import sys import os from ctypes import * import ctypes from ctypes.util import find_library #main supproted version is 1.7.1 define versions of deriviatives of it #added support for 1.6.8 version most common version out there VERSION_171 = 1 VERSION_168 = 0 CURRENT_VERSION = VERSION_171 def load_libairspyhf(): if sys.platform == "linux" and 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH' in os.environ.keys(): ld_library_paths = [local_path for local_path in os.environ['LD_LIBRARY_PATH'].split(':') if local_path.strip()] if "AIRSPYHF_TEST_PATH" in os.environ: ld_library_paths = [os.environ["AIRSPYHF_TEST_PATH"]] driver_files = [local_path + '/' for local_path in ld_library_paths] else: driver_files = [] #driver_files += ['libairspyhf.0.dylib'] driver_files += ['airspyhf.dll', '', 'libairspyhf.0.dylib'] driver_files += ['..//airspyhf.dll', '..//'] driver_files += [lambda : find_library('airspyhf'), lambda : find_library('libairspyhf')] dll = None for driver in driver_files: if callable(driver): driver = driver() if driver is None: continue #print("Search for driver named %s"%(driver)) try: dll = CDLL(driver,use_errno=True) break except: print("Cant load dll %s %d"%(driver, ctypes.get_errno())) pass else: raise ImportError('Error loading libairspyhf. Make sure libairspyhf '\ '(and all of its dependencies) are in your path') return dll libairspyhf = load_libairspyhf() #typedef struct { # uint32_t major_version; # uint32_t minor_version; # uint32_t revision; #} airspyhf_lib_version_t; airspyhf_device_t_p = c_void_p class airspyhf_lib_version_t(Structure): _fields_ = [("major_version", c_uint32), ("minor_version", c_uint32), ("revision", c_uint32)] class airspyhf_complex_float_t(Structure): _fields_ = [("re",c_float), ("im",c_float)] airspyhf_complex_float_t_p = POINTER(airspyhf_complex_float_t) class airspyhf_transfer_t(Structure): _fields_ = [("device",airspyhf_device_t_p), ("ctx",c_void_p), ("samples",airspyhf_complex_float_t_p), ("sample_count",c_int), ("dropped_samples",c_uint64)] airspyhf_transfer_t_p = POINTER(airspyhf_transfer_t) #airspyhf_transfer_t_p = c_void_p #typedef int (*airspyhf_sample_block_cb_fn) (airspyhf_transfer_t* transfer_fn); #airspyhf_sample_block_cb_fn = CFUNCTYPE(c_int, POINTER(airspyhf_transfer_t)) airspyhf_sample_block_cb_fn = PYFUNCTYPE(c_int, POINTER(airspyhf_transfer_t)) #void ADDCALL airspyhf_lib_version(airspyhf_lib_version_t* lib_version); f = libairspyhf.airspyhf_lib_version f.restype, f.argtypes = None, [POINTER(airspyhf_lib_version_t)] p = airspyhf_lib_version_t() libairspyhf.airspyhf_lib_version(byref(p)) if (p.major_version==1) and (p.minor_version==6) and (p.revision==8): CURRENT_VERSION = VERSION_168 print("Set libairspyhf version 1.6.8") else: CURRENT_VERSION = VERSION_171 print("Set libairspyhf version 1.7.1 (Actual version (%d,%d,%d)"%(p.major_version,p.minor_version,p.revision)) #int ADDCALL airspyhf_list_devices(uint64_t *serials, int count); f = libairspyhf.airspyhf_list_devices f.restype, f.argtypes = c_int, [POINTER(c_uint64), c_int] #int ADDCALL airspyhf_open(airspyhf_device_t** device); f = libairspyhf.airspyhf_open f.restype, f.argtypes = c_int, [POINTER(airspyhf_device_t_p)] #int ADDCALL airspyhf_open_sn(airspyhf_device_t** device, uint64_t serial_number); f = libairspyhf.airspyhf_open_sn f.restype, f.argtypes = c_int, [POINTER(airspyhf_device_t_p), c_uint64] # start from 1.7.1 if CURRENT_VERSION >= VERSION_171: #int ADDCALL airspyhf_open_fd(airspyhf_device_t** device, int fd); f = libairspyhf.airspyhf_open_fd f.restype, f.argtypes = c_int, [POINTER(airspyhf_device_t_p), c_int] #int ADDCALL airspyhf_close(airspyhf_device_t* device); f = libairspyhf.airspyhf_close f.restype, f.argtypes = c_int, [airspyhf_device_t_p] #nt ADDCALL airspyhf_get_output_size(airspyhf_device_t* device); /* Returns the number of IQ samples to expect in the callback */ f = libairspyhf.airspyhf_get_output_size f.restype, f.argtypes = c_int, [airspyhf_device_t_p] #int ADDCALL airspyhf_start(airspyhf_device_t* device, airspyhf_sample_block_cb_fn callback, void* ctx); f = libairspyhf.airspyhf_start f.restype, f.argtypes = c_int, [airspyhf_device_t_p,airspyhf_sample_block_cb_fn,py_object] #int ADDCALL airspyhf_stop(airspyhf_device_t* device); f = libairspyhf.airspyhf_stop f.restype, f.argtypes = c_int, [airspyhf_device_t_p] #int ADDCALL airspyhf_is_streaming(airspyhf_device_t* device); f = libairspyhf.airspyhf_is_streaming f.restype, f.argtypes = c_int, [airspyhf_device_t_p] #int ADDCALL airspyhf_is_low_if(airspyhf_device_t* device); /* Tells if the current sample rate is Zero-IF (0) or Low-IF (1) */ f = libairspyhf.airspyhf_is_low_if f.restype, f.argtypes = c_int, [airspyhf_device_t_p] #int ADDCALL airspyhf_set_freq(airspyhf_device_t* device, const uint32_t freq_hz); f = libairspyhf.airspyhf_set_freq f.restype, f.argtypes = c_int, [airspyhf_device_t_p, c_uint32] # start from 1.7.1 if CURRENT_VERSION >= VERSION_171: #int ADDCALL airspyhf_set_freq_double(airspyhf_device_t* device, const double freq_hz); f = libairspyhf.airspyhf_set_freq_double f.restype, f.argtypes = c_int, [airspyhf_device_t_p, c_double] #int ADDCALL airspyhf_set_lib_dsp(airspyhf_device_t* device, const uint8_t flag); /* Enables/Disables the IQ Correction, IF shift and Fine Tuning. */ f = libairspyhf.airspyhf_set_lib_dsp f.restype, f.argtypes = c_int, [airspyhf_device_t_p, c_uint8] #int ADDCALL airspyhf_get_samplerates(airspyhf_device_t* device, uint32_t* buffer, const uint32_t len); f = libairspyhf.airspyhf_get_samplerates f.restype, f.argtypes = c_int, [airspyhf_device_t_p, POINTER(c_uint32), c_uint32] #int ADDCALL airspyhf_set_samplerate(airspyhf_device_t* device, uint32_t samplerate); f = libairspyhf.airspyhf_set_samplerate f.restype, f.argtypes = c_int, [airspyhf_device_t_p, c_uint32] #int ADDCALL airspyhf_get_calibration(airspyhf_device_t* device, int32_t* ppb); f = libairspyhf.airspyhf_get_calibration f.restype, f.argtypes = c_int, [airspyhf_device_t_p, POINTER(c_int32)] #int ADDCALL airspyhf_set_calibration(airspyhf_device_t* device, int32_t ppb); f = libairspyhf.airspyhf_set_calibration f.restype, f.argtypes = c_int, [airspyhf_device_t_p, c_int32] # start from 1.7.1 if CURRENT_VERSION >= VERSION_171: #int ADDCALL airspyhf_get_vctcxo_calibration(airspyhf_device_t* device, uint16_t* vc); f = libairspyhf.airspyhf_get_vctcxo_calibration f.restype, f.argtypes = c_int, [airspyhf_device_t_p, POINTER(c_uint16)] # start from 1.7.1 if CURRENT_VERSION >= VERSION_171: #int ADDCALL airspyhf_set_vctcxo_calibration(airspyhf_device_t* device, uint16_t vc); f = libairspyhf.airspyhf_set_vctcxo_calibration f.restype, f.argtypes = c_int, [airspyhf_device_t_p, c_uint16] #int ADDCALL airspyhf_set_optimal_iq_correction_point(airspyhf_device_t* device, float w); f = libairspyhf.airspyhf_set_optimal_iq_correction_point f.restype, f.argtypes = c_int, [airspyhf_device_t_p, c_float] #int ADDCALL airspyhf_iq_balancer_configure(airspyhf_device_t* device, int buffers_to_skip, int fft_integration, int fft_overlap, int correlation_integration); f = libairspyhf.airspyhf_iq_balancer_configure f.restype, f.argtypes = c_int, [airspyhf_device_t_p, c_int, c_int, c_int, c_int] #int ADDCALL airspyhf_flash_calibration(airspyhf_device_t* device); /* streaming needs to be stopped */ f = libairspyhf.airspyhf_flash_calibration f.restype, f.argtypes = c_int, [airspyhf_device_t_p] #int ADDCALL airspyhf_board_partid_serialno_read(airspyhf_device_t* device, airspyhf_read_partid_serialno_t* read_partid_serialno); #f = libairspyhf.airspyhf_board_partid_serialno_read( #f.restype, f.argtypes = c_int, [airspyhf_device_t_p] #int ADDCALL airspyhf_version_string_read(airspyhf_device_t* device, char* version, uint8_t length); f = libairspyhf.airspyhf_version_string_read f.restype, f.argtypes = c_int, [airspyhf_device_t_p, c_char_p, c_uint8] #int ADDCALL airspyhf_set_user_output(airspyhf_device_t* device, airspyhf_user_output_t pin, airspyhf_user_output_state_t value); #int ADDCALL airspyhf_set_hf_agc(airspyhf_device_t* device, uint8_t flag); /* 0 = off, 1 = on */ f = libairspyhf.airspyhf_set_hf_agc f.restype, f.argtypes = c_int, [airspyhf_device_t_p, c_uint8] #int ADDCALL airspyhf_set_hf_agc_threshold(airspyhf_device_t* device, uint8_t flag); /* when agc on: 0 = low, 1 = high */ f = libairspyhf.airspyhf_set_hf_agc_threshold f.restype, f.argtypes = c_int, [airspyhf_device_t_p, c_uint8] #int ADDCALL airspyhf_set_hf_att(airspyhf_device_t* device, uint8_t value); /* Possible values: 0..8 Range: 0..48 dB Attenuation with 6 dB steps */ f = libairspyhf.airspyhf_set_hf_att f.restype, f.argtypes = c_int, [airspyhf_device_t_p, c_uint8] #int ADDCALL airspyhf_set_hf_lna(airspyhf_device_t* device, uint8_t flag); /* 0 or 1: 1 to activate LNA (alias PreAmp): 1 = +6 dB gain - compensated in digital */ f = libairspyhf.airspyhf_set_hf_lna f.restype, f.argtypes = c_int, [airspyhf_device_t_p, c_uint8] __all__ = ["libairspyhf", "airspyhf_lib_version_t", "airspyhf_device_t_p", "airspyhf_sample_block_cb_fn", "airspyhf_complex_float_t_p", "airspyhf_transfer_t_p"]