#!/usr/bin/python3 import os import sys import math import airspyhf import matplotlib import numpy import pylab import time import threading import pygame from pygame import gfxdraw CENTER_FREQ = 101000000 SAMPLE_RATE = 912e3 SAMPLE_NUM = 2048 SCREEN_X = 1025 SCREEN_Y = 320 MOVE_STEP = int(SAMPLE_RATE/8) sample_lock = threading.Lock() # init AIRSPY and if no then go out airspy = airspyhf.AirSpyHF() if airspy.open(device_index=0) == -1: print("Cant open airspyhf device") sys.exit(1) # config rtlsdr device airspy.set_samplerate(int(SAMPLE_RATE)) airspy.set_frequency(CENTER_FREQ) airspy.set_hf_agc(1) airspy.set_hf_agc_threshold(0) airspy.set_hf_lna(1) def iq_abs(c): return (math.sqrt((c.real ** 2 + c.imag ** 2))) # point should be normalised to 0.0 ... 1.0 def color_normalise(point): ret = (255, 0, 0) # blue if point < 0.0: point = 0.0 if (point < 0.3): ret = (0, 0, int(point * 255 * 3.3)) # yello elif (point < 0.7): ret = (0, int((point - 0.3) * 255 * 2.5), 0) # red elif (point <= 1.0): ret = (int((point - 0.7) * 255 * 3.3), 0, 0) else: # print "Color Error ", point pass print(ret) return ret def color_mapping(x): "assumes -50 to 0 range, returns color" #r = math.fabs(int(x)) #if r > 255: # r = 255 #print("+",r) r = int((x + 120) * 255 // 30) #r = max(0, r) #r = min(255, r) if r > 255: r = 255 if r < 0: r = 0 res = (r, r, r) #avg3 = avg(r)/3 #if avg3 < 0.3: # res = (0, 0, int(avg3 * 255 * 3.3)) print(res) return res #r = 255-r #print((int(r), int(r), 100)) #return (int(r), int(r), 100) # def draw_Hz( surface, x, y, hz ): arr = [[0 for i in range(0, SCREEN_X)] for j in range(0, SCREEN_Y)] # init all pygame modules audio,video and more pygame.init() # [NEW] creates screen surface using constants screen = pygame.display.set_mode((SCREEN_X, SCREEN_Y)) #samples = rtl.read_samples(SAMPLE_NUM) sample_buffer = [] def read_samples(transfer): global sample_buffer #print("callback") #print("Python call back") t = transfer.contents bytes_to_write = t.sample_count * 4 * 2 #print("Received %d samples"%(t.sample_count)) rx_buffer = t.samples #print(f"{bytes_to_write} bytes receieved") #sample_buffer.append(rx_buffer) if len(sample_buffer) > SAMPLE_NUM: return 0 for i in range(0,t.sample_count): d_re = t.samples[i].re d_im = t.samples[i].im sample_buffer.append(math.sqrt(d_re*d_re+d_im*d_im)) #data = struct.pack(" num: # arr = [] # times = len(samples)/num # for i in range(0, num): # avg = numpy.average(samples[times*num:times*num+times-1]) # arr.append(avg) # return arr #else: # print("Error in get_samples") # return [] return [] read_samples_cb = airspyhf.airspyhf_sample_block_cb_fn(read_samples) airspy.start(read_samples_cb) run = True line = 0 while run and airspy.is_streaming(): print("Loop tick") # check for all events that where ocure for event in pygame.event.get(): # if some one clicked on close button if event.type == pygame.QUIT: # terminate programm run = False # don't waste your time by waiting while event loop will end break elif event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: if event.key == pygame.K_LEFT: print("Left") # rtl.center_freq -= MOVE_STEP airspy.set_frequency(airspy.cur_freq - MOVE_STEP) # print("Center freq: ", rtl.center_freq, " Hz") elif event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT: print("Right") # rtl.center_freq += MOVE_STEP # print("Center freq: ", rtl.center_freq, " Hz") airspy.set_frequency(airspy.cur_freq + MOVE_STEP) width = SCREEN_X height = SCREEN_Y samples = get_samples() if samples == []: print("sample buffer is empty") time.sleep(1) continue #print(samples) spect = numpy.fft.fft(samples,n=SAMPLE_NUM) spect = spect[0:int((len(spect) / 2))] # (1/(Fs*N)) * abs(xdft).^2; spect_n = [(1.0 / (SAMPLE_NUM * len(spect))) * iq_abs(x) ** 2 for x in spect] spect_n = (10 * numpy.log10(spect_n)).tolist() print(spect_n) # total data size spect_len = len(spect_n) #print(spect_len) # calculate amount spect points per pixel without rounding pixel_width = int(spect_len / SCREEN_X + 1) #print(pixel_width) pixel_steps = int(spect_len / pixel_width) #print(pixel_steps) #print(spect_n) for step in range(0, pixel_steps): avg = 0.0 for i in range(0, pixel_width): avg += spect_n[step * pixel_width + i] avg /= pixel_width if math.isinf(avg): avg = -1000 # print avg #gfxdraw.pixel( screen, step, line, color_normalise((100-abs(avg))/10)) #print(int(avg)) gfxdraw.pixel(screen, step, line, color_mapping(int(avg))) # draw central freq font = pygame.font.Font(None, 20) text = font.render(str(airspy.cur_freq / 1e6), 1, (200, 30, 30), (0, 0, 0)) screen.blit(text, (SCREEN_X / 2, SCREEN_Y - 20)) text = font.render(str((airspy.cur_freq+ SAMPLE_RATE / 2) / 1e6), 1, (200, 30, 30), (0, 0, 0)) screen.blit(text, (SCREEN_X - 40, SCREEN_Y - 20)) text = font.render(str((airspy.cur_freq - SAMPLE_RATE / 2) / 1e6), 1, (200, 30, 30), (0, 0, 0)) screen.blit(text, (20, SCREEN_Y - 20)) pygame.display.flip() line += 1 if (line > SCREEN_Y): line = 0 time.sleep(0.1) pygame.quit() airspy.stop() airspy.close()