path: root/doc/
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diff --git a/doc/ b/doc/
index 473a204..470a22c 100644
--- a/doc/
+++ b/doc/
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
Welcome to AnoNet! AnoNet is a highly decentralized darknet, aiming to create a censorship resistant network free from government influence and restrictions. AnoNet uses an IP network to accomplish this, as an alternative to the existing internet.
+=for comment
You can read more information about AnoNet below, or on L<>.
=head2 Theory
@@ -39,16 +40,20 @@ us and chat, it's very easy:
<tr><td>HTTP WebChatZ<></td><td>L<KwaakNet|></td><td>L<aaya|> (Hidden IP, username and realname, custom nickname (note 1))</td></tr>
<tr><td>HTTP WebChatZ<></td><td>L<KwaakNet|></td><td>L<naya|> (Visible IP, hidden username and realname, custom nickname (warning!) (note 1))</td></tr>
<tr><td>IRCZ<></td><td>L<SRN|irc://></td><td>L<aaoa|> (Hidden IP, username and realname (note 2), and also blocks most CTCP messages)</td></tr>
<tr><td>IRCZ<></td><td>L<SRN (tor)|irc://2dmrunyyp6bp53th.onion/RendezVous></td><td>L<aaoa|> (Hidden IP, username and realname (note 2), and also blocks most CTCP messages)</td></tr>
<tr><td>IRCZ<></td><td>L<SRN2|irc://></td><td>L<aaoa|> (Hidden IP, username and realname (note 2))</td></tr>
<tr><td>IRCZ<></td><td>L<SRN2 (tor)|irc://w53qxqs27amlrwnm.onion/anonet></td><td>L<aaoa|> (Hidden IP, username and realname (note 2))</td></tr>
<tr><td>IRCZ<></td><td>L<SRN3 (tor)|irc://elef7kcrczguvamt.onion/anonet></td><td>L<aaoa|> (Hidden IP, username and realname (note 2))</td></tr>
<tr><td>IRCZ<></td><td>L<SRN4 (tor)|irc://wllef6hh2mt6uoi4.onion/anonet></td><td>L<aaoa|> (Hidden IP, username and realname (note 2))</td></tr>
<tr><td>IRCZ<></td><td>L<UFO|irc://></td><td>L<aooo|> (Hidden IP, visible username and realname)</td></tr>
<tr><td>IRCZ<></td><td>L<UFO|irc://></td><td>L<nooo|> (Visible IP, username and realname (warning!))</td></tr>
<tr><td>TelnetZ<></td><td>L<SRN|telnet://></td><td>L<aaya|> (Hidden IP and username, custom nickname)</td></tr>
@@ -64,6 +69,10 @@ Note 1: your browser may send information that can be used to identify you. Alth
Note 2: your IRC client always sends your configured username, realname and possibly also hostname. Although this information is not directly visible to other chat users, it may be sent in clear text over the internet and over anonet. You should therefore always properly configure your IRC client!
+=item *
+KwaakNet connects to the cloud through A1, and censors much of the cloud. UFO knows about the problem and will not fix it. SRN censored the KwaakNet IRC entries from this page to prevent confusion.
If you want to browse around first, there's a tor gateway available at L<http://mkdopl6dniqykj2y.onion/>. (You will need tor for that link to work.)
@@ -105,13 +114,17 @@ Z<><table>
<tr><td>UDPMSG4Z<></td><td>L<SRN (UDPMSG4 cloud)|udpmsg4://irc3.srn.ano:15783/chat/anonet></td><td>L<SRN (UDPMSG4 cloud)|udpmsg4://></td><td>UDPMSG4 is anonymous by design. L<You can run your own IRC server.|></td></tr>
<tr><td>UDPMSG3Z<></td><td>L<SRN (UDPMSG3 cloud)|udpmsg3://irc2.srn.ano:15387/chat/anonet></td><td>L<SRN (UDPMSG3 cloud)|udpmsg3://></td><td>UDPMSG3 is anonymous by design.</td></tr>
<tr><td>HTTP WebChatZ<></td><td>L<sevilIRC (Relaying on #anoNet)|http://www.sevilnatas.ano/chat.html></td><td></td><td>L<aaya|> (Hidden IP, username and realname, custom nickname (note 1))</td></tr>
<tr><td>HTTP WebChatZ<></td><td>L<KwaakNet|http://anortr.ucis.ano:8086/?channels=anonet&nick=Anonymous></td><td>L<KwaakNet|></td><td>L<aaya|> (Hidden IP, username and realname, custom nickname (note 1))</td></tr>
<tr><td>IRCZ<></td><td>L<SRN (NewNickNet)|irc://irc3.srn.ano:6667/anonet></td><td>L<SRN (NickNet)|irc://></td><td>L<aaoa|> (Hidden IP, username and realname (note 2))</td></tr>
<tr><td>IRCZ<></td><td>L<SRN (NickNet)|irc://irc4.srn.ano:6667/anonet></td><td>L<SRN (NickNet)|irc://></td><td>L<aaoa|> (Hidden IP, username and realname (note 2))</td></tr>
<tr><td>IRCZ<></td><td>L<SRN|irc://irc.somerandomnick.ano:6667/RendezVous></td><td>L<SRN|irc://></td><td>L<aaoa|> (Hidden IP, username and realname (note 2), and also blocks most CTCP messages)</td></tr>
<!--<tr><td>IRCZ<></td><td>L<sevilNatas|irc://irc0.sevilnatas.ano:6667/anoNet></td><td>L<aaao|> (Hidden IP, username and realname, custom nickname, SSL enabled)</td></tr>-->
<tr><td>IRCZ<></td><td>L<sevilNatas|irc://irc0.sevilnatas.ano:6667/anonet></td><td></td><td>L<aaao|> (Hidden IP, username and realname, custom nickname, SSL enabled)</td></tr>
<tr><td>IRCZ<></td><td>L<KwaakNet|irc://irc.kwaaknet.ano:6667/anonet></td><td>Server L<1|irc://>, L<2|irc://>, L<3|irc://></td><td>L<nooo|> (Visible IP, username and realname)</td></tr>
<tr><td>IRCZ<></td><td>L<pragmo|irc://irc.pragmo.ano:6667/atomic></td><td>L<pragmo|irc://></td><td>L<????|> (Unknown)</td></tr>
<tr><td>TelnetZ<></td><td>L<SRN|telnet://irc.somerandomnick.ano:2323/></td><td></td><td>L<aaya|> (Hidden IP and username, custom nickname)</td></tr>
<tr><td>JabberZ<></td><td>irc.somerandomnick.ano (RendezVous MUC)</td><td></td><td>L<aaya|> (Hidden IP, username and realname, custom nickname)</td></tr>
@@ -204,11 +217,19 @@ like most of the core AnoNet services. Again, you're not looking at an
"official" reason for joining, but nobody owns AnoNet, so "official"
is an artificial term 'round here.
+Related to the previous reason, AnoNet is a community with one active
+IRC channel and a lot of mostly inactive channels. It's possible to
+find someone at almost any hour, and most of us are friendly most times.
+Some AnoNet users use AnoNet only for chat or almost only for chat.
You may be looking for help with your Mathematics, Physics or Computer
Science homework. Due to AnoNet's nature, many of the guys who hang
out here have an academic background in one (or more) of the above,
and most are quite happy to help students.
+At least one AnoNet user uses AnoNet for remote access to his home
+computer that is behind a NAT that is behind a restrictive ISP.
If you're interested in starting your own darknet, you can get plenty of
advice here. In addition, the AnoNet2 infrastructure is easy to reuse
for any other darknet, by design. (Technical ease of forking is a core