#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include //#define DEBUG "epoch" //nick or channel to send debug info to. #define CHUNK 4096 int main(int argc,char *argv[]) { return 0; } #define SILLYLIMIT 256 int serverConnect(char *serv,char *port) { int rv; int fd=0; int n=1; int try_ipv4=0; char buf[SILLYLIMIT]; struct addrinfo hints, *servinfo, *p=0; struct in_addr saddr; struct in6_addr saddr6; struct hostent *he; memset(&hints,0,sizeof hints); hints.ai_family=AF_INET; hints.ai_socktype=SOCK_STREAM; if((fd=socket(PF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,IPPROTO_TCP)) < 0) { perror("socket"); return -1; } /* for(try_ipv4=0;try_ipv4 < 2;try_ipv4++) { if(!(he=gethostbyname2( try_ipv4 ?inet_aton(serv,&saddr) ?inet_ntoa(saddr) :serv :inet_pton(AF_INET6,serv,&saddr6) ?inet_ntop(AF_INET6,&saddr6,buf,SILLYLIMIT) :serv ,try_ipv4?AF_INET:AF_INET6))) return -1; for(;*(he->h_addr_list);he->h_addr_list++) { printf("trying to connect to %s:%s attempt #%d\n",serv,port,n); n++; */ // if((rv=getaddrinfo(he->h_addr_list,port,&hints,&servinfo)) != 0) { if((rv=getaddrinfo(serv,port,&hints,&servinfo)) != 0) { fprintf(stderr,"error resolving '%s'.\n",serv); return -1; } for(p=servinfo;p;p=p->ai_next) { if(connect(fd,p->ai_addr, p->ai_addrlen) < 0) { perror("connect"); continue; } else { return fd; } } //printf("trying a differnt address...\n"); //} //printf("trying a different AF...\n"); //} //printf("well, shit. how'd I get here?\n"); return -1; } int fdlen(int *fds) { int i; for(i=0;fds[i] != -1;i++); return i+1; } int runem(int *fds,void (*line_handler)(),void (*extra_handler)()) { int j; int fdl=fdlen(fds); fd_set master; fd_set readfs; struct timeval timeout; int fdmax=0,n,s,i; int fd; char *backlogs[fdl]; char *t,*line=0; int blsize=CHUNK; int bllen=0; char buffers[fdl][CHUNK];//THIS IS *NOT* NULL TERMINATED. FD_ZERO(&master); FD_ZERO(&readfs); for(i=0;fds[i] != -1;i++) { //if(!backlogs[i]) return 252;//wtf is this here for? ofc they're not set! FD_SET(fds[i],&master); backlogs[i]=malloc(CHUNK+1); memset(backlogs[i],0,CHUNK); memset(buffers[i],0,CHUNK); fdmax=fds[i]>fdmax?fds[i]:fdmax; } int done=0; while(!done) { for(fd=0;fd<=fdmax;fd++) { if(FD_ISSET(fd,&master)) { if(extra_handler) extra_handler(fd); } } readfs=master; timeout.tv_sec=0; timeout.tv_usec=1000; if( select(fdmax+1,&readfs,0,0,&timeout) == -1 ) { printf("\n!!!It is crashing here!!!\n\n"); perror("select"); return 1; } for(i=0;fds[i] != -1;i++) { if(FD_ISSET(fds[i],&readfs)) { if((n=recv(fds[i],buffers[i],CHUNK,0)) <= 0) {//read CHUNK bytes fprintf(stderr,"recv: %d\n",n); perror("recv"); return 2; } else { buffers[i][n]=0;//deff right. if(bllen+n >= blsize) {//this is probably off... blsize+=n; t=malloc(blsize); if(!t) { printf("OH FUCK! MALLOC FAILED!\n"); exit(253); } memset(t,0,blsize);//optional? memcpy(t,backlogs[i],blsize-n+1);//??? free(backlogs[i]); backlogs[i]=t; } memcpy(backlogs[i]+bllen,buffers[i],n); bllen+=n; for(j=0,s=0;j bllen) { //if the ending position is after the size of the backlog... bllen=0;//fuck shifting. :P } else { for(j=s;j<=bllen;j++) {//should work. backlogs[i][j-s]=backlogs[i][j]; } bllen-=s; } } } } } return 0; } //wrap runem to keep runit around :P int runit(int fd,void (*line_handler)(),void (*extra_handler)()) { int fds[2]; fds[0]=fd; fds[1]=-1; return runem(fds,line_handler,extra_handler); } //not needed? int ircConnect(char *serv,char *port,char *nick,char *user) { char sendstr[1024]; int fd; fd=serverConnect(serv,port); if(!fd) { return 0; } snprintf(sendstr,sizeof(sendstr)-1,"NICK %s\r\nUSER %s\r\n",nick,user); write(fd,sendstr,strlen(sendstr)); return fd; } struct user { char *nick; char *user; char *host; }; //this function mangles the input. //gotta free the returned pointer but not each pointer in the array. char **line_cutter(int fd,char *line,struct user *user) { int i; char **a=malloc(16);//heh. memset(a,0,sizeof(char *)*16); if(!user) return 0; user->nick=0; user->user=0; user->host=0; if(strchr(line,'\r')) *strchr(line,'\r')=0; if(strchr(line,'\n')) *strchr(line,'\n')=0; if(line[0]==':') { if((user->nick=strchr(line,':'))) { *(user->nick)=0; (user->nick)++; } } if(user->nick) { if((a[0]=strchr((user->nick),' '))) { for(i=0;a[i+1]=strchr(a[i],' ') && i<15;i++) { *a[i]=0; a[i]++; if(a[i][0] == ':') {//we're done. a[i]++; break; } } } if(((user->user)=strchr((user->nick),'!'))) { *(user->user)=0; (user->user)++; if(((user->host)=strchr((user->user),'@'))) { *(user->host)=0; (user->host)++; } } else { user->host=user->nick; } } return a; }