#!/bin/bash #made for bash. not sure if all /bin/sh work. #be sure to edit these variables first. ANO_ZONEFILE=/etc/namedb/ano RESDB_PATH=/services/resdb/resdb echo "; this zonefile genreated on: `date`" > $ANO_ZONEFILE echo '$TTL 3600' >> $ANO_ZONEFILE echo '@ IN SOA localns root ('`date +" %Y%m%d00"`' 60 300 3600000 3600 )' >> $ANO_ZONEFILE echo '@ IN NS localns' >> $ANO_ZONEFILE echo 'localns IN A' >> $ANO_ZONEFILE cd ${RESDB_PATH}/db/dom/ano echo -n generating zonefile... for name in *;do if [ -e "${name}/ns/" ];then for server in "$name"/ns/*;do if grep '\.ano$' <<< $name > /dev/null;then true fi if grep '\.ano$' <<< $server > /dev/null;then true fi fqserver=`cut -d/ -f3- <<< $server` echo -e "${name}\tIN NS\t${fqserver}." for ip in `cat ${server}`;do echo -e "${fqserver}.\tIN A\t$ip" done done fi done >> $ANO_ZONEFILE echo done. echo might want to send a sighup to your named now.