#!/bin/bash export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/bin:/usr/pkg/bin export CUTURL_PORT=23 grep "^telnet:" /var/www/sites/hacking/links.txt \ | cat -n printf "Which do you want to connect to?\nnumber: " read N export N=$(printf "%s" "$N" | sed "s/[^0-9]//g") serverURL=$(grep "^telnet:" /var/www/sites/hacking/links.txt \ | cut '-d ' -f1 \ | head -n${N} \ | tail -n1) echo "You've selected: $serverURL (#$N)" printf "connecting in...\n" #for i in `seq 5 1`;do # printf "\r%d..." $i # sleep 1 #done port=$(printf "%s" "$serverURL" | cuturl --port) #yes ncat. I *really* meant 10 minutes. why force me to use ms for that? exec ncat -i 600000ms $(printf "%s" "$serverURL" | cuturl --domain ) $port