import re from typing import Dict, Any from textwrap import indent from ._list import render_list from ..core import BaseRenderer, BlockState from ..util import strip_end fenced_re = re.compile(r'^(?:`|~)+', re.M) class MarkdownRenderer(BaseRenderer): """A renderer to re-format Markdown text.""" NAME = 'markdown' def __call__(self, tokens, state: BlockState): out = self.render_tokens(tokens, state) # special handle for line breaks out += '\n\n'.join(self.render_referrences(state)) + '\n' return strip_end(out) def render_referrences(self, state: BlockState): ref_links = state.env['ref_links'] for key in ref_links: attrs = ref_links[key] text = '[' + attrs['label'] + ']: ' + attrs['url'] title = attrs.get('title') if title: text += ' "' + title + '"' yield text def render_children(self, token, state: BlockState): children = token['children'] return self.render_tokens(children, state) def text(self, token: Dict[str, Any], state: BlockState) -> str: return token['raw'] def emphasis(self, token: Dict[str, Any], state: BlockState) -> str: return '*' + self.render_children(token, state) + '*' def strong(self, token: Dict[str, Any], state: BlockState) -> str: return '**' + self.render_children(token, state) + '**' def link(self, token: Dict[str, Any], state: BlockState) -> str: label = token.get('label') text = self.render_children(token, state) out = '[' + text + ']' if label: return out + '[' + label + ']' attrs = token['attrs'] url = attrs['url'] title = attrs.get('title') if text == url and not title: return '<' + text + '>' elif 'mailto:' + text == url and not title: return '<' + text + '>' out += '(' if '(' in url or ')' in url: out += '<' + url + '>' else: out += url if title: out += ' "' + title + '"' return out + ')' def image(self, token: Dict[str, Any], state: BlockState) -> str: return '!' +, state) def codespan(self, token: Dict[str, Any], state: BlockState) -> str: return '`' + token['raw'] + '`' def linebreak(self, token: Dict[str, Any], state: BlockState) -> str: return ' \n' def softbreak(self, token: Dict[str, Any], state: BlockState) -> str: return '\n' def blank_line(self, token: Dict[str, Any], state: BlockState) -> str: return '' def inline_html(self, token: Dict[str, Any], state: BlockState) -> str: return token['raw'] def paragraph(self, token: Dict[str, Any], state: BlockState) -> str: text = self.render_children(token, state) return text + '\n\n' def heading(self, token: Dict[str, Any], state: BlockState) -> str: level = token['attrs']['level'] marker = '#' * level text = self.render_children(token, state) return marker + ' ' + text + '\n\n' def thematic_break(self, token: Dict[str, Any], state: BlockState) -> str: return '***\n\n' def block_text(self, token: Dict[str, Any], state: BlockState) -> str: return self.render_children(token, state) + '\n' def block_code(self, token: Dict[str, Any], state: BlockState) -> str: attrs = token.get('attrs', {}) info = attrs.get('info', '') code = token['raw'] if code and code[-1] != '\n': code += '\n' marker = token.get('marker') if not marker: marker = _get_fenced_marker(code) return marker + info + '\n' + code + marker + '\n\n' def block_quote(self, token: Dict[str, Any], state: BlockState) -> str: text = indent(self.render_children(token, state), '> ') return text + '\n\n' def block_html(self, token: Dict[str, Any], state: BlockState) -> str: return token['raw'] + '\n\n' def block_error(self, token: Dict[str, Any], state: BlockState) -> str: return '' def list(self, token: Dict[str, Any], state: BlockState) -> str: return render_list(self, token, state) def _get_fenced_marker(code): found = fenced_re.findall(code) if not found: return '```' ticks = [] # ` waves = [] # ~ for s in found: if s[0] == '`': ticks.append(len(s)) else: waves.append(len(s)) if not ticks: return '```' if not waves: return '~~~' return '`' * (max(ticks) + 1)