#!/usr/bin/python2.7 import os import re import sys import spwd import getpass import os.path import argparse import time from hashlib import md5 parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('-c', '--command', action='store', dest='cmd', help='Parse passwords to this command') parser.add_argument('-d', '--dictionary', action='store', dest='dictionary', help='Path to custom dictionary(wordlist)') parser.add_argument('--rtfm', action="store_true", default=False, dest='ManSwitch', help='Show manual page and exit') parser.add_argument('-r', '--restore', action='store', dest='restore', help='Path to restore file') parser.add_argument('-s', '--save', action='store', dest='save', help='Directory path to create save file') parser.add_argument('-t', '--test', action='store', dest='test', help='Test output of -c\'s command') parser.add_argument('--time', action='store', dest='TIME', help='Manipulate timed iterations') parser.add_argument('-u', '--usernames', action='store', dest='usernames', help='Path to username list') parser.add_argument('--exh-l', action="store_true", default=False, dest='ExhL', help='Use an exhaustive attack with letters only') parser.add_argument('--exh-n', action="store_true", default=False, dest='ExhN', help='Use an exhaustive attack with numbers only') parser.add_argument('--exh-s', action="store_true", default=False, dest='ExhS', help='Use an exhaustive attack with special characters only') parser.add_argument('--exh-ln', action="store_true", default=False, dest='ExhLN', help='Use an exhaustive attack with letters and numbers only') parser.add_argument('--exh-ls', action="store_true", default=False, dest='ExhLS', help='Use an exhaustive attack with letters and special characters only') parser.add_argument('--exh-ns', action="store_true", default=False, dest='ExhNS', help='Use an exhaustive attack with numbers and special characters only') parser.add_argument('--exh-lns', action="store_true", default=False, dest='ExhLNS', help='Use an exhaustive attack with all characters') parser.add_argument('--exh-custom', action='store', dest='ExhCustom', help='Use an exhaustive attack with custom characters') parser.add_argument('--stdout', action="store_true", default=False, dest='StdoutSwitch', help='Print only passwords to stdout') parser.add_argument('-A', action="store_true", default=False, dest='AlphaSwitch', help='Use alphabetical mixing module') parser.add_argument('-B', action="store_true", default=False, dest='BWSwitch', help='Use backwords module') parser.add_argument('-C', action="store_true", default=False, dest='CapsSwitch', help='Use alternating caps module') parser.add_argument('-L', action="store_true", default=False, dest='L337Switch', help='Use \"L337\" speak module') parser.add_argument('-M', action="store_true", default=False, dest='MD5Switch', help='Use MD5 module') parser.add_argument('-N', action="store_true", default=False, dest='NumberSwitch', help='Use numerical mixing module') parser.add_argument('-R', action="store_true", default=False, dest='RegularSwitch', help='Use regular words module') parser.add_argument('-S', action="store_true", default=False, dest='SpecialSwitch', help='Use special mixing module') parser.add_argument('-U', action='store', dest='MixCustom', help='Use custom mixing module') parser.add_argument('--wep-5', action="store_true", default=False, dest='wep5', help='Use 5 char WEP module') parser.add_argument('--wep-13', action="store_true", default=False, dest='wep13', help='Use 13 char WEP module') parser.add_argument('--letters', action="store_true", default=False, dest='Letters', help='Use letter characters') parser.add_argument('--numbers', action="store_true", default=False, dest='Numbers', help='Use number characters') parser.add_argument('--specials', action="store_true", default=False, dest='Specials', help='Use special characters') parser.add_argument('--no-char', action="store_true", default=False, dest='NoChar', help='Override character usage') parser.add_argument('--custom', action='store', dest='Custom', help='Use custom characters') parser.add_argument('--deshadow', action="store_true", default=False, dest='DeShadow', help='Crack shadow hash sums') parser.add_argument('--getshadow', action='store', dest='GetShadow', help='Get the shadow info for a user') parser.add_argument('--setshadow', action='store', dest='SetShadow', help='Use the shadow info from a file') parser.add_argument('--se-create', action="store_true", default=False, dest='SESwitch', help='a weird modular dictionary option') parser.add_argument('--create', action="store_true", default=False, dest='Create', help='Create a dictionary') parser.add_argument('-v', '--version', action='version', version='Splice3: Brute Force Utilities For The Linux Shell', help='Show splice3\'s version number and exit') parser.add_argument('--debug', action="store_true", default=False, dest='DebugSwitch', help='Enable debugging') option = parser.parse_args() if option.ExhCustom is not None: option.dictionary = option.ExhCustom option.Custom = option.ExhCustom if option.DebugSwitch is False: sys.tracebacklimit = 0 StdoutSwitch = option.StdoutSwitch TIME = option.TIME ExhL = option.ExhL ExhN = option.ExhN ExhS = option.ExhS ExhLN = option.ExhLN ExhLS = option.ExhLS ExhNS = option.ExhNS ExhLNS = option.ExhLNS ExhSwitch = False if ExhL == True: option.dictionary = "/etc/splice3/splice3.L" option.Letters = True option.Numbers = False option.Specials = False option.AlphaSwitch = False option.BWSwitch = False option.CapsSwitch = False option.L337Switch = False option.NumberSwitch = False option.MD5Switch = False option.RegularSwitch = True option.SpecialSwitch = False ExhSwitch = True if ExhN == True: option.dictionary = "/etc/splice3/splice3.N" option.Letters = False option.Numbers = True option.Specials = False option.AlphaSwitch = False option.BWSwitch = False option.CapsSwitch = False option.L337Switch = False option.NumberSwitch = False option.MD5Switch = False option.RegularSwitch = True option.SpecialSwitch = False ExhSwitch = True if ExhS == True: option.dictionary = "/etc/splice3/splice3.S" option.Letters = False option.Numbers = False option.Specials = True option.AlphaSwitch = False option.BWSwitch = False option.CapsSwitch = False option.L337Switch = False option.NumberSwitch = False option.MD5Switch = False option.RegularSwitch = True option.SpecialSwitch = False ExhSwitch = True if ExhLN == True: option.dictionary = "/etc/splice3/splice3.LN" option.Letters = True option.Numbers = True option.Specials = False option.AlphaSwitch = False option.BWSwitch = False option.CapsSwitch = False option.L337Switch = False option.NumberSwitch = False option.MD5Switch = False option.RegularSwitch = True option.SpecialSwitch = False ExhSwitch = True if ExhLS == True: option.dictionary = "/etc/splice3/splice3.LS" option.Letters = True option.Numbers = False option.Specials = True option.AlphaSwitch = False option.BWSwitch = False option.CapsSwitch = False option.L337Switch = False option.NumberSwitch = False option.MD5Switch = False option.RegularSwitch = True option.SpecialSwitch = False ExhSwitch = True if ExhNS == True: option.dictionary = "/etc/splice3/splice3.NS" option.Letters = False option.Numbers = True option.Specials = True option.AlphaSwitch = False option.BWSwitch = False option.CapsSwitch = False option.L337Switch = False option.NumberSwitch = False option.MD5Switch = False option.RegularSwitch = True option.SpecialSwitch = False ExhSwitch = True if ExhLNS == True: option.dictionary = "/etc/splice3/splice3.LNS" option.Letters = True option.Numbers = True option.Specials = True option.AlphaSwitch = False option.BWSwitch = False option.CapsSwitch = False option.L337Switch = False option.NumberSwitch = False option.MD5Switch = False option.RegularSwitch = True option.SpecialSwitch = False ExhSwitch = True if option.Custom is not None and option.dictionary is not None: if option.Custom == option.dictionary: option.Letters = False option.Numbers = True option.Specials = True option.AlphaSwitch = False option.BWSwitch = False option.CapsSwitch = False option.L337Switch = False option.NumberSwitch = False option.MD5Switch = False option.RegularSwitch = True option.SpecialSwitch = False ExhSwitch = True ShadowValue = [] GetShadow = option.GetShadow SetShadow = option.SetShadow if option.DeShadow is True and SetShadow is None and GetShadow is None: print "splice3: error: --deshadow requires --getshadow or --setshadow" sys.exit(1) if SetShadow is not None and GetShadow is not None: print "splice3: error: --getshadow and --setshadow cannot be combined" sys.exit(1) elif not os.geteuid()==0 and GetShadow is not None: print "splice3: error: --getshadow requires root privileges" sys.exit(1) elif os.geteuid()==0 and GetShadow is not None: try: ShadowValue = spwd.getspnam(GetShadow)[1] except: print "splice3: error: --getshadow: invalid user entered" sys.exit(1) elif SetShadow is not None and os.path.exists(SetShadow): ShadowFile = open(SetShadow, 'r') for line in ShadowFile: line = line.replace('\n', '') ShadowValue = line if SetShadow is not None and not os.path.exists(SetShadow): print "splice3: error: --setshadow: shadow file does not exist" sys.exit(1) elif SetShadow is not None or GetShadow is not None: ShadowSalt = ShadowValue.replace('$', '^1', 1) ShadowSalt = ShadowSalt.replace('$', '^2', 1) ShadowSalt = ShadowSalt.replace('$', '^3', 1) ShadowSalt=ShadowSalt[ShadowSalt.find("^1"):ShadowSalt.find("^3")] ShadowSalt = ShadowSalt.replace('^1', '$') ShadowSalt = ShadowSalt.replace('^2', '$') ShadowSalt = ShadowSalt + "$" ShadowValue = ShadowValue.replace(':', '^1', 1) ShadowValue = ShadowValue.replace(':', '^2', 1) ShadowValue=ShadowValue[ShadowValue.find("^1")+2:ShadowValue.find("^2")] ShadowValue = ShadowValue.replace('$', '\$') ShadowSalt = ShadowSalt.replace('$', '\$') ManSwitch = option.ManSwitch if ManSwitch is True: os.system("man /etc/splice3/splice3.1.gz") sys.exit(0) test = option.test restore = option.restore if restore is not None and os.path.exists(restore) is False: print "splice3: error: restore file does not exist" sys.exit(1) elif restore is not None and os.path.exists(restore) is True: RestoreSwitch = True State = [] StateCount = 0 if RestoreSwitch is True: RESTORE = open(restore, 'r') for line in RESTORE: line = line.replace('\n', '') State.append(line) StateCount += 1 StateCount -= 1 else: RestoreSwitch = False save = option.save Slash = "/" if save is not None and not os.path.isdir(save): print "splice3: error: ( -s ) invalid directory" sys.exit(1) elif save is not None and os.path.isdir(save): SaveSwitch = True s = "" up = 0 end = 0 for let in save: end += 1 for let in save: up += 1 if let == Slash and end == up: s += "" else: s += let save = s save += Slash + "splice3.save" else: SaveSwitch = False SESwitch = option.SESwitch dictionary = option.dictionary if dictionary is None: dictionary = "/etc/splice3/splice3.list" elif dictionary is not None and not os.path.exists(dictionary): print "splice3: error: dictionary does not exist" sys.exit(1) usernames = option.usernames if usernames is None: UserSwitch = False UserStatus = "" elif usernames is not None and not os.path.exists(usernames): print "splice3: error: username list does not exist" sys.exit(1) else: UserSwitch = True UserStatus = "TRYING: [USERNAME]:" if RestoreSwitch is False: AlphaSwitch = option.AlphaSwitch CapsSwitch = option.CapsSwitch BWSwitch = option.BWSwitch L337Switch = option.L337Switch MD5Switch = option.MD5Switch NumberSwitch = option.NumberSwitch RegularSwitch = option.RegularSwitch SpecialSwitch = option.SpecialSwitch Letters = option.Letters Numbers = option.Numbers Specials = option.Specials MixCustom = option.MixCustom Custom = option.Custom wep5 = option.wep5 wep13 = option.wep13 else: option.cmd = State[0] dictionary = State[1] MixCustom = State[2] Custom = State[3] if State[4] == "True": ExhSwitch = True else: ExhSwitch = False if State[5] == "True": StdoutSwitch = True else: StdoutSwitch = False usernames = State[6] if State[7] == "True": UserSwitch = True else: UserSwitch = False if State[8] == "True": AlphaSwitch = True else: AlphaSwitch = False if State[9] == "True": BWSwitch = True else: BWSwitch = False if State[10] == "True": CapsSwitch = True else: CapsSwitch = False if State[11] == "True": L337Switch = True else: L337Switch = False if State[12] == "True": MD5Switch = True else: MD5Switch = False if State[13] == "True": NumberSwitch = True else: NumberSwitch = False if State[14] == "True": RegularSwitch = True else: RegularSwitch = False if State[15] == "True": SpecialSwitch = True else: SpecialSwitch = False if State[16] == "True": Letters = True else: Letters = False if State[17] == "True": Numbers = True else: Numbers = False if State[18] == "True": Specials = True else: Specials = False if State[19] == "True": wep5 = True else: wep5 = False if State[20] == "True": wep13 = True else: wep13 = False if StdoutSwitch is True: option.cmd = "STDOUT PASSWORD ON" if option.Create is False and RestoreSwitch is False: ShadowSwitch = option.DeShadow if ShadowSwitch is True: option.cmd = "splice3-deshadow PASSWORD '" + ShadowSalt + "' '" + ShadowValue + "'" if option.cmd is None: print "splice3: error: invalid usage" sys.exit(1) else: option.cmd = option.cmd.replace('','eval ', 1) if option.Create is False and RestoreSwitch is False: if option.cmd.__contains__("PASSWORD"): pass else: print "splice3: error: -c does not contain regexp `PASSWORD'" sys.exit(1) if option.usernames is not None and RestoreSwitch is False: if option.cmd.__contains__("USERNAME"): pass else: print "splice3: error: -c does not contain regexp `USERNAME'" sys.exit(1) Create = option.Create if Create is True: print "Creating dictionary and exiting" if Create is False and option.cmd.__contains__("splice3-deshadow"): test = "SHADOW CRACKED" if AlphaSwitch is False and BWSwitch is False and CapsSwitch is False\ and L337Switch is False and NumberSwitch is False and RegularSwitch is False\ and SpecialSwitch is False and MixCustom is None and MD5Switch is False\ and wep5 is False and wep13 is False: print "splice3: error: no modules selected: ( -A -B -C -L -M -N -R -S, -ABCLMNRS, --wep-*)" sys.exit(1) CharsMain = ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i", "j", "k", "l", "m", "n", "o", "p", "q", "r", "s", "t", "u", "v", "w", "x", "y", "z",\ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N", "O", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U", "V", "W", "X", "Y", "Z",\ "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "0", "!", "@", "#", "$", "%", "^", "&", "*", "(", ")", "-", "_", "=", "+", "[", "]",\ "`", "~", "{", "}", "\\", "|", ";", ":", "\"", "'", "<", ",", ">", ".", "?", "/"] CharSet1 = ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i", "j", "k", "l", "m", "n", "o", "p", "q", "r", "s", "t", "u", "v", "w", "x", "y", "z",\ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N", "O", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U", "V", "W", "X", "Y", "Z",\ "!", "@", "#", "$", "%", "^", "&", "*", "(", ")", "-", "_", "=", "+", "[", "]", "{", "}", "\\", "|", ";", ":", "\"", "'", "<", ",",\ "`", "~", ">", ".", "?", "/", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "0"] CharSet2 = ["!", "@", "#", "$", "%", "^", "&", "*", "(", ")", "-", "_", "=", "+", "[", "]", "{", "}", "\\", "|", ";", ":", "\"", "'", "<", ",",\ "`", "~", ">", ".", "?", "/", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "0"] CharSet3 = ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i", "j", "k", "l", "m", "n", "o", "p", "q", "r", "s", "t", "u", "v", "w", "x", "y", "z",\ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N", "O", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U", "V", "W", "X", "Y", "Z",\ "!", "@", "#", "$", "%", "^", "&", "*", "(", ")", "-", "_", "=", "+", "[", "]", "{", "}", "\\", "|", ";", ":", "\"", "'", "<", ",",\ "`", "~", ">", ".", "?", "/"] CharSet4 = ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i", "j", "k", "l", "m", "n", "o", "p", "q", "r", "s", "t", "u", "v", "w", "x", "y", "z",\ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N", "O", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U", "V", "W", "X", "Y", "Z",\ "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "0"] CharSet5 = ["!", "@", "#", "$", "%", "^", "&", "*", "(", ")", "-", "_", "=", "+", "[", "]", "{", "}", "\\", "|", ";", ":", "\"", "'", "<", ",",\ "`", "~", ">", ".", "?", "/"] CharSet6 = ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i", "j", "k", "l", "m", "n", "o", "p", "q", "r", "s", "t", "u", "v", "w", "x", "y", "z",\ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N", "O", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U", "V", "W", "X", "Y", "Z"] CharSet7 = ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "0"] if Letters == True and Numbers == True and Specials == True: Characters = CharSet1 elif Letters == False and Numbers == True and Specials == True: Characters = CharSet2 elif Letters == True and Numbers == False and Specials == True: Characters = CharSet3 elif Letters == True and Numbers == True and Specials == False: Characters = CharSet4 elif Letters == False and Numbers == False and Specials == True: Characters = CharSet5 elif Letters == True and Numbers == False and Specials == False: Characters = CharSet6 elif Letters == False and Numbers == True and Specials == False: Characters = CharSet7 else: Characters = CharSet1 if Custom != "None" and RestoreSwitch is True: if os.path.exists(Custom): Characters = [] UserCharacters = open(Custom, 'r') for line in UserCharacters: Characters.append(line.replace('\n', '')) elif Custom is not None and RestoreSwitch is False: if os.path.exists(Custom): Characters = [] UserCharacters = open(Custom, 'r') for line in UserCharacters: Characters.append(line.replace('\n', '')) else: print "splice3: error: --custom list does not exist" sys.exit(1) EndCount = 0 for CountChars in Characters: EndCount += 1 Char1 = [] for a in range(0, EndCount): Char1.append(Characters[a]) Char2 = [] for a in range(0, EndCount): Char2.append("\\\\\\" + Characters[a]) if AlphaSwitch == True and NumberSwitch == True and SpecialSwitch == True: MixChars = CharSet1 elif AlphaSwitch == False and NumberSwitch == True and SpecialSwitch == True: MixChars = CharSet2 elif AlphaSwitch == True and NumberSwitch == False and SpecialSwitch == True: MixChars = CharSet3 elif AlphaSwitch == True and NumberSwitch == True and SpecialSwitch == False: MixChars = CharSet4 elif AlphaSwitch == False and NumberSwitch == False and SpecialSwitch == True: MixChars = CharSet5 elif AlphaSwitch == True and NumberSwitch == False and SpecialSwitch == False: MixChars = CharSet6 elif AlphaSwitch == False and NumberSwitch == True and SpecialSwitch == False: MixChars = CharSet7 else: MixChars = CharSet1 if MixCustom != "None" and RestoreSwitch is True: if os.path.exists(MixCustom): MixChars = [] MixCharacters = open(MixCustom, 'r') for line in MixCharacters: MixChars.append(line.replace('\n', '')) elif MixCustom is not None and RestoreSwitch is False: if os.path.exists(MixCustom): MixChars = [] MixCharacters = open(MixCustom, 'r') for line in MixCharacters: MixChars.append(line.replace('\n', '')) else: print "splice3: error: -U list does not exist" sys.exit(1) Word = [] def REGULAR(): ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r') for line in ReadDictionary: Word.append(line.replace('\n', '')) def L337(): ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r') for line in ReadDictionary: line = line.replace("a", "4", 1) Word.append(line.replace('\n', '')) ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r') for line in ReadDictionary: line = line.replace("a", "4") Word.append(line.replace('\n', '')) ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r') for line in ReadDictionary: line = line.replace("a", "@", 1) Word.append(line.replace('\n', '')) ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r') for line in ReadDictionary: line = line.replace("a", "@") Word.append(line.replace('\n', '')) ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r') for line in ReadDictionary: line = line.replace("a", "^", 1) Word.append(line.replace('\n', '')) ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r') for line in ReadDictionary: line = line.replace("a", "^") Word.append(line.replace('\n', '')) ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r') for line in ReadDictionary: line = line.replace("b", "8", 1) Word.append(line.replace('\n', '')) ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r') for line in ReadDictionary: line = line.replace("b", "8") Word.append(line.replace('\n', '')) ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r') for line in ReadDictionary: line = line.replace("e", "3", 1) Word.append(line.replace('\n', '')) ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r') for line in ReadDictionary: line = line.replace("e", "3") Word.append(line.replace('\n', '')) ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r') for line in ReadDictionary: line = line.replace("f", "ph", 1) Word.append(line.replace('\n', '')) ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r') for line in ReadDictionary: line = line.replace("g", "6", 1) Word.append(line.replace('\n', '')) ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r') for line in ReadDictionary: line = line.replace("g", "6") Word.append(line.replace('\n', '')) ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r') for line in ReadDictionary: line = line.replace("g", "9", 1) Word.append(line.replace('\n', '')) ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r') for line in ReadDictionary: line = line.replace("g", "9") Word.append(line.replace('\n', '')) ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r') for line in ReadDictionary: line = line.replace("h", "#", 1) Word.append(line.replace('\n', '')) ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r') for line in ReadDictionary: line = line.replace("h", "#") Word.append(line.replace('\n', '')) ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r') for line in ReadDictionary: line = line.replace("i", "1", 1) Word.append(line.replace('\n', '')) ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r') for line in ReadDictionary: line = line.replace("i", "1") Word.append(line.replace('\n', '')) ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r') for line in ReadDictionary: line = line.replace("i", "!", 1) Word.append(line.replace('\n', '')) ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r') for line in ReadDictionary: line = line.replace("i", "!") Word.append(line.replace('\n', '')) ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r') for line in ReadDictionary: line = line.replace("i", "|", 1) Word.append(line.replace('\n', '')) ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r') for line in ReadDictionary: line = line.replace("i", "|") Word.append(line.replace('\n', '')) ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r') for line in ReadDictionary: line = line.replace("k", "X", 1) Word.append(line.replace('\n', '')) ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r') for line in ReadDictionary: line = line.replace("k", "X") Word.append(line.replace('\n', '')) ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r') for line in ReadDictionary: line = line.replace("l", "1", 1) Word.append(line.replace('\n', '')) ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r') for line in ReadDictionary: line = line.replace("l", "1") Word.append(line.replace('\n', '')) ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r') for line in ReadDictionary: line = line.replace("l", "|", 1) Word.append(line.replace('\n', '')) ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r') for line in ReadDictionary: line = line.replace("l", "|") Word.append(line.replace('\n', '')) ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r') for line in ReadDictionary: line = line.replace("o", "0", 1) Word.append(line.replace('\n', '')) ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r') for line in ReadDictionary: line = line.replace("o", "0") Word.append(line.replace('\n', '')) ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r') for line in ReadDictionary: line = line.replace("s", "5", 1) Word.append(line.replace('\n', '')) ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r') for line in ReadDictionary: line = line.replace("s", "5") Word.append(line.replace('\n', '')) ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r') for line in ReadDictionary: line = line.replace("s", "$", 1) Word.append(line.replace('\n', '')) ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r') for line in ReadDictionary: line = line.replace("s", "$") Word.append(line.replace('\n', '')) ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r') for line in ReadDictionary: line = line.replace("t", "7", 1) Word.append(line.replace('\n', '')) ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r') for line in ReadDictionary: line = line.replace("t", "7") Word.append(line.replace('\n', '')) ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r') for line in ReadDictionary: line = line.replace("t", "+", 1) Word.append(line.replace('\n', '')) ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r') for line in ReadDictionary: line = line.replace("t", "+") Word.append(line.replace('\n', '')) ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r') for line in ReadDictionary: line = line.replace("z", "2", 1) Word.append(line.replace('\n', '')) ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r') for line in ReadDictionary: line = line.replace("z", "2") Word.append(line.replace('\n', '')) ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r') for line in ReadDictionary: line = line.replace("a", "4") line = line.replace("b", "8") line = line.replace("e", "3") line = line.replace("f", "ph", 1) line = line.replace("g", "6") line = line.replace("h", "#") line = line.replace("i", "1") line = line.replace("l", "|") line = line.replace("k", "X") line = line.replace("o", "0") line = line.replace("s", "5") line = line.replace("t", "7") line = line.replace("z", "2") Word.append(line.replace('\n', '')) ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r') for line in ReadDictionary: line = line.replace("a", "^") line = line.replace("b", "8") line = line.replace("e", "3") line = line.replace("f", "ph", 1) line = line.replace("g", "6") line = line.replace("h", "#") line = line.replace("i", "1") line = line.replace("l", "|") line = line.replace("k", "X") line = line.replace("o", "0") line = line.replace("s", "5") line = line.replace("t", "7") line = line.replace("z", "2") Word.append(line.replace('\n', '')) ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r') for line in ReadDictionary: line = line.replace("a", "4") line = line.replace("b", "8") line = line.replace("e", "3") line = line.replace("f", "ph", 1) line = line.replace("g", "9") line = line.replace("h", "#") line = line.replace("i", "1") line = line.replace("l", "|") line = line.replace("k", "X") line = line.replace("o", "0") line = line.replace("s", "5") line = line.replace("t", "7") line = line.replace("z", "2") Word.append(line.replace('\n', '')) ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r') for line in ReadDictionary: line = line.replace("a", "^") line = line.replace("b", "8") line = line.replace("e", "3") line = line.replace("f", "ph", 1) line = line.replace("g", "9") line = line.replace("h", "#") line = line.replace("i", "1") line = line.replace("l", "|") line = line.replace("k", "X") line = line.replace("o", "0") line = line.replace("s", "5") line = line.replace("t", "7") line = line.replace("z", "2") Word.append(line.replace('\n', '')) ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r') for line in ReadDictionary: line = line.replace("a", "4") line = line.replace("b", "8") line = line.replace("e", "3") line = line.replace("f", "ph", 1) line = line.replace("g", "&") line = line.replace("h", "#") line = line.replace("i", "1") line = line.replace("l", "|") line = line.replace("k", "X") line = line.replace("o", "0") line = line.replace("s", "5") line = line.replace("t", "7") line = line.replace("z", "2") Word.append(line.replace('\n', '')) ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r') for line in ReadDictionary: line = line.replace("a", "^") line = line.replace("b", "8") line = line.replace("e", "3") line = line.replace("f", "ph", 1) line = line.replace("g", "&") line = line.replace("h", "#") line = line.replace("i", "1") line = line.replace("l", "|") line = line.replace("k", "X") line = line.replace("o", "0") line = line.replace("s", "5") line = line.replace("t", "7") line = line.replace("z", "2") Word.append(line.replace('\n', '')) ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r') for line in ReadDictionary: line = line.replace("a", "4") line = line.replace("b", "8") line = line.replace("e", "3") line = line.replace("f", "ph", 1) line = line.replace("g", "6") line = line.replace("h", "#") line = line.replace("i", "1") line = line.replace("l", "|") line = line.replace("k", "X") line = line.replace("o", "0") line = line.replace("s", "5") line = line.replace("t", "7") line = line.replace("z", "2") Word.append(line.replace('\n', '')) ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r') for line in ReadDictionary: line = line.replace("a", "^") line = line.replace("b", "8") line = line.replace("e", "3") line = line.replace("f", "ph", 1) line = line.replace("g", "6") line = line.replace("h", "#") line = line.replace("i", "1") line = line.replace("l", "|") line = line.replace("k", "X") line = line.replace("o", "0") line = line.replace("s", "5") line = line.replace("t", "7") line = line.replace("z", "2") Word.append(line.replace('\n', '')) ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r') for line in ReadDictionary: line = line.replace("a", "4") line = line.replace("b", "8") line = line.replace("e", "3") line = line.replace("f", "ph", 1) line = line.replace("g", "9") line = line.replace("h", "#") line = line.replace("i", "|") line = line.replace("l", "1") line = line.replace("k", "X") line = line.replace("o", "0") line = line.replace("s", "5") line = line.replace("t", "7") line = line.replace("z", "2") Word.append(line.replace('\n', '')) ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r') for line in ReadDictionary: line = line.replace("a", "^") line = line.replace("b", "8") line = line.replace("e", "3") line = line.replace("f", "ph", 1) line = line.replace("g", "9") line = line.replace("h", "#") line = line.replace("i", "|") line = line.replace("l", "1") line = line.replace("k", "X") line = line.replace("o", "0") line = line.replace("s", "5") line = line.replace("t", "7") line = line.replace("z", "2") Word.append(line.replace('\n', '')) ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r') for line in ReadDictionary: line = line.replace("a", "4") line = line.replace("b", "8") line = line.replace("e", "3") line = line.replace("f", "ph", 1) line = line.replace("g", "&") line = line.replace("h", "#") line = line.replace("i", "|") line = line.replace("l", "1") line = line.replace("k", "X") line = line.replace("o", "0") line = line.replace("s", "5") line = line.replace("t", "7") line = line.replace("z", "2") Word.append(line.replace('\n', '')) ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r') for line in ReadDictionary: line = line.replace("a", "^") line = line.replace("b", "8") line = line.replace("e", "3") line = line.replace("f", "ph", 1) line = line.replace("g", "&") line = line.replace("h", "#") line = line.replace("i", "|") line = line.replace("l", "1") line = line.replace("k", "X") line = line.replace("o", "0") line = line.replace("s", "5") line = line.replace("t", "7") line = line.replace("z", "2") Word.append(line.replace('\n', '')) def BW(): ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r') for line in ReadDictionary: Word.append(line[::-1].replace('\n', '')) def CAPS(): ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r') for line in ReadDictionary: line = line.replace('\n', '') up = 0 a = "" for let in line: if up == 0: a += let.upper() else: a += let up ^= 1 Word.append(a) ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r') for line in ReadDictionary: line = line.replace('\n', '') up = 0 a = "" for let in line: if up == 1: a += let.upper() else: a += let up ^= 1 Word.append(a) ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r') for line in ReadDictionary: line = line.replace('\n', '') up = 0 a = "" for let in line: if up <= 1: a += let.upper() up = up + 1 else: a += let up = up + 1 Word.append(a) ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r') for line in ReadDictionary: line = line.replace('\n', '') up = 0 a = "" for let in line: if up <= 2: a += let.upper() up = up + 1 else: a += let up = up + 1 Word.append(a) ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r') for line in ReadDictionary: line = line.replace('\n', '') a = 0 b = 1 c = "" for let in line: a = a + 1 for let in line: if a != b: b = b + 1 c += let else: c += let.upper() Word.append(c) ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r') for line in ReadDictionary: line = line.replace('\n', '') a = 0 b = 1 c = "" for let in line: a = a + 1 a = a - 1 for let in line: if b < a: b = b + 1 c += let else: c += let.upper() Word.append(c) ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r') for line in ReadDictionary: line = line.replace("a", "A", 1) if line.__contains__("A"): Word.append(line.replace('\n', '')) ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r') for line in ReadDictionary: line = line.replace("a", "A") if line.__contains__("A"): Word.append(line.replace('\n', '')) ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r') for line in ReadDictionary: line = line.replace("b", "B", 1) if line.__contains__("B"): Word.append(line.replace('\n', '')) ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r') for line in ReadDictionary: line = line.replace("b", "B") if line.__contains__("B"): Word.append(line.replace('\n', '')) ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r') for line in ReadDictionary: line = line.replace("c", "C", 1) if line.__contains__("C"): Word.append(line.replace('\n', '')) ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r') for line in ReadDictionary: line = line.replace("c", "C") if line.__contains__("C"): Word.append(line.replace('\n', '')) ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r') for line in ReadDictionary: line = line.replace("d", "D", 1) if line.__contains__("D"): Word.append(line.replace('\n', '')) ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r') for line in ReadDictionary: line = line.replace("d", "D") if line.__contains__("D"): Word.append(line.replace('\n', '')) ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r') for line in ReadDictionary: line = line.replace("e", "E", 1) if line.__contains__("E"): Word.append(line.replace('\n', '')) ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r') for line in ReadDictionary: line = line.replace("e", "E") if line.__contains__("E"): Word.append(line.replace('\n', '')) ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r') for line in ReadDictionary: line = line.replace("f", "F", 1) if line.__contains__("F"): Word.append(line.replace('\n', '')) ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r') for line in ReadDictionary: line = line.replace("f", "F") if line.__contains__("F"): Word.append(line.replace('\n', '')) ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r') for line in ReadDictionary: line = line.replace("g", "G", 1) if line.__contains__("G"): Word.append(line.replace('\n', '')) ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r') for line in ReadDictionary: line = line.replace("g", "G") if line.__contains__("G"): Word.append(line.replace('\n', '')) ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r') for line in ReadDictionary: line = line.replace("h", "H", 1) if line.__contains__("H"): Word.append(line.replace('\n', '')) ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r') for line in ReadDictionary: line = line.replace("h", "H") if line.__contains__("H"): Word.append(line.replace('\n', '')) ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r') for line in ReadDictionary: line = line.replace("i", "I", 1) if line.__contains__("I"): Word.append(line.replace('\n', '')) ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r') for line in ReadDictionary: line = line.replace("i", "I") if line.__contains__("I"): Word.append(line.replace('\n', '')) ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r') for line in ReadDictionary: line = line.replace("j", "J", 1) if line.__contains__("J"): Word.append(line.replace('\n', '')) ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r') for line in ReadDictionary: line = line.replace("j", "J") if line.__contains__("J"): Word.append(line.replace('\n', '')) ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r') for line in ReadDictionary: line = line.replace("k", "K", 1) if line.__contains__("K"): Word.append(line.replace('\n', '')) ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r') for line in ReadDictionary: line = line.replace("k", "K") if line.__contains__("K"): Word.append(line.replace('\n', '')) ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r') for line in ReadDictionary: line = line.replace("l", "L", 1) if line.__contains__("L"): Word.append(line.replace('\n', '')) ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r') for line in ReadDictionary: line = line.replace("l", "L") if line.__contains__("L"): Word.append(line.replace('\n', '')) ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r') for line in ReadDictionary: line = line.replace("m", "M", 1) if line.__contains__("M"): Word.append(line.replace('\n', '')) ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r') for line in ReadDictionary: line = line.replace("m", "M") if line.__contains__("M"): Word.append(line.replace('\n', '')) ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r') for line in ReadDictionary: line = line.replace("n", "N", 1) if line.__contains__("N"): Word.append(line.replace('\n', '')) ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r') for line in ReadDictionary: line = line.replace("n", "N") if line.__contains__("N"): Word.append(line.replace('\n', '')) ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r') for line in ReadDictionary: line = line.replace("o", "O", 1) if line.__contains__("O"): Word.append(line.replace('\n', '')) ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r') for line in ReadDictionary: line = line.replace("o", "O") if line.__contains__("O"): Word.append(line.replace('\n', '')) ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r') for line in ReadDictionary: line = line.replace("p", "P", 1) if line.__contains__("P"): Word.append(line.replace('\n', '')) ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r') for line in ReadDictionary: line = line.replace("p", "P") if line.__contains__("P"): Word.append(line.replace('\n', '')) ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r') for line in ReadDictionary: line = line.replace("q", "Q", 1) if line.__contains__("Q"): Word.append(line.replace('\n', '')) ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r') for line in ReadDictionary: line = line.replace("q", "Q") if line.__contains__("Q"): Word.append(line.replace('\n', '')) ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r') for line in ReadDictionary: line = line.replace("r", "R", 1) if line.__contains__("R"): Word.append(line.replace('\n', '')) ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r') for line in ReadDictionary: line = line.replace("r", "R") if line.__contains__("R"): Word.append(line.replace('\n', '')) ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r') for line in ReadDictionary: line = line.replace("s", "S", 1) if line.__contains__("S"): Word.append(line.replace('\n', '')) ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r') for line in ReadDictionary: line = line.replace("s", "S") if line.__contains__("S"): Word.append(line.replace('\n', '')) ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r') for line in ReadDictionary: line = line.replace("t", "T", 1) if line.__contains__("T"): Word.append(line.replace('\n', '')) ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r') for line in ReadDictionary: line = line.replace("t", "T") if line.__contains__("T"): Word.append(line.replace('\n', '')) ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r') for line in ReadDictionary: line = line.replace("u", "U", 1) if line.__contains__("U"): Word.append(line.replace('\n', '')) ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r') for line in ReadDictionary: line = line.replace("u", "U") if line.__contains__("U"): Word.append(line.replace('\n', '')) ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r') for line in ReadDictionary: line = line.replace("v", "V", 1) if line.__contains__("V"): Word.append(line.replace('\n', '')) ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r') for line in ReadDictionary: line = line.replace("v", "V") if line.__contains__("V"): Word.append(line.replace('\n', '')) ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r') for line in ReadDictionary: line = line.replace("w", "W", 1) if line.__contains__("W"): Word.append(line.replace('\n', '')) ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r') for line in ReadDictionary: line = line.replace("w", "W") if line.__contains__("W"): Word.append(line.replace('\n', '')) ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r') for line in ReadDictionary: line = line.replace("x", "X", 1) if line.__contains__("X"): Word.append(line.replace('\n', '')) ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r') for line in ReadDictionary: line = line.replace("x", "X") if line.__contains__("X"): Word.append(line.replace('\n', '')) ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r') for line in ReadDictionary: line = line.replace("y", "Y", 1) if line.__contains__("Y"): Word.append(line.replace('\n', '')) ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r') for line in ReadDictionary: line = line.replace("y", "Y") if line.__contains__("Y"): Word.append(line.replace('\n', '')) ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r') for line in ReadDictionary: line = line.replace("z", "Z", 1) if line.__contains__("Z"): Word.append(line.replace('\n', '')) ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r') for line in ReadDictionary: line = line.replace("z", "Z") if line.__contains__("Z"): Word.append(line.replace('\n', '')) def MIX(): for Input in MixChars: ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r') for line in ReadDictionary: line = line.replace('\n', '') up = 0 a = "" for let in line: if up <= 1: a += let + Input up = up + 1 else: a += let up = up + 1 Word.append(a) for Input in MixChars: for Input2 in MixChars: ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r') for line in ReadDictionary: line = line.replace('\n', '') up = 0 a = "" for let in line: if up == 1: a += Input + let + Input2 up = up + 1 else: a += let up = up + 1 Word.append(a) for Input in MixChars: ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r') for line in ReadDictionary: line = line.replace('\n', '') a = 0 b = 1 c = "" for let in line: a = a + 1 for let in line: if a != b: b = b + 1 c += let else: c += Input + let Word.append(c) for Input in MixChars: for Input2 in MixChars: ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r') for line in ReadDictionary: line = line.replace('\n', '') a = 0 b = 0 c = "" for let in line: a = a + 1 a = a - 2 for let in line: if b == a: b = b + 1 c += Input + let + Input2 else: c += let b = b + 1 Word.append(c) def MD5(): ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r') for line in ReadDictionary: Word.append(md5(line.replace('\n', '')).hexdigest()) def WEP5(): ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r') for line in ReadDictionary: i = 0 for let in line: i += 1 i -= 1 if i == 5: line = line.encode('hex') line = line.replace('\n', '') Word.append(line.replace('0a', '')) def WEP13(): ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r') for line in ReadDictionary: i = 0 for let in line: i += 1 i -= 1 if i == 13: line = line.encode('hex') line = line.replace('\n', '') Word.append(line.replace('0a', '')) def SOCEN(): ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r') for line in ReadDictionary: socen_words.append(line.replace('\n', '')) socen = [] socen_a = [] for i in socen_words: for let in i: try: let += 1 break except: socen_a.append(let) break for a in socen_a: socen_words.append(a) for a in socen_words: x = 0 for let in a: x += 1 if x > 1: socen.append(a) for a in socen_words: for b in socen_words: x = 0 for let in a: x += 1 n = 0 for let in b: n += 1 if x > 1 or n > 1 and a != b: socen.append(a + b) for a in socen_words: for b in socen_words: for c in socen_words: if a != b and a != c and b != c: socen.append(a + b + c) SEFILE = open("splice3.se", 'w') for i in socen: SEFILE.write(i + "\n") SEFILE.close() if SESwitch is True: socen_words = [] SOCEN() dictionary = 'splice3.se' if RegularSwitch is True: REGULAR() if BWSwitch is True: BW() if CapsSwitch is True: CAPS() if L337Switch is True: L337() if MD5Switch is True: MD5() if wep5 is True: WEP5() if wep13 is True: WEP13() DoMix = False if AlphaSwitch is True: DoMix = True if NumberSwitch is True: DoMix = True if SpecialSwitch is True: DoMix = True if MixCustom != None and MixCustom != "None": DoMix = True if DoMix is True: MIX() User = [] if UserSwitch == True: UserCount = 0 ReadUsernames = open(usernames, 'r') for line in ReadUsernames: User.append(line.replace('\n', '')) UserCount += 1 else: User.append("") UserCount = 1 Word = list(set(Word)) WordCount = 0 ShowWord = [] PassWd = [] for Input in Word: ShowWord.append(Input) c = "" for let in Input: c += "\\\\\\" + let PassWd.append(c) if TIME != None: try: TIME = TIME.split(", ") sleep_now = int(TIME[0]) sleep_for = int(TIME[1]) except: print "splice3: error: invalid --time arguments" sys.exit(1) else: sleep_now = 0 sleep_for = 0 def BF1(): WordCount = 0 for CountWords in ShowWord: WordCount += 1 StartTime = time.time() StartTime = StartTime - 1 PassAmount = 0 timeup = 0 for u in range(StateU, UserCount): for x in range(StateW, WordCount): if SaveSwitch is True: WriteSave = [] FILE = open(save, 'w') WriteSave.append(str(option.cmd)) WriteSave.append(str(dictionary)) WriteSave.append(str(MixCustom)) WriteSave.append(str(Custom)) WriteSave.append(str(ExhSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(StdoutSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(usernames)) WriteSave.append(str(UserSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(AlphaSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(BWSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(CapsSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(L337Switch)) WriteSave.append(str(MD5Switch)) WriteSave.append(str(NumberSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(RegularSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(SpecialSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(Letters)) WriteSave.append(str(Numbers)) WriteSave.append(str(Specials)) WriteSave.append(str(u)) WriteSave.append(str(x)) for WriteStates in WriteSave: FILE.write(WriteStates + "\n") FILE.close() PassAmount += 1 Timer = int(round(float(time.time() - StartTime))) Speed = PassAmount / Timer NewShowWord = ShowWord[x] NewPassWd = PassWd[x] timeup += 1 if timeup == sleep_now: time.sleep(sleep_for) timeup = 0 print "[splice3]:", Speed,"/s", User[u].replace(" ", ""), NewShowWord.replace(" ", "") cmd = os.popen(option.cmd.replace("PASSWORD", NewPassWd.replace(" ", "")).replace("USERNAME", User[u].replace(" ", ""))) output = cmd.read() if test == None: print output elif output.__contains__(test): print "[PASSWORD FOUND]: ", NewShowWord sys.exit(0) else: print output def BF2(): if option.NoChar is True: sys.exit('splice3: unable to find password') WordCount = 0 for CountWords in ShowWord: WordCount += 1 StartTime = time.time() StartTime = StartTime - 1 PassAmount = 0 timeup = 0 for u in range(StateU, UserCount): for a in range(StateA, EndCount): for x in range(StateW, WordCount): if SaveSwitch is True: WriteSave = [] FILE = open(save, 'w') WriteSave.append(str(option.cmd)) WriteSave.append(str(dictionary)) WriteSave.append(str(MixCustom)) WriteSave.append(str(Custom)) WriteSave.append(str(ExhSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(StdoutSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(usernames)) WriteSave.append(str(UserSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(AlphaSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(BWSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(CapsSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(L337Switch)) WriteSave.append(str(MD5Switch)) WriteSave.append(str(NumberSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(RegularSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(SpecialSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(Letters)) WriteSave.append(str(Numbers)) WriteSave.append(str(Specials)) WriteSave.append(str(u)) WriteSave.append(str(x)) WriteSave.append(str(a)) for WriteStates in WriteSave: FILE.write(WriteStates + "\n") FILE.close() PassAmount += 1 Timer = int(round(float(time.time() - StartTime))) Speed = PassAmount / Timer NewShowWord = Char1[a] + ShowWord[x] NewPassWd = Char2[a] + PassWd[x] timeup += 1 if timeup == sleep_now: time.sleep(sleep_for) timeup = 0 print "[splice3]:", Speed,"/s", User[u].replace(" ", ""), NewShowWord.replace(" ", "") cmd = os.popen(option.cmd.replace("PASSWORD", NewPassWd.replace(" ", "")).replace("USERNAME", User[u].replace(" ", ""))) output = cmd.read() if test == None: print output elif output.__contains__(test): print "[PASSWORD FOUND]: ", NewShowWord sys.exit(0) else: print output if ExhSwitch is False: PassAmount += 1 Timer = int(round(float(time.time() - StartTime))) Speed = PassAmount / Timer NewShowWord = ShowWord[x] + Char1[a] NewPassWd = PassWd[x] + Char2[a] timeup += 1 if timeup == sleep_now: time.sleep(sleep_for) timeup = 0 print "[splice3]:", Speed,"/s", User[u].replace(" ", ""), NewShowWord.replace(" ", "") cmd = os.popen(option.cmd.replace("PASSWORD", NewPassWd.replace(" ", "")).replace("USERNAME", User[u].replace(" ", ""))) output = cmd.read() if test == None: print output elif output.__contains__(test): print "[PASSWORD FOUND]: ", NewShowWord sys.exit(0) else: print output def BF3(): if option.NoChar is True: sys.exit('splice3: unable to find password') WordCount = 0 for CountWords in ShowWord: WordCount += 1 StartTime = time.time() StartTime = StartTime - 1 PassAmount = 0 timeup = 0 for u in range(StateU, UserCount): for a in range(StateA, EndCount): for b in range(StateB, EndCount): for x in range(StateW, WordCount): if SaveSwitch is True: WriteSave = [] FILE = open(save, 'w') WriteSave.append(str(option.cmd)) WriteSave.append(str(dictionary)) WriteSave.append(str(MixCustom)) WriteSave.append(str(Custom)) WriteSave.append(str(ExhSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(StdoutSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(usernames)) WriteSave.append(str(UserSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(AlphaSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(BWSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(CapsSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(L337Switch)) WriteSave.append(str(MD5Switch)) WriteSave.append(str(NumberSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(RegularSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(SpecialSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(Letters)) WriteSave.append(str(Numbers)) WriteSave.append(str(Specials)) WriteSave.append(str(u)) WriteSave.append(str(x)) WriteSave.append(str(a)) WriteSave.append(str(b)) for WriteStates in WriteSave: FILE.write(WriteStates + "\n") FILE.close() PassAmount += 1 Timer = int(round(float(time.time() - StartTime))) Speed = PassAmount / Timer NewShowWord = Char1[a] + ShowWord[x] + Char1[b] NewPassWd = Char2[a] + PassWd[x] + Char2[b] timeup += 1 if timeup == sleep_now: time.sleep(sleep_for) timeup = 0 print "[splice3]:", Speed,"/s", User[u].replace(" ", ""), NewShowWord.replace(" ", "") cmd = os.popen(option.cmd.replace("PASSWORD", NewPassWd.replace(" ", "")).replace("USERNAME", User[u].replace(" ", ""))) output = cmd.read() if test == None: print output elif output.__contains__(test): print "[PASSWORD FOUND]: ", NewShowWord sys.exit(0) else: print output if ExhSwitch is False: PassAmount += 1 Timer = int(round(float(time.time() - StartTime))) Speed = PassAmount / Timer NewShowWord = Char1[a] + Char1[b] + ShowWord[x] NewPassWd = Char2[a] + Char2[b] + PassWd[x] timeup += 1 if timeup == sleep_now: time.sleep(sleep_for) timeup = 0 print "[splice3]:", Speed,"/s", User[u].replace(" ", ""), NewShowWord.replace(" ", "") cmd = os.popen(option.cmd.replace("PASSWORD", NewPassWd.replace(" ", "")).replace("USERNAME", User[u].replace(" ", ""))) output = cmd.read() if test == None: print output elif output.__contains__(test): print "[PASSWORD FOUND]: ", NewShowWord sys.exit(0) else: print output PassAmount += 1 Timer = int(round(float(time.time() - StartTime))) Speed = PassAmount / Timer NewShowWord = ShowWord[x] + Char1[b] + Char1[a] NewPassWd = PassWd[x] + Char2[b] + Char2[a] timeup += 1 if timeup == sleep_now: time.sleep(sleep_for) timeup = 0 print "[splice3]:", Speed,"/s", User[u].replace(" ", ""), NewShowWord.replace(" ", "") cmd = os.popen(option.cmd.replace("PASSWORD", NewPassWd.replace(" ", "")).replace("USERNAME", User[u].replace(" ", ""))) output = cmd.read() if test == None: print output elif output.__contains__(test): print "[PASSWORD FOUND]: ", NewShowWord sys.exit(0) else: print output def BF4(): if option.NoChar is True: sys.exit('splice3: unable to find password') WordCount = 0 for CountWords in ShowWord: WordCount += 1 StartTime = time.time() StartTime = StartTime - 1 PassAmount = 0 timeup = 0 for u in range(StateU, UserCount): for a in range(StateA, EndCount): for b in range(StateB, EndCount): for c in range(StateC, EndCount): for x in range(StateW, WordCount): if SaveSwitch is True: WriteSave = [] FILE = open(save, 'w') WriteSave.append(str(option.cmd)) WriteSave.append(str(dictionary)) WriteSave.append(str(MixCustom)) WriteSave.append(str(Custom)) WriteSave.append(str(ExhSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(StdoutSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(usernames)) WriteSave.append(str(UserSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(AlphaSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(BWSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(CapsSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(L337Switch)) WriteSave.append(str(MD5Switch)) WriteSave.append(str(NumberSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(RegularSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(SpecialSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(Letters)) WriteSave.append(str(Numbers)) WriteSave.append(str(Specials)) WriteSave.append(str(u)) WriteSave.append(str(x)) WriteSave.append(str(a)) WriteSave.append(str(b)) WriteSave.append(str(c)) for WriteStates in WriteSave: FILE.write(WriteStates + "\n") FILE.close() PassAmount += 1 Timer = int(round(float(time.time() - StartTime))) Speed = PassAmount / Timer NewShowWord = Char1[c] + Char1[a] + ShowWord[x] + Char1[b] NewPassWd = Char2[c] + Char2[a] + PassWd[x] + Char2[b] timeup += 1 if timeup == sleep_now: time.sleep(sleep_for) timeup = 0 print "[splice3]:", Speed,"/s", User[u].replace(" ", ""), NewShowWord.replace(" ", "") cmd = os.popen(option.cmd.replace("PASSWORD", NewPassWd.replace(" ", "")).replace("USERNAME", User[u].replace(" ", ""))) output = cmd.read() if test == None: print output elif output.__contains__(test): print "[PASSWORD FOUND]: ", NewShowWord sys.exit(0) else: print output if ExhSwitch is False: PassAmount += 1 Timer = int(round(float(time.time() - StartTime))) Speed = PassAmount / Timer NewShowWord = Char1[b] + ShowWord[x] + Char1[a] + Char1[c] NewPassWd = Char2[b] + PassWd[x] + Char2[a] + Char2[c] timeup += 1 if timeup == sleep_now: time.sleep(sleep_for) timeup = 0 print "[splice3]:", Speed,"/s", User[u].replace(" ", ""), NewShowWord.replace(" ", "") cmd = os.popen(option.cmd.replace("PASSWORD", NewPassWd.replace(" ", "")).replace("USERNAME", User[u].replace(" ", ""))) output = cmd.read() if test == None: print output elif output.__contains__(test): print "[PASSWORD FOUND]: ", NewShowWord sys.exit(0) else: print output PassAmount += 1 Timer = int(round(float(time.time() - StartTime))) Speed = PassAmount / Timer NewShowWord = Char1[c] + Char1[a] + Char1[b] + ShowWord[x] NewPassWd = Char2[c] + Char2[a] + Char2[b] + PassWd[x] timeup += 1 if timeup == sleep_now: time.sleep(sleep_for) timeup = 0 print "[splice3]:", Speed,"/s", User[u].replace(" ", ""), NewShowWord.replace(" ", "") cmd = os.popen(option.cmd.replace("PASSWORD", NewPassWd.replace(" ", "")).replace("USERNAME", User[u].replace(" ", ""))) output = cmd.read() if test == None: print output elif output.__contains__(test): print "[PASSWORD FOUND]: ", NewShowWord sys.exit(0) else: print output PassAmount += 1 Timer = int(round(float(time.time() - StartTime))) Speed = PassAmount / Timer NewShowWord = ShowWord[x] + Char1[b] + Char1[a] + Char1[c] NewPassWd = PassWd[x] + Char2[b] + Char2[a] + Char2[c] timeup += 1 if timeup == sleep_now: time.sleep(sleep_for) timeup = 0 print "[splice3]:", Speed,"/s", User[u].replace(" ", ""), NewShowWord.replace(" ", "") cmd = os.popen(option.cmd.replace("PASSWORD", NewPassWd.replace(" ", "")).replace("USERNAME", User[u].replace(" ", ""))) output = cmd.read() if test == None: print output elif output.__contains__(test): print "[PASSWORD FOUND]: ", NewShowWord sys.exit(0) else: print output def BF5(): if option.NoChar is True: sys.exit('splice3: unable to find password') WordCount = 0 for CountWords in ShowWord: WordCount += 1 StartTime = time.time() StartTime = StartTime - 1 PassAmount = 0 timeup = 0 for u in range(StateU, UserCount): for a in range(StateA, EndCount): for b in range(StateB, EndCount): for c in range(StateC, EndCount): for d in range(StateD, EndCount): for x in range(StateW, WordCount): if SaveSwitch is True: WriteSave = [] FILE = open(save, 'w') WriteSave.append(str(option.cmd)) WriteSave.append(str(dictionary)) WriteSave.append(str(MixCustom)) WriteSave.append(str(Custom)) WriteSave.append(str(ExhSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(StdoutSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(usernames)) WriteSave.append(str(UserSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(AlphaSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(BWSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(CapsSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(L337Switch)) WriteSave.append(str(MD5Switch)) WriteSave.append(str(NumberSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(RegularSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(SpecialSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(Letters)) WriteSave.append(str(Numbers)) WriteSave.append(str(Specials)) WriteSave.append(str(u)) WriteSave.append(str(x)) WriteSave.append(str(a)) WriteSave.append(str(b)) WriteSave.append(str(c)) WriteSave.append(str(d)) for WriteStates in WriteSave: FILE.write(WriteStates + "\n") FILE.close() PassAmount += 1 Timer = int(round(float(time.time() - StartTime))) Speed = PassAmount / Timer NewShowWord = Char1[c] + Char1[a] + ShowWord[x] + Char1[b] + Char1[d] NewPassWd = Char2[c] + Char2[a] + PassWd[x] + Char2[b] + Char2[d] timeup += 1 if timeup == sleep_now: time.sleep(sleep_for) timeup = 0 print "[splice3]:", Speed,"/s", User[u].replace(" ", ""), NewShowWord.replace(" ", "") cmd = os.popen(option.cmd.replace("PASSWORD", NewPassWd.replace(" ", "")).replace("USERNAME", User[u].replace(" ", ""))) output = cmd.read() if test == None: print output elif output.__contains__(test): print "[PASSWORD FOUND]: ", NewShowWord sys.exit(0) else: print output if ExhSwitch is False: PassAmount += 1 Timer = int(round(float(time.time() - StartTime))) Speed = PassAmount / Timer NewShowWord = Char1[c] + Char1[a] + Char1[b] + Char1[d] + ShowWord[x] NewPassWd = Char2[c] + Char2[a] + Char2[b] + Char2[d] + PassWd[x] timeup += 1 if timeup == sleep_now: time.sleep(sleep_for) timeup = 0 print "[splice3]:", Speed,"/s", User[u].replace(" ", ""), NewShowWord.replace(" ", "") cmd = os.popen(option.cmd.replace("PASSWORD", NewPassWd.replace(" ", "")).replace("USERNAME", User[u].replace(" ", ""))) output = cmd.read() if test == None: print output elif output.__contains__(test): print "[PASSWORD FOUND]: ", NewShowWord sys.exit(0) else: print output PassAmount += 1 Timer = int(round(float(time.time() - StartTime))) Speed = PassAmount / Timer NewShowWord = ShowWord[x] + Char1[d] + Char1[b] + Char1[a] + Char1[c] NewPassWd = PassWd[x] + Char2[d] + Char2[b] + Char2[a] + Char2[c] timeup += 1 if timeup == sleep_now: time.sleep(sleep_for) timeup = 0 print "[splice3]:", Speed,"/s", User[u].replace(" ", ""), NewShowWord.replace(" ", "") cmd = os.popen(option.cmd.replace("PASSWORD", NewPassWd.replace(" ", "")).replace("USERNAME", User[u].replace(" ", ""))) output = cmd.read() if test == None: print output elif output.__contains__(test): print "[PASSWORD FOUND]: ", NewShowWord sys.exit(0) else: print output def BF6(): if option.NoChar is True: sys.exit('splice3: unable to find password') WordCount = 0 for CountWords in ShowWord: WordCount += 1 StartTime = time.time() StartTime = StartTime - 1 PassAmount = 0 timeup = 0 for u in range(StateU, UserCount): for a in range(StateA, EndCount): for b in range(StateB, EndCount): for c in range(StateC, EndCount): for d in range(StateD, EndCount): for e in range(StateE, EndCount): for x in range(StateW, WordCount): if SaveSwitch is True: WriteSave = [] FILE = open(save, 'w') WriteSave.append(str(option.cmd)) WriteSave.append(str(dictionary)) WriteSave.append(str(MixCustom)) WriteSave.append(str(Custom)) WriteSave.append(str(ExhSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(StdoutSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(usernames)) WriteSave.append(str(UserSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(AlphaSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(BWSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(CapsSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(L337Switch)) WriteSave.append(str(MD5Switch)) WriteSave.append(str(NumberSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(RegularSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(SpecialSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(Letters)) WriteSave.append(str(Numbers)) WriteSave.append(str(Specials)) WriteSave.append(str(u)) WriteSave.append(str(x)) WriteSave.append(str(a)) WriteSave.append(str(b)) WriteSave.append(str(c)) WriteSave.append(str(d)) WriteSave.append(str(e)) for WriteStates in WriteSave: FILE.write(WriteStates + "\n") FILE.close() PassAmount += 1 Timer = int(round(float(time.time() - StartTime))) Speed = PassAmount / Timer NewShowWord = Char1[e] + Char1[c] + Char1[a] + ShowWord[x] + Char1[b] + Char1[d] NewPassWd = Char2[e] + Char2[c] + Char2[a] + PassWd[x] + Char2[b] + Char2[d] timeup += 1 if timeup == sleep_now: time.sleep(sleep_for) timeup = 0 print "[splice3]:", Speed,"/s", User[u].replace(" ", ""), NewShowWord.replace(" ", "") cmd = os.popen(option.cmd.replace("PASSWORD", NewPassWd.replace(" ", "")).replace("USERNAME", User[u].replace(" ", ""))) output = cmd.read() if test == None: print output elif output.__contains__(test): print "[PASSWORD FOUND]: ", NewShowWord sys.exit(0) else: print output if ExhSwitch is False: PassAmount += 1 Timer = int(round(float(time.time() - StartTime))) Speed = PassAmount / Timer NewShowWord = Char1[d] + Char1[b] + ShowWord[x] + Char1[a] + Char1[c] + Char1[e] NewPassWd = Char2[d] + Char2[b] + PassWd[x] + Char2[a] + Char2[c] + Char2[e] timeup += 1 if timeup == sleep_now: time.sleep(sleep_for) timeup = 0 print "[splice3]:", Speed,"/s", User[u].replace(" ", ""), NewShowWord.replace(" ", "") cmd = os.popen(option.cmd.replace("PASSWORD", NewPassWd.replace(" ", "")).replace("USERNAME", User[u].replace(" ", ""))) output = cmd.read() if test == None: print output elif output.__contains__(test): print "[PASSWORD FOUND]: ", NewShowWord sys.exit(0) else: print output PassAmount += 1 Timer = int(round(float(time.time() - StartTime))) Speed = PassAmount / Timer NewShowWord = Char1[e] + Char1[c] + Char1[a] + Char1[b] + Char1[d] + ShowWord[x] NewPassWd = Char2[e] + Char2[c] + Char2[a] + Char2[b] + Char2[d] + PassWd[x] timeup += 1 if timeup == sleep_now: time.sleep(sleep_for) timeup = 0 print "[splice3]:", Speed,"/s", User[u].replace(" ", ""), NewShowWord.replace(" ", "") cmd = os.popen(option.cmd.replace("PASSWORD", NewPassWd.replace(" ", "")).replace("USERNAME", User[u].replace(" ", ""))) output = cmd.read() if test == None: print output elif output.__contains__(test): print "[PASSWORD FOUND]: ", NewShowWord sys.exit(0) else: print output PassAmount += 1 Timer = int(round(float(time.time() - StartTime))) Speed = PassAmount / Timer NewShowWord = ShowWord[x] + Char1[d] + Char1[b] + Char1[a] + Char1[c] + Char1[e] NewPassWd = PassWd[x] + Char2[d] + Char2[b] + Char2[a] + Char2[c] + Char2[e] timeup += 1 if timeup == sleep_now: time.sleep(sleep_for) timeup = 0 print "[splice3]:", Speed,"/s", User[u].replace(" ", ""), NewShowWord.replace(" ", "") cmd = os.popen(option.cmd.replace("PASSWORD", NewPassWd.replace(" ", "")).replace("USERNAME", User[u].replace(" ", ""))) output = cmd.read() if test == None: print output elif output.__contains__(test): print "[PASSWORD FOUND]: ", NewShowWord sys.exit(0) else: print output def BF7(): if option.NoChar is True: sys.exit('splice3: unable to find password') WordCount = 0 for CountWords in ShowWord: WordCount += 1 StartTime = time.time() StartTime = StartTime - 1 PassAmount = 0 timeup = 0 for u in range(StateU, UserCount): for a in range(StateA, EndCount): for b in range(StateB, EndCount): for c in range(StateC, EndCount): for d in range(StateD, EndCount): for e in range(StateE, EndCount): for f in range(StateF, EndCount): for x in range(StateW, WordCount): if SaveSwitch is True: WriteSave = [] FILE = open(save, 'w') WriteSave.append(str(option.cmd)) WriteSave.append(str(dictionary)) WriteSave.append(str(MixCustom)) WriteSave.append(str(Custom)) WriteSave.append(str(ExhSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(StdoutSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(usernames)) WriteSave.append(str(UserSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(AlphaSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(BWSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(CapsSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(L337Switch)) WriteSave.append(str(MD5Switch)) WriteSave.append(str(NumberSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(RegularSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(SpecialSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(Letters)) WriteSave.append(str(Numbers)) WriteSave.append(str(Specials)) WriteSave.append(str(u)) WriteSave.append(str(x)) WriteSave.append(str(a)) WriteSave.append(str(b)) WriteSave.append(str(c)) WriteSave.append(str(d)) WriteSave.append(str(e)) WriteSave.append(str(f)) for WriteStates in WriteSave: FILE.write(WriteStates + "\n") FILE.close() PassAmount += 1 Timer = int(round(float(time.time() - StartTime))) Speed = PassAmount / Timer NewShowWord = Char1[e] + Char1[c] + Char1[a] + ShowWord[x] + Char1[b] + Char1[d] + Char1[f] NewPassWd = Char2[e] + Char2[c] + Char2[a] + PassWd[x] + Char2[b] + Char2[d] + Char2[f] timeup += 1 if timeup == sleep_now: time.sleep(sleep_for) timeup = 0 print "[splice3]:", Speed,"/s", User[u].replace(" ", ""), NewShowWord.replace(" ", "") cmd = os.popen(option.cmd.replace("PASSWORD", NewPassWd.replace(" ", "")).replace("USERNAME", User[u].replace(" ", ""))) output = cmd.read() if test == None: print output elif output.__contains__(test): print "[PASSWORD FOUND]: ", NewShowWord sys.exit(0) else: print output if ExhSwitch is False: PassAmount += 1 Timer = int(round(float(time.time() - StartTime))) Speed = PassAmount / Timer NewShowWord = Char1[e] + Char1[c] + Char1[a] + Char1[b] + Char1[d] + Char1[f] + ShowWord[x] NewPassWd = Char2[e] + Char2[c] + Char2[a] + Char2[b] + Char2[d] + Char2[f] + PassWd[x] timeup += 1 if timeup == sleep_now: time.sleep(sleep_for) timeup = 0 print "[splice3]:", Speed,"/s", User[u].replace(" ", ""), NewShowWord.replace(" ", "") cmd = os.popen(option.cmd.replace("PASSWORD", NewPassWd.replace(" ", "")).replace("USERNAME", User[u].replace(" ", ""))) output = cmd.read() if test == None: print output elif output.__contains__(test): print "[PASSWORD FOUND]: ", NewShowWord sys.exit(0) else: print output PassAmount += 1 Timer = int(round(float(time.time() - StartTime))) Speed = PassAmount / Timer NewShowWord = ShowWord[x] + Char1[f] + Char1[d] + Char1[b] + Char1[a] + Char1[c] + Char1[e] NewPassWd = PassWd[x] + Char2[f] + Char2[d] + Char2[b] + Char2[a] + Char2[c] + Char2[e] timeup += 1 if timeup == sleep_now: time.sleep(sleep_for) timeup = 0 print "[splice3]:", Speed,"/s", User[u].replace(" ", ""), NewShowWord.replace(" ", "") cmd = os.popen(option.cmd.replace("PASSWORD", NewPassWd.replace(" ", "")).replace("USERNAME", User[u].replace(" ", ""))) output = cmd.read() if test == None: print output elif output.__contains__(test): print "[PASSWORD FOUND]: ", NewShowWord sys.exit(0) else: print output def BF8(): if option.NoChar is True: sys.exit('splice3: unable to find password') WordCount = 0 for CountWords in ShowWord: WordCount += 1 StartTime = time.time() StartTime = StartTime - 1 PassAmount = 0 timeup = 0 for u in range(StateU, UserCount): for a in range(StateA, EndCount): for b in range(StateB, EndCount): for c in range(StateC, EndCount): for d in range(StateD, EndCount): for e in range(StateE, EndCount): for f in range(StateF, EndCount): for g in range(StateG, EndCount): for x in range(StateW, WordCount): if SaveSwitch is True: WriteSave = [] FILE = open(save, 'w') WriteSave.append(str(option.cmd)) WriteSave.append(str(dictionary)) WriteSave.append(str(MixCustom)) WriteSave.append(str(Custom)) WriteSave.append(str(ExhSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(StdoutSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(usernames)) WriteSave.append(str(UserSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(AlphaSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(BWSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(CapsSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(L337Switch)) WriteSave.append(str(MD5Switch)) WriteSave.append(str(NumberSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(RegularSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(SpecialSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(Letters)) WriteSave.append(str(Numbers)) WriteSave.append(str(Specials)) WriteSave.append(str(u)) WriteSave.append(str(x)) WriteSave.append(str(a)) WriteSave.append(str(b)) WriteSave.append(str(c)) WriteSave.append(str(d)) WriteSave.append(str(e)) WriteSave.append(str(f)) WriteSave.append(str(g)) for WriteStates in WriteSave: FILE.write(WriteStates + "\n") FILE.close() PassAmount += 1 Timer = int(round(float(time.time() - StartTime))) Speed = PassAmount / Timer NewShowWord = Char1[g] + Char1[e] + Char1[c] + Char1[a] + ShowWord[x] + Char1[b] + Char1[d] + Char1[f] NewPassWd = Char2[g] + Char2[e] + Char2[c] + Char2[a] + PassWd[x] + Char2[b] + Char2[d] + Char2[f] timeup += 1 if timeup == sleep_now: time.sleep(sleep_for) timeup = 0 print "[splice3]:", Speed,"/s", User[u].replace(" ", ""), NewShowWord.replace(" ", "") cmd = os.popen(option.cmd.replace("PASSWORD", NewPassWd.replace(" ", "")).replace("USERNAME", User[u].replace(" ", ""))) output = cmd.read() if test == None: print output elif output.__contains__(test): print "[PASSWORD FOUND]: ", NewShowWord sys.exit(0) else: print output if ExhSwitch is False: PassAmount += 1 Timer = int(round(float(time.time() - StartTime))) Speed = PassAmount / Timer NewShowWord = Char1[f] + Char1[d] + Char1[b] + ShowWord[x] + Char1[a] + Char1[c] + Char1[e] + Char1[g] NewPassWd = Char2[f] + Char2[d] + Char2[b] + PassWd[x] + Char2[a] + Char2[c] + Char2[e] + Char2[g] timeup += 1 if timeup == sleep_now: time.sleep(sleep_for) timeup = 0 print "[splice3]:", Speed,"/s", User[u].replace(" ", ""), NewShowWord.replace(" ", "") cmd = os.popen(option.cmd.replace("PASSWORD", NewPassWd.replace(" ", "")).replace("USERNAME", User[u].replace(" ", ""))) output = cmd.read() if test == None: print output elif output.__contains__(test): print "[PASSWORD FOUND]: ", NewShowWord sys.exit(0) else: print output PassAmount += 1 Timer = int(round(float(time.time() - StartTime))) Speed = PassAmount / Timer NewShowWord = Char1[g] + Char1[e] + Char1[c] + Char1[a] + Char1[b] + Char1[d] + Char1[f] + ShowWord[x] NewPassWd = Char2[g] + Char2[e] + Char2[c] + Char2[a] + Char2[b] + Char2[d] + Char2[f] + PassWd[x] timeup += 1 if timeup == sleep_now: time.sleep(sleep_for) timeup = 0 print "[splice3]:", Speed,"/s", User[u].replace(" ", ""), NewShowWord.replace(" ", "") cmd = os.popen(option.cmd.replace("PASSWORD", NewPassWd.replace(" ", "")).replace("USERNAME", User[u].replace(" ", ""))) output = cmd.read() if test == None: print output elif output.__contains__(test): print "[PASSWORD FOUND]: ", NewShowWord sys.exit(0) else: print output PassAmount += 1 Timer = int(round(float(time.time() - StartTime))) Speed = PassAmount / Timer NewShowWord = ShowWord[x] + Char1[f] + Char1[d] + Char1[b] + Char1[a] + Char1[c] + Char1[e] + Char1[g] NewPassWd = PassWd[x] + Char2[f] + Char2[d] + Char2[b] + Char2[a] + Char2[c] + Char2[e] + Char2[g] timeup += 1 if timeup == sleep_now: time.sleep(sleep_for) timeup = 0 print "[splice3]:", Speed,"/s", User[u].replace(" ", ""), NewShowWord.replace(" ", "") cmd = os.popen(option.cmd.replace("PASSWORD", NewPassWd.replace(" ", "")).replace("USERNAME", User[u].replace(" ", ""))) output = cmd.read() if test == None: print output elif output.__contains__(test): print "[PASSWORD FOUND]: ", NewShowWord sys.exit(0) else: print output def BF9(): if option.NoChar is True: sys.exit('splice3: unable to find password') WordCount = 0 for CountWords in ShowWord: WordCount += 1 StartTime = time.time() StartTime = StartTime - 1 PassAmount = 0 timeup = 0 for u in range(StateU, UserCount): for a in range(StateA, EndCount): for b in range(StateB, EndCount): for c in range(StateC, EndCount): for d in range(StateD, EndCount): for e in range(StateE, EndCount): for f in range(StateF, EndCount): for g in range(StateG, EndCount): for h in range(StateH, EndCount): for x in range(StateW, WordCount): if SaveSwitch is True: WriteSave = [] FILE = open(save, 'w') WriteSave.append(str(option.cmd)) WriteSave.append(str(dictionary)) WriteSave.append(str(MixCustom)) WriteSave.append(str(Custom)) WriteSave.append(str(ExhSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(StdoutSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(usernames)) WriteSave.append(str(UserSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(AlphaSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(BWSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(CapsSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(L337Switch)) WriteSave.append(str(MD5Switch)) WriteSave.append(str(NumberSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(RegularSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(SpecialSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(Letters)) WriteSave.append(str(Numbers)) WriteSave.append(str(Specials)) WriteSave.append(str(u)) WriteSave.append(str(x)) WriteSave.append(str(a)) WriteSave.append(str(b)) WriteSave.append(str(c)) WriteSave.append(str(d)) WriteSave.append(str(e)) WriteSave.append(str(f)) WriteSave.append(str(g)) WriteSave.append(str(h)) for WriteStates in WriteSave: FILE.write(WriteStates + "\n") FILE.close() PassAmount += 1 Timer = int(round(float(time.time() - StartTime))) Speed = PassAmount / Timer NewShowWord = Char1[g] + Char1[e] + Char1[c] + Char1[a] + ShowWord[x] + Char1[b] + Char1[d] + Char1[f] + Char1[h] NewPassWd = Char2[g] + Char2[e] + Char2[c] + Char2[a] + PassWd[x] + Char2[b] + Char2[d] + Char2[f] + Char2[h] timeup += 1 if timeup == sleep_now: time.sleep(sleep_for) timeup = 0 print "[splice3]:", Speed,"/s", User[u].replace(" ", ""), NewShowWord.replace(" ", "") cmd = os.popen(option.cmd.replace("PASSWORD", NewPassWd.replace(" ", "")).replace("USERNAME", User[u].replace(" ", ""))) output = cmd.read() if test == None: print output elif output.__contains__(test): print "[PASSWORD FOUND]: ", NewShowWord sys.exit(0) else: print output if ExhSwitch is False: PassAmount += 1 Timer = int(round(float(time.time() - StartTime))) Speed = PassAmount / Timer NewShowWord = Char1[g] + Char1[e] + Char1[c] + Char1[a] +Char1[b] + Char1[d] + Char1[f] + Char1[h] + ShowWord[x] NewPassWd = Char2[g] + Char2[e] + Char2[c] + Char2[a] + Char2[b] + Char2[d] + Char2[f] + Char2[h] + PassWd[x] timeup += 1 if timeup == sleep_now: time.sleep(sleep_for) timeup = 0 print "[splice3]:", Speed,"/s", User[u].replace(" ", ""), NewShowWord.replace(" ", "") cmd = os.popen(option.cmd.replace("PASSWORD", NewPassWd.replace(" ", "")).replace("USERNAME", User[u].replace(" ", ""))) output = cmd.read() if test == None: print output elif output.__contains__(test): print "[PASSWORD FOUND]: ", NewShowWord sys.exit(0) else: print output PassAmount += 1 Timer = int(round(float(time.time() - StartTime))) Speed = PassAmount / Timer NewShowWord = ShowWord[x] + Char1[h] + Char1[f] + Char1[d] + Char1[b] + Char1[a] + Char1[c] + Char1[e] + Char1[g] NewPassWd = PassWd[x] + Char2[h] + Char2[f] + Char2[d] + Char2[b] + Char2[a] + Char2[c] + Char2[e] + Char2[g] timeup += 1 if timeup == sleep_now: time.sleep(sleep_for) timeup = 0 print "[splice3]:", Speed,"/s", User[u].replace(" ", ""), NewShowWord.replace(" ", "") cmd = os.popen(option.cmd.replace("PASSWORD", NewPassWd.replace(" ", "")).replace("USERNAME", User[u].replace(" ", ""))) output = cmd.read() if test == None: print output elif output.__contains__(test): print "[PASSWORD FOUND]: ", NewShowWord sys.exit(0) else: print output def BF10(): if option.NoChar is True: sys.exit('splice3: unable to find password') WordCount = 0 for CountWords in ShowWord: WordCount += 1 StartTime = time.time() StartTime = StartTime - 1 PassAmount = 0 timeup = 0 for u in range(StateU, UserCount): for a in range(StateA, EndCount): for b in range(StateB, EndCount): for c in range(StateC, EndCount): for d in range(StateD, EndCount): for e in range(StateE, EndCount): for f in range(StateF, EndCount): for g in range(StateG, EndCount): for h in range(StateH, EndCount): for i in range(StateI, EndCount): for x in range(StateW, WordCount): if SaveSwitch is True: WriteSave = [] FILE = open(save, 'w') WriteSave.append(str(option.cmd)) WriteSave.append(str(dictionary)) WriteSave.append(str(MixCustom)) WriteSave.append(str(Custom)) WriteSave.append(str(ExhSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(StdoutSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(usernames)) WriteSave.append(str(UserSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(AlphaSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(BWSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(CapsSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(L337Switch)) WriteSave.append(str(MD5Switch)) WriteSave.append(str(NumberSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(RegularSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(SpecialSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(Letters)) WriteSave.append(str(Numbers)) WriteSave.append(str(Specials)) WriteSave.append(str(u)) WriteSave.append(str(x)) WriteSave.append(str(a)) WriteSave.append(str(b)) WriteSave.append(str(c)) WriteSave.append(str(d)) WriteSave.append(str(e)) WriteSave.append(str(f)) WriteSave.append(str(g)) WriteSave.append(str(h)) WriteSave.append(str(i)) for WriteStates in WriteSave: FILE.write(WriteStates + "\n") FILE.close() PassAmount += 1 Timer = int(round(float(time.time() - StartTime))) Speed = PassAmount / Timer NewShowWord = Char1[i] + Char1[g] + Char1[e] + Char1[c] + Char1[a] + ShowWord[x] + Char1[b] + Char1[d] + Char1[f] + Char1[h] NewPassWd = Char2[i] + Char2[g] + Char2[e] + Char2[c] + Char2[a] + PassWd[x] + Char2[b] + Char2[d] + Char2[f] + Char2[h] timeup += 1 if timeup == sleep_now: time.sleep(sleep_for) timeup = 0 print "[splice3]:", Speed,"/s", User[u].replace(" ", ""), NewShowWord.replace(" ", "") cmd = os.popen(option.cmd.replace("PASSWORD", NewPassWd.replace(" ", "")).replace("USERNAME", User[u].replace(" ", ""))) output = cmd.read() if test == None: print output elif output.__contains__(test): print "[PASSWORD FOUND]: ", NewShowWord sys.exit(0) else: print output if ExhSwitch is False: PassAmount += 1 Timer = int(round(float(time.time() - StartTime))) Speed = PassAmount / Timer NewShowWord = Char1[h] + Char1[f] + Char1[d] + Char1[b] + ShowWord[x] + Char1[a] + Char1[c] + Char1[e] + Char1[g] + Char1[i] NewPassWd = Char2[h] + Char2[f] + Char2[d] + Char2[b] + PassWd[x] + Char2[a] + Char2[c] + Char2[e] + Char2[g] + Char2[i] timeup += 1 if timeup == sleep_now: time.sleep(sleep_for) timeup = 0 print "[splice3]:", Speed,"/s", User[u].replace(" ", ""), NewShowWord.replace(" ", "") cmd = os.popen(option.cmd.replace("PASSWORD", NewPassWd.replace(" ", "")).replace("USERNAME", User[u].replace(" ", ""))) output = cmd.read() if test == None: print output elif output.__contains__(test): print "[PASSWORD FOUND]: ", NewShowWord sys.exit(0) else: print output PassAmount += 1 Timer = int(round(float(time.time() - StartTime))) Speed = PassAmount / Timer NewShowWord = Char1[i] + Char1[g] + Char1[e] + Char1[c] + Char1[a] + ShowWord[x] + Char1[b] + Char1[d] + Char1[f] + Char1[h] + ShowWord[x] NewPassWd = Char2[i] + Char2[g] + Char2[e] + Char2[c] + Char2[a] + PassWd[x] + Char2[b] + Char2[d] + Char2[f] + Char2[h] + PassWd[x] timeup += 1 if timeup == sleep_now: time.sleep(sleep_for) timeup = 0 print "[splice3]:", Speed,"/s", User[u].replace(" ", ""), NewShowWord.replace(" ", "") cmd = os.popen(option.cmd.replace("PASSWORD", NewPassWd.replace(" ", "")).replace("USERNAME", User[u].replace(" ", ""))) output = cmd.read() if test == None: print output elif output.__contains__(test): print "[PASSWORD FOUND]: ", NewShowWord sys.exit(0) else: print output PassAmount += 1 Timer = int(round(float(time.time() - StartTime))) Speed = PassAmount / Timer NewShowWord = ShowWord[x] + Char1[h] + Char1[f] + Char1[d] + Char1[b] + Char1[a] + Char1[c] + Char1[e] + Char1[g] + Char1[i] NewPassWd = PassWd[x] + Char2[h] + Char2[f] + Char2[d] + Char2[b] + Char2[a] + Char2[c] + Char2[e] + Char2[g] + Char2[i] timeup += 1 if timeup == sleep_now: time.sleep(sleep_for) timeup = 0 print "[splice3]:", Speed,"/s", User[u].replace(" ", ""), NewShowWord.replace(" ", "") cmd = os.popen(option.cmd.replace("PASSWORD", NewPassWd.replace(" ", "")).replace("USERNAME", User[u].replace(" ", ""))) output = cmd.read() if test == None: print output elif output.__contains__(test): print "[PASSWORD FOUND]: ", NewShowWord sys.exit(0) else: print output def BF11(): if option.NoChar is True: sys.exit('splice3: unable to find password') WordCount = 0 for CountWords in ShowWord: WordCount += 1 StartTime = time.time() StartTime = StartTime - 1 PassAmount = 0 timeup = 0 for u in range(StateU, UserCount): for a in range(StateA, EndCount): for b in range(StateB, EndCount): for c in range(StateC, EndCount): for d in range(StateD, EndCount): for e in range(StateE, EndCount): for f in range(StateF, EndCount): for g in range(StateG, EndCount): for h in range(StateH, EndCount): for i in range(StateI, EndCount): for j in range(StateJ, EndCount): for x in range(StateW, WordCount): if SaveSwitch is True: WriteSave = [] FILE = open(save, 'w') WriteSave.append(str(option.cmd)) WriteSave.append(str(dictionary)) WriteSave.append(str(MixCustom)) WriteSave.append(str(Custom)) WriteSave.append(str(ExhSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(StdoutSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(usernames)) WriteSave.append(str(UserSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(AlphaSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(BWSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(CapsSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(L337Switch)) WriteSave.append(str(MD5Switch)) WriteSave.append(str(NumberSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(RegularSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(SpecialSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(Letters)) WriteSave.append(str(Numbers)) WriteSave.append(str(Specials)) WriteSave.append(str(u)) WriteSave.append(str(x)) WriteSave.append(str(a)) WriteSave.append(str(b)) WriteSave.append(str(c)) WriteSave.append(str(d)) WriteSave.append(str(e)) WriteSave.append(str(f)) WriteSave.append(str(g)) WriteSave.append(str(h)) WriteSave.append(str(i)) WriteSave.append(str(j)) for WriteStates in WriteSave: FILE.write(WriteStates + "\n") FILE.close() PassAmount += 1 Timer = int(round(float(time.time() - StartTime))) Speed = PassAmount / Timer NewShowWord = Char1[i] + Char1[g] + Char1[e] + Char1[c] + Char1[a] + ShowWord[x] + Char1[b] + Char1[d] + Char1[f] + Char1[h] + Char1[j] NewPassWd = Char2[i] + Char2[g] + Char2[e] + Char2[c] + Char2[a] + PassWd[x] + Char2[b] + Char2[d] + Char2[f] + Char2[h] + Char2[j] timeup += 1 if timeup == sleep_now: time.sleep(sleep_for) timeup = 0 print "[splice3]:", Speed,"/s", User[u].replace(" ", ""), NewShowWord.replace(" ", "") cmd = os.popen(option.cmd.replace("PASSWORD", NewPassWd.replace(" ", "")).replace("USERNAME", User[u].replace(" ", ""))) output = cmd.read() if test == None: print output elif output.__contains__(test): print "[PASSWORD FOUND]: ", NewShowWord sys.exit(0) else: print output if ExhSwitch is False: PassAmount += 1 Timer = int(round(float(time.time() - StartTime))) Speed = PassAmount / Timer NewShowWord = Char1[i] + Char1[g] + Char1[e] + Char1[c] + Char1[a] + Char1[b] + Char1[d] + Char1[f] + Char1[h] + Char1[j] + ShowWord[x] NewPassWd = Char2[i] + Char2[g] + Char2[e] + Char2[c] + Char2[a] + Char2[b] + Char2[d] + Char2[f] + Char2[h] + Char2[j] + PassWd[x] timeup += 1 if timeup == sleep_now: time.sleep(sleep_for) timeup = 0 print "[splice3]:", Speed,"/s", User[u].replace(" ", ""), NewShowWord.replace(" ", "") cmd = os.popen(option.cmd.replace("PASSWORD", NewPassWd.replace(" ", "")).replace("USERNAME", User[u].replace(" ", ""))) output = cmd.read() if test == None: print output elif output.__contains__(test): print "[PASSWORD FOUND]: ", NewShowWord sys.exit(0) else: print output PassAmount += 1 Timer = int(round(float(time.time() - StartTime))) Speed = PassAmount / Timer NewShowWord = ShowWord[x] + Char1[j] + Char1[h] + Char1[f] + Char1[d] + Char1[b] + Char1[a] + Char1[c] + Char1[e] + Char1[g] + Char1[i] NewPassWd = PassWd[x] + Char2[j] + Char2[h] + Char2[f] + Char2[d] + Char2[b] + Char2[a] + Char2[c] + Char2[e] + Char2[g] + Char2[i] timeup += 1 if timeup == sleep_now: time.sleep(sleep_for) timeup = 0 print "[splice3]:", Speed,"/s", User[u].replace(" ", ""), NewShowWord.replace(" ", "") cmd = os.popen(option.cmd.replace("PASSWORD", NewPassWd.replace(" ", "")).replace("USERNAME", User[u].replace(" ", ""))) output = cmd.read() if test == None: print output elif output.__contains__(test): print "[PASSWORD FOUND]: ", NewShowWord sys.exit(0) else: print output def SBF1(): WordCount = 0 for CountWords in ShowWord: WordCount += 1 for u in range(StateU, UserCount): for x in range(StateW, WordCount): if SaveSwitch is True: WriteSave = [] FILE = open(save, 'w') WriteSave.append(str(option.cmd)) WriteSave.append(str(dictionary)) WriteSave.append(str(MixCustom)) WriteSave.append(str(Custom)) WriteSave.append(str(ExhSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(StdoutSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(usernames)) WriteSave.append(str(UserSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(AlphaSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(BWSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(CapsSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(L337Switch)) WriteSave.append(str(MD5Switch)) WriteSave.append(str(NumberSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(RegularSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(SpecialSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(Letters)) WriteSave.append(str(Numbers)) WriteSave.append(str(Specials)) WriteSave.append(str(u)) WriteSave.append(str(x)) for WriteStates in WriteSave: FILE.write(WriteStates + "\n") FILE.close() NewShowWord = ShowWord[x] print NewShowWord.replace(" ", "") def SBF2(): WordCount = 0 for CountWords in ShowWord: WordCount += 1 if option.NoChar is True: sys.exit(0) for u in range(StateU, UserCount): for a in range(StateA, EndCount): for x in range(StateW, WordCount): if SaveSwitch is True: WriteSave = [] FILE = open(save, 'w') WriteSave.append(str(option.cmd)) WriteSave.append(str(dictionary)) WriteSave.append(str(MixCustom)) WriteSave.append(str(Custom)) WriteSave.append(str(ExhSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(StdoutSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(usernames)) WriteSave.append(str(UserSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(AlphaSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(BWSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(CapsSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(L337Switch)) WriteSave.append(str(MD5Switch)) WriteSave.append(str(NumberSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(RegularSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(SpecialSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(Letters)) WriteSave.append(str(Numbers)) WriteSave.append(str(Specials)) WriteSave.append(str(u)) WriteSave.append(str(x)) WriteSave.append(str(a)) for WriteStates in WriteSave: FILE.write(WriteStates + "\n") FILE.close() NewShowWord = Char1[a] + ShowWord[x] print NewShowWord.replace(" ", "") if ExhSwitch is False: NewShowWord = ShowWord[x] + Char1[a] print NewShowWord.replace(" ", "") def SBF3(): WordCount = 0 for CountWords in ShowWord: WordCount += 1 if option.NoChar is True: sys.exit(0) for u in range(StateU, UserCount): for a in range(StateA, EndCount): for b in range(StateB, EndCount): for x in range(StateW, WordCount): if SaveSwitch is True: WriteSave = [] FILE = open(save, 'w') WriteSave.append(str(option.cmd)) WriteSave.append(str(dictionary)) WriteSave.append(str(MixCustom)) WriteSave.append(str(Custom)) WriteSave.append(str(ExhSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(StdoutSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(usernames)) WriteSave.append(str(UserSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(AlphaSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(BWSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(CapsSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(L337Switch)) WriteSave.append(str(MD5Switch)) WriteSave.append(str(NumberSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(RegularSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(SpecialSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(Letters)) WriteSave.append(str(Numbers)) WriteSave.append(str(Specials)) WriteSave.append(str(u)) WriteSave.append(str(x)) WriteSave.append(str(a)) WriteSave.append(str(b)) for WriteStates in WriteSave: FILE.write(WriteStates + "\n") FILE.close() NewShowWord = Char1[a] + ShowWord[x] + Char1[b] print NewShowWord.replace(" ", "") if ExhSwitch is False: NewShowWord = Char1[a] + Char1[b] + ShowWord[x] print NewShowWord.replace(" ", "") NewShowWord = ShowWord[x] + Char1[b] + Char1[a] print NewShowWord.replace(" ", "") def SBF4(): WordCount = 0 for CountWords in ShowWord: WordCount += 1 if option.NoChar is True: sys.exit(0) for u in range(StateU, UserCount): for a in range(StateA, EndCount): for b in range(StateB, EndCount): for c in range(StateC, EndCount): for x in range(StateW, WordCount): if SaveSwitch is True: WriteSave = [] FILE = open(save, 'w') WriteSave.append(str(option.cmd)) WriteSave.append(str(dictionary)) WriteSave.append(str(MixCustom)) WriteSave.append(str(Custom)) WriteSave.append(str(ExhSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(StdoutSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(usernames)) WriteSave.append(str(UserSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(AlphaSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(BWSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(CapsSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(L337Switch)) WriteSave.append(str(MD5Switch)) WriteSave.append(str(NumberSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(RegularSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(SpecialSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(Letters)) WriteSave.append(str(Numbers)) WriteSave.append(str(Specials)) WriteSave.append(str(u)) WriteSave.append(str(x)) WriteSave.append(str(a)) WriteSave.append(str(b)) WriteSave.append(str(c)) for WriteStates in WriteSave: FILE.write(WriteStates + "\n") FILE.close() NewShowWord = Char1[c] + Char1[a] + ShowWord[x] + Char1[b] print NewShowWord.replace(" ", "") if ExhSwitch is False: NewShowWord = Char1[b] + ShowWord[x] + Char1[a] + Char1[c] print NewShowWord.replace(" ", "") NewShowWord = Char1[c] + Char1[a] + Char1[b] + ShowWord[x] print NewShowWord.replace(" ", "") NewShowWord = ShowWord[x] + Char1[b] + Char1[a] + Char1[c] print NewShowWord.replace(" ", "") def SBF5(): WordCount = 0 for CountWords in ShowWord: WordCount += 1 if option.NoChar is True: sys.exit(0) for u in range(StateU, UserCount): for a in range(StateA, EndCount): for b in range(StateB, EndCount): for c in range(StateC, EndCount): for d in range(StateD, EndCount): for x in range(StateW, WordCount): if SaveSwitch is True: WriteSave = [] FILE = open(save, 'w') WriteSave.append(str(option.cmd)) WriteSave.append(str(dictionary)) WriteSave.append(str(MixCustom)) WriteSave.append(str(Custom)) WriteSave.append(str(ExhSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(StdoutSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(usernames)) WriteSave.append(str(UserSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(AlphaSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(BWSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(CapsSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(L337Switch)) WriteSave.append(str(MD5Switch)) WriteSave.append(str(NumberSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(RegularSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(SpecialSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(Letters)) WriteSave.append(str(Numbers)) WriteSave.append(str(Specials)) WriteSave.append(str(u)) WriteSave.append(str(x)) WriteSave.append(str(a)) WriteSave.append(str(b)) WriteSave.append(str(c)) WriteSave.append(str(d)) for WriteStates in WriteSave: FILE.write(WriteStates + "\n") FILE.close() NewShowWord = Char1[c] + Char1[a] + ShowWord[x] + Char1[b] + Char1[d] print NewShowWord.replace(" ", "") if ExhSwitch is False: NewShowWord = Char1[c] + Char1[a] + Char1[b] + Char1[d] + ShowWord[x] print NewShowWord.replace(" ", "") NewShowWord = ShowWord[x] + Char1[d] + Char1[b] + Char1[a] + Char1[c] print NewShowWord.replace(" ", "") def SBF6(): WordCount = 0 for CountWords in ShowWord: WordCount += 1 if option.NoChar is True: sys.exit(0) for u in range(StateU, UserCount): for a in range(StateA, EndCount): for b in range(StateB, EndCount): for c in range(StateC, EndCount): for d in range(StateD, EndCount): for e in range(StateE, EndCount): for x in range(StateW, WordCount): if SaveSwitch is True: WriteSave = [] FILE = open(save, 'w') WriteSave.append(str(option.cmd)) WriteSave.append(str(dictionary)) WriteSave.append(str(MixCustom)) WriteSave.append(str(Custom)) WriteSave.append(str(ExhSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(StdoutSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(usernames)) WriteSave.append(str(UserSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(AlphaSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(BWSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(CapsSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(L337Switch)) WriteSave.append(str(MD5Switch)) WriteSave.append(str(NumberSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(RegularSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(SpecialSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(Letters)) WriteSave.append(str(Numbers)) WriteSave.append(str(Specials)) WriteSave.append(str(u)) WriteSave.append(str(x)) WriteSave.append(str(a)) WriteSave.append(str(b)) WriteSave.append(str(c)) WriteSave.append(str(d)) WriteSave.append(str(e)) for WriteStates in WriteSave: FILE.write(WriteStates + "\n") FILE.close() NewShowWord = Char1[e] + Char1[c] + Char1[a] + ShowWord[x] + Char1[b] + Char1[d] print NewShowWord.replace(" ", "") if ExhSwitch is False: NewShowWord = Char1[d] + Char1[b] + ShowWord[x] + Char1[a] + Char1[c] + Char1[e] print NewShowWord.replace(" ", "") NewShowWord = Char1[e] + Char1[c] + Char1[a] + Char1[b] + Char1[d] + ShowWord[x] print NewShowWord.replace(" ", "") NewShowWord = ShowWord[x] + Char1[d] + Char1[b] + Char1[a] + Char1[c] + Char1[e] print NewShowWord.replace(" ", "") def SBF7(): WordCount = 0 for CountWords in ShowWord: WordCount += 1 if option.NoChar is True: sys.exit(0) for u in range(StateU, UserCount): for a in range(StateA, EndCount): for b in range(StateB, EndCount): for c in range(StateC, EndCount): for d in range(StateD, EndCount): for e in range(StateE, EndCount): for f in range(StateF, EndCount): for x in range(StateW, WordCount): if SaveSwitch is True: WriteSave = [] FILE = open(save, 'w') WriteSave.append(str(option.cmd)) WriteSave.append(str(dictionary)) WriteSave.append(str(MixCustom)) WriteSave.append(str(Custom)) WriteSave.append(str(ExhSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(StdoutSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(usernames)) WriteSave.append(str(UserSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(AlphaSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(BWSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(CapsSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(L337Switch)) WriteSave.append(str(MD5Switch)) WriteSave.append(str(NumberSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(RegularSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(SpecialSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(Letters)) WriteSave.append(str(Numbers)) WriteSave.append(str(Specials)) WriteSave.append(str(u)) WriteSave.append(str(x)) WriteSave.append(str(a)) WriteSave.append(str(b)) WriteSave.append(str(c)) WriteSave.append(str(d)) WriteSave.append(str(e)) WriteSave.append(str(f)) for WriteStates in WriteSave: FILE.write(WriteStates + "\n") FILE.close() NewShowWord = Char1[e] + Char1[c] + Char1[a] + ShowWord[x] + Char1[b] + Char1[d] + Char1[f] print NewShowWord.replace(" ", "") if ExhSwitch is False: NewShowWord = Char1[e] + Char1[c] + Char1[a] + Char1[b] + Char1[d] + Char1[f] + ShowWord[x] print NewShowWord.replace(" ", "") NewShowWord = ShowWord[x] + Char1[f] + Char1[d] + Char1[b] + Char1[a] + Char1[c] + Char1[e] print NewShowWord.replace(" ", "") def SBF8(): WordCount = 0 for CountWords in ShowWord: WordCount += 1 if option.NoChar is True: sys.exit(0) for u in range(StateU, UserCount): for a in range(StateA, EndCount): for b in range(StateB, EndCount): for c in range(StateC, EndCount): for d in range(StateD, EndCount): for e in range(StateE, EndCount): for f in range(StateF, EndCount): for g in range(StateG, EndCount): for x in range(StateW, WordCount): if SaveSwitch is True: WriteSave = [] FILE = open(save, 'w') WriteSave.append(str(option.cmd)) WriteSave.append(str(dictionary)) WriteSave.append(str(MixCustom)) WriteSave.append(str(Custom)) WriteSave.append(str(ExhSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(StdoutSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(usernames)) WriteSave.append(str(UserSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(AlphaSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(BWSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(CapsSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(L337Switch)) WriteSave.append(str(MD5Switch)) WriteSave.append(str(NumberSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(RegularSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(SpecialSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(Letters)) WriteSave.append(str(Numbers)) WriteSave.append(str(Specials)) WriteSave.append(str(u)) WriteSave.append(str(x)) WriteSave.append(str(a)) WriteSave.append(str(b)) WriteSave.append(str(c)) WriteSave.append(str(d)) WriteSave.append(str(e)) WriteSave.append(str(f)) WriteSave.append(str(g)) for WriteStates in WriteSave: FILE.write(WriteStates + "\n") FILE.close() NewShowWord = Char1[g] + Char1[e] + Char1[c] + Char1[a] + ShowWord[x] + Char1[b] + Char1[d] + Char1[f] print NewShowWord.replace(" ", "") if ExhSwitch is False: NewShowWord = Char1[f] + Char1[d] + Char1[b] + ShowWord[x] + Char1[a] + Char1[c] + Char1[e] + Char1[g] print NewShowWord.replace(" ", "") NewShowWord = Char1[g] + Char1[e] + Char1[c] + Char1[a] + Char1[b] + Char1[d] + Char1[f] + ShowWord[x] print NewShowWord.replace(" ", "") NewShowWord = ShowWord[x] + Char1[f] + Char1[d] + Char1[b] + Char1[a] + Char1[c] + Char1[e] + Char1[g] print NewShowWord.replace(" ", "") def SBF9(): WordCount = 0 for CountWords in ShowWord: WordCount += 1 if option.NoChar is True: sys.exit(0) for u in range(StateU, UserCount): for a in range(StateA, EndCount): for b in range(StateB, EndCount): for c in range(StateC, EndCount): for d in range(StateD, EndCount): for e in range(StateE, EndCount): for f in range(StateF, EndCount): for g in range(StateG, EndCount): for h in range(StateH, EndCount): for x in range(StateW, WordCount): if SaveSwitch is True: WriteSave = [] FILE = open(save, 'w') WriteSave.append(str(option.cmd)) WriteSave.append(str(dictionary)) WriteSave.append(str(MixCustom)) WriteSave.append(str(Custom)) WriteSave.append(str(ExhSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(StdoutSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(usernames)) WriteSave.append(str(UserSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(AlphaSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(BWSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(CapsSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(L337Switch)) WriteSave.append(str(MD5Switch)) WriteSave.append(str(NumberSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(RegularSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(SpecialSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(Letters)) WriteSave.append(str(Numbers)) WriteSave.append(str(Specials)) WriteSave.append(str(u)) WriteSave.append(str(x)) WriteSave.append(str(a)) WriteSave.append(str(b)) WriteSave.append(str(c)) WriteSave.append(str(d)) WriteSave.append(str(e)) WriteSave.append(str(f)) WriteSave.append(str(g)) WriteSave.append(str(h)) for WriteStates in WriteSave: FILE.write(WriteStates + "\n") FILE.close() NewShowWord = Char1[g] + Char1[e] + Char1[c] + Char1[a] + ShowWord[x] + Char1[b] + Char1[d] + Char1[f] + Char1[h] print NewShowWord.replace(" ", "") if ExhSwitch is False: NewShowWord = Char1[g] + Char1[e] + Char1[c] + Char1[a] +Char1[b] + Char1[d] + Char1[f] + Char1[h] + ShowWord[x] print NewShowWord.replace(" ", "") NewShowWord = ShowWord[x] + Char1[h] + Char1[f] + Char1[d] + Char1[b] + Char1[a] + Char1[c] + Char1[e] + Char1[g] print NewShowWord.replace(" ", "") def SBF10(): WordCount = 0 for CountWords in ShowWord: WordCount += 1 if option.NoChar is True: sys.exit(0) for u in range(StateU, UserCount): for a in range(StateA, EndCount): for b in range(StateB, EndCount): for c in range(StateC, EndCount): for d in range(StateD, EndCount): for e in range(StateE, EndCount): for f in range(StateF, EndCount): for g in range(StateG, EndCount): for h in range(StateH, EndCount): for i in range(StateI, EndCount): for x in range(StateW, WordCount): if SaveSwitch is True: WriteSave = [] FILE = open(save, 'w') WriteSave.append(str(option.cmd)) WriteSave.append(str(dictionary)) WriteSave.append(str(MixCustom)) WriteSave.append(str(Custom)) WriteSave.append(str(ExhSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(StdoutSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(usernames)) WriteSave.append(str(UserSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(AlphaSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(BWSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(CapsSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(L337Switch)) WriteSave.append(str(MD5Switch)) WriteSave.append(str(NumberSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(RegularSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(SpecialSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(Letters)) WriteSave.append(str(Numbers)) WriteSave.append(str(Specials)) WriteSave.append(str(u)) WriteSave.append(str(x)) WriteSave.append(str(a)) WriteSave.append(str(b)) WriteSave.append(str(c)) WriteSave.append(str(d)) WriteSave.append(str(e)) WriteSave.append(str(f)) WriteSave.append(str(g)) WriteSave.append(str(h)) WriteSave.append(str(i)) for WriteStates in WriteSave: FILE.write(WriteStates + "\n") FILE.close() NewShowWord = Char1[i] + Char1[g] + Char1[e] + Char1[c] + Char1[a] + ShowWord[x] + Char1[b] + Char1[d] + Char1[f] + Char1[h] print NewShowWord.replace(" ", "") if ExhSwitch is False: NewShowWord = Char1[h] + Char1[f] + Char1[d] + Char1[b] + ShowWord[x] + Char1[a] + Char1[c] + Char1[e] + Char1[g] + Char1[i] print NewShowWord.replace(" ", "") NewShowWord = Char1[i] + Char1[g] + Char1[e] + Char1[c] + Char1[a] + ShowWord[x] + Char1[b] + Char1[d] + Char1[f] + Char1[h] + ShowWord[x] print NewShowWord.replace(" ", "") NewShowWord = ShowWord[x] + Char1[h] + Char1[f] + Char1[d] + Char1[b] + Char1[a] + Char1[c] + Char1[e] + Char1[g] + Char1[i] print NewShowWord.replace(" ", "") def SBF11(): WordCount = 0 for CountWords in ShowWord: WordCount += 1 if option.NoChar is True: sys.exit(0) for u in range(StateU, UserCount): for a in range(StateA, EndCount): for b in range(StateB, EndCount): for c in range(StateC, EndCount): for d in range(StateD, EndCount): for e in range(StateE, EndCount): for f in range(StateF, EndCount): for g in range(StateG, EndCount): for h in range(StateH, EndCount): for i in range(StateI, EndCount): for j in range(StateJ, EndCount): for x in range(StateW, WordCount): if SaveSwitch is True: WriteSave = [] FILE = open(save, 'w') WriteSave.append(str(option.cmd)) WriteSave.append(str(dictionary)) WriteSave.append(str(MixCustom)) WriteSave.append(str(Custom)) WriteSave.append(str(ExhSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(StdoutSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(usernames)) WriteSave.append(str(UserSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(AlphaSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(BWSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(CapsSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(L337Switch)) WriteSave.append(str(MD5Switch)) WriteSave.append(str(NumberSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(RegularSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(SpecialSwitch)) WriteSave.append(str(Letters)) WriteSave.append(str(Numbers)) WriteSave.append(str(Specials)) WriteSave.append(str(u)) WriteSave.append(str(x)) WriteSave.append(str(a)) WriteSave.append(str(b)) WriteSave.append(str(c)) WriteSave.append(str(d)) WriteSave.append(str(e)) WriteSave.append(str(f)) WriteSave.append(str(g)) WriteSave.append(str(h)) WriteSave.append(str(i)) WriteSave.append(str(j)) for WriteStates in WriteSave: FILE.write(WriteStates + "\n") FILE.close() NewShowWord = Char1[i] + Char1[g] + Char1[e] + Char1[c] + Char1[a] + ShowWord[x] + Char1[b] + Char1[d] + Char1[f] + Char1[h] + Char1[j] print NewShowWord.replace(" ", "") if ExhSwitch is False: NewShowWord = Char1[i] + Char1[g] + Char1[e] + Char1[c] + Char1[a] + Char1[b] + Char1[d] + Char1[f] + Char1[h] + Char1[j] + ShowWord[x] print NewShowWord.replace(" ", "") NewShowWord = ShowWord[x] + Char1[j] + Char1[h] + Char1[f] + Char1[d] + Char1[b] + Char1[a] + Char1[c] + Char1[e] + Char1[g] + Char1[i] print NewShowWord.replace(" ", "") if Create is True: CFILE = open("splice3.create", 'w') for WCreate in ShowWord: CFILE.write(WCreate + "\n") CFILE.close() sys.exit(0) if RestoreSwitch is False: StateCount = 0 if RestoreSwitch is False and StdoutSwitch is False: StateU = 0 StateW = 0 StateA = 0 StateB = 0 StateC = 0 StateD = 0 StateE = 0 StateF = 0 StateG = 0 StateH = 0 StateI = 0 StateJ = 0 BF1() BF2() BF3() BF4() BF5() BF6() BF7() BF8() BF9() BF10() BF11() print "splice3: unable to find password" sys.exit(0) if StateCount == 21 and RestoreSwitch is True and StdoutSwitch is False: StateU = int(State[21]) StateW = 0 StateA = 0 StateB = 0 StateC = 0 StateD = 0 StateE = 0 StateF = 0 StateG = 0 StateH = 0 StateI = 0 StateJ = 0 BF1() StateW = 0 StateA = 0 StateB = 0 StateC = 0 StateD = 0 StateE = 0 StateF = 0 StateG = 0 StateH = 0 StateI = 0 StateJ = 0 BF2() BF3() BF4() BF5() BF6() BF7() BF8() BF9() BF10() BF11() print "splice3: unable to find password" sys.exit(0) if StateCount == 22 and RestoreSwitch is True and StdoutSwitch is False: StateU = int(State[21]) StateW = int(State[22]) StateA = 0 StateB = 0 StateC = 0 StateD = 0 StateE = 0 StateF = 0 StateG = 0 StateH = 0 StateI = 0 StateJ = 0 BF1() StateW = 0 StateA = 0 StateB = 0 StateC = 0 StateD = 0 StateE = 0 StateF = 0 StateG = 0 StateH = 0 StateI = 0 StateJ = 0 BF2() BF3() BF4() BF5() BF6() BF7() BF8() BF9() BF10() BF11() print "splice3: unable to find password" sys.exit(0) elif StateCount == 23 and RestoreSwitch is True and StdoutSwitch is False: StateU = int(State[21]) StateW = int(State[22]) StateA = int(State[23]) StateB = 0 StateC = 0 StateD = 0 StateE = 0 StateF = 0 StateG = 0 StateH = 0 StateI = 0 StateJ = 0 BF2() StateW = 0 StateA = 0 StateB = 0 StateC = 0 StateD = 0 StateE = 0 StateF = 0 StateG = 0 StateH = 0 StateI = 0 StateJ = 0 BF3() BF4() BF5() BF6() BF7() BF8() BF9() BF10() BF11() print "splice3: unable to find password" sys.exit(0) elif StateCount == 24 and RestoreSwitch is True and StdoutSwitch is False: StateU = int(State[21]) StateW = int(State[22]) StateA = int(State[23]) StateB = int(State[24]) StateC = 0 StateD = 0 StateE = 0 StateF = 0 StateG = 0 StateH = 0 StateI = 0 StateJ = 0 BF3() StateW = 0 StateA = 0 StateB = 0 StateC = 0 StateD = 0 StateE = 0 StateF = 0 StateG = 0 StateH = 0 StateI = 0 StateJ = 0 BF4() BF5() BF6() BF7() BF8() BF9() BF10() BF11() print "splice3: unable to find password" sys.exit(0) elif StateCount == 25 and RestoreSwitch is True and StdoutSwitch is False: StateU = int(State[21]) StateW = int(State[22]) StateA = int(State[23]) StateB = int(State[24]) StateC = int(State[25]) StateD = 0 StateE = 0 StateF = 0 StateG = 0 StateH = 0 StateI = 0 StateJ = 0 BF4() StateW = 0 StateA = 0 StateB = 0 StateC = 0 StateD = 0 StateE = 0 StateF = 0 StateG = 0 StateH = 0 StateI = 0 StateJ = 0 BF5() BF6() BF7() BF8() BF9() BF10() BF11() print "splice3: unable to find password" sys.exit(0) elif StateCount == 26 and RestoreSwitch is True and StdoutSwitch is False: StateU = int(State[21]) StateW = int(State[22]) StateA = int(State[23]) StateB = int(State[24]) StateC = int(State[25]) StateD = int(State[26]) StateE = 0 StateF = 0 StateG = 0 StateH = 0 StateI = 0 StateJ = 0 BF5() StateW = 0 StateA = 0 StateB = 0 StateC = 0 StateD = 0 StateE = 0 StateF = 0 StateG = 0 StateH = 0 StateI = 0 StateJ = 0 BF6() BF7() BF8() BF9() BF10() BF11() print "splice3: unable to find password" sys.exit(0) elif StateCount == 27 and RestoreSwitch is True and StdoutSwitch is False: StateU = int(State[21]) StateW = int(State[22]) StateA = int(State[23]) StateB = int(State[24]) StateC = int(State[25]) StateD = int(State[26]) StateE = int(State[27]) StateF = 0 StateG = 0 StateH = 0 StateI = 0 StateJ = 0 BF6() StateW = 0 StateA = 0 StateB = 0 StateC = 0 StateD = 0 StateE = 0 StateF = 0 StateG = 0 StateH = 0 StateI = 0 StateJ = 0 BF7() BF8() BF9() BF10() BF11() print "splice3: unable to find password" sys.exit(0) elif StateCount == 28 and RestoreSwitch is True and StdoutSwitch is False: StateU = int(State[21]) StateW = int(State[22]) StateA = int(State[23]) StateB = int(State[24]) StateC = int(State[25]) StateD = int(State[26]) StateE = int(State[27]) StateF = int(State[28]) StateG = 0 StateH = 0 StateI = 0 StateJ = 0 BF7() StateW = 0 StateA = 0 StateB = 0 StateC = 0 StateD = 0 StateE = 0 StateF = 0 StateG = 0 StateH = 0 StateI = 0 StateJ = 0 BF8() BF9() BF10() BF11() print "splice3: unable to find password" sys.exit(0) elif StateCount == 29 and RestoreSwitch is True and StdoutSwitch is False: StateU = int(State[21]) StateW = int(State[22]) StateA = int(State[23]) StateB = int(State[24]) StateC = int(State[25]) StateD = int(State[26]) StateE = int(State[27]) StateF = int(State[28]) StateG = int(State[29]) StateH = 0 StateI = 0 StateJ = 0 BF8() StateW = 0 StateA = 0 StateB = 0 StateC = 0 StateD = 0 StateE = 0 StateF = 0 StateG = 0 StateH = 0 StateI = 0 StateJ = 0 BF9() BF10() BF11() print "splice3: unable to find password" sys.exit(0) elif StateCount == 30 and RestoreSwitch is True and StdoutSwitch is False: StateU = int(State[21]) StateW = int(State[22]) StateA = int(State[23]) StateB = int(State[24]) StateC = int(State[25]) StateD = int(State[26]) StateE = int(State[27]) StateF = int(State[28]) StateG = int(State[29]) StateH = int(State[30]) StateI = 0 StateJ = 0 BF9() StateW = 0 StateA = 0 StateB = 0 StateC = 0 StateD = 0 StateE = 0 StateF = 0 StateG = 0 StateH = 0 StateI = 0 StateJ = 0 BF10() BF11() print "splice3: unable to find password" sys.exit(0) elif StateCount == 31 and RestoreSwitch is True and StdoutSwitch is False: StateU = int(State[21]) StateW = int(State[22]) StateA = int(State[23]) StateB = int(State[24]) StateC = int(State[25]) StateD = int(State[26]) StateE = int(State[27]) StateF = int(State[28]) StateG = int(State[29]) StateH = int(State[30]) StateI = int(State[31]) StateJ = 0 BF10() StateW = 0 StateA = 0 StateB = 0 StateC = 0 StateD = 0 StateE = 0 StateF = 0 StateG = 0 StateH = 0 StateI = 0 StateJ = 0 BF11() print "splice3: unable to find password" sys.exit(0) elif StateCount == 32 and RestoreSwitch is True and StdoutSwitch is False: StateU = int(State[21]) StateW = int(State[22]) StateA = int(State[23]) StateB = int(State[24]) StateC = int(State[25]) StateD = int(State[26]) StateE = int(State[27]) StateF = int(State[28]) StateG = int(State[29]) StateH = int(State[30]) StateI = int(State[31]) StateJ = int(State[32]) BF11() print "splice3: unable to find password" sys.exit(0) if RestoreSwitch is False and StdoutSwitch is True: StateU = 0 StateW = 0 StateA = 0 StateB = 0 StateC = 0 StateD = 0 StateE = 0 StateF = 0 StateG = 0 StateH = 0 StateI = 0 StateJ = 0 SBF1() SBF2() SBF3() SBF4() SBF5() SBF6() SBF7() SBF8() SBF9() SBF10() SBF11() sys.exit(0) if StateCount == 21 and RestoreSwitch is True and StdoutSwitch is True: StateU = int(State[21]) StateW = 0 StateA = 0 StateB = 0 StateC = 0 StateD = 0 StateE = 0 StateF = 0 StateG = 0 StateH = 0 StateI = 0 StateJ = 0 SBF1() StateW = 0 StateA = 0 StateB = 0 StateC = 0 StateD = 0 StateE = 0 StateF = 0 StateG = 0 StateH = 0 StateI = 0 StateJ = 0 SBF2() SBF3() SBF4() SBF5() SBF6() SBF7() SBF8() SBF9() SBF10() SBF11() sys.exit(0) if StateCount == 22 and RestoreSwitch is True and StdoutSwitch is True: StateU = int(State[21]) StateW = int(State[22]) StateA = 0 StateB = 0 StateC = 0 StateD = 0 StateE = 0 StateF = 0 StateG = 0 StateH = 0 StateI = 0 StateJ = 0 SBF1() StateW = 0 StateA = 0 StateB = 0 StateC = 0 StateD = 0 StateE = 0 StateF = 0 StateG = 0 StateH = 0 StateI = 0 StateJ = 0 SBF2() SBF3() SBF4() SBF5() SBF6() SBF7() SBF8() SBF9() SBF10() SBF11() sys.exit(0) elif StateCount == 23 and RestoreSwitch is True and StdoutSwitch is True: StateU = int(State[21]) StateW = int(State[22]) StateA = int(State[23]) StateB = 0 StateC = 0 StateD = 0 StateE = 0 StateF = 0 StateG = 0 StateH = 0 StateI = 0 StateJ = 0 SBF2() StateW = 0 StateA = 0 StateB = 0 StateC = 0 StateD = 0 StateE = 0 StateF = 0 StateG = 0 StateH = 0 StateI = 0 StateJ = 0 SBF3() SBF4() SBF5() SBF6() SBF7() SBF8() SBF9() SBF10() SBF11() sys.exit(0) elif StateCount == 24 and RestoreSwitch is True and StdoutSwitch is True: StateU = int(State[21]) StateW = int(State[22]) StateA = int(State[23]) StateB = int(State[24]) StateC = 0 StateD = 0 StateE = 0 StateF = 0 StateG = 0 StateH = 0 StateI = 0 StateJ = 0 SBF3() StateW = 0 StateA = 0 StateB = 0 StateC = 0 StateD = 0 StateE = 0 StateF = 0 StateG = 0 StateH = 0 StateI = 0 StateJ = 0 SBF4() SBF5() SBF6() SBF7() SBF8() SBF9() SBF10() SBF11() sys.exit(0) elif StateCount == 25 and RestoreSwitch is True and StdoutSwitch is True: StateU = int(State[21]) StateW = int(State[22]) StateA = int(State[23]) StateB = int(State[24]) StateC = int(State[25]) StateD = 0 StateE = 0 StateF = 0 StateG = 0 StateH = 0 StateI = 0 StateJ = 0 SBF4() StateW = 0 StateA = 0 StateB = 0 StateC = 0 StateD = 0 StateE = 0 StateF = 0 StateG = 0 StateH = 0 StateI = 0 StateJ = 0 SBF5() SBF6() SBF7() SBF8() SBF9() SBF10() SBF11() sys.exit(0) elif StateCount == 26 and RestoreSwitch is True and StdoutSwitch is True: StateU = int(State[21]) StateW = int(State[22]) StateA = int(State[23]) StateB = int(State[24]) StateC = int(State[25]) StateD = int(State[26]) StateE = 0 StateF = 0 StateG = 0 StateH = 0 StateI = 0 StateJ = 0 SBF5() StateW = 0 StateA = 0 StateB = 0 StateC = 0 StateD = 0 StateE = 0 StateF = 0 StateG = 0 StateH = 0 StateI = 0 StateJ = 0 SBF6() SBF7() SBF8() SBF9() SBF10() SBF11() sys.exit(0) elif StateCount == 27 and RestoreSwitch is True and StdoutSwitch is True: StateU = int(State[21]) StateW = int(State[22]) StateA = int(State[23]) StateB = int(State[24]) StateC = int(State[25]) StateD = int(State[26]) StateE = int(State[27]) StateF = 0 StateG = 0 StateH = 0 StateI = 0 StateJ = 0 SBF6() StateW = 0 StateA = 0 StateB = 0 StateC = 0 StateD = 0 StateE = 0 StateF = 0 StateG = 0 StateH = 0 StateI = 0 StateJ = 0 SBF7() SBF8() SBF9() SBF10() SBF11() sys.exit(0) elif StateCount == 28 and RestoreSwitch is True and StdoutSwitch is True: StateU = int(State[21]) StateW = int(State[22]) StateA = int(State[23]) StateB = int(State[24]) StateC = int(State[25]) StateD = int(State[26]) StateE = int(State[27]) StateF = int(State[28]) StateG = 0 StateH = 0 StateI = 0 StateJ = 0 SBF7() StateW = 0 StateA = 0 StateB = 0 StateC = 0 StateD = 0 StateE = 0 StateF = 0 StateG = 0 StateH = 0 StateI = 0 StateJ = 0 SBF8() SBF9() SBF10() SBF11() sys.exit(0) elif StateCount == 29 and RestoreSwitch is True and StdoutSwitch is True: StateU = int(State[21]) StateW = int(State[22]) StateA = int(State[23]) StateB = int(State[24]) StateC = int(State[25]) StateD = int(State[26]) StateE = int(State[27]) StateF = int(State[28]) StateG = int(State[29]) StateH = 0 StateI = 0 StateJ = 0 SBF8() StateW = 0 StateA = 0 StateB = 0 StateC = 0 StateD = 0 StateE = 0 StateF = 0 StateG = 0 StateH = 0 StateI = 0 StateJ = 0 SBF9() SBF10() SBF11() sys.exit(0) elif StateCount == 30 and RestoreSwitch is True and StdoutSwitch is True: StateU = int(State[21]) StateW = int(State[22]) StateA = int(State[23]) StateB = int(State[24]) StateC = int(State[25]) StateD = int(State[26]) StateE = int(State[27]) StateF = int(State[28]) StateG = int(State[29]) StateH = int(State[30]) StateI = 0 StateJ = 0 SBF9() StateW = 0 StateA = 0 StateB = 0 StateC = 0 StateD = 0 StateE = 0 StateF = 0 StateG = 0 StateH = 0 StateI = 0 StateJ = 0 SBF10() SBF11() sys.exit(0) elif StateCount == 31 and RestoreSwitch is True and StdoutSwitch is True: StateU = int(State[21]) StateW = int(State[22]) StateA = int(State[23]) StateB = int(State[24]) StateC = int(State[25]) StateD = int(State[26]) StateE = int(State[27]) StateF = int(State[28]) StateG = int(State[29]) StateH = int(State[30]) StateI = int(State[31]) StateJ = 0 SBF10() StateW = 0 StateA = 0 StateB = 0 StateC = 0 StateD = 0 StateE = 0 StateF = 0 StateG = 0 StateH = 0 StateI = 0 StateJ = 0 SBF11() sys.exit(0) elif StateCount == 32 and RestoreSwitch is True and StdoutSwitch is True: StateU = int(State[21]) StateW = int(State[22]) StateA = int(State[23]) StateB = int(State[24]) StateC = int(State[25]) StateD = int(State[26]) StateE = int(State[27]) StateF = int(State[28]) StateG = int(State[29]) StateH = int(State[30]) StateI = int(State[31]) StateJ = int(State[32]) SBF11() sys.exit(0) print "splice3: unknown error: please report bug to author" sys.exit(1)