#!/bin/sh if [ -z $3 ]; then echo "Usage: $0 " >&2; exit 255 fi chat="$1" owner="$2" pubkey="$3" seckey="$4" if [ "$(echo -n "${chat/chat\//}" | tr -d 'A-Za-z0-9_-' | wc -c | tr -d ' \t')" != 0 ]; then echo "udpmsg4 chats do not allow funny chars." >&2; exit 255 fi if ((`echo -n "${chat/chat\//}" | wc -c` > 32)); then echo "udpmsg4 chats cannot be greater than 32 chars." >&2; exit 255 fi if [ "$(echo "$chat" | head -c5)" != chat/ ]; then echo "udpmsg4 chats start with chat/." >&2; exit 255 fi if ((`echo -n "$pubkey$seckey" | tr -d 'a-fA-F0-9' | wc -c | tr -d ' \t'` != 0)); then echo "nacl keys are hex chars." >&2; exit 255 fi if ((`echo -n "$pubkey$seckey" | wc -c` != 128)); then echo "nacl keys are 64 chars." >&2; exit 255 fi fullchat=db/udpmsg4_chat/${chat/chat\//} mkdir -p $fullchat || exit 1 mkdir -p $fullchat/@ || exit 1 echo -n "$owner" >"$fullchat/@/owner" echo -n "$pubkey" >"$fullchat/@/pubkey" echo -n "$seckey" >"$fullchat/@/seckey"