1;
int Nm1 = n-1;
int i,j;
for (i = 0, j = 0; i < n; i++) {
if (j > i) {
double tmp_r = x_i[i];
double tmp_i = x_q[i];
//data[i] = data[j];
x_i[i] = x_q[j];
x_q[i] = x_q[j];
//data[j] = tmp;
x_i[j] = tmp_r;
x_q[j] = tmp_i;
* Find least significant zero bit
unsigned lszb = ~i & (i + 1);
* Use division to bit-reverse the single bit so that we now have
* the most significant zero bit
* N = 2^r = 2^(m+1)
* Nd2 = N/2 = 2^m
* if lszb = 2^k, where k is within the range of 0...m, then
* mszb = Nd2 / lszb
* = 2^m / 2^k
* = 2^(m-k)
* = bit-reversed value of lszb
unsigned mszb = Nd2 / lszb;
* Toggle bits with bit-reverse mask
unsigned bits = Nm1 & ~(mszb - 1);
j ^= bits;
#### FFT Implementation
void fft_1(double *x_i, double *x_q, uint64_t n, uint64_t inv) {
uint64_t n_log2;
uint64_t r;
uint64_t m, md2;
uint64_t i,j,k;
uint64_t i_e, i_o;
double theta_2pi;
double theta;
double Wm_r, Wm_i, Wmk_r, Wmk_i;
double u_r, u_i, t_r, t_i;
//find log of n
n_log2 = 0;
while (i>1) {
if (inv==1) {
theta_2pi = -2*M_PI;
} else {
theta_2pi = 2*M_PI;
for (i=1; i<= n_log2; i++) {
m = 1 << i;
md2 = m >> 1;
theta = theta_2pi / m;
Wm_r = cos(theta);
Wm_i = sin(theta);
for (j=0; j1 1 0
Input Q:
Output I:
Output Q:
### Source
Source located in main branch of git repo
Browse source http://git.main.lv/cgit.cgi/NaiveFFT.git
git clone http://git.main.lv/cgit.cgi/NaiveFFT.git
git checkout main
### Build
#### Linux
cd NaiveFFT/Build
#### Macos
Open with Xcode and build
## Thx
[Aleksejs](https://github.com/ivanovsaleksejs) - gave tips about js
[Džuris]() - freedback on code
[#developers.lv](https://developers.lv) - having patiens for listening to js nonsence from js-newbie
## Links
[01] https://rosettacode.org/wiki/Fast_Fourier_transform#C
[02] https://www.math.wustl.edu/~victor/mfmm/fourier/fft.c
[03] https://www.strauss-engineering.ch/libdsp.html
[04] http://www.iowahills.com/FFTCode.html
[05] https://github.com/rshuston/FFT-C/blob/master/libfft/fft.c
[06] http://www.guitarscience.net/papers/fftalg.pdf
[07] https://root.cern/doc/master/FFT_8C_source.html
[08] https://lloydrochester.com/post/c/example-fft/
[09] https://github.com/mborgerding/kissfft/blob/master/kiss_fft.c
[10] https://community.vcvrack.com/t/complete-list-of-c-c-fft-libraries/9153
[11] https://octave.org/doc/v4.2.1/Signal-Processing.html
[12] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fast_Fourier_transform
[13] http://www.iowahills.com/FFTCode.html
[14] Digital Signal Processing: A Practical Approach by (Emmanuel Ifeachor, Barrie Jervis)