import re __all__ = ['task_lists'] TASK_LIST_ITEM = re.compile(r'^(\[[ xX]\])\s+') def task_lists_hook(md, state): return _rewrite_all_list_items(state.tokens) def render_task_list_item(renderer, text, checked=False): checkbox = ( ''): text = text.replace('

', '

' + checkbox, 1) else: text = checkbox + text return '

  • ' + text + '
  • \n' def task_lists(md): """A mistune plugin to support task lists. Spec defined by GitHub flavored Markdown and commonly used by many parsers: .. code-block:: text - [ ] unchecked task - [x] checked task :param md: Markdown instance """ md.before_render_hooks.append(task_lists_hook) if md.renderer and md.renderer.NAME == 'html': md.renderer.register('task_list_item', render_task_list_item) def _rewrite_all_list_items(tokens): for tok in tokens: if tok['type'] == 'list_item': _rewrite_list_item(tok) if 'children' in tok: _rewrite_all_list_items(tok['children']) return tokens def _rewrite_list_item(tok): children = tok['children'] if children: first_child = children[0] text = first_child.get('text', '') m = TASK_LIST_ITEM.match(text) if m: mark = first_child['text'] = text[m.end():] tok['type'] = 'task_list_item' tok['attrs'] = {'checked': mark != '[ ]'}