#!/bin/sh vars="gitd_ip gitd_basepath" echo "Welcome to the resdb configurator!" >&2 echo >&2 for var in $vars ; do export "$var"="$(cat conf/$var)" done if [ x"$gitd_basepath" = x ]; then gitd_basepath="$(pwd)/" fi echo "Please enter the IP address you'd like gitd to listen on." >&2 echo "(Default: $gitd_ip)" >&2 echo -n "IP? " >&2 read new_gitd_ip if [ x"$new_gitd_ip" != x ]; then gitd_ip="$new_gitd_ip" fi echo "Please enter the full path to resdb." >&2 echo "(Default: $gitd_basepath)" >&2 echo -n "BasePath? " >&2 read new_gitd_basepath if [ x"$new_gitd_basepath" != x ]; then gitd_basepath="$new_gitd_basepath" fi echo "Proposed configuration:" >&2 for var in $vars ; do echo "$var=${!var}" >&2 done echo -n "To write the configuration, hit RETURN. To abort, hit ^C: " >&2 read write_config mkdir -p conf || exit 1 for var in $vars ; do echo "${!var}" > conf/"$var" || exit 1 done