__________ _ _ __ __ ______ / / / / ___| _ __ | (_) ___ ___\ \/ / / / / / / / / /\___ \| '_ \| | |/ __/ _ \\ / / / / / / / / / ___) | |_) | | | (_| __// \ / / / / /_/_/_/ |____/| .__/|_|_|\___\___/_/\_\/_/_/_/ |_| .:Brute Force Utilities For GNU/Linux:. AUTHOR: d3v11 <d3v11@d3v11.ano> (UN)INSTALL: You may optionally install SpliceX with cython. Doing so takes longer to install because of compile times but SpliceX will also be 20% to 35% faster, depending on your system. I recommend this option if you intend on putting SpliceX to long-term use. If your goal is simply to test, try, and/or debug SpliceX then using the pythonic install will be more practical. NOTES: If you installed Python from source you can ignore the python-dev dependency below. However, your source install of Python must have the development files. IE: tar xvf Python-*.tgz cd Python-* ./configure --with-pydebug make install This generates Python.h and structmember.h, which are needed for gcc to compile splicex. "<python[version]>" as seen in the install instructions should be typed the same way you would call a specific Python interpreter with only the first two version numbers. IE: python2.6, python2.7, python3.1, python3.2 DEPENDS ON: python (>=2.6), python-dev(>=2.6), cython (>=0.12.1), gcc (>=4.4.3), bash (>=4.1.5), man (>=2.5.7) SOURCE: ./configure <python[version]> make compile make install DEBIAN/UBUNTU: ./configure <python[version]> make compile make install-deb UNINSTALL: SOURCE: make uninstall DEBIAN/UBUNTU: dpkg --remove splicex PYTHONIC (UN)INSTALL: You make optionally install splicex as pure python. Install times are quick but splicex will be 20% to 35% slower than compiling an executable binary with the cython + gcc option above. I recommend using this option if you simply want to test, try, and/or debug splicex. NOTES: "<python[version]>" as seen in the install instructions should be typed the same way you would call a specific Python interpreter with only the first two version numbers. For a Pythonic install "python" sans the version will most likely work as well, and will set SpliceX to use the default Python Interpreter. IE: python2.6, python2.7, python3.1, python3.2 DEPENDS ON: python (>=2.6), bash (>=4.1.5), man (>=2.5.7) SOURCE: ./configure <python[version]> --no-compile make install DEBIAN/UBUNTU: ./configure <python[version]> --no-compile make install-deb UNINSTALL: SOURCE: make uninstall DEBIAN/UBUNTU: dpkg --remove splicex TOOLS: SpliceX includes brute forcing tools. Each tool will include a README file in its respected folder(s): ls tools/* UPDATE: d3v11's AnoNet(2) update for SpliceX: make update HELP AND USAGE: To obtain additional information on how to use SpliceX enter either of the following commands after installation: splicex --help splicex --rtfm