=head1 About =head2 /OnionNet/katmagic in #public =over /OnionNet/katmagic> TriPh0rce: Anonet is this project to create an internet that is not governed by ICAAN regulations. /OnionNet/katmagic> (Of course, it is run on networks governed by ICAAN regulations.) /OnionNet/katmagic> It is about as secure as the regular internet, but they make grandiose and clearly false claims. /OnionNet/katmagic> It's filled with people who can't speak English, and are generally uninformed. /OnionNet/katmagic> Oh, and it's not anonymous, despite its claims. /OnionNet/katmagic> Sounds great, right? /OnionNet/katmagic> And it has no users. /sfor/SeekingFor> /OnionNet/katmagic> Oh, and it's not anonymous, despite its claims. /sfor/SeekingFor> it can be, some peerings are established trough hidden services only /OnionNet/TriPh0rce> sounds like something i'd really love /OnionNet/katmagic> And everyone who uses it quotes things in a super annoying way. /OnionNet/katmagic> And its maintainer runs an incredibly annoying bot that everyone hates. /OnionNet/katmagic> I think that pretty much summarizes it. /sfor/SeekingFor> /OnionNet/katmagic> And everyone who uses it quotes things in a super annoying way. /sfor/SeekingFor> what do you mean? /OnionNet/katmagic> You just did it! /NTMA/talamon> who is mad =back