path: root/draw/tui.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'draw/tui.c')
1 files changed, 208 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/draw/tui.c b/draw/tui.c
index 5f9b9c7..ba6ed1e 100644
--- a/draw/tui.c
+++ b/draw/tui.c
@@ -1,24 +1,95 @@
#include "tui.h"
+#define T_ESC "\x1b"
//prepare terminal ui
-int tui_init( tui_t *t )
+int tui_init( tui_t **t )
int ret = -1;
+ tui_t *tui=NULL;
//should be empty pointer
- if (t != NULL)
+ if (*t != NULL)
+ return -1;
+ tui = malloc( sizeof(tui_t) );
+ if ( tui == NULL )
return -1;
+ memset( tui, 0, sizeof( tui_t ) );
+ tui->ifd = STDIN_FILENO;
+ tui->ofd = STDOUT_FILENO;
+ //if you whant raw mode then you should set it man
+ if ( tcgetattr( tui->ifd, &tui->orig_i ) == -1 )
+ goto exit_error;
+ tui->raw_i = tui->orig_i;
+ if ( tcgetattr( tui->ofd, &tui->orig_o ) == -1 )
+ goto exit_error;
+ tui->raw_o = tui->orig_o;
+ //set not to echo output
+ /* input modes: no break, no CR to NL, no parity check, no strip char,
+ * no start/stop output control. */
+ tui->raw_i.c_iflag &= ~(BRKINT | ICRNL | INPCK | ISTRIP | IXON);
+ /* output modes - disable post raw */
+ tui->raw_i.c_oflag &= ~(OPOST);
+ /* control modes - set 8 bit chars */
+ tui->raw_i.c_cflag |= (CS8);
+ /* local modes - choing off, canonical off, no extended functions,
+ * no signal chars (^Z,^C) */
+ tui->raw_i.c_lflag &= ~(ECHO | ICANON | IEXTEN | ISIG);
+ /* control chars - set return condition: min number of bytes and timer.
+ * We want read to return every single byte, without timeout. */
+ /* put terminal in raw mode after flushing */
+ if (tcsetattr( tui->ifd, TCSAFLUSH, &tui->raw_i) < 0)
+ {
+ //ERROR("Cannot set new terminal input attribures\n");
+ goto exit_error;
+ }
+ *t = tui;
+ ret = 0;
return ret;
+ free( tui );
+ return -1;
//init waterfall
-int tui_waterfall( tui_t *t, tui_waterfall_t *w )
+int tui_waterfall( tui_t **t, tui_waterfall_t **w )
int ret=-1;
+ tui_waterfall_t *wtf = NULL;
//waterfall should be NULL
- if ( w != NULL )
+ if ( *w != NULL )
+ return -1;
+ wtf = malloc( sizeof(tui_waterfall_t) );
+ if ( wtf == NULL )
+ {
return -1;
+ }
+ memset( wtf, 0, sizeof(tui_waterfall_t) );
+ *w = wtf;
+ (*t)->wf = wtf;
+ ret = 0;
return ret;
+// return -1;
@@ -39,27 +110,158 @@ int tui_waterfall_redraw( tui_waterfall_t *w )
//update params of waterfall and then need to draw not redraw
-int tui_waterfall_update( tui_waterfall_t *w )
+int tui_waterfall_update( tui_t *t )
int ret = -1;
+ int row=-1,col=-1;
+ char buf[32];
+ int i;
+ //we trust that all params are ok
+ /* go to right marging and get position */
+ if ( write( t->ofd, "\x1b[999C", 6 ) != 6 )
+ goto exit_error;
+ if ( write( t->ofd, "\x1b[6n", 4 ) != 4 )
+ goto exit_error;
+ i = 0;
+ //printf("here=%d\n", sizeof(buf));
+ while (i < sizeof(buf)-1)
+ {
+ if ( read( t->ifd, buf+i,1 ) != 1 ) break;
+ if (buf[i] == 'R') break;
+ i++;
+ }
+ buf[i] = '\0';
+ //printf("i=%d,buf=[%s]\n",i,buf);
+ if ( buf[0] != '\x1b' || buf[1] != '[' )
+ {
+ goto exit_error;
+ }
+ //printf("i=%d,buf=[%s]\n",i,buf);
+ if ( sscanf( buf+2, "%d;%d", &row, &col) != 2 )
+ goto exit_error;
+ //write( t->ofd, "\x1b[1C", 4 );
+ write( t->ofd, T_ESC "[H" T_ESC "[2J", 7 );
+ write( t->ofd, T_ESC "[0;0H", 6);
+ t->wf->w = col;
+ ret = 0;
return ret;
+ return -1;
//push one line of data to buffer
-int tui_waterfall_data( tui_waterfall_t *w, size_t *len, size_t *buf )
+int tui_waterfall_data( tui_t *t, int len, uint8_t *buf )
int ret = -1;
+ int i;
+ i = 0;
+ while ( (i< t->wf->w) && ( i<len) )
+ {
+ //printf("-%d", buf[i]);
+ uint8_t c = tui_waterfall_color( buf[i] );
+ char buf[32];
+ snprintf( buf, 32, T_ESC "[48;5;%dm " T_ESC "[0m",c);
+ write( t->ofd, buf, strlen(buf) );
+ i++;
+ }
return ret;
+uint8_t tui_waterfall_color( uint8_t d )
+ uint8_t color=15;
+ /*
+ if ( d < 50 )
+ {
+ color = 17;
+ } else if ( d < 100 )
+ {
+ color = 18;
+ } else if ( d < 150 )
+ {
+ color = 19;
+ } else if ( d < 200 )
+ {
+ color = 20;
+ } else
+ {
+ color = 21;
+ }
+ */
+ if ( d == 0 )
+ {
+ color = 17;
+ } else if ( d == 1 )
+ {
+ color = 18;
+ } else if ( d == 2 )
+ {
+ color = 19;
+ } else if ( d == 3 )
+ {
+ color = 20;
+ } else if ( d == 4 )
+ {
+ color = 21;
+ } else if ( d == 5 )
+ {
+ color = 26;
+ } else if ( d == 6 )
+ {
+ color = 27;
+ } else if ( d == 7 )
+ {
+ color = 44;
+ } else
+ {
+ color = 230;
+ }
+ /*
+ uint8_t col[] = { 16,17,18,19,20,21,26,27,44,45,86,87,230,229,228,227,226,214,202,196,160,124,88,52 };
+ int len = 24;
+ int step = 256/len;
+ color = col[d/step];
+ */
+ return color;
//close terminal ui
int tui_close( tui_t *t )
int ret = -1;
//shouldnt be empty pointer
if ( t == NULL )
return -1;
+ //restore terminal mode after closing
+ tcsetattr( t->ifd, TCSAFLUSH, &t->orig_i );
return ret;