diff options
authorepoch <>2017-01-03 00:30:28 -0600
committerepoch <>2017-01-03 00:30:28 -0600
commitebde46bc82bebf478db67abef5b7dc88c014706b (patch)
parentf7353ec277198b295c6c842a4a4a07b403b2a572 (diff)
lots and lots of shit. opengl shit is barely worked on. new pl script to obj2hackvr using more than just triangles.
17 files changed, 821 insertions, 2951 deletions
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index fa71f1a..0000000
--- a/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-CFLAGS=-Wall -pedantic -std=c99
-all: hackvr slowcat
-hackvr: LDFLAGS=-lm -lX11
- rm hackvr
- rm slowcat
diff --git a/filebrowser/ b/filebrowser/
index d4ad688..7f6e794 100755
--- a/filebrowser/
+++ b/filebrowser/
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
while read -r line;do
if [ "_$line" != '_' ];then
# ../tools/ "$line" ../meshes/cube.obj
- printf "%s addtriangle 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0\n" "$line"
+ printf "%s addshape 3 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0\n" "$line"
printf "%s move 0 %d 0 0 0 0 0 0 0\n" "$line" "$i"
diff --git a/hackvr.c b/hackvr.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 6689258..0000000
--- a/hackvr.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1314 +0,0 @@
-#define _POSIX_C_SOURCE 200809L //for fileno and strdup
-#define _BSD_SOURCE
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <fcntl.h>
-#include <assert.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <dirent.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-//#include <sys/select.h> //code to use select instead of non-blocking is commented out. might decide to use it later.
-#include <X11/Xlib.h>
-#include <X11/keysym.h>
-#include <X11/cursorfont.h>
-#include <X11/Xutil.h> //for size hints
-#include <time.h>
-#define __USE_GNU //for longer math constants
-#include <math.h>
-int oldtime=0;
-int oldfps=0;
-int fps=0;
-//TODO: optimizations
-//TODO: store caches of cs_t, c2_t, and c3_t numbers.
-//TODO: don't forget to remake gophervr with this.
-//TODO: XSegment or line structs to store some shit?
-//TODO: line and triangle intersection for finding what object was clicked on
-//if I don't do hiliting I only need to calculate that upon click.
-#define WALK_SPEED 1
-#define SPLIT_SCREEN 1
-#define RED_AND_BLUE 0
-#define SHAPES 16386
-#define MAX_SIDES 8
-#define min(a,b) (((a)<(b))?(a):(b))
-#define max(a,b) (((a)>(b))?(a):(b))
-typedef double long real; //think this conflicts?
-//typedef float real; //think this conflicts?
-typedef struct {
- real x;
- real y;
- real z;
-} c3_t;
-typedef struct {
- real x;
- real y;
-} c2_t;
-typedef struct { //same as XPoint, just use that? nah...
- short x;
- short y;
-} cs_t;
-//TODO: will have to make some pixmaps get resized when the window does.
-//for now set them to be as big as you think you'll ever resize the window to.
-#define WIDTH 1024
-#define HEIGHT 768
-#define SKYRULE 90
-#define SKYW (WIDTH*5)
-#define SKYH (HEIGHT/2)
-Pixmap skypixmap;
-char sky[SKYH][SKYW];
-struct object_1 {
- int type;
- unsigned char x;
- unsigned char y;
- unsigned char z;
-struct object_2 {
- int type;
- unsigned short x;
- unsigned short y;
- unsigned short z;
-struct object_4 {
- int type;
- unsigned int x;
- unsigned int y;
- unsigned int z;
-struct camera {
- c3_t p;
- int xr;//rotations
- int yr;
- int zr;
- real zoom;
-} camera;
-struct c3_line {
- char *id;
- c3_t p1;
- c3_t p2;
-struct c3_shape {//use array or linked list?
- char *id;
- unsigned char len;
- c3_t p[MAX_SIDES];
-struct mainwin {
- int x;
- int y;
- unsigned int depth;
- int mousex;
- int mousey;
- int rmousex;
- int rmousey;
- int buttonpressed;
- unsigned int width;
- unsigned int height;
- unsigned int border_width;
- XColor colors[256];
- int xoff;
- int math_error;
- int mapxoff;
- int mapyoff;
- int split_screen;
- int split_flip;//1 or -1
- char *user;
- char greyscale;
- char drawminimap;//flag
- char draw3d;//flag
- char debug;//flag
- char drawsky;//flag
- char zsort;
- char red_and_blue;
- char force_redraw;
- char selected_object[256];//meh
- real mmz;
- XColor green;
- XColor red;
- XColor blue;
- XColor redblue[2];
- Colormap color_map;
- Display *dpy;
- Window w;
- Pixmap backbuffer;
- Pixmap cleanbackbuffer;
- GC gc;
- GC backgc;
- struct c3_shape *shape[SHAPES];
- int shapes;
- int derp;
- int root_window;
- real split;
-} global;
-//used to figure out what c2 values are associated with each edge of the window.
-//#define TOP 160.0
-//#define BOTTOM -160.0
-#define TOP 240.0
-#define BOTTOM -240.0
-#define RIGHT 320.0
-#define LEFT -320.0
-int c2sX(long double x) { return (global.width/(global.split_screen / (global.red_and_blue ? global.split_screen: 1))) * ((x + RIGHT) / (RIGHT *2)) + global.xoff; }
-int s2cX(long double x) { return (x/(global.width/(global.split_screen / (global.red_and_blue?global.split_screen :1))))*(RIGHT*2)-RIGHT; }
-int c2sY(long double y) { return global.height * ((TOP-y) / (TOP*2)); }
-int s2cY(long double y) { return -((y/global.height) * (TOP*2) - TOP); }
-cs_t c2_to_cs(c2_t p) {
- return (cs_t){c2sX(p.x),c2sY(p.y)};
-c2_t cs_to_c2(cs_t p) {
- return (c2_t){s2cX(p.x),s2cY(p.y)};
-long double distance2(c2_t p1,c2_t p2) {
- return sqrtl(( (p1.x-p2.x)*(p1.x-p2.x) )+( (p1.y-p2.y)*(p1.y-p2.y) ));
-long double distance3(c3_t p1,c3_t p2) {
- return sqrtl(( (p1.x-p2.x)*(p1.x-p2.x) )+( (p1.y-p2.y)*(p1.y-p2.y) )+( (p1.z-p2.z)*(p1.z-p2.z) ));
-long double points_to_angle(c2_t p1,c2_t p2) {
- long double a=atan2l(p2.y-p1.y,p2.x-p1.x);
- return a>=0?a:M_PIl+M_PIl+a;
-long double d2r(int d) {
- while(d<0) d+=360;
- return (long double)(d%360) / (long double)180 * M_PIl;
-int r2d(real r) {
- return r / M_PIl * 180;
-int between_angles(real angle,real lower,real upper) {
- //lower may be higher than upper.
- //because lower is < 0 which wraps to higher. lower is 270, upper is 90. 270-90 is in front.
- if(lower > upper) {
- if(angle > lower) return 1;
- if(angle < upper) return 1;
- }
- if(upper > lower) {
- if(angle > lower && angle < upper) return 1;
- }
- return 0;
-B (x2,y2)
- |-. c
-a| '-.
- | '-.
- '--------~
-C b A (x1,y1)
-//I'll need this for collision I guess.
-//use this for finding a line that intersects with what the camera is pointing at
-c2_t get_c2_intersection(c2_t p1,real theta,c2_t p2) {
- real c;
- c=distance2(p1,p2);
- theta_a=C A B
- b = (c/1) * (theta_a + theta_offset)
-int get_2D_intersection_X(x1,y1,theta_offset,x2,y2) {
- int x3a,y3a,x3b,y3b;
- int a,b,c;//lenght of sides.
- int theta_a,theta_b,theta_c;//angles opposite of same named sides.
- //get angle C A B
- theta_a=
-// x1,y1,x2,y2
-//what are these d1 and d2?
- if(d1==d2) return global.math_error=1;
- c=dist(x1,y1,x2,y2);
- b = (c/1) * (theta_a + theta_offset);
- a = (c/1) * (theta_b + theta_offset);
- x3b=sin(theta_a) * b;
- y3b=cos(theta_a) * b;
- x3a=sin(theta_a) * a;
- y3a=cos(theta_a) * a;
- printf("x: %d %d\nx: %d %d\n",x3a,y3a,x3b,y3b);
-int get_2D_intersection_Y(x,y,d,x,z,d) {
- int x3a,y3a,x3b,y3b;
- int a,b,c;//lenght of sides.
- int theta_a,theta_b,theta_c;//angles opposite of same named sides.
- //get angle from A to B.
- x1,y1,x2,y2
- if(d1==d2) return global.math_error=1;
- c=dist(x1,y1,x2,y2);
- b = (c/1) * theta_a;
- a = (c/1) * theta_b;
- x3b=sin(a) * b;
- y3b=cos(a) * b;
- x3a=sin(a) * a;
- y3a=cos(a) * a;
- printf("y: %d %d\ny: %d %d\n",x3a,y3a,x3b,y3b);
-void draw_cs_line(cs_t p1,cs_t p2) {
- XDrawLine(global.dpy,global.backbuffer,global.backgc,p1.x,p1.y,p2.x,p2.y);
-void draw_c2_line(c2_t p1,c2_t p2) {
- draw_cs_line(c2_to_cs(p1),c2_to_cs(p2));
-#define MAGIC(x) (1.0l-(1.0l/powl(1.01l,(x)))) //??? might want to have some changables in here
-real magic(real x) {
- return MAGIC(x);
-void draw_graph(real (*fun)(real x)) {
- c2_t pa;
- draw_c2_line((c2_t){LEFT,0},(c2_t){RIGHT,0});
- draw_c2_line((c2_t){0,TOP},(c2_t){0,BOTTOM});
- for(pa.x=LEFT;pa.x<RIGHT;pa.x+=5.0) {
- draw_c2_line((c2_t){pa.x,2.0},(c2_t){pa.x,-2.0});
- }
- for(pa.y=BOTTOM;pa.y<TOP;pa.y+=5.0) {
- draw_c2_line((c2_t){-2.0,pa.y},(c2_t){2.0,pa.y});
- }
- for(pa.x=LEFT;pa.x<RIGHT;pa.x+=1.0) {
- draw_c2_line((c2_t){pa.x,fun(pa.x)},(c2_t){pa.x+1.0,fun(pa.x+1.0)});
- }
-c2_t rotate_c2(c2_t p1,c2_t p2,real dr) {
- c2_t p3;
- real d=distance2(p1,p2);
- real r=points_to_angle(p1,p2);
- r=r+dr;
- p3.x=(sinl(r) * d) + p2.x;
- p3.y=(cosl(r) * d) + p2.y;
- return p3;
-c3_t rotate_c3_xr(c3_t p1,c3_t p2,real xr) {//rotate y and z around camera based on xr (looking up and down)
- c2_t tmp;
- tmp=rotate_c2((c2_t){p1.y,p1.z},(c2_t){p2.y,p2.z},xr);
- return (c3_t){p1.x,tmp.x,tmp.y};
-c3_t rotate_c3_yr(c3_t p1,c3_t p2,real yr) {//rotate x and z around camera based on yr (looking left and right)
- c2_t tmp;
- tmp=rotate_c2((c2_t){p1.x,p1.z},(c2_t){p2.x,p2.z},yr);
- return (c3_t){tmp.x,p1.y,tmp.y};
-c3_t rotate_c3_zr(c3_t p1,c3_t p2,real zr) {//rotate x and y around camera based on zr (cocking your head to a side)
- c2_t tmp;
- tmp=rotate_c2((c2_t){p1.x,p1.y},(c2_t){p2.x,p2.y},zr);
- return (c3_t){tmp.x,tmp.y,p1.z};
-void rotate_shape_yr(struct c3_shape *s) {//changes input value!
- int i=0;
- for(i=0;i<s->len+(s->len==1);i++) s->p[0]=rotate_c3_yr(s->p[0],camera.p,camera.yr);
-c2_t c3_to_c2(c3_t p3) { //DO NOT DRAW STUFF IN HERE
- c2_t p2;
-// c3_t tmp1;
-// c3_t tmp2;
-// c3_t tmp3;
- c3_t final;
-//these rotations need to be about the previous axis after the axis itself has been rotated.
-// final=rotate_c3_yr(p3,camera.p,d2r(camera.yr));//rotate everything around the camera's location.
- final=rotate_c3_yr(p3,(c3_t){0,0,0},d2r(camera.yr));//rotate everything around the center no matter what.
-// tmp2=rotate_c3_xr(tmp1,camera.p,d2r(camera.xr));
-// final=rotate_c3_zr(tmp2,camera.p,d2r(camera.zr));
- real delta_x=(camera.p.x - final.x);
- real delta_y=(camera.p.y - final.y);
- real delta_z=(camera.p.z - final.z);
-// real d=distance3(camera.p,final);
- p2.y=camera.zoom * (delta_y * MAGIC(delta_z) - delta_y);
- p2.x=camera.zoom * (delta_x * MAGIC(delta_z) - delta_x);
- return p2;
-void draw_c3_line(c3_t p1,c3_t p2) {
-// if(!between_angles(points_to_angle((c2_t){camera.p.x,camera.p.z},(c2_t){p1.x,p1.z}),0,90) ||
-// !between_angles(points_to_angle((c2_t){camera.p.x,camera.p.z},(c2_t){p2.x,p2.z}),0,90)) return;
- if(global.drawminimap == 1) {
- draw_c2_line((c2_t){(camera.p.x-2)*global.mmz,(camera.p.z+2)*global.mmz},(c2_t){(camera.p.x+2)*global.mmz,(camera.p.z-2)*global.mmz});
- draw_c2_line((c2_t){(camera.p.x+2)*global.mmz,(camera.p.z+2)*global.mmz},(c2_t){(camera.p.x-2)*global.mmz,(camera.p.z-2)*global.mmz});
- draw_c2_line((c2_t){p1.x*global.mmz,p1.z*global.mmz},(c2_t){p2.x*global.mmz,p2.z*global.mmz});
- }
- if(global.drawminimap == 2) {//map rotates.
- c3_t t1=rotate_c3_yr(p1,camera.p,d2r(camera.yr));
- c3_t t2=rotate_c3_yr(p2,camera.p,d2r(camera.yr));
- draw_c2_line((c2_t){t1.x*global.mmz,t1.z*global.mmz},(c2_t){t2.x*global.mmz,t2.z*global.mmz});
- }
- if(global.draw3d != 0) draw_c2_line(c3_to_c2(p1),c3_to_c2(p2));
- if(global.debug) {
- }
-cs_t c3_to_cs(c3_t p) {
- return c2_to_cs(c3_to_c2(p));
-real shitdist2(c3_t p1,c3_t p2) {
- return sqrtl(((p1.x - p2.x) * (p1.x - p2.x)) +
- ((p1.y - p2.y) * (p1.y - p2.y)) +
- ((p1.z - p2.z) * (p1.z - p2.z)));
-real shitdist(struct c3_shape s,c3_t p) {
-// apply rotation then find distance?
- int i;
- struct c3_shape s_;
- real total;
- s_=s;
- rotate_shape_yr(&s_);
- for(i=0;i<s_.len+(s_.len==1);i++) {
- total+=shitdist2(s_.p[i],camera.p);
- }
- return (total) / (real)(s_.len+(s_.len==1));
-void HatchLines(c2_t p1,c2_t p2,c2_t p3,int density) {
- real i=0;
- for(i=1;i<density;i=i+1) {//only need 1/2, not 0/2 and 2/2, those are edges of the triangle.
- draw_c2_line(
- (c2_t){((i*p1.x)+((density-i)*p3.x))/density,
- ((i*p1.y)+((density-i)*p3.y))/density},
- (c2_t){((i*p2.x)+((density-i)*p3.x))/density,
- ((i*p2.y)+((density-i)*p3.y))/density}
- );
- }
-/*void DrawHatchedTriangle(struct c3_triangle t,int d) {
- c2_t p1,p2,p3;
- p1=c3_to_c2(t.p1);
- p2=c3_to_c2(t.p2);
- p3=c3_to_c2(t.p3);
- HatchLines(p1,p2,p3,d);
- HatchLines(p2,p3,p1,d);
- HatchLines(p1,p3,p2,d);
-//^ subdivision algorithm for display purposes only.
-//black out the rest of the triangle first?
-//sounds alright to me...
-void draw_cs_text(cs_t p,char *text) {
- char t[256];
- int direction,ascent,descent;
- XFontStruct *font=XLoadQueryFont(global.dpy,"fixed");
- XCharStruct overall;
- snprintf(t,sizeof(t)-1,"%s",text);
- XTextExtents(font,text,strlen(text),&direction,&ascent,&descent,&overall);
- XDrawString(global.dpy,global.backbuffer,global.backgc,p.x,p.y+(descent+ascent),text,strlen(text));
-void draw_c2_text(c2_t p,char *text) {
- cs_t p2=c2_to_cs(p);
- draw_cs_text(p2,text);
-void draw_c3_text(c3_t p,char *text) {
- cs_t p2=c3_to_cs(p);
- draw_cs_text(p2,text);
-cs_t *c3s_to_css(c3_t *p3,int len) {
- cs_t *ps=malloc(sizeof(cs_t) * len);
- int i;
- for(i=0;i<len;i++) ps[i]=c3_to_cs(p3[i]);
- return ps;
-void draw_c3_shape(struct c3_shape s) {
-// char line[1024];
- int i=0;
- int w,h;
- XPoint p[s.len+(s.len==1)];
- cs_t tmp;
- for(i=0;i<s.len+(s.len==1);i++) {
- tmp=c3_to_cs(s.p[i]);
- p[i]=(XPoint){tmp.x,tmp.y};
- }
- if(global.draw3d == 1) { // wireframe
- switch(s.len) {
- case 1:
- w=max(p[0].x,p[1].x)-min(p[0].x,p[1].x);
- h=max(p[0].y,p[1].y)-min(p[0].y,p[1].y);
- p[0].x-=h;
- p[0].y-=h;
- XDrawArc(global.dpy,global.backbuffer,global.backgc,p[0].x,p[0].y,h*2,h*2,0,360*64);
- break;
- case 2:
- XDrawLine(global.dpy,global.backbuffer,global.backgc,p[0].x,p[0].y,p[1].x,p[1].y);
- break;
- default:
- for(i=0;i<s.len;i++) {
- XDrawLines(global.dpy,global.backbuffer,global.backgc,p,s.len,CoordModeOrigin);
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- if(global.draw3d == 2) { //draw it filled in
- switch(s.len) {
- case 1:
- w=max(p[0].x,p[1].x)-min(p[0].x,p[1].x);
- h=max(p[0].y,p[1].y)-min(p[0].y,p[1].y);
- p[0].x-=h;
- p[0].y-=h;
- XFillArc(global.dpy,global.backbuffer,global.backgc,p[0].x,p[0].y,h*2,h*2,0,360*64);
- break;
- case 2:
- XDrawLine(global.dpy,global.backbuffer,global.backgc,p[0].x,p[0].y,p[1].x,p[1].y);
- break;
- default:
- XFillPolygon(global.dpy,global.backbuffer,global.backgc,p,s.len,Convex,CoordModeOrigin);
- break;
- }
- }
-// if(global.draw3d == 3) { //hashed
-// XSetForeground(global.dpy, global.backgc, global.colors[0].pixel);
- //XDrawFilledShape(c3_to_cs(t.p1),c3_to_cs(t.p2),c3_to_cs(t.p3));//clear out this triangle.
-// XSetForeground(global.dpy, global.backgc,;
- //upgrade me! DrawHatchedTriangle(t,10 - (shitdist(t,camera.p) / 10));//how to get density?
-// }
-/* if(global.debug) {
- snprintf(line,sizeof(line)-1,"(%Lf,%Lf,%Lf)",t.p1.x,t.p1.y,t.p1.z);
- draw_c3_text(t.p1,line);
- snprintf(line,sizeof(line)-1,"(%Lf,%Lf,%Lf)",t.p2.x,t.p2.y,t.p2.z);
- draw_c3_text(t.p2,line);
- snprintf(line,sizeof(line)-1,"(%Lf,%Lf,%Lf)",t.p3.x,t.p3.y,t.p3.z);
- draw_c3_text(t.p3,line);
-// }
-typedef struct {
- struct c3_shape *s;
- real d;
-} zsort_t;
-int compar(zsort_t *a,zsort_t *b) {
- return ((a->d) > (b->d));
-void draw_c3_point_text(c3_t p,char *text) {
- char coords[256];
- int direction,ascent,descent;
- cs_t p2;
- p2=c3_to_cs(p);
- snprintf(coords,sizeof(coords)-1,"(%Lf,%Lf,%Lf)",p.x,p.y,p.z);
- XTextExtents(font,text,strlen(text),&direction,&ascent,&descent,&overall);
- XDrawString(global.dpy,global.backbuffer,global.backgc,p2.x,p2.y+(descent+ascent),coords,strlen(coords));
-void draw_screen(Display *dpy,Window w,GC gc) {
- int i;
- int colori=100;
- int cn=0;//camera number.
- XFontStruct *font=XLoadQueryFont(global.dpy,"fixed");
- XCharStruct overall;
- int direction,ascent,descent;
- char coords[256];
- XGCValues gcval;
- zsort_t zs[SHAPES];
- XCopyArea(global.dpy,global.cleanbackbuffer,global.backbuffer,gc,0,0,global.width,global.height,0,0);//clear the backbuffer.
-// XCopyPlane(global.dpy,global.cleanbackbuffer,global.backbuffer,gc,0,0,global.width,global.height,0,0,1);//clear the backbuffer.
- XRectangle cliprect;
- cliprect.x=0;
- cliprect.y=0;
- cliprect.width=global.width/global.split_screen;
- cliprect.height=global.height;
- real oldx=camera.p.x;
- real oldz=camera.p.z;
- if(global.split_screen > 1) {
- camera.p.z-=(global.split_flip)*((global.split/global.split_screen)*cosl(d2r(camera.yr+180)));
- camera.p.x-=(global.split_flip)*((global.split/global.split_screen)*sinl(d2r(camera.yr+180)));
- }
- for(cn=0;cn<global.split_screen;cn++) {
- if(global.red_and_blue) {
- //set color for left half to red and right half to blue
- //and draw mode for the gc to GXOr
- global.xoff=0;
- gcval.function=GXor;
- XChangeGC(global.dpy,global.backgc,GCFunction,&gcval);
- } else {
- global.xoff=(global.width/global.split_screen)*cn;
- }
- if(!global.red_and_blue) XSetClipRectangles(global.dpy,global.backgc,global.xoff,0,&cliprect,1,Unsorted);
- //if(global.drawminimap == 3) { draw_graph(magic); continue; }
- if(global.drawsky) {
- XCopyArea(global.dpy,skypixmap,global.backbuffer,global.backgc,((camera.yr*5)+SKYW)%SKYW,0,WIDTH,global.height/2,0,0);
- }
- if(global.draw3d) {
-// draw_c2_line((c2_t){LEFT,0},(c2_t){RIGHT,0}); //horizon
- }
- if(time(0) == oldtime) {
- fps++;
- }
- else {
- oldtime=time(0);
- oldfps=fps;
- fps=0;
- }
- //XSetForeground(global.dpy, global.backgc,;
- if(global.debug) {
- snprintf(coords,sizeof(coords)-1,"debug: %s minimap: %d 3d: %d fps: %d shapes: %d",global.debug?"on":"off",global.drawminimap,global.draw3d,oldfps,global.shapes);
- XTextExtents(font,coords,strlen(coords),&direction,&ascent,&descent,&overall);
- XDrawString(global.dpy,global.backbuffer,global.backgc,global.xoff,global.height/2+(descent+0+ascent)*1,coords,strlen(coords));
- snprintf(coords,sizeof(coords)-1,"x: %d y: %d",global.mousex,global.mousey);
- XTextExtents(font,coords,strlen(coords),&direction,&ascent,&descent,&overall);
- XDrawString(global.dpy,global.backbuffer,global.backgc,global.xoff,global.height/2+(descent+0+ascent)*2,coords,strlen(coords));
- snprintf(coords,sizeof(coords)-1,"cx: %Lf cy: %Lf cz: %Lf",camera.p.x,camera.p.y,camera.p.z);
- XTextExtents(font,coords,strlen(coords),&direction,&ascent,&descent,&overall);
- XDrawString(global.dpy,global.backbuffer,global.backgc,global.xoff,global.height/2+(descent+0+ascent)*3,coords,strlen(coords));
- snprintf(coords,sizeof(coords)-1,"xr: %d yr: %d zr: %d",camera.xr,camera.yr,camera.zr);
- XTextExtents(font,coords,strlen(coords),&direction,&ascent,&descent,&overall);
- XDrawString(global.dpy,global.backbuffer,global.backgc,global.xoff,global.height/2+(descent+0+ascent)*4,coords,strlen(coords));
- }
-// if(global.drawminimap) {//this isn't even useful I guess.
- //cx1=(sinl(d2r(camera.yr+270))*7l);
- //cy1=(cosl(d2r(camera.yr+270))*7l);
- //cx2=(sinl(d2r(camera.yr+90))*7l);
- //cy2=(cosl(d2r(camera.yr+90))*7l);
-// draw_c2_line((c2_t){0,0},(c2_t){10,10});
-// draw_c2_line((c2_t){0,0},(c2_t){-10,10});
-// draw_c2_line((c2_t){10,10},(c2_t){-10,10});
-// }
-/* cube
- draw_c3_line((c3_t){-3,0,-3},(c3_t){-3,0,3});
- draw_c3_line((c3_t){-3,0,-3},(c3_t){-3,6,-3});
- draw_c3_line((c3_t){-3,0,-3},(c3_t){3,0,-3});
- draw_c3_line((c3_t){3,6,3},(c3_t){3,6,-3});
- draw_c3_line((c3_t){3,6,3},(c3_t){-3,6,3});
- draw_c3_line((c3_t){3,6,3},(c3_t){3,0,3});
- draw_c3_line((c3_t){-3,0,3},(c3_t){3,0,3});
- draw_c3_line((c3_t){-3,0,3},(c3_t){-3,6,3});
- draw_c3_line((c3_t){-3,6,-3},(c3_t){-3,6,3});
- draw_c3_line((c3_t){-3,6,-3},(c3_t){3,6,-3});
- draw_c3_line((c3_t){3,0,-3},(c3_t){3,0,3});
- draw_c3_line((c3_t){3,0,-3},(c3_t){3,6,-3});
- //floor grid
- for(i=-21;i<21;i+=3) {
- for(j=-21;j<21;j+=3) {
- //draw_c3_triangle((struct c3_triangle){"id",(c3_t){i,0,j},(c3_t){i,0,j+3},(c3_t){i+3,0,j}});
- draw_c3_line((c3_t){i,0,j},(c3_t){i,0,j+3});
- draw_c3_line((c3_t){i,0,j},(c3_t){i+3,0,j});
- }
- }
- //apply rotation?
- // load up the triangles to render... after applying rotation?
- for(i=0;global.shape[i];i++) {
- zs[i].s=global.shape[i];
- //rotate_shape(zs[i].s);
- }
- //
- if(1) {//global.zsort) {
- for(i=0;global.shape[i];i++) {
- zs[i].d=shitdist(*(zs[i].s),camera.p);
- }
- qsort(&zs,i,sizeof(zs[0]),(__compar_fn_t)compar);//sort these zs structs based on d.
- }
- //draw all triangles
- if(zs[0].s) {
- strcpy(global.selected_object,zs[0].s->id);
- }
- for(i=0;global.shape[i];i++) {
- //now we pick the color of this triangle!
- if(global.red_and_blue) {
- if(cn==0) {
- XSetForeground(global.dpy,global.backgc,;
- } else {
- XSetForeground(global.dpy,global.backgc,;
- }
-//tests of blending grayscale with red and blue
-// draw_c3_triangle(*(zs[i].t));
- } else {
- if(!strcmp(global.selected_object,zs[i].s->id)) {
- //XSetForeground(global.dpy,global.backgc,;
- } else {
- if(global.greyscale) {
- if(zs[i].d > 0) {
- if(zs[i].d < 100) {
- colori=zs[i].d;
- }
- }
- colori=(int)(zs[i].d)%100;
- XSetForeground(global.dpy,global.backgc,global.colors[(int)(100.0-(colori))].pixel);//picking the color here only works if...
- }
- }
- }
- draw_c3_shape(*(zs[i].s));
- }
- XSetForeground(global.dpy, global.backgc,;
- if(global.debug) {
- snprintf(coords,sizeof(coords)-1,"selected object: %s",global.selected_object);
- XTextExtents(font,coords,strlen(coords),&direction,&ascent,&descent,&overall);
- XDrawString(global.dpy,global.backbuffer,global.backgc,global.xoff,global.height/2+(descent+0+ascent)*5,coords,strlen(coords));
- }
- camera.p.z+=(global.split_flip)*(global.split*cosl(d2r(camera.yr+180)));
- camera.p.x+=(global.split_flip)*(global.split*sinl(d2r(camera.yr+180)));
- }
-//TODO: figure out what all this shit is and either update or remove.
-//DONT USE WIDTH for shit.
- x1=nextX(WIDTH/2,HEIGHT/2,d2r(camera.yr),40);
- y1=nextY(WIDTH/2,HEIGHT/2,d2r(camera.yr),40);
- x2=nextX(WIDTH/2,HEIGHT/2,d2r(camera.yr+180),80);
- y2=nextY(WIDTH/2,HEIGHT/2,d2r(camera.yr+180),80);
- XDrawLine(global.dpy,w,gc,WIDTH/2,HEIGHT/2,x1,y1);
- XDrawLine(global.dpy,w,gc,WIDTH/2,HEIGHT/2,x2,y2);
- XDrawLine(global.dpy,w,gc,0,HEIGHT/2,WIDTH,HEIGHT/2);
- x1=global.mousex;
- y1=global.mousey;
- real a=points_to_angle((c2_t){0,0},cs_to_c2((cs_t){x1,y1}));
- snprintf(coords,sizeof(coords)-1,"%llf",a);
- XTextExtents(font,coords,strlen(coords),&direction,&ascent,&descent,&overall);
- XDrawString(global.dpy,w,gc,global.xoff,(descent+0+ascent)*6,coords,strlen(coords));
- snprintf(coords,sizeof(coords)-1,"%llf",points_to_angle(cs_to_c2((cs_t){global.mousex,global.mousey}),(c2_t){0,0})+(M_PIl/2));
- XTextExtents(font,coords,strlen(coords),&direction,&ascent,&descent,&overall);
- XDrawString(global.dpy,w,gc,global.xoff,(descent+0+ascent)*7,coords,strlen(coords));
- XDrawLine(global.dpy,w,gc,global.mousex,global.mousey,global.width/2,global.height/2);
- real c=cosl(d2r(camera.yr) - a) * distance((c2_t){x1,y1},(c2_t){WIDTH/2,HEIGHT/2});
- x2=nextX(x1,y1,d2r(camera.yr-90),c);
- y2=nextY(x1,y1,d2r(camera.yr-90),c);
- XDrawLine(global.dpy,w,gc,x1,y1,x2,y2);
- camera.p.x = oldx;
- camera.p.z = oldz; //-= cn*CAMERA_SEPARATION;
-// XClearWindow(global.dpy, w);
- XCopyArea(global.dpy,global.backbuffer,w,gc,0,0,global.width,global.height,0,0);//move backbuffer to window
-// XCopyPlane(global.dpy,global.backbuffer,w,gc,0,0,global.width,global.height,0,0,0x000100);//move backbuffer to window
-/* does not return the newline. */
-char *read_line_hack(FILE *fp,int len) {
- short in;
- char *t;
- switch(in=fgetc(fp)) {
- case '\n':
- t=malloc(len+1);
- t[len]=0;
- return t;
- case -1:
- return 0;
- default:
- if((t=read_line_hack(fp,len+1))) t[len]=in;
- break;
- }
- return t;
-//warning: clobbers input
-//skips leading and trailing space.
-//compresses multiple spaces to one.
-//return length of array
-char **line_splitter(char *line,int *rlen) {
- char **a;
- int len,i=0;
- len=1;//we're just counting how much we'll need the first loop through.
- for(i=0;line[i] && line[i] == ' ';i++);//skip leading space
- for(;line[i];len++) {
- for(;line[i] && line[i] != ' ';i++);//skip rest of data
- for(;line[i] && line[i] == ' ';i++);//skip rest of space
- }
- a=malloc(sizeof(char *) * len+1);
- a[len]=0;
- len=0;//reuse!
- for(i=0;line[i] && line[i] == ' ';i++);//skip leading space
- a[len]=line+i;
- for(;;) {
- for(;line[i] && line[i] != ' ';i++);//skip rest of data
- if(!line[i]) break;
- line[i++]=0;
- for(;line[i] && line[i] == ' ';i++);//skip rest of space
- if(!line[i]) break;
- a[++len]=line+i;
- }
- a[++len]=0;
- *rlen=len;
- return a;
-void set_aspect_ratio() {
- XSizeHints *hints=XAllocSizeHints();
- hints->min_aspect.x=4*(global.split_screen / (global.red_and_blue ? global.split_screen : 1));
- hints->min_aspect.y=3;
- hints->max_aspect.x=4*(global.split_screen / (global.red_and_blue ? global.split_screen : 1));
- hints->max_aspect.y=3;
- hints->flags=PAspect;
- XSetWMNormalHints(global.dpy,global.w,hints);
-int load_stdin() {
- struct c3_shape s;
-// struct c3_line l;
- char *command;
- char *line;
- char *id;
- char **a;
- int len;
- int ret=0;
- int j,k,l;
- //struct timeval timeout;
- //fd_set master;
- //fd_set readfs;
- //FD_ZERO(&master);
- //FD_ZERO(&readfs);
- //FD_SET(0,&master);//just stdin.
- int i;//used to store the last triangle. even though I have a global for that. >_>
-// printf("# entering load_stdin()\n");
- for(i=0;global.shape[i];i++) ;//hop to the end.
- fcntl(0,F_SETFL,O_NONBLOCK);
- if(feof(stdin)) {
- clearerr(stdin);
- }
- // readfs=master;
- // timeout.tv_sec=0;
- // timeout.tv_usec=1;
- // if((j=select(1,&readfs,0,0,&timeout)) == -1) {
- // perror("select");
- // return 0;
- // }
- // if(FD_ISSET(0,&readfs)) {
- while((line=read_line_hack(stdin,0))) {//load as long there's something to load
- if(*line == '#') return 0;
- //printf("# read command: %s\n",line);
- a=line_splitter(line,&len);
- if(len > 1) {
- id=a[0];
- command=a[1];
- } else {
- printf("Ohhhh. shit.\n");
- return 0;
- }
- ret=1;
- if(!strcmp(command,"deleteallexcept")) {
- for(j=0;global.shape[j];j++) {//mark first. compress later.
- if(strcmp(global.shape[j]->id,a[2])) {//TODO: memory leak!
- //free(global.triangle[j]->id);
- //free(global.triangle[j]);
- global.shape[j]=0;
- }
- }
- l=0;
- for(k=0;k<j;k++) {
- while(global.shape[l] == 0 && l < j) l++;
- global.shape[k]=global.shape[l];
- }
- continue;
- }
- if(!strcmp(command,"deletegroup")) {
- for(j=0;global.shape[j];j++) {//mark first. compress later.
- if(!strcmp(global.shape[j]->id, {//??? where is supposed to be set from?
- free(global.shape[j]->id);
- free(global.shape[j]);
- global.shape[j]=0;
- }
- }
- l=0;
- for(k=0;k<j;k++) {
- while(global.shape[l] == 0 && l < j) l++;
- global.shape[k]=global.shape[l];
- }
- continue;
- }
- if(!strcmp(command,"assimilate")) {
- if(len == 3) {
- for(j=0;global.shape[j];j++) {
- if(!strcmp(global.shape[j]->id,a[2])) {
- free(global.shape[j]->id);
- global.shape[j]->id=strdup(id);
- }
- }
- }
- continue;
- }
- if(!strcmp(command,"renamegroup")) {
- if(len == 4) {
- for(j=0;global.shape[j];j++) {
- if(!strcmp(global.shape[j]->id,a[2])) {
- free(global.shape[j]->id);
- global.shape[j]->id=strdup(a[3]);
- }
- }
- }
- continue;
- }
- if(!strcmp(command,"export")) {
- for(j=0;global.shape[j];j++) {
- if(!strcmp(global.shape[j]->id,a[2])) {
-// to=global.shape[j];
-// printf("%s addshape %Lf %Lf %Lf %Lf %Lf %Lf %Lf %Lf %Lf\n",a[2],
-// to->p1.x,to->p1.y,to->p1.z,
-// to->p2.x,to->p2.y,to->p2.z,
-// to->p3.x,to->p3.y,to->p3.z
-// );
- }
- }
- continue;
- }
- if(!strcmp(command,"dump")) {
- printf("%s set camera.p.x %Lf\n",global.user,camera.p.x);
- printf("%s set camera.p.y %Lf\n",global.user,camera.p.y);
- printf("%s set camera.p.z %Lf\n",global.user,camera.p.z);
- printf("%s set camera.xr %d\n",global.user,camera.xr);
- printf("%s set camera.yr %d\n",global.user,camera.yr);
- printf("%s set camera.zr %d\n",global.user,camera.zr);
- printf("%s set camera.zoom %Lf\n",global.user,camera.zoom);
- continue;
- }
- if(!strcmp(command,"quit")) {
- return -1;
- }
- if(!strcmp(command,"set")) { //set variable //TODO: add more things to this.
- if(len != 3 && len != 4) continue;
- if(len == 4) {
- if(!strcmp(a[2],"camera.p.x")) camera.p.x=strtold(a[3],0);
- else if(!strcmp(a[2],"camera.p.y")) camera.p.y=strtold(a[3],0);
- else if(!strcmp(a[2],"camera.p.z")) camera.p.z=strtold(a[3],0);
- else if(!strcmp(a[2],"camera.zoom")) camera.zoom=strtold(a[3],0);
- else if(!strcmp(a[2],"camera.xr")) camera.xr=atoi(a[3]);
- else if(!strcmp(a[2],"camera.yr")) camera.yr=atoi(a[3]);
- else if(!strcmp(a[2],"camera.zr")) camera.zr=atoi(a[3]);
- else printf("# unknown variable: %s\n",a[2]);
- continue;
- }
- if(!strcmp(a[2],"force_redraw")) global.force_redraw^=1;
- else if(!strcmp(a[2],"red_and_blue")) { global.red_and_blue^=1; set_aspect_ratio(); }
- else { printf("# unknown variable: %s\n",a[2]); continue; }
- printf("# %s toggled!\n",a[2]);
- continue;
- }
- if(!strcmp(command,"addshape")) {
- if(len > 3) {
- global.shape[i]=malloc(sizeof(struct c3_shape));
- global.shape[i]->id=strdup(id);
- global.shape[i]->len=strtold(a[2],0);
- for(j=0;j < global.shape[i]->len+(global.shape[i]->len==1);j++) {
- global.shape[i]->p[j].x=strtold(a[(j*3)+3],0);//second arg is just for a return value. set to 0 if you don't want it.
- global.shape[i]->p[j].y=strtold(a[(j*3)+4],0);
- global.shape[i]->p[j].z=strtold(a[(j*3)+5],0);
- }
- i++;
- global.shapes=i;
- global.shape[i]=0;
- } else {
- printf("# ERROR: wrong amount of parts for addshape. got: %d expected: 11\n",len);
- }
- continue;
- }
- if(!strcmp(command,"scaleup")) {//should this scale separately so it can be a deform too?
- for(i=0;global.shape[i];i++) {
- if(!strcmp(global.shape[i]->id,id)) {
- for(j=0;j < global.shape[i]->len+(global.shape[i]->len==1);j++) {
- global.shape[i]->p[j].x*=strtold(a[2],0);
- global.shape[i]->p[j].y*=strtold(a[2],0);
- global.shape[i]->p[j].z*=strtold(a[2],0);
- }
- }
- }
- continue;
- //return ret;
- }
- if(!strcmp(command,"move")) {
- if(len > 4) {
- for(i=0;global.shape[i];i++) {
- if(!strcmp(global.shape[i]->id,id)) {
- for(j=0;j < global.shape[i]->len+(global.shape[i]->len==1);j++) {
- global.shape[i]->p[j].x+=strtold(a[2],0);
- global.shape[i]->p[j].y+=strtold(a[3],0);
- global.shape[i]->p[j].z+=strtold(a[4],0);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- else {
- printf("# ERROR: wrong amount of parts for move. got: %d expected: 11\n",len);
- }
- continue;
- //return ret;
- }
- printf("# I don't know what command you're talking about. %s\n",command);
-/* if(!strcmp(command,"rotate")) {
- for(i=0;global.shape[i];i++) {
- global.shape[i]->p1=rotate_c3_about()
- global.shape[i]->p2=
- global.shape[i]->p3=
- }
- free(line);
- if(a) free(a);
- }
- return ret;
-int export_file(FILE *fp) {//not used yet. maybe export in obj optionally? no. that should be an external program
-// struct c3_shape *to;
-// int i;
-// for(i=0;global.shape[i];i++) {
-// to=global.shape[i];
-// printf("%s addshape %Lf %Lf %Lf %Lf %Lf %Lf %Lf %Lf %Lf\n",to->id,to->p1.x,to->p1.y,to->p1.z,to->p2.x,to->p2.y,to->p2.z,to->p3.x,to->p3.y,to->p3.z);
-// }
- return 0;
-//push a string back into stdin so it can be read by the file loader. :P
-int selfcommand(char *s) {
- char t;
- if(!strlen(s)) return 0;
- ungetc(s[strlen(s)-1],stdin);
- t=s[strlen(s)-1];
- s[strlen(s)-1]=0;
- selfcommand(s);
- putchar(t);
- return 0;
-int keypress_handler(int sym) {
- char line[1024];
- real tmpx;
-// real tmpy; //unused atm
- real tmpz;
- switch(sym) {
- case XK_Return:
- snprintf(line,sizeof(line)-1,"%s action %s\n",global.user,global.selected_object);
- selfcommand(line);
- break;
- case XK_Up:
- tmpx=WALK_SPEED*sinl(d2r(camera.yr+90));
- tmpz=WALK_SPEED*cosl(d2r(camera.yr+90));
- camera.p.x+=tmpx;
- camera.p.z+=tmpz;
- snprintf(line,sizeof(line)-1,"%s move %Lf 0 %Lf 0 0 0 0 0 0\n",global.user,tmpx,tmpz);
- selfcommand(line);
- break;
- case XK_Down:
- tmpx=WALK_SPEED*sinl(d2r(camera.yr+270));
- tmpz=WALK_SPEED*cosl(d2r(camera.yr+270));
- camera.p.x+=tmpx;
- camera.p.z+=tmpz;
- snprintf(line,sizeof(line)-1,"%s move %Lf 0 %Lf 0 0 0 0 0 0\n",global.user,tmpx,tmpz);
- selfcommand(line);
- break;
- case XK_Left:
- tmpx=WALK_SPEED*sinl(d2r(camera.yr));
- tmpz=WALK_SPEED*cosl(d2r(camera.yr));
- camera.p.x+=tmpx;
- camera.p.z+=tmpz;
- snprintf(line,sizeof(line)-1,"%s move %Lf 0 %Lf 0 0 0 0 0 0\n",global.user,tmpx,tmpz);
- selfcommand(line);
- break;
- case XK_Right:
- tmpx=WALK_SPEED*sinl(d2r(camera.yr+180));
- tmpz=WALK_SPEED*cosl(d2r(camera.yr+180));
- camera.p.x+=tmpx;
- camera.p.z+=tmpz;
- snprintf(line,sizeof(line)-1,"%s move %Lf 0 %Lf 0 0 0 0 0 0\n",global.user,tmpx,tmpz);
- selfcommand(line);
- break;
- case XK_w:
- camera.p.y+=1;
- snprintf(line,sizeof(line)-1,"%s move 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0\n",global.user);
- selfcommand(line);
- break;
- case XK_s:
- camera.p.y-=1;
- snprintf(line,sizeof(line)-1,"%s move 0 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0\n",global.user);
- selfcommand(line);
- break;
- case XK_r:
- camera.xr+=5;
- while(camera.xr > 360) camera.xr-=360;
- break;
- case XK_y:
- camera.xr-=5;
- while(camera.xr < 0) camera.xr+=360;
- break;
- case XK_q:
- camera.yr+=5;
- while(camera.yr > 360) camera.yr-=360;
- break;
- case XK_e:
- camera.yr-=5;
- while(camera.yr < 0) camera.yr+=360;
- break;
- case XK_u:
- camera.zr+=5;
- while(camera.zr > 360) camera.zr-=360;
- break;
- case XK_o:
- camera.zr-=5;
- while(camera.zr < 0) camera.zr+=360;
- break;
- case XK_z: camera.zoom+=1; break;
- case XK_x: camera.zoom-=1; break;
- case XK_c: global.mmz*=1.1; break;
- case XK_v: global.mmz/=1.1; break;
- case XK_h: global.split+=1; break;
- case XK_j: global.split-=1; break;
- case XK_d:
- global.debug ^= 1;
- break;
- case XK_f:
- global.derp ^= 1;
- break;
- case XK_m:
- global.drawminimap += 1;
- global.drawminimap %= 4;
- break;
- case XK_a:
- global.drawsky ^= 1;
- break;
- case XK_3:
- global.draw3d += 1;
- global.draw3d %= 4;
- break;
- case XK_Escape:
- return -1;
- default:
- return 0;
- break;
- }
- return 1;
-int main(int argc,char *argv[]) {
- Cursor cursor;
- XEvent e;
- XSetWindowAttributes attributes;
- Window root,child;//why do I have this?
-// XColor toss;
- int i,j;
- char tmp[64];
- unsigned int mask;
- char redraw=0;
- if(argc < 2) {
- fprintf(stderr,"usage: hackvr yourname < from_others > to_others\n");
- return 1;
- } else {
- global.user=strdup(argv[1]);
- }
- fcntl(1,F_SETFL,O_NONBLOCK);//won't work
- printf("# Opening X Display... (%s)\n",getenv("DISPLAY"));
- if((global.dpy = XOpenDisplay(0)) == NULL) return printf("# failure.\n"),2;
- else printf("# done.\n");
- global.color_map=DefaultColormap(global.dpy, DefaultScreen(global.dpy));
- printf("# generating grays...\n");
- for(i=0;i<=100;i++) {
- snprintf(tmp,sizeof(tmp),"gray%d",i);
- XAllocNamedColor(global.dpy,global.color_map,tmp,&global.colors[i],&global.colors[i]);
- }
- printf("# done.\n");
- setbuf(stdin,0);
- setbuf(stdout,0);
- assert(global.dpy);
- global.split_screen=SPLIT_SCREEN;
- global.split_flip=-1;
- global.split=5;
- global.root_window=0;
- global.red_and_blue=RED_AND_BLUE;
- //global.colors[0]=BlackPixel(global.dpy,DefaultScreen(global.dpy));
-// int whiteColor = //WhitePixel(global.dpy, DefaultScreen(global.dpy));
- attributes.background_pixel=global.colors[0].pixel;
- if(global.root_window) {
- global.w = DefaultRootWindow(global.dpy); //this is still buggy.
- } else {
- global.w = XCreateWindow(global.dpy,DefaultRootWindow(global.dpy),0,0,WIDTH*(global.split_screen / (global.red_and_blue ? global.split_screen : 1)),HEIGHT,1,DefaultDepth(global.dpy,DefaultScreen(global.dpy)),InputOutput,DefaultVisual(global.dpy,DefaultScreen(global.dpy))\
- ,CWBackPixel, &attributes);
- set_aspect_ratio();
- XSelectInput(global.dpy, global.w, PointerMotionMask|StructureNotifyMask|ButtonPressMask|ButtonReleaseMask|KeyPressMask|ExposureMask);
- }
- XMapWindow(global.dpy, global.w);
- XStoreName(global.dpy,global.w,"hackvr");
- global.greyscale=1;
- global.zsort=1;
- global.shape[0]=0;//we'll allocate as we need more.
- global.gc=XCreateGC(global.dpy, global.w, 0, 0);
- if(global.red_and_blue) {
- global.width=WIDTH;
- } else {
- global.width=WIDTH*global.split_screen;
- }
- global.height=HEIGHT;
- global.backbuffer=XCreatePixmap(global.dpy,global.w,global.width,global.height,DefaultDepth(global.dpy,DefaultScreen(global.dpy)));
- global.cleanbackbuffer=XCreatePixmap(global.dpy,global.w,global.width,global.height,DefaultDepth(global.dpy,DefaultScreen(global.dpy)));
-//backbuffer is uninitialized
- global.backgc=XCreateGC(global.dpy,global.backbuffer,0,0);
- cursor=XCreateFontCursor(global.dpy,XC_crosshair);
- XDefineCursor(global.dpy, global.w, cursor);
- XAllocNamedColor(global.dpy, global.color_map, "green", &, &;
- XAllocNamedColor(global.dpy, global.color_map, "red", &, &;
- XAllocNamedColor(global.dpy, global.color_map, "blue", &, &;
- XAllocNamedColor(global.dpy, global.color_map, "red", &global.redblue[0], &global.redblue[0]);
- XAllocNamedColor(global.dpy, global.color_map, "blue", &global.redblue[1], &global.redblue[1]);
- XSetForeground(global.dpy, global.gc,;
- XSetForeground(global.dpy, global.backgc, global.colors[0].pixel);//black. we're about to draw the blank background using this.
- XSetBackground(global.dpy, global.gc, global.colors[160].pixel);
- XSetBackground(global.dpy, global.backgc, global.colors[140].pixel);
- XFillRectangle(global.dpy,global.cleanbackbuffer,global.backgc,0,0,global.width,global.height);
- XSetForeground(global.dpy, global.backgc,;
-// XSetForeground(global.dpy, gc, whiteColor);
-// this was taking a "long" time.
- printf("# generating sky... ");
- skypixmap=XCreatePixmap(global.dpy,global.w,SKYW,SKYH,DefaultDepth(global.dpy,DefaultScreen(global.dpy)));
- for(i=0;i<SKYH;i++) {
- for(j=0;j<SKYW;j++) {
- if(i==0) sky[i][j]=rand()%2;
- else {
- sky[i][j]=(SKYRULE >> ((!!sky[i-1][(j+(SKYW)-1)%(SKYW)]<<2) | (!!sky[i-1][j]<<1) | (!!sky[i-1][j+1%(SKYW)])) & 1);
- if(sky[i][j]) {
- XDrawPoint(global.dpy,skypixmap,global.backgc,j,i);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- printf("done.\n");
- global.mapxoff=global.width/2;
- global.mapyoff=global.height/2;
- global.drawminimap=0;
- global.draw3d=1;
- global.debug=0;
- global.force_redraw=1;//use this for checking proper fps I guess.
- camera.zoom=30.0l;
- camera.xr=270;
- camera.yr=270;
- camera.zr=0;
- global.mmz=1;
- camera.p.x=0;
- camera.p.z=6;
- camera.p.y=5;
- printf("# entering main loop\n");
- for(;;) {
- redraw=global.force_redraw;
- while(XPending(global.dpy)) {//these are taking too long?
- XNextEvent(global.dpy, &e);
-// printf("# handling event with type: %d\n",e.type);
- switch(e.type) {
-// case Expose:
-// if(e.xexpose.count == 0) redraw=1;
-// break;
- case MotionNotify:
- redraw=1;
- XQueryPointer(global.dpy,global.w,&root,&child,&global.rmousex,&global.rmousey,&global.mousex,&global.mousey,&mask);
- break;
- case ButtonPress:
- redraw=1;
- global.buttonpressed=e.xbutton.button;
- break;
- case ButtonRelease:
- redraw=1;
- global.buttonpressed=0;
- break;
- case ConfigureNotify:
- redraw=1;
- XGetGeometry(global.dpy,global.w,&root,&global.x,&global.y,&global.width,&global.height,&global.border_width,&global.depth);
- if(global.width / (global.split_screen / (global.red_and_blue ? global.split_screen : 1 )) / 4 * 3 != global.height) {
- if(global.height * 3 / 4 == global.height) {
- printf("math doesn't work.\n");
- }
- printf("# DERPY WM CANT TAKE A HINT %d / %d / 4 * 3 = %d != %d\n",global.width,global.split_screen,global.width /global.split_screen /4 * 3,global.height);
- if(global.width / (global.split_screen / (global.red_and_blue ? global.split_screen : 1)) / 4 * 3 < global.height) {
- global.height=global.width / (global.split_screen / (global.red_and_blue ? global.split_screen : 1)) / 4 * 3;
- } else {
- global.width=global.height * 3 / 4 * (global.split_screen / (global.red_and_blue ? global.split_screen : 1));
- }
- }
- global.mapxoff=global.width/(global.split_screen / (global.red_and_blue ? global.split_screen : 1))/2;
- global.mapyoff=global.height/2;
- break;
- case KeyPress:
- redraw=1;
- if(keypress_handler(XLookupKeysym(&e.xkey,0)) == -1) {
- printf("# exiting\n");
- return 0;
- }
- break;
- default:
- //printf("# received event with type: %d\n",e.type);
- break;
- }
- }
- switch(load_stdin()) {
- case -1:
- return 0;
- break;
- case 0:
- break;
- default:
- redraw=1;
- break;
- }
- //camera.yr+=2;
- if(redraw) {
- draw_screen(global.dpy,global.w,global.gc);
- }
- //usleep(10000);
- }
- return 0;
diff --git a/slowcat.c b/slowcat.c
deleted file mode 100644
index facd2cc..0000000
--- a/slowcat.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-#define _BSD_SOURCE
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-int main(int argc,char *argv[]) {
- short in;
- FILE *fp=stdin;
- if(argc < 2) {
- fprintf(stderr,"usage: slowcat delay [file1] [file2] [...]\n");
- return 1;
- }
- if(argc > 2) {
- fp=fopen(argv[2],"r");
- }
- do {
- while((in=fgetc(fp)) != -1) {
- printf("%c",in);
- if(in == '\n') {
- fflush(stdout);
- usleep(atoi(argv[1]));
- }
- }
- fclose(fp);
- argv++;
- } while((fp=fopen(argv[1],"r")));
- return 0;
diff --git a/src/Makefile b/src/Makefile
index 136e8d2..6ae7cee 100644
--- a/src/Makefile
+++ b/src/Makefile
@@ -1,20 +1,21 @@
### if you want X11: CFLAGS=-Wall -pedantic -std=c99 -DGRAPHICAL
### and add graphics.o to hackvr build target.
### fuck it. I'll fix it later.
-CFLAGS=-Wall -pedantic -std=c99 -DGRAPHICAL
+CFLAGS=-Wall -pedantic -std=c99 -DGRAPHICAL -ffast-math
+#CFLAGS=-std=c99 -DGRAPHICAL -ffast-math
all: hackvr slowcat
hackvr: LDLIBS=-lm -lX11
-hackvr: hackvr.o graphics.o
+hackvr: hackvr.o graphics.o graphics_x11.o
-# x11.o: LDLIBS=-lm -lX11
+graphics_x11.o: LDLIBS=-lm -lX11
hackvr.o: LDLIBS=-lm -lX11
graphics.o: LDLIBS=-lm -lX11
- rm hackvr
- rm slowcat
- rm *.o
+ rm -f hackvr
+ rm -f slowcat
+ rm -f *.o
diff --git a/src/common.h b/src/common.h
index 8f59c55..24011f7 100644
--- a/src/common.h
+++ b/src/common.h
@@ -31,68 +31,43 @@ struct camera {
real zoom;
} camera;
-struct c3_line {
+typedef struct c3_line {
char *id;
c3_t p1;
c3_t p2;
+} cs_l_t;
+typedef struct cs_shape {
+ char *id;
+ unsigned char len;
+ cs_t p[MAX_SIDES];
+} cs_s_t;
-struct c3_shape {//use array or linked list?
+typedef struct c2_shape {
+ char *id;
+ unsigned char len;
+ c2_t p[MAX_SIDES];
+} c2_s_t;
+typedef struct c3_shape {//use array or linked list?
char *id;
unsigned char len;
c3_t p[MAX_SIDES];
+} c3_s_t;
-struct mainwin {
+struct global {
int x;
int y;
- unsigned int depth;
- int mousex;
- int mousey;
- int rmousex;
- int rmousey;
- int buttonpressed;
- unsigned int width;
- unsigned int height;
- unsigned int border_width;
- XColor colors[256];
- int xoff;
int math_error;
- int mapxoff;
- int mapyoff;
- int split_screen;
- int split_flip;//1 or -1
char *user;
- char greyscale;
char headless;
- char drawminimap;//flag
- char draw3d;//flag
char debug;//flag
- char drawsky;//flag
- char zsort;
- char red_and_blue;
- char force_redraw;
char selected_object[256];//meh
real mmz;
- XColor green;
- XColor red;
- XColor blue;
- XColor redblue[2];
- Colormap color_map;
- Display *dpy;
- Window w;
- Pixmap backbuffer;
- Pixmap cleanbackbuffer;
- GC gc;
- GC backgc;
struct c3_shape *shape[SHAPES];
int shapes;
int derp;
- int root_window;
real split;
- int oldfps;
- int fps;
- int oldtime;
diff --git a/src/config.h b/src/config.h
index 2e79efb..324d815 100644
--- a/src/config.h
+++ b/src/config.h
@@ -2,6 +2,11 @@
+//Aspect Ratio:
+#define AR_W 4
+#define AR_H 3
+#define DEBUG 1
#define WALK_SPEED 1
#define SPLIT_SCREEN 1
@@ -10,5 +15,6 @@
#define MAX_SIDES 8
#define WIDTH 1024
#define HEIGHT 768
+#define FORCE_REDRAW 1
diff --git a/src/graphics.c b/src/graphics.c
index 31f0274..a8a8e69 100644
--- a/src/graphics.c
+++ b/src/graphics.c
@@ -8,10 +8,6 @@
#include <dirent.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
//#include <sys/select.h> //code to use select instead of non-blocking is commented out. might decide to use it later.
-#include <X11/Xlib.h>
-#include <X11/keysym.h>
-#include <X11/cursorfont.h>
-#include <X11/Xutil.h> //for size hints
#include <time.h>
#define __USE_GNU //for longer math constants
#include <math.h>
@@ -19,6 +15,10 @@
#include "config.h"
#include "common.h"
+//choose which graphic's end you want here I guess?
+#include "graphics_x11.h"
+#include "graphics.h"
//typedef float real; //think this conflicts?
//TODO: will have to make some pixmaps get resized when the window does.
@@ -28,10 +28,8 @@
#define SKYW (WIDTH*5)
#define SKYH (HEIGHT/2)
-Pixmap skypixmap;
-char sky[SKYH][SKYW];
-extern struct mainwin global;
+extern struct global global;
+struct gra_global gra_global;
@@ -43,11 +41,11 @@ extern struct mainwin global;
#define RIGHT 320.0
#define LEFT -320.0
-int c2sX(long double x) { return (global.width/(global.split_screen / (global.red_and_blue ? global.split_screen: 1))) * ((x + RIGHT) / (RIGHT *2)) + global.xoff; }
-int s2cX(long double x) { return (x/(global.width/(global.split_screen / (global.red_and_blue?global.split_screen :1))))*(RIGHT*2)-RIGHT; }
+int c2sX(real x) { return (gra_global.width/(gra_global.split_screen / (gra_global.red_and_blue ? gra_global.split_screen: 1))) * ((x + RIGHT) / (RIGHT *2)) + gra_global.xoff; }
+int s2cX(real x) { return (x/(gra_global.width/(gra_global.split_screen / (gra_global.red_and_blue?gra_global.split_screen :1))))*(RIGHT*2)-RIGHT; }
-int c2sY(long double y) { return global.height * ((TOP-y) / (TOP*2)); }
-int s2cY(long double y) { return -((y/global.height) * (TOP*2) - TOP); }
+int c2sY(real y) { return gra_global.height * ((TOP-y) / (TOP*2)); }
+int s2cY(real y) { return -((y/gra_global.height) * (TOP*2) - TOP); }
cs_t c2_to_cs(c2_t p) {
return (cs_t){c2sX(p.x),c2sY(p.y)};
@@ -56,22 +54,22 @@ c2_t cs_to_c2(cs_t p) {
return (c2_t){s2cX(p.x),s2cY(p.y)};
-long double distance2(c2_t p1,c2_t p2) {
+real distance2(c2_t p1,c2_t p2) {
return sqrtl(( (p1.x-p2.x)*(p1.x-p2.x) )+( (p1.y-p2.y)*(p1.y-p2.y) ));
-long double distance3(c3_t p1,c3_t p2) {
+real distance3(c3_t p1,c3_t p2) {
return sqrtl(( (p1.x-p2.x)*(p1.x-p2.x) )+( (p1.y-p2.y)*(p1.y-p2.y) )+( (p1.z-p2.z)*(p1.z-p2.z) ));
-long double points_to_angle(c2_t p1,c2_t p2) {
- long double a=atan2l(p2.y-p1.y,p2.x-p1.x);
+real points_to_angle(c2_t p1,c2_t p2) {
+ real a=atan2l(p2.y-p1.y,p2.x-p1.x);
return a>=0?a:M_PIl+M_PIl+a;
-long double d2r(int d) {
+real d2r(int d) {
while(d<0) d+=360;
- return (long double)(d%360) / (long double)180 * M_PIl;
+ return (real)(d%360) / (real)180 * M_PIl;
int r2d(real r) {
return r / M_PIl * 180;
@@ -154,14 +152,21 @@ int get_2D_intersection_Y(x,y,d,x,z,d) {
-void draw_cs_line(cs_t p1,cs_t p2) {
- XDrawLine(global.dpy,global.backbuffer,global.backgc,p1.x,p1.y,p2.x,p2.y);
void draw_c2_line(c2_t p1,c2_t p2) {
+void draw_c3_shape(c3_s_t s) {//outlined. needs to be filled?
+ int i;
+ cs_s_t ss;
+;//it shouldn't disappear and we shouldn't need to make a copy.
+ ss.len=s.len;
+ for(i=0;i<s.len+(s.len==1);i++) {
+ ss.p[i]=c3_to_cs(s.p[i]);
+ }
+ draw_cs_shape(ss);
#define MAGIC(x) (1.0l-(1.0l/powl(1.01l,(x)))) //??? might want to have some changables in here
real magic(real x) {
@@ -237,17 +242,17 @@ c2_t c3_to_c2(c3_t p3) { //DO NOT DRAW STUFF IN HERE
void draw_c3_line(c3_t p1,c3_t p2) {
// if(!between_angles(points_to_angle((c2_t){camera.p.x,camera.p.z},(c2_t){p1.x,p1.z}),0,90) ||
// !between_angles(points_to_angle((c2_t){camera.p.x,camera.p.z},(c2_t){p2.x,p2.z}),0,90)) return;
- if(global.drawminimap == 1) {
+ if(gra_global.drawminimap == 1) {
- if(global.drawminimap == 2) {//map rotates.
+ if(gra_global.drawminimap == 2) {//map rotates.
c3_t t1=rotate_c3_yr(p1,camera.p,d2r(camera.yr));
c3_t t2=rotate_c3_yr(p2,camera.p,d2r(camera.yr));
- if(global.draw3d != 0) draw_c2_line(c3_to_c2(p1),c3_to_c2(p2));
+ if(gra_global.draw3d != 0) draw_c2_line(c3_to_c2(p1),c3_to_c2(p2));
if(global.debug) {
@@ -303,16 +308,6 @@ void HatchLines(c2_t p1,c2_t p2,c2_t p3,int density) {
//black out the rest of the triangle first?
//sounds alright to me...
-void draw_cs_text(cs_t p,char *text) {
- char t[256];
- int direction,ascent,descent;
- XFontStruct *font=XLoadQueryFont(global.dpy,"fixed");
- XCharStruct overall;
- snprintf(t,sizeof(t)-1,"%s",text);
- XTextExtents(font,text,strlen(text),&direction,&ascent,&descent,&overall);
- XDrawString(global.dpy,global.backbuffer,global.backgc,p.x,p.y+(descent+ascent),text,strlen(text));
void draw_c2_text(c2_t p,char *text) {
cs_t p2=c2_to_cs(p);
@@ -331,74 +326,6 @@ cs_t *c3s_to_css(c3_t *p3,int len) {
return ps;
-void draw_c3_shape(struct c3_shape s) {
-// char line[1024];
- int i=0;
- int h;//,w
- XPoint p[s.len+(s.len==1)];
- cs_t tmp;
- for(i=0;i<s.len+(s.len==1);i++) {
- tmp=c3_to_cs(s.p[i]);
- p[i]=(XPoint){tmp.x,tmp.y};
- }
- if(global.draw3d == 1) { // wireframe
- switch(s.len) {
- case 1:
- //w=max(p[0].x,p[1].x)-min(p[0].x,p[1].x);
- h=max(p[0].y,p[1].y)-min(p[0].y,p[1].y);
- p[0].x-=h;
- p[0].y-=h;
- XDrawArc(global.dpy,global.backbuffer,global.backgc,p[0].x,p[0].y,h*2,h*2,0,360*64);
- break;
- case 2:
- XDrawLine(global.dpy,global.backbuffer,global.backgc,p[0].x,p[0].y,p[1].x,p[1].y);
- break;
- default:
- for(i=0;i<s.len;i++) {
- XDrawLines(global.dpy,global.backbuffer,global.backgc,p,s.len,CoordModeOrigin);
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- if(global.draw3d == 2) { //draw it filled in
- switch(s.len) {
- case 1:
- //w=max(p[0].x,p[1].x)-min(p[0].x,p[1].x);
- h=max(p[0].y,p[1].y)-min(p[0].y,p[1].y);
- p[0].x-=h;
- p[0].y-=h;
- XFillArc(global.dpy,global.backbuffer,global.backgc,p[0].x,p[0].y,h*2,h*2,0,360*64);
- break;
- case 2:
- XDrawLine(global.dpy,global.backbuffer,global.backgc,p[0].x,p[0].y,p[1].x,p[1].y);
- break;
- default:
- XFillPolygon(global.dpy,global.backbuffer,global.backgc,p,s.len,Convex,CoordModeOrigin);
- break;
- }
- }
-// if(global.draw3d == 3) { //hashed
-// XSetForeground(global.dpy, global.backgc, global.colors[0].pixel);
- //XDrawFilledShape(c3_to_cs(t.p1),c3_to_cs(t.p2),c3_to_cs(t.p3));//clear out this triangle.
-// XSetForeground(global.dpy, global.backgc,;
- //upgrade me! DrawHatchedTriangle(t,10 - (shitdist(t,camera.p) / 10));//how to get density?
-// }
-/* if(global.debug) {
- snprintf(line,sizeof(line)-1,"(%Lf,%Lf,%Lf)",t.p1.x,t.p1.y,t.p1.z);
- draw_c3_text(t.p1,line);
- snprintf(line,sizeof(line)-1,"(%Lf,%Lf,%Lf)",t.p2.x,t.p2.y,t.p2.z);
- draw_c3_text(t.p2,line);
- snprintf(line,sizeof(line)-1,"(%Lf,%Lf,%Lf)",t.p3.x,t.p3.y,t.p3.z);
- draw_c3_text(t.p3,line);
-// }
-typedef struct {
- struct c3_shape *s;
- real d;
-} zsort_t;
int compar(zsort_t *a,zsort_t *b) {
return ((a->d) > (b->d));
@@ -406,80 +333,80 @@ int compar(zsort_t *a,zsort_t *b) {
void draw_c3_point_text(c3_t p,char *text) {
- char coords[256];
+ char tmp[256];
int direction,ascent,descent;
cs_t p2;
- snprintf(coords,sizeof(coords)-1,"(%Lf,%Lf,%Lf)",p.x,p.y,p.z);
+ snprintf(tmp,sizeof(tmp)-1,"(%Lf,%Lf,%Lf)",p.x,p.y,p.z);
- XDrawString(global.dpy,global.backbuffer,global.backgc,p2.x,p2.y+(descent+ascent),coords,strlen(coords));
+ XDrawString(global.dpy,global.backbuffer,global.backgc,p2.x,p2.y+(descent+ascent),tmp,strlen(tmp));
-void draw_screen(Display *dpy,Window w,GC gc) {
+//push a string back into stdin so it can be read by the file loader. :P
+int selfcommand(char *s) {
+ char t;
+ if(!strlen(s)) return 0;
+ ungetc(s[strlen(s)-1],stdin);
+ t=s[strlen(s)-1];
+ s[strlen(s)-1]=0;
+ selfcommand(s);
+ putchar(t);
+ return 0;
+void draw_screen() {
int i;
int colori=100;
int cn=0;//camera number.
- XFontStruct *font=XLoadQueryFont(global.dpy,"fixed");
- XCharStruct overall;
- int direction,ascent,descent;
- char coords[256];
- XGCValues gcval;
+ char tmp[256];
zsort_t zs[SHAPES];
- XCopyArea(global.dpy,global.cleanbackbuffer,global.backbuffer,gc,0,0,global.width,global.height,0,0);//clear the backbuffer.
-// XCopyPlane(global.dpy,global.cleanbackbuffer,global.backbuffer,gc,0,0,global.width,global.height,0,0,1);//clear the backbuffer.
- XRectangle cliprect;
- cliprect.x=0;
- cliprect.y=0;
- cliprect.width=global.width/global.split_screen;
- cliprect.height=global.height;
+ clear_backbuffer();
real oldx=camera.p.x;
real oldz=camera.p.z;
- if(global.split_screen > 1) {
- camera.p.z-=(global.split_flip)*((global.split/global.split_screen)*cosl(d2r(camera.yr+180)));
- camera.p.x-=(global.split_flip)*((global.split/global.split_screen)*sinl(d2r(camera.yr+180)));
+ if(gra_global.split_screen > 1) {
+ camera.p.z-=(gra_global.split_flip)*((gra_global.split/gra_global.split_screen)*cosl(d2r(camera.yr+180)));
+ camera.p.x-=(gra_global.split_flip)*((gra_global.split/gra_global.split_screen)*sinl(d2r(camera.yr+180)));
- for(cn=0;cn<global.split_screen;cn++) {
- if(global.red_and_blue) {
+ for(cn=0;cn<gra_global.split_screen;cn++) {
+ if(gra_global.red_and_blue) {
//set color for left half to red and right half to blue
//and draw mode for the gc to GXOr
- global.xoff=0;
- gcval.function=GXor;
- XChangeGC(global.dpy,global.backgc,GCFunction,&gcval);
+ red_and_blue_magic();
+ gra_global.xoff=0;//we're overlapping our drawing so no offset based on camera.
} else {
- global.xoff=(global.width/global.split_screen)*cn;
+ gra_global.xoff=(gra_global.width/gra_global.split_screen)*cn;
+ }
+ if(!gra_global.red_and_blue) {
+ set_clipping_rectangle(gra_global.xoff,0,gra_global.width/gra_global.split_screen,gra_global.height);//
- if(!global.red_and_blue) XSetClipRectangles(global.dpy,global.backgc,global.xoff,0,&cliprect,1,Unsorted);
//if(global.drawminimap == 3) { draw_graph(magic); continue; }
- if(global.drawsky) {
- XCopyArea(global.dpy,skypixmap,global.backbuffer,global.backgc,((camera.yr*5)+SKYW)%SKYW,0,WIDTH,global.height/2,0,0);
+ if(gra_global.drawsky) {
+ //XCopyArea(global.dpy,skypixmap,global.backbuffer,global.backgc,((camera.yr*5)+SKYW)%SKYW,0,WIDTH,global.height/2,0,0);
- if(global.draw3d) {
-// draw_c2_line((c2_t){LEFT,0},(c2_t){RIGHT,0}); //horizon
+ if(gra_global.draw3d) {
+ draw_c2_line((c2_t){LEFT,0},(c2_t){RIGHT,0}); //horizon
- if(time(0) == global.oldtime) {
- global.fps++;
+ if(time(0) == gra_global.oldtime) {
+ gra_global.fps++;
else {
- global.oldtime=time(0);
- global.oldfps=global.fps;
- global.fps=0;
+ gra_global.oldtime=time(0);
+ gra_global.oldfps=gra_global.fps;
+ gra_global.fps=0;
//XSetForeground(global.dpy, global.backgc,;
if(global.debug) {
- snprintf(coords,sizeof(coords)-1,"debug: %s minimap: %d 3d: %d fps: %d shapes: %d",global.debug?"on":"off",global.drawminimap,global.draw3d,global.oldfps,global.shapes);
- XTextExtents(font,coords,strlen(coords),&direction,&ascent,&descent,&overall);
- XDrawString(global.dpy,global.backbuffer,global.backgc,global.xoff,global.height/2+(descent+0+ascent)*1,coords,strlen(coords));
- snprintf(coords,sizeof(coords)-1,"x: %d y: %d",global.mousex,global.mousey);
- XTextExtents(font,coords,strlen(coords),&direction,&ascent,&descent,&overall);
- XDrawString(global.dpy,global.backbuffer,global.backgc,global.xoff,global.height/2+(descent+0+ascent)*2,coords,strlen(coords));
- snprintf(coords,sizeof(coords)-1,"cx: %Lf cy: %Lf cz: %Lf",camera.p.x,camera.p.y,camera.p.z);
- XTextExtents(font,coords,strlen(coords),&direction,&ascent,&descent,&overall);
- XDrawString(global.dpy,global.backbuffer,global.backgc,global.xoff,global.height/2+(descent+0+ascent)*3,coords,strlen(coords));
- snprintf(coords,sizeof(coords)-1,"xr: %d yr: %d zr: %d",camera.xr,camera.yr,camera.zr);
- XTextExtents(font,coords,strlen(coords),&direction,&ascent,&descent,&overall);
- XDrawString(global.dpy,global.backbuffer,global.backgc,global.xoff,global.height/2+(descent+0+ascent)*4,coords,strlen(coords));
+ snprintf(tmp,sizeof(tmp)-1,"debug: %s minimap: %d 3d: %d fps: %d shapes: %d",global.debug?"on":"off",gra_global.drawminimap,gra_global.draw3d,gra_global.oldfps,global.shapes);
+ draw_cs_text((cs_t){gra_global.xoff,(gra_global.height/2)+10},tmp);
+ snprintf(tmp,sizeof(tmp)-1,"x: %d y: %d",gra_global.mousex,gra_global.mousey);
+ draw_cs_text((cs_t){gra_global.xoff,(gra_global.height/2)+20},tmp);
+ snprintf(tmp,sizeof(tmp)-1,"cx: %Lf cy: %Lf cz: %Lf",camera.p.x,camera.p.y,camera.p.z);
+ draw_cs_text((cs_t){gra_global.xoff,(gra_global.height/2)+30},tmp);
+ snprintf(tmp,sizeof(tmp)-1,"xr: %d yr: %d zr: %d",camera.xr,camera.yr,camera.zr);
+ draw_cs_text((cs_t){gra_global.xoff,(gra_global.height/2)+40},tmp);
// if(global.drawminimap) {//this isn't even useful I guess.
@@ -539,11 +466,11 @@ void draw_screen(Display *dpy,Window w,GC gc) {
for(i=0;global.shape[i];i++) {
//now we pick the color of this triangle!
- if(global.red_and_blue) {
+ if(gra_global.red_and_blue) {
if(cn==0) {
- XSetForeground(global.dpy,global.backgc,;
+// XSetForeground(global.dpy,global.backgc,;//???
} else {
- XSetForeground(global.dpy,global.backgc,;
+// XSetForeground(global.dpy,global.backgc,;//???
//tests of blending grayscale with red and blue
// draw_c3_triangle(*(zs[i].t));
@@ -551,29 +478,27 @@ void draw_screen(Display *dpy,Window w,GC gc) {
if(!strcmp(global.selected_object,zs[i].s->id)) {
} else {
- if(global.greyscale) {
+ if(gra_global.greyscale) {
if(zs[i].d > 0) {
if(zs[i].d < 100) {
- XSetForeground(global.dpy,global.backgc,global.colors[(int)(100.0-(colori))].pixel);//picking the color here only works if...
+// XSetForeground(global.dpy,global.backgc,global.colors[(int)(100.0-(colori))].pixel);//picking the color here only works if...
+ set_color();
- XSetForeground(global.dpy, global.backgc,;
+// XSetForeground(global.dpy, global.backgc,;
if(global.debug) {
- snprintf(coords,sizeof(coords)-1,"selected object: %s",global.selected_object);
- XTextExtents(font,coords,strlen(coords),&direction,&ascent,&descent,&overall);
- XDrawString(global.dpy,global.backbuffer,global.backgc,global.xoff,global.height/2+(descent+0+ascent)*5,coords,strlen(coords));
+ snprintf(tmp,sizeof(tmp)-1,"selected object: %s",global.selected_object);
+ draw_cs_text((cs_t){gra_global.xoff,(gra_global.height/2)+50},tmp);
- camera.p.z+=(global.split_flip)*(global.split*cosl(d2r(camera.yr+180)));
- camera.p.x+=(global.split_flip)*(global.split*sinl(d2r(camera.yr+180)));
+ camera.p.z+=(gra_global.split_flip)*(gra_global.split*cosl(d2r(camera.yr+180)));
+ camera.p.x+=(gra_global.split_flip)*(gra_global.split*sinl(d2r(camera.yr+180)));
//TODO: figure out what all this shit is and either update or remove.
@@ -592,12 +517,12 @@ void draw_screen(Display *dpy,Window w,GC gc) {
real a=points_to_angle((c2_t){0,0},cs_to_c2((cs_t){x1,y1}));
- snprintf(coords,sizeof(coords)-1,"%llf",a);
- XTextExtents(font,coords,strlen(coords),&direction,&ascent,&descent,&overall);
- XDrawString(global.dpy,w,gc,global.xoff,(descent+0+ascent)*6,coords,strlen(coords));
- snprintf(coords,sizeof(coords)-1,"%llf",points_to_angle(cs_to_c2((cs_t){global.mousex,global.mousey}),(c2_t){0,0})+(M_PIl/2));
- XTextExtents(font,coords,strlen(coords),&direction,&ascent,&descent,&overall);
- XDrawString(global.dpy,w,gc,global.xoff,(descent+0+ascent)*7,coords,strlen(coords));
+ snprintf(tmp,sizeof(tmp)-1,"%llf",a);
+ XTextExtents(font,tmp,strlen(tmp),&direction,&ascent,&descent,&overall);
+ XDrawString(global.dpy,w,gc,global.xoff,(descent+0+ascent)*6,tmp,strlen(tmp));
+ snprintf(tmp,sizeof(tmp)-1,"%llf",points_to_angle(cs_to_c2((cs_t){global.mousex,global.mousey}),(c2_t){0,0})+(M_PIl/2));
+ XTextExtents(font,tmp,strlen(tmp),&direction,&ascent,&descent,&overall);
+ XDrawString(global.dpy,w,gc,global.xoff,(descent+0+ascent)*7,tmp,strlen(tmp));
real c=cosl(d2r(camera.yr) - a) * distance((c2_t){x1,y1},(c2_t){WIDTH/2,HEIGHT/2});
@@ -607,300 +532,5 @@ void draw_screen(Display *dpy,Window w,GC gc) {
camera.p.x = oldx;
camera.p.z = oldz; //-= cn*CAMERA_SEPARATION;
-// XClearWindow(global.dpy, w);
- XCopyArea(global.dpy,global.backbuffer,w,gc,0,0,global.width,global.height,0,0);//move backbuffer to window
-// XCopyPlane(global.dpy,global.backbuffer,w,gc,0,0,global.width,global.height,0,0,0x000100);//move backbuffer to window
-void set_aspect_ratio() {
- XSizeHints *hints=XAllocSizeHints();
- hints->min_aspect.x=4*(global.split_screen / (global.red_and_blue ? global.split_screen : 1));
- hints->min_aspect.y=3;
- hints->max_aspect.x=4*(global.split_screen / (global.red_and_blue ? global.split_screen : 1));
- hints->max_aspect.y=3;
- hints->flags=PAspect;
- XSetWMNormalHints(global.dpy,global.w,hints);
-//push a string back into stdin so it can be read by the file loader. :P
-int selfcommand(char *s) {
- char t;
- if(!strlen(s)) return 0;
- ungetc(s[strlen(s)-1],stdin);
- t=s[strlen(s)-1];
- s[strlen(s)-1]=0;
- selfcommand(s);
- putchar(t);
- return 0;
-int keypress_handler(int sym) {
- char line[1024];
- real tmpx;
-// real tmpy; //unused atm
- real tmpz;
- switch(sym) {
- case XK_Return:
- snprintf(line,sizeof(line)-1,"%s action %s\n",global.user,global.selected_object);
- selfcommand(line);
- break;
- case XK_Up:
- tmpx=WALK_SPEED*sinl(d2r(camera.yr+90));
- tmpz=WALK_SPEED*cosl(d2r(camera.yr+90));
- camera.p.x+=tmpx;
- camera.p.z+=tmpz;
- snprintf(line,sizeof(line)-1,"%s move %Lf 0 %Lf 0 0 0 0 0 0\n",global.user,tmpx,tmpz);
- selfcommand(line);
- break;
- case XK_Down:
- tmpx=WALK_SPEED*sinl(d2r(camera.yr+270));
- tmpz=WALK_SPEED*cosl(d2r(camera.yr+270));
- camera.p.x+=tmpx;
- camera.p.z+=tmpz;
- snprintf(line,sizeof(line)-1,"%s move %Lf 0 %Lf 0 0 0 0 0 0\n",global.user,tmpx,tmpz);
- selfcommand(line);
- break;
- case XK_Left:
- tmpx=WALK_SPEED*sinl(d2r(camera.yr));
- tmpz=WALK_SPEED*cosl(d2r(camera.yr));
- camera.p.x+=tmpx;
- camera.p.z+=tmpz;
- snprintf(line,sizeof(line)-1,"%s move %Lf 0 %Lf 0 0 0 0 0 0\n",global.user,tmpx,tmpz);
- selfcommand(line);
- break;
- case XK_Right:
- tmpx=WALK_SPEED*sinl(d2r(camera.yr+180));
- tmpz=WALK_SPEED*cosl(d2r(camera.yr+180));
- camera.p.x+=tmpx;
- camera.p.z+=tmpz;
- snprintf(line,sizeof(line)-1,"%s move %Lf 0 %Lf 0 0 0 0 0 0\n",global.user,tmpx,tmpz);
- selfcommand(line);
- break;
- case XK_w:
- camera.p.y+=1;
- snprintf(line,sizeof(line)-1,"%s move 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0\n",global.user);
- selfcommand(line);
- break;
- case XK_s:
- camera.p.y-=1;
- snprintf(line,sizeof(line)-1,"%s move 0 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0\n",global.user);
- selfcommand(line);
- break;
- case XK_r:
- camera.xr+=5;
- while(camera.xr > 360) camera.xr-=360;
- break;
- case XK_y:
- camera.xr-=5;
- while(camera.xr < 0) camera.xr+=360;
- break;
- case XK_q:
- camera.yr+=5;
- while(camera.yr > 360) camera.yr-=360;
- break;
- case XK_e:
- camera.yr-=5;
- while(camera.yr < 0) camera.yr+=360;
- break;
- case XK_u:
- camera.zr+=5;
- while(camera.zr > 360) camera.zr-=360;
- break;
- case XK_o:
- camera.zr-=5;
- while(camera.zr < 0) camera.zr+=360;
- break;
- case XK_z: camera.zoom+=1; break;
- case XK_x: camera.zoom-=1; break;
- case XK_c: global.mmz*=1.1; break;
- case XK_v: global.mmz/=1.1; break;
- case XK_h: global.split+=1; break;
- case XK_j: global.split-=1; break;
- case XK_d:
- global.debug ^= 1;
- break;
- case XK_f:
- global.derp ^= 1;
- break;
- case XK_m:
- global.drawminimap += 1;
- global.drawminimap %= 4;
- break;
- case XK_a:
- global.drawsky ^= 1;
- break;
- case XK_3:
- global.draw3d += 1;
- global.draw3d %= 4;
- break;
- case XK_Escape:
- return -1;
- default:
- return 0;
- break;
- }
- return 1;
-int x11_init() {
- int i,j;
- char tmp[64];
- Cursor cursor;
- XSetWindowAttributes attributes;
-// Window root,child;//why do I have this?
-// XColor toss;
- printf("# Opening X Display... (%s)\n",getenv("DISPLAY"));
- if((global.dpy = XOpenDisplay(0)) == NULL) return printf("# failure.\n"),2;
- else printf("# done.\n");
- global.color_map=DefaultColormap(global.dpy, DefaultScreen(global.dpy));
- printf("# generating grays...\n");
- for(i=0;i<=100;i++) {
- snprintf(tmp,sizeof(tmp),"gray%d",i);
- XAllocNamedColor(global.dpy,global.color_map,tmp,&global.colors[i],&global.colors[i]);
- }
- printf("# done.\n");
- assert(global.dpy);
- global.split_screen=SPLIT_SCREEN;
- global.split_flip=-1;
- global.split=5;
- global.root_window=0;
- global.red_and_blue=RED_AND_BLUE;
- //global.colors[0]=BlackPixel(global.dpy,DefaultScreen(global.dpy));
-// int whiteColor = //WhitePixel(global.dpy, DefaultScreen(global.dpy));
- attributes.background_pixel=global.colors[0].pixel;
- if(global.root_window) {
- global.w = DefaultRootWindow(global.dpy); //this is still buggy.
- } else {
- global.w = XCreateWindow(global.dpy,DefaultRootWindow(global.dpy),0,0,WIDTH*(global.split_screen / (global.red_and_blue ? global.split_screen : 1)),HEIGHT,1,DefaultDepth(global.dpy,DefaultScreen(global.dpy)),InputOutput,DefaultVisual(global.dpy,DefaultScreen(global.dpy))\
- ,CWBackPixel, &attributes);
- set_aspect_ratio();
- XSelectInput(global.dpy, global.w, PointerMotionMask|StructureNotifyMask|ButtonPressMask|ButtonReleaseMask|KeyPressMask|ExposureMask);
- }
- XMapWindow(global.dpy, global.w);
- XStoreName(global.dpy,global.w,"hackvr");
- global.greyscale=1;
- global.zsort=1;
- global.shape[0]=0;//we'll allocate as we need more.
- global.gc=XCreateGC(global.dpy, global.w, 0, 0);
- if(global.red_and_blue) {
- global.width=WIDTH;
- } else {
- global.width=WIDTH*global.split_screen;
- }
- global.height=HEIGHT;
- global.backbuffer=XCreatePixmap(global.dpy,global.w,global.width,global.height,DefaultDepth(global.dpy,DefaultScreen(global.dpy)));
- global.cleanbackbuffer=XCreatePixmap(global.dpy,global.w,global.width,global.height,DefaultDepth(global.dpy,DefaultScreen(global.dpy)));
-//backbuffer is uninitialized
- global.backgc=XCreateGC(global.dpy,global.backbuffer,0,0);
- cursor=XCreateFontCursor(global.dpy,XC_crosshair);
- XDefineCursor(global.dpy, global.w, cursor);
- XAllocNamedColor(global.dpy, global.color_map, "green", &, &;
- XAllocNamedColor(global.dpy, global.color_map, "red", &, &;
- XAllocNamedColor(global.dpy, global.color_map, "blue", &, &;
- XAllocNamedColor(global.dpy, global.color_map, "red", &global.redblue[0], &global.redblue[0]);
- XAllocNamedColor(global.dpy, global.color_map, "blue", &global.redblue[1], &global.redblue[1]);
- XSetForeground(global.dpy, global.gc,;
- XSetForeground(global.dpy, global.backgc, global.colors[0].pixel);//black. we're about to draw the blank background using this.
- XSetBackground(global.dpy, global.gc, global.colors[160].pixel);
- XSetBackground(global.dpy, global.backgc, global.colors[140].pixel);
- XFillRectangle(global.dpy,global.cleanbackbuffer,global.backgc,0,0,global.width,global.height);
- XSetForeground(global.dpy, global.backgc,;
-// XSetForeground(global.dpy, gc, whiteColor);
-// this was taking a "long" time.
- printf("# generating sky... ");
- skypixmap=XCreatePixmap(global.dpy,global.w,SKYW,SKYH,DefaultDepth(global.dpy,DefaultScreen(global.dpy)));
- for(i=0;i<SKYH;i++) {
- for(j=0;j<SKYW;j++) {
- if(i==0) sky[i][j]=rand()%2;
- else {
- sky[i][j]=(SKYRULE >> ((!!sky[i-1][(j+(SKYW)-1)%(SKYW)]<<2) | (!!sky[i-1][j]<<1) | (!!sky[i-1][j+1%(SKYW)])) & 1);
- if(sky[i][j]) {
- XDrawPoint(global.dpy,skypixmap,global.backgc,j,i);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- printf("done.\n");
- global.mapxoff=global.width/2;
- global.mapyoff=global.height/2;
- global.drawminimap=0;
- global.draw3d=1;
- global.force_redraw=1;//use this for checking proper fps I guess.
- camera.zoom=30.0l;
- camera.xr=270;
- camera.yr=270;
- camera.zr=0;
- global.mmz=1;
- camera.p.x=0;
- camera.p.z=6;
- camera.p.y=5;
- return 0;
-int x11_event_handler() {
- int redraw=0;
- XEvent e;
- Window child,root;
- //what sets mask?
- unsigned int mask;
- while(XPending(global.dpy)) {//these are taking too long?
- XNextEvent(global.dpy, &e);
-// printf("# handling event with type: %d\n",e.type);
- switch(e.type) {
-// case Expose:
-// if(e.xexpose.count == 0) redraw=1;
-// break;
- case MotionNotify:
- XQueryPointer(global.dpy,global.w,&root,&child,&global.rmousex,&global.rmousey,&global.mousex,&global.mousey,&mask);
- redraw=1;
- break;
- case ButtonPress:
- redraw=1;
- global.buttonpressed=e.xbutton.button;
- break;
- case ButtonRelease:
- redraw=1;
- global.buttonpressed=0;
- break;
- case ConfigureNotify:
- redraw=1;
- XGetGeometry(global.dpy,global.w,&root,&global.x,&global.y,&global.width,&global.height,&global.border_width,&global.depth);
- if(global.width / (global.split_screen / (global.red_and_blue ? global.split_screen : 1 )) / 4 * 3 != global.height) {
- if(global.height * 3 / 4 == global.height) {
- printf("math doesn't work.\n");
- }
- printf("# DERPY WM CANT TAKE A HINT %d / %d / 4 * 3 = %d != %d\n",global.width,global.split_screen,global.width /global.split_screen /4 * 3,global.height);
- if(global.width / (global.split_screen / (global.red_and_blue ? global.split_screen : 1)) / 4 * 3 < global.height) {
- global.height=global.width / (global.split_screen / (global.red_and_blue ? global.split_screen : 1)) / 4 * 3;
- } else {
- global.width=global.height * 3 / 4 * (global.split_screen / (global.red_and_blue ? global.split_screen : 1));
- }
- }
- global.mapxoff=global.width/(global.split_screen / (global.red_and_blue ? global.split_screen : 1))/2;
- global.mapyoff=global.height/2;
- break;
- case KeyPress:
- redraw=1;
- if(keypress_handler(XLookupKeysym(&e.xkey,0)) == -1) {
- printf("# exiting\n");
- return -1;
- }
- break;
- default:
- //printf("# received event with type: %d\n",e.type);
- break;
- }
- }
- return redraw;
+ flipscreen();
diff --git a/src/graphics.h b/src/graphics.h
index ff17b9a..6f28d1e 100644
--- a/src/graphics.h
+++ b/src/graphics.h
@@ -1,11 +1,51 @@
-#include <X11/Xlib.h>
+//#include <X11/Xlib.h>//this should be in the x11 one, not this one.
-int x11_init();
-int x11_event_handler();
-void draw_screen(Display *dpy,Window w,GC gc);
+struct gra_global {
+ unsigned int width;
+ unsigned int height;
+ int mousex;
+ int mousey;
+ int greyscale;
+ int xoff;
+ int split_screen;
+ int split;
+ int split_flip;
+ char force_redraw;
+ char red_and_blue;
+ unsigned int depth;//???
+ unsigned int border_width;
+ int oldtime;
+ int fps;
+ int oldfps;
+ char zsort;
+ char drawminimap;
+ char drawsky;
+ char draw3d;
+ int mapxoff;
+ int mapyoff;
+ int rmousex;
+ int rmousey;
+ int buttonpressed;
+typedef struct {
+ struct c3_shape *s;
+ real d;
+} zsort_t;
+int graphics_init();
+int graphics_event_handler();
+void draw_screen();
void set_aspect_ratio();
+int selfcommand(char *s);
+cs_t c3_to_cs(c3_t p);
+real d2r(int d);
+real shitdist(struct c3_shape s,c3_t p);
+int compar(zsort_t *a,zsort_t *b);
diff --git a/src/graphics_opengl.c b/src/graphics_opengl.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9e200de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/graphics_opengl.c
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <GL/glut.h>
+GLenum doubleBuffer;
+GLubyte ubImage[65536];
+void draw_cs_line(cs_t p1,cs_t p2) {
+void draw_cs_text() {
+void draw_c3_shape() {
+ //oh lawdy... this should be draw_cs_shape...
+static void
+ GLenum type;
+ int j;
+ GLubyte *img;
+ GLsizei imgWidth = 128;
+ type = GLUT_RGB;
+ type |= (doubleBuffer) ? GLUT_DOUBLE : GLUT_SINGLE;
+ glutInitDisplayMode(type);
+ glutCreateWindow("ABGR extension");
+ if (!glutExtensionSupported("GL_EXT_abgr")) {
+ printf("Couldn't find abgr extension.\n");
+ exit(0);
+ }
+ glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION);
+ glLoadIdentity();
+ gluPerspective(60.0, 1.0, 0.1, 1000.0);
+ glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW);
+ glDisable(GL_DITHER);
+ glutKeyboardFunc(keypress_handler);
+ glutDisplayFunc(draw_screen);
+/* ARGSUSED1 */
+static void
+keypress_handler(unsigned char key, int x, int y)
+ switch (key) {
+ case 27:
+ exit(0);
+ }
+static void draw_screen(void)
+ glClearColor(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
+ glRasterPos3f(0.2, -0.8, -1.5);
+ glDrawPixels(128, 128, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, ubImage);
+ if (doubleBuffer) {
+ glutSwapBuffers();
+ } else {
+ glFlush();
+ }
+static void
+Args(int argc, char **argv)
+ GLint i;
+ doubleBuffer = GL_TRUE;
+ for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
+ if (strcmp(argv[i], "-sb") == 0) {
+ doubleBuffer = GL_FALSE;
+ } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-db") == 0) {
+ doubleBuffer = GL_TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+void graphics_event_handler() {
+ glutMainLoopUpdate();
+ return 0; /* ANSI C requires main to return int. */
diff --git a/src/graphics_x11.c b/src/graphics_x11.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1b31664
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/graphics_x11.c
@@ -0,0 +1,448 @@
+#define _POSIX_C_SOURCE 200809L //for fileno and strdup
+#define _BSD_SOURCE
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <dirent.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+//#include <sys/select.h> //code to use select instead of non-blocking is commented out. might decide to use it later.
+#include <X11/Xlib.h>
+#include <X11/keysym.h>
+#include <X11/cursorfont.h>
+#include <X11/Xutil.h> //for size hints
+#include <time.h>
+#define __USE_GNU //for longer math constants
+#include <math.h>
+#include "config.h"
+#include "common.h"
+#include "graphics.h"
+#include "graphics_x11.h"
+//typedef float real; //think this conflicts?
+//TODO: will have to make some pixmaps get resized when the window does.
+//for now set them to be as big as you think you'll ever resize the window to.
+#define SKYRULE 90
+#define SKYW (WIDTH*5)
+#define SKYH (HEIGHT/2)
+Pixmap skypixmap;
+char sky[SKYH][SKYW];
+extern struct global global;
+extern struct gra_global gra_global;
+struct x11_global x11_global;
+void draw_cs_line(cs_t p1,cs_t p2) {
+ XDrawLine(x11_global.dpy,x11_global.backbuffer,x11_global.backgc,p1.x,p1.y,p2.x,p2.y);
+void draw_cs_text(cs_t p,char *text) {
+ char t[256];
+ int direction,ascent,descent;
+ XFontStruct *font=XLoadQueryFont(x11_global.dpy,"fixed");
+ XCharStruct overall;
+ snprintf(t,sizeof(t)-1,"%s",text);
+ XTextExtents(font,text,strlen(text),&direction,&ascent,&descent,&overall);
+ XDrawString(x11_global.dpy,x11_global.backbuffer,x11_global.backgc,p.x,p.y+(descent+ascent),text,strlen(text));
+void draw_cs_shape(cs_s_t s) {//this is implemented as draw_cs_line... hrm. it could be moved up to graphics.c? probl no.
+ int i;
+ if(gra_global.draw3d == 1) { //wireframe
+ for(i=0;i<s.len+(s.len==1);i++) {//this shape is closed!
+ draw_cs_line(s.p[i],s.p[(i+1)%(s.len+(s.len==1))]);
+ }
+ }
+ if(gra_global.draw3d == 2) { //filled in
+ XPoint Xp[s.len+(s.len==1)];
+ for(i=0;i<s.len+(s.len==1);i++) {
+ Xp[i]=(XPoint){s.p[i].x,s.p[i].y};
+ }
+ XFillPolygon(x11_global.dpy,x11_global.backbuffer,x11_global.backgc,Xp,s.len,Convex,CoordModeOrigin);
+ }
+//this needs to be taken out of this file and left to graphics.c
+#if 0
+void draw_c3_shape(c3_s_t s) {
+// char line[1024];
+ int i=0;
+ int h;//,w
+ XPoint p[s.len+(s.len==1)];
+ cs_t tmp;
+ for(i=0;i<s.len+(s.len==1);i++) {
+ tmp=c3_to_cs(s.p[i]);
+ p[i]=(XPoint){tmp.x,tmp.y};
+ }
+ if(global.draw3d == 1) { // wireframe
+ switch(s.len) {
+ case 1:
+ //w=max(p[0].x,p[1].x)-min(p[0].x,p[1].x);
+ h=max(p[0].y,p[1].y)-min(p[0].y,p[1].y);
+ p[0].x-=h;
+ p[0].y-=h;
+ XDrawArc(x11_global.dpy,x11_global.backbuffer,x11_global.backgc,p[0].x,p[0].y,h*2,h*2,0,360*64);
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ XDrawLine(x11_global.dpy,x11_global.backbuffer,x11_global.backgc,p[0].x,p[0].y,p[1].x,p[1].y);
+ break;
+ default:
+ for(i=0;i<s.len;i++) {
+ XDrawLines(x11_global.dpy,x11_global.backbuffer,x11_global.backgc,p,s.len,CoordModeOrigin);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if(global.draw3d == 2) { //draw it filled in
+ switch(s.len) {
+ case 1:
+ //w=max(p[0].x,p[1].x)-min(p[0].x,p[1].x);
+ h=max(p[0].y,p[1].y)-min(p[0].y,p[1].y);
+ p[0].x-=h;
+ p[0].y-=h;
+ XFillArc(x11_global.dpy,x11_global.backbuffer,x11_global.backgc,p[0].x,p[0].y,h*2,h*2,0,360*64);
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ XDrawLine(x11_global.dpy,x11_global.backbuffer,x11_global.backgc,p[0].x,p[0].y,p[1].x,p[1].y);
+ break;
+ default:
+ XFillPolygon(x11_global.dpy,x11_global.backbuffer,x11_global.backgc,p,s.len,Convex,CoordModeOrigin);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+// if(global.draw3d == 3) { //hashed
+// XSetForeground(x11_global.dpy, x11_global.backgc, global.colors[0].pixel);
+ //XDrawFilledShape(c3_to_cs(t.p1),c3_to_cs(t.p2),c3_to_cs(t.p3));//clear out this triangle.
+// XSetForeground(x11_global.dpy, x11_global.backgc,;
+ //upgrade me! DrawHatchedTriangle(t,10 - (shitdist(t,camera.p) / 10));//how to get density?
+// }
+/* if(global.debug) {
+ snprintf(line,sizeof(line)-1,"(%Lf,%Lf,%Lf)",t.p1.x,t.p1.y,t.p1.z);
+ draw_c3_text(t.p1,line);
+ snprintf(line,sizeof(line)-1,"(%Lf,%Lf,%Lf)",t.p2.x,t.p2.y,t.p2.z);
+ draw_c3_text(t.p2,line);
+ snprintf(line,sizeof(line)-1,"(%Lf,%Lf,%Lf)",t.p3.x,t.p3.y,t.p3.z);
+ draw_c3_text(t.p3,line);
+// }
+//should I do clipping in each graphics lib or make graphics.c just have clipping stuff?
+void clear_backbuffer() {
+ XCopyArea(x11_global.dpy,x11_global.cleanbackbuffer,x11_global.backbuffer,x11_global.gc,0,0,gra_global.width,gra_global.height,0,0);
+void set_clipping_rectangle(int x,int y,int width,int height) {
+ XRectangle cliprect;
+ cliprect.x=x;
+ cliprect.y=y;
+ cliprect.width=width;
+ cliprect.height=height;
+ XSetClipRectangles(x11_global.dpy,x11_global.backgc,x,y,&cliprect,1,Unsorted);
+void red_and_blue_magic() {
+ XGCValues gcval;
+ gcval.function=GXor;
+ XChangeGC(x11_global.dpy,x11_global.backgc,GCFunction,&gcval);
+void draw_sky() {
+ XCopyArea(x11_global.dpy,skypixmap,x11_global.backbuffer,x11_global.backgc,((camera.yr*5)+SKYW)%SKYW,0,WIDTH,gra_global.height/2,0,0);
+void set_color() {
+ XSetForeground(x11_global.dpy,x11_global.backgc,;
+void flipscreen() {
+ XCopyArea(x11_global.dpy,x11_global.backbuffer,x11_global.w,x11_global.gc,0,0,gra_global.width,gra_global.height,0,0);
+void set_aspect_ratio() {
+ XSizeHints *hints=XAllocSizeHints();
+ hints->min_aspect.x=AR_W*(gra_global.split_screen / (gra_global.red_and_blue ? gra_global.split_screen : 1));
+ hints->min_aspect.y=AR_H;
+ hints->max_aspect.x=AR_W*(gra_global.split_screen / (gra_global.red_and_blue ? gra_global.split_screen : 1));
+ hints->max_aspect.y=AR_H;
+ hints->flags=PAspect;
+ XSetWMNormalHints(x11_global.dpy,x11_global.w,hints);
+int keypress_handler(int sym) {
+ char line[1024];
+ real tmpx;
+// real tmpy; //unused atm
+ real tmpz;
+ switch(sym) {
+ case XK_Return:
+ snprintf(line,sizeof(line)-1,"%s action %s\n",global.user,global.selected_object);
+ selfcommand(line);
+ break;
+ case XK_Up:
+ tmpx=WALK_SPEED*sinl(d2r(camera.yr+90));
+ tmpz=WALK_SPEED*cosl(d2r(camera.yr+90));
+ camera.p.x+=tmpx;
+ camera.p.z+=tmpz;
+ snprintf(line,sizeof(line)-1,"%s move %Lf 0 %Lf 0 0 0 0 0 0\n",global.user,tmpx,tmpz);
+ selfcommand(line);
+ break;
+ case XK_Down:
+ tmpx=WALK_SPEED*sinl(d2r(camera.yr+270));
+ tmpz=WALK_SPEED*cosl(d2r(camera.yr+270));
+ camera.p.x+=tmpx;
+ camera.p.z+=tmpz;
+ snprintf(line,sizeof(line)-1,"%s move %Lf 0 %Lf 0 0 0 0 0 0\n",global.user,tmpx,tmpz);
+ selfcommand(line);
+ break;
+ case XK_Left:
+ tmpx=WALK_SPEED*sinl(d2r(camera.yr));
+ tmpz=WALK_SPEED*cosl(d2r(camera.yr));
+ camera.p.x+=tmpx;
+ camera.p.z+=tmpz;
+ snprintf(line,sizeof(line)-1,"%s move %Lf 0 %Lf 0 0 0 0 0 0\n",global.user,tmpx,tmpz);
+ selfcommand(line);
+ break;
+ case XK_Right:
+ tmpx=WALK_SPEED*sinl(d2r(camera.yr+180));
+ tmpz=WALK_SPEED*cosl(d2r(camera.yr+180));
+ camera.p.x+=tmpx;
+ camera.p.z+=tmpz;
+ snprintf(line,sizeof(line)-1,"%s move %Lf 0 %Lf 0 0 0 0 0 0\n",global.user,tmpx,tmpz);
+ selfcommand(line);
+ break;
+ case XK_w:
+ camera.p.y+=1;
+ snprintf(line,sizeof(line)-1,"%s move 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0\n",global.user);
+ selfcommand(line);
+ break;
+ case XK_s:
+ camera.p.y-=1;
+ snprintf(line,sizeof(line)-1,"%s move 0 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0\n",global.user);
+ selfcommand(line);
+ break;
+ case XK_r:
+ camera.xr+=5;
+ while(camera.xr > 360) camera.xr-=360;
+ break;
+ case XK_y:
+ camera.xr-=5;
+ while(camera.xr < 0) camera.xr+=360;
+ break;
+ case XK_q:
+ camera.yr+=5;
+ while(camera.yr > 360) camera.yr-=360;
+ break;
+ case XK_e:
+ camera.yr-=5;
+ while(camera.yr < 0) camera.yr+=360;
+ break;
+ case XK_u:
+ camera.zr+=5;
+ while(camera.zr > 360) camera.zr-=360;
+ break;
+ case XK_o:
+ camera.zr-=5;
+ while(camera.zr < 0) camera.zr+=360;
+ break;
+ case XK_z: camera.zoom+=1; break;
+ case XK_x: camera.zoom-=1; break;
+ case XK_c: global.mmz*=1.1; break;
+ case XK_v: global.mmz/=1.1; break;
+ case XK_h: global.split+=1; break;
+ case XK_j: global.split-=1; break;
+ case XK_d:
+ global.debug ^= 1;
+ break;
+ case XK_f:
+ global.derp ^= 1;
+ break;
+ case XK_m:
+ gra_global.drawminimap += 1;
+ gra_global.drawminimap %= 4;
+ break;
+ case XK_a:
+ gra_global.drawsky ^= 1;
+ break;
+ case XK_3:
+ gra_global.draw3d += 1;
+ gra_global.draw3d %= 4;
+ break;
+ case XK_Escape:
+ return -1;
+ default:
+ return 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ return 1;
+int graphics_init() {
+ int i,j;
+ char tmp[64];
+ Cursor cursor;
+ XSetWindowAttributes attributes;
+// Window root,child;//why do I have this?
+// XColor toss;
+ printf("# Opening X Display... (%s)\n",getenv("DISPLAY"));
+ if((x11_global.dpy = XOpenDisplay(0)) == NULL) return printf("# failure.\n"),2;
+ else printf("# done.\n");
+ x11_global.color_map=DefaultColormap(x11_global.dpy, DefaultScreen(x11_global.dpy));
+ printf("# generating grays...\n");
+ for(i=0;i<=100;i++) {
+ snprintf(tmp,sizeof(tmp),"gray%d",i);
+ XAllocNamedColor(x11_global.dpy,x11_global.color_map,tmp,&x11_global.colors[i],&x11_global.colors[i]);
+ }
+ printf("# done.\n");
+ assert(x11_global.dpy);
+ gra_global.split_screen=SPLIT_SCREEN;
+ gra_global.split_flip=-1;
+ gra_global.split=5;
+ x11_global.root_window=0;
+ gra_global.red_and_blue=RED_AND_BLUE;
+ //global.colors[0]=BlackPixel(x11_global.dpy,DefaultScreen(x11_global.dpy));
+// int whiteColor = //WhitePixel(x11_global.dpy, DefaultScreen(x11_global.dpy));
+ attributes.background_pixel=x11_global.colors[0].pixel;
+ if(x11_global.root_window) {
+ x11_global.w = DefaultRootWindow(x11_global.dpy); //this is still buggy.
+ } else {
+ x11_global.w = XCreateWindow(x11_global.dpy,DefaultRootWindow(x11_global.dpy),0,0,WIDTH*(gra_global.split_screen / (gra_global.red_and_blue ? gra_global.split_screen : 1)),HEIGHT,1,DefaultDepth(x11_global.dpy,DefaultScreen(x11_global.dpy)),InputOutput,DefaultVisual(x11_global.dpy,DefaultScreen(x11_global.dpy))\
+ ,CWBackPixel, &attributes);
+ set_aspect_ratio();
+ XSelectInput(x11_global.dpy, x11_global.w, PointerMotionMask|StructureNotifyMask|ButtonPressMask|ButtonReleaseMask|KeyPressMask|ExposureMask);
+ }
+ XMapWindow(x11_global.dpy,x11_global.w);
+ XStoreName(x11_global.dpy,x11_global.w,"hackvr");
+ gra_global.greyscale=1;
+ gra_global.zsort=1;
+ global.shape[0]=0;//we'll allocate as we need more.
+ x11_global.gc=XCreateGC(x11_global.dpy,x11_global.w, 0, 0);
+ if(gra_global.red_and_blue) {
+ gra_global.width=WIDTH;
+ } else {
+ gra_global.width=WIDTH*gra_global.split_screen;
+ }
+ gra_global.height=HEIGHT;
+ x11_global.backbuffer=XCreatePixmap(x11_global.dpy,x11_global.w,gra_global.width,gra_global.height,DefaultDepth(x11_global.dpy,DefaultScreen(x11_global.dpy)));
+ x11_global.cleanbackbuffer=XCreatePixmap(x11_global.dpy,x11_global.w,gra_global.width,gra_global.height,DefaultDepth(x11_global.dpy,DefaultScreen(x11_global.dpy)));
+//backbuffer is uninitialized
+ x11_global.backgc=XCreateGC(x11_global.dpy,x11_global.backbuffer,0,0);
+ cursor=XCreateFontCursor(x11_global.dpy,XC_crosshair);
+ XDefineCursor(x11_global.dpy, x11_global.w, cursor);
+ XAllocNamedColor(x11_global.dpy, x11_global.color_map, "green", &, &;
+ XAllocNamedColor(x11_global.dpy, x11_global.color_map, "red", &, &;
+ XAllocNamedColor(x11_global.dpy, x11_global.color_map, "blue", &, &;
+ XAllocNamedColor(x11_global.dpy, x11_global.color_map, "red", &x11_global.redblue[0], &x11_global.redblue[0]);
+ XAllocNamedColor(x11_global.dpy, x11_global.color_map, "blue", &x11_global.redblue[1], &x11_global.redblue[1]);
+ XSetForeground(x11_global.dpy, x11_global.gc,;
+ XSetForeground(x11_global.dpy, x11_global.backgc, x11_global.colors[0].pixel);//black. we're about to draw the blank background using this.
+ XSetBackground(x11_global.dpy, x11_global.gc, x11_global.colors[160].pixel);
+ XSetBackground(x11_global.dpy, x11_global.backgc, x11_global.colors[140].pixel);
+ XFillRectangle(x11_global.dpy, x11_global.cleanbackbuffer,x11_global.backgc,0,0,gra_global.width,gra_global.height);
+ XSetForeground(x11_global.dpy, x11_global.backgc,;
+// XSetForeground(x11_global.dpy, gc, whiteColor);
+// this was taking a "long" time.
+ printf("# generating sky... ");
+ skypixmap=XCreatePixmap(x11_global.dpy,x11_global.w,SKYW,SKYH,DefaultDepth(x11_global.dpy,DefaultScreen(x11_global.dpy)));
+ for(i=0;i<SKYH;i++) {
+ for(j=0;j<SKYW;j++) {
+ if(i==0) sky[i][j]=rand()%2;
+ else {
+ sky[i][j]=(SKYRULE >> ((!!sky[i-1][(j+(SKYW)-1)%(SKYW)]<<2) | (!!sky[i-1][j]<<1) | (!!sky[i-1][j+1%(SKYW)])) & 1);
+ if(sky[i][j]) {
+ XDrawPoint(x11_global.dpy,skypixmap,x11_global.backgc,j,i);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ printf("done.\n");
+ gra_global.mapxoff=gra_global.width/2;
+ gra_global.mapyoff=gra_global.height/2;
+ gra_global.drawminimap=0;
+ gra_global.draw3d=1;
+ gra_global.force_redraw=FORCE_REDRAW;//use this for checking proper fps I guess.
+ camera.zoom=30.0l;
+ camera.xr=270;
+ camera.yr=270;
+ camera.zr=0;
+ global.mmz=1;
+ camera.p.x=0;
+ camera.p.z=6;
+ camera.p.y=5;
+ return 0;
+int graphics_event_handler() {
+ int redraw=0;
+ XEvent e;
+ Window child,root;
+ //what sets mask?
+ unsigned int mask;
+ while(XPending(x11_global.dpy)) {//these are taking too long?
+ XNextEvent(x11_global.dpy, &e);
+// printf("# handling event with type: %d\n",e.type);
+ switch(e.type) {
+// case Expose:
+// if(e.xexpose.count == 0) redraw=1;
+// break;
+ case MotionNotify:
+ XQueryPointer(x11_global.dpy,x11_global.w,&root,&child,&gra_global.rmousex,&gra_global.rmousey,&gra_global.mousex,&gra_global.mousey,&mask);
+ redraw=1;
+ break;
+ case ButtonPress:
+ redraw=1;
+ gra_global.buttonpressed=e.xbutton.button;//what's this for? mouse?
+ break;
+ case ButtonRelease:
+ redraw=1;
+ gra_global.buttonpressed=0;//what's this for???
+ break;
+ case ConfigureNotify:
+ redraw=1;
+ XGetGeometry(x11_global.dpy,x11_global.w,&root,&global.x,&global.y,&gra_global.width,&gra_global.height,&gra_global.border_width,&gra_global.depth);
+ if(gra_global.width / (gra_global.split_screen / (gra_global.red_and_blue ? gra_global.split_screen : 1 )) / AR_W * AR_H != gra_global.height) {
+ if(gra_global.width / AR_W * AR_H == gra_global.height) {
+ printf("math doesn't work.\n");
+ }
+ printf("# DERPY WM CANT TAKE A HINT %d / %d / %d * %d = %d != %d\n",gra_global.width,gra_global.split_screen,gra_global.width / (gra_global.red_and_blue ? gra_global.split_screen : 1) / AR_W * AR_H,AR_W,AR_H,gra_global.height);
+ if(gra_global.width / (gra_global.split_screen / (gra_global.red_and_blue ? gra_global.split_screen : 1)) / AR_W * AR_H < gra_global.height) {
+ gra_global.height=gra_global.width / (gra_global.split_screen / (gra_global.red_and_blue ? gra_global.split_screen : 1)) / AR_W * AR_H;
+ } else {
+ gra_global.width=gra_global.height * AR_H / AR_W * (gra_global.split_screen / (gra_global.red_and_blue ? gra_global.split_screen : 1));
+ }
+ }
+ gra_global.mapxoff=gra_global.width/(gra_global.split_screen / (gra_global.red_and_blue ? gra_global.split_screen : 1))/2;
+ gra_global.mapyoff=gra_global.height/2;
+ break;
+ case KeyPress:
+ redraw=1;
+ if(keypress_handler(XLookupKeysym(&e.xkey,0)) == -1) {
+ printf("# exiting\n");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ //printf("# received event with type: %d\n",e.type);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return redraw;
diff --git a/src/graphics_x11.h b/src/graphics_x11.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8924b61
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/graphics_x11.h
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+#ifndef _HACKVR_GRAPHICS_X11_H_
+#define _HACKVR_GRAPHICS_X11_H_
+#include <X11/Xlib.h>
+struct x11_global {//stores global variables for the x11 *specific* shit.
+ XColor colors[256];
+ XColor green;
+ XColor red;
+ XColor blue;
+ XColor redblue[2];
+ Colormap color_map;
+ Display *dpy;
+ Window w;
+ Pixmap backbuffer;
+ Pixmap cleanbackbuffer;
+ GC gc;
+ GC backgc;
+ int root_window;
+void draw_cs_line(cs_t p1,cs_t p2);
+void draw_cs_text(cs_t p,char *text);
+void draw_cs_shape(cs_s_t s);
+void set_aspect_ratio();
+void flipscreen();
+void set_color();
+void clear_backbuffer();
+int keypress_handler(int sym);
+int graphics_init();
+int graphics_event_handler();
+void set_clipping_rectangle(int x,int y,int width,int height);
+void red_and_blue_magic();
diff --git a/src/hackvr.c b/src/hackvr.c
index 5cd0de1..6984a56 100644
--- a/src/hackvr.c
+++ b/src/hackvr.c
@@ -8,10 +8,6 @@
#include <dirent.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
//#include <sys/select.h> //code to use select instead of non-blocking is commented out. might decide to use it later.
-#include <X11/Xlib.h>
-#include <X11/keysym.h>
-#include <X11/cursorfont.h>
-#include <X11/Xutil.h> //for size hints
#include <time.h>
#define __USE_GNU //for longer math constants
#include <math.h>
@@ -20,6 +16,7 @@
#include "common.h"
#include "graphics.h"
+extern struct gra_global gra_global;
//TODO: optimizations
@@ -32,7 +29,7 @@
//TODO: will have to make some pixmaps get resized when the window does.
//for now set them to be as big as you think you'll ever resize the window to.
-struct mainwin global;
+struct global global;
/* does not return the newline. */
char *read_line_hack(FILE *fp,int len) {
@@ -117,8 +114,12 @@ int load_stdin() {
// if(FD_ISSET(0,&readfs)) {
while((line=read_line_hack(stdin,0))) {//load as long there's something to load
if(*line == '#') return 0;
- //printf("# read command: %s\n",line);
+// printf("# read command: %s\n",line);
+// for(i=0;i<len;i++) {
+// printf("\"%s\" ",a[i]);
+// }
+// printf("\n");
if(len > 1) {
@@ -230,9 +231,9 @@ int load_stdin() {
else printf("# unknown variable: %s\n",a[2]);
- if(!strcmp(a[2],"force_redraw")) global.force_redraw^=1;
- else if(!strcmp(a[2],"red_and_blue")) { global.red_and_blue^=1; set_aspect_ratio(); }
+ if(!strcmp(a[2],"force_redraw")) gra_global.force_redraw^=1;
+ else if(!strcmp(a[2],"red_and_blue")) { gra_global.red_and_blue^=1; set_aspect_ratio(); }
else { printf("# unknown variable: %s\n",a[2]); continue; }
printf("# %s toggled!\n",a[2]);
@@ -240,9 +241,13 @@ int load_stdin() {
if(!strcmp(command,"addshape")) {
if(len > 3) {
+ if(len != (strtold(a[2],0)*3)+3) {
+ printf("# ERROR: wrong amount of parts for addshape. got: %d expected %d\n",len,((int)strtold(a[2],0))*3+3);
+ continue;
+ }
global.shape[i]=malloc(sizeof(struct c3_shape));
- global.shape[i]->id=strdup(id);
+ global.shape[i]->id=strdup(id);
for(j=0;j < global.shape[i]->len+(global.shape[i]->len==1);j++) {
global.shape[i]->p[j].x=strtold(a[(j*3)+3],0);//second arg is just for a return value. set to 0 if you don't want it.
@@ -251,8 +256,6 @@ int load_stdin() {
- } else {
- printf("# ERROR: wrong amount of parts for addshape. got: %d expected: 11\n",len);
@@ -334,20 +337,20 @@ int main(int argc,char *argv[]) {
fcntl(1,F_SETFL,O_NONBLOCK);//won't work
- global.debug=0;
+ global.debug=DEBUG;
int redraw;
- x11_init();
+ graphics_init();
printf("# entering main loop\n");
for(;;) {
- redraw=global.force_redraw;
- if((redraw=x11_event_handler()) == -1) {
+ redraw=gra_global.force_redraw;
+ if((redraw=graphics_event_handler()) == -1) {
return 0;
if(redraw && !global.headless) {
- draw_screen(global.dpy,global.w,global.gc);
+ draw_screen();
switch(load_stdin()) {
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..d0911a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+../tools/ woman ../meshes/female_basemesh1_2.obj | ./hackvr $USER
+#../tools/ woman ../meshes/female_basemesh1_2.obj | ./hackvr epoch
diff --git a/src/x11.c b/src/x11.c
deleted file mode 100644
index fc8bf24..0000000
--- a/src/x11.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1065 +0,0 @@
-#define _POSIX_C_SOURCE 200809L //for fileno and strdup
-#define _BSD_SOURCE
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <fcntl.h>
-#include <assert.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <dirent.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-//#include <sys/select.h> //code to use select instead of non-blocking is commented out. might decide to use it later.
-#include <X11/Xlib.h>
-#include <X11/keysym.h>
-#include <X11/cursorfont.h>
-#include <X11/Xutil.h> //for size hints
-#include <time.h>
-#define __USE_GNU //for longer math constants
-#include <math.h>
-//TODO: optimizations
-//TODO: store caches of cs_t, c2_t, and c3_t numbers.
-//TODO: don't forget to remake gophervr with this.
-//TODO: XSegment or line structs to store some shit?
-//TODO: line and triangle intersection for finding what object was clicked on
-//if I don't do hiliting I only need to calculate that upon click.
-#define WALK_SPEED 1
-#define SPLIT_SCREEN 1
-#define RED_AND_BLUE 0
-#define SHAPES 16386
-#define MAX_SIDES 8
-#define min(a,b) (((a)<(b))?(a):(b))
-#define max(a,b) (((a)>(b))?(a):(b))
-typedef double long real; //think this conflicts?
-//typedef float real; //think this conflicts?
-typedef struct {
- real x;
- real y;
- real z;
-} c3_t;
-typedef struct {
- real x;
- real y;
-} c2_t;
-typedef struct { //same as XPoint, just use that? nah...
- short x;
- short y;
-} cs_t;
-//TODO: will have to make some pixmaps get resized when the window does.
-//for now set them to be as big as you think you'll ever resize the window to.
-#define WIDTH 1024
-#define HEIGHT 768
-#define SKYRULE 90
-#define SKYW (WIDTH*5)
-#define SKYH (HEIGHT/2)
-Pixmap skypixmap;
-char sky[SKYH][SKYW];
-struct object_1 {
- int type;
- unsigned char x;
- unsigned char y;
- unsigned char z;
-struct object_2 {
- int type;
- unsigned short x;
- unsigned short y;
- unsigned short z;
-struct object_4 {
- int type;
- unsigned int x;
- unsigned int y;
- unsigned int z;
-struct camera {
- c3_t p;
- int xr;//rotations
- int yr;
- int zr;
- real zoom;
-} camera;
-struct c3_line {
- char *id;
- c3_t p1;
- c3_t p2;
-struct c3_shape {//use array or linked list?
- char *id;
- unsigned char len;
- c3_t p[MAX_SIDES];
-struct mainwin {
- int x;
- int y;
- unsigned int depth;
- int mousex;
- int mousey;
- int rmousex;
- int rmousey;
- int buttonpressed;
- unsigned int width;
- unsigned int height;
- unsigned int border_width;
- XColor colors[256];
- int xoff;
- int math_error;
- int mapxoff;
- int mapyoff;
- int split_screen;
- int split_flip;//1 or -1
- char *user;
- char greyscale;
- char headless;
- char drawminimap;//flag
- char draw3d;//flag
- char debug;//flag
- char drawsky;//flag
- char zsort;
- char red_and_blue;
- char force_redraw;
- char selected_object[256];//meh
- real mmz;
- XColor green;
- XColor red;
- XColor blue;
- XColor redblue[2];
- Colormap color_map;
- Display *dpy;
- Window w;
- Pixmap backbuffer;
- Pixmap cleanbackbuffer;
- GC gc;
- GC backgc;
- struct c3_shape *shape[SHAPES];
- int shapes;
- int derp;
- int root_window;
- real split;
- int oldtime;
- int oldfps;
- int fps;
-} global;
-//used to figure out what c2 values are associated with each edge of the window.
-//#define TOP 160.0
-//#define BOTTOM -160.0
-#define TOP 240.0
-#define BOTTOM -240.0
-#define RIGHT 320.0
-#define LEFT -320.0
-int c2sX(long double x) { return (global.width/(global.split_screen / (global.red_and_blue ? global.split_screen: 1))) * ((x + RIGHT) / (RIGHT *2)) + global.xoff; }
-int s2cX(long double x) { return (x/(global.width/(global.split_screen / (global.red_and_blue?global.split_screen :1))))*(RIGHT*2)-RIGHT; }
-int c2sY(long double y) { return global.height * ((TOP-y) / (TOP*2)); }
-int s2cY(long double y) { return -((y/global.height) * (TOP*2) - TOP); }
-cs_t c2_to_cs(c2_t p) {
- return (cs_t){c2sX(p.x),c2sY(p.y)};
-c2_t cs_to_c2(cs_t p) {
- return (c2_t){s2cX(p.x),s2cY(p.y)};
-long double distance2(c2_t p1,c2_t p2) {
- return sqrtl(( (p1.x-p2.x)*(p1.x-p2.x) )+( (p1.y-p2.y)*(p1.y-p2.y) ));
-long double distance3(c3_t p1,c3_t p2) {
- return sqrtl(( (p1.x-p2.x)*(p1.x-p2.x) )+( (p1.y-p2.y)*(p1.y-p2.y) )+( (p1.z-p2.z)*(p1.z-p2.z) ));
-long double points_to_angle(c2_t p1,c2_t p2) {
- long double a=atan2l(p2.y-p1.y,p2.x-p1.x);
- return a>=0?a:M_PIl+M_PIl+a;
-long double d2r(int d) {
- while(d<0) d+=360;
- return (long double)(d%360) / (long double)180 * M_PIl;
-int r2d(real r) {
- return r / M_PIl * 180;
-int between_angles(real angle,real lower,real upper) {
- //lower may be higher than upper.
- //because lower is < 0 which wraps to higher. lower is 270, upper is 90. 270-90 is in front.
- if(lower > upper) {
- if(angle > lower) return 1;
- if(angle < upper) return 1;
- }
- if(upper > lower) {
- if(angle > lower && angle < upper) return 1;
- }
- return 0;
-B (x2,y2)
- |-. c
-a| '-.
- | '-.
- '--------~
-C b A (x1,y1)
-//I'll need this for collision I guess.
-//use this for finding a line that intersects with what the camera is pointing at
-c2_t get_c2_intersection(c2_t p1,real theta,c2_t p2) {
- real c;
- c=distance2(p1,p2);
- theta_a=C A B
- b = (c/1) * (theta_a + theta_offset)
-int get_2D_intersection_X(x1,y1,theta_offset,x2,y2) {
- int x3a,y3a,x3b,y3b;
- int a,b,c;//lenght of sides.
- int theta_a,theta_b,theta_c;//angles opposite of same named sides.
- //get angle C A B
- theta_a=
-// x1,y1,x2,y2
-//what are these d1 and d2?
- if(d1==d2) return global.math_error=1;
- c=dist(x1,y1,x2,y2);
- b = (c/1) * (theta_a + theta_offset);
- a = (c/1) * (theta_b + theta_offset);
- x3b=sin(theta_a) * b;
- y3b=cos(theta_a) * b;
- x3a=sin(theta_a) * a;
- y3a=cos(theta_a) * a;
- printf("x: %d %d\nx: %d %d\n",x3a,y3a,x3b,y3b);
-int get_2D_intersection_Y(x,y,d,x,z,d) {
- int x3a,y3a,x3b,y3b;
- int a,b,c;//lenght of sides.
- int theta_a,theta_b,theta_c;//angles opposite of same named sides.
- //get angle from A to B.
- x1,y1,x2,y2
- if(d1==d2) return global.math_error=1;
- c=dist(x1,y1,x2,y2);
- b = (c/1) * theta_a;
- a = (c/1) * theta_b;
- x3b=sin(a) * b;
- y3b=cos(a) * b;
- x3a=sin(a) * a;
- y3a=cos(a) * a;
- printf("y: %d %d\ny: %d %d\n",x3a,y3a,x3b,y3b);
-void draw_cs_line(cs_t p1,cs_t p2) {
- XDrawLine(global.dpy,global.backbuffer,global.backgc,p1.x,p1.y,p2.x,p2.y);
-void draw_c2_line(c2_t p1,c2_t p2) {
- draw_cs_line(c2_to_cs(p1),c2_to_cs(p2));
-#define MAGIC(x) (1.0l-(1.0l/powl(1.01l,(x)))) //??? might want to have some changables in here
-real magic(real x) {
- return MAGIC(x);
-void draw_graph(real (*fun)(real x)) {
- c2_t pa;
- draw_c2_line((c2_t){LEFT,0},(c2_t){RIGHT,0});
- draw_c2_line((c2_t){0,TOP},(c2_t){0,BOTTOM});
- for(pa.x=LEFT;pa.x<RIGHT;pa.x+=5.0) {
- draw_c2_line((c2_t){pa.x,2.0},(c2_t){pa.x,-2.0});
- }
- for(pa.y=BOTTOM;pa.y<TOP;pa.y+=5.0) {
- draw_c2_line((c2_t){-2.0,pa.y},(c2_t){2.0,pa.y});
- }
- for(pa.x=LEFT;pa.x<RIGHT;pa.x+=1.0) {
- draw_c2_line((c2_t){pa.x,fun(pa.x)},(c2_t){pa.x+1.0,fun(pa.x+1.0)});
- }
-c2_t rotate_c2(c2_t p1,c2_t p2,real dr) {
- c2_t p3;
- real d=distance2(p1,p2);
- real r=points_to_angle(p1,p2);
- r=r+dr;
- p3.x=(sinl(r) * d) + p2.x;
- p3.y=(cosl(r) * d) + p2.y;
- return p3;
-c3_t rotate_c3_xr(c3_t p1,c3_t p2,real xr) {//rotate y and z around camera based on xr (looking up and down)
- c2_t tmp;
- tmp=rotate_c2((c2_t){p1.y,p1.z},(c2_t){p2.y,p2.z},xr);
- return (c3_t){p1.x,tmp.x,tmp.y};
-c3_t rotate_c3_yr(c3_t p1,c3_t p2,real yr) {//rotate x and z around camera based on yr (looking left and right)
- c2_t tmp;
- tmp=rotate_c2((c2_t){p1.x,p1.z},(c2_t){p2.x,p2.z},yr);
- return (c3_t){tmp.x,p1.y,tmp.y};
-c3_t rotate_c3_zr(c3_t p1,c3_t p2,real zr) {//rotate x and y around camera based on zr (cocking your head to a side)
- c2_t tmp;
- tmp=rotate_c2((c2_t){p1.x,p1.y},(c2_t){p2.x,p2.y},zr);
- return (c3_t){tmp.x,tmp.y,p1.z};
-void rotate_shape_yr(struct c3_shape *s) {//changes input value!
- int i=0;
- for(i=0;i<s->len+(s->len==1);i++) s->p[0]=rotate_c3_yr(s->p[0],camera.p,camera.yr);
-c2_t c3_to_c2(c3_t p3) { //DO NOT DRAW STUFF IN HERE
- c2_t p2;
-// c3_t tmp1;
-// c3_t tmp2;
-// c3_t tmp3;
- c3_t final;
-//these rotations need to be about the previous axis after the axis itself has been rotated.
-// final=rotate_c3_yr(p3,camera.p,d2r(camera.yr));//rotate everything around the camera's location.
- final=rotate_c3_yr(p3,(c3_t){0,0,0},d2r(camera.yr));//rotate everything around the center no matter what.
-// tmp2=rotate_c3_xr(tmp1,camera.p,d2r(camera.xr));
-// final=rotate_c3_zr(tmp2,camera.p,d2r(camera.zr));
- real delta_x=(camera.p.x - final.x);
- real delta_y=(camera.p.y - final.y);
- real delta_z=(camera.p.z - final.z);
-// real d=distance3(camera.p,final);
- p2.y=camera.zoom * (delta_y * MAGIC(delta_z) - delta_y);
- p2.x=camera.zoom * (delta_x * MAGIC(delta_z) - delta_x);
- return p2;
-void draw_c3_line(c3_t p1,c3_t p2) {
-// if(!between_angles(points_to_angle((c2_t){camera.p.x,camera.p.z},(c2_t){p1.x,p1.z}),0,90) ||
-// !between_angles(points_to_angle((c2_t){camera.p.x,camera.p.z},(c2_t){p2.x,p2.z}),0,90)) return;
- if(global.drawminimap == 1) {
- draw_c2_line((c2_t){(camera.p.x-2)*global.mmz,(camera.p.z+2)*global.mmz},(c2_t){(camera.p.x+2)*global.mmz,(camera.p.z-2)*global.mmz});
- draw_c2_line((c2_t){(camera.p.x+2)*global.mmz,(camera.p.z+2)*global.mmz},(c2_t){(camera.p.x-2)*global.mmz,(camera.p.z-2)*global.mmz});
- draw_c2_line((c2_t){p1.x*global.mmz,p1.z*global.mmz},(c2_t){p2.x*global.mmz,p2.z*global.mmz});
- }
- if(global.drawminimap == 2) {//map rotates.
- c3_t t1=rotate_c3_yr(p1,camera.p,d2r(camera.yr));
- c3_t t2=rotate_c3_yr(p2,camera.p,d2r(camera.yr));
- draw_c2_line((c2_t){t1.x*global.mmz,t1.z*global.mmz},(c2_t){t2.x*global.mmz,t2.z*global.mmz});
- }
- if(global.draw3d != 0) draw_c2_line(c3_to_c2(p1),c3_to_c2(p2));
- if(global.debug) {
- }
-cs_t c3_to_cs(c3_t p) {
- return c2_to_cs(c3_to_c2(p));
-real shitdist2(c3_t p1,c3_t p2) {
- return sqrtl(((p1.x - p2.x) * (p1.x - p2.x)) +
- ((p1.y - p2.y) * (p1.y - p2.y)) +
- ((p1.z - p2.z) * (p1.z - p2.z)));
-real shitdist(struct c3_shape s,c3_t p) {
-// apply rotation then find distance?
- int i;
- struct c3_shape s_;
- real total;
- s_=s;
- rotate_shape_yr(&s_);
- for(i=0;i<s_.len+(s_.len==1);i++) {
- total+=shitdist2(s_.p[i],camera.p);
- }
- return (total) / (real)(s_.len+(s_.len==1));
-void HatchLines(c2_t p1,c2_t p2,c2_t p3,int density) {
- real i=0;
- for(i=1;i<density;i=i+1) {//only need 1/2, not 0/2 and 2/2, those are edges of the triangle.
- draw_c2_line(
- (c2_t){((i*p1.x)+((density-i)*p3.x))/density,
- ((i*p1.y)+((density-i)*p3.y))/density},
- (c2_t){((i*p2.x)+((density-i)*p3.x))/density,
- ((i*p2.y)+((density-i)*p3.y))/density}
- );
- }
-/*void DrawHatchedTriangle(struct c3_triangle t,int d) {
- c2_t p1,p2,p3;
- p1=c3_to_c2(t.p1);
- p2=c3_to_c2(t.p2);
- p3=c3_to_c2(t.p3);
- HatchLines(p1,p2,p3,d);
- HatchLines(p2,p3,p1,d);
- HatchLines(p1,p3,p2,d);
-//^ subdivision algorithm for display purposes only.
-//black out the rest of the triangle first?
-//sounds alright to me...
-void draw_cs_text(cs_t p,char *text) {
- char t[256];
- int direction,ascent,descent;
- XFontStruct *font=XLoadQueryFont(global.dpy,"fixed");
- XCharStruct overall;
- snprintf(t,sizeof(t)-1,"%s",text);
- XTextExtents(font,text,strlen(text),&direction,&ascent,&descent,&overall);
- XDrawString(global.dpy,global.backbuffer,global.backgc,p.x,p.y+(descent+ascent),text,strlen(text));
-void draw_c2_text(c2_t p,char *text) {
- cs_t p2=c2_to_cs(p);
- draw_cs_text(p2,text);
-void draw_c3_text(c3_t p,char *text) {
- cs_t p2=c3_to_cs(p);
- draw_cs_text(p2,text);
-cs_t *c3s_to_css(c3_t *p3,int len) {
- cs_t *ps=malloc(sizeof(cs_t) * len);
- int i;
- for(i=0;i<len;i++) ps[i]=c3_to_cs(p3[i]);
- return ps;
-void draw_c3_shape(struct c3_shape s) {
-// char line[1024];
- int i=0;
- int w,h;
- XPoint p[s.len+(s.len==1)];
- cs_t tmp;
- for(i=0;i<s.len+(s.len==1);i++) {
- tmp=c3_to_cs(s.p[i]);
- p[i]=(XPoint){tmp.x,tmp.y};
- }
- if(global.draw3d == 1) { // wireframe
- switch(s.len) {
- case 1:
- w=max(p[0].x,p[1].x)-min(p[0].x,p[1].x);
- h=max(p[0].y,p[1].y)-min(p[0].y,p[1].y);
- p[0].x-=h;
- p[0].y-=h;
- XDrawArc(global.dpy,global.backbuffer,global.backgc,p[0].x,p[0].y,h*2,h*2,0,360*64);
- break;
- case 2:
- XDrawLine(global.dpy,global.backbuffer,global.backgc,p[0].x,p[0].y,p[1].x,p[1].y);
- break;
- default:
- for(i=0;i<s.len;i++) {
- XDrawLines(global.dpy,global.backbuffer,global.backgc,p,s.len,CoordModeOrigin);
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- if(global.draw3d == 2) { //draw it filled in
- switch(s.len) {
- case 1:
- w=max(p[0].x,p[1].x)-min(p[0].x,p[1].x);
- h=max(p[0].y,p[1].y)-min(p[0].y,p[1].y);
- p[0].x-=h;
- p[0].y-=h;
- XFillArc(global.dpy,global.backbuffer,global.backgc,p[0].x,p[0].y,h*2,h*2,0,360*64);
- break;
- case 2:
- XDrawLine(global.dpy,global.backbuffer,global.backgc,p[0].x,p[0].y,p[1].x,p[1].y);
- break;
- default:
- XFillPolygon(global.dpy,global.backbuffer,global.backgc,p,s.len,Convex,CoordModeOrigin);
- break;
- }
- }
-// if(global.draw3d == 3) { //hashed
-// XSetForeground(global.dpy, global.backgc, global.colors[0].pixel);
- //XDrawFilledShape(c3_to_cs(t.p1),c3_to_cs(t.p2),c3_to_cs(t.p3));//clear out this triangle.
-// XSetForeground(global.dpy, global.backgc,;
- //upgrade me! DrawHatchedTriangle(t,10 - (shitdist(t,camera.p) / 10));//how to get density?
-// }
-/* if(global.debug) {
- snprintf(line,sizeof(line)-1,"(%Lf,%Lf,%Lf)",t.p1.x,t.p1.y,t.p1.z);
- draw_c3_text(t.p1,line);
- snprintf(line,sizeof(line)-1,"(%Lf,%Lf,%Lf)",t.p2.x,t.p2.y,t.p2.z);
- draw_c3_text(t.p2,line);
- snprintf(line,sizeof(line)-1,"(%Lf,%Lf,%Lf)",t.p3.x,t.p3.y,t.p3.z);
- draw_c3_text(t.p3,line);
-// }
-typedef struct {
- struct c3_shape *s;
- real d;
-} zsort_t;
-int compar(zsort_t *a,zsort_t *b) {
- return ((a->d) > (b->d));
-void draw_c3_point_text(c3_t p,char *text) {
- char coords[256];
- int direction,ascent,descent;
- cs_t p2;
- p2=c3_to_cs(p);
- snprintf(coords,sizeof(coords)-1,"(%Lf,%Lf,%Lf)",p.x,p.y,p.z);
- XTextExtents(font,text,strlen(text),&direction,&ascent,&descent,&overall);
- XDrawString(global.dpy,global.backbuffer,global.backgc,p2.x,p2.y+(descent+ascent),coords,strlen(coords));
-void draw_screen(Display *dpy,Window w,GC gc) {
- int i;
- int colori=100;
- int cn=0;//camera number.
- XFontStruct *font=XLoadQueryFont(global.dpy,"fixed");
- XCharStruct overall;
- int direction,ascent,descent;
- char coords[256];
- XGCValues gcval;
- zsort_t zs[SHAPES];
- XCopyArea(global.dpy,global.cleanbackbuffer,global.backbuffer,gc,0,0,global.width,global.height,0,0);//clear the backbuffer.
-// XCopyPlane(global.dpy,global.cleanbackbuffer,global.backbuffer,gc,0,0,global.width,global.height,0,0,1);//clear the backbuffer.
- XRectangle cliprect;
- cliprect.x=0;
- cliprect.y=0;
- cliprect.width=global.width/global.split_screen;
- cliprect.height=global.height;
- real oldx=camera.p.x;
- real oldz=camera.p.z;
- if(global.split_screen > 1) {
- camera.p.z-=(global.split_flip)*((global.split/global.split_screen)*cosl(d2r(camera.yr+180)));
- camera.p.x-=(global.split_flip)*((global.split/global.split_screen)*sinl(d2r(camera.yr+180)));
- }
- for(cn=0;cn<global.split_screen;cn++) {
- if(global.red_and_blue) {
- //set color for left half to red and right half to blue
- //and draw mode for the gc to GXOr
- global.xoff=0;
- gcval.function=GXor;
- XChangeGC(global.dpy,global.backgc,GCFunction,&gcval);
- } else {
- global.xoff=(global.width/global.split_screen)*cn;
- }
- if(!global.red_and_blue) XSetClipRectangles(global.dpy,global.backgc,global.xoff,0,&cliprect,1,Unsorted);
- //if(global.drawminimap == 3) { draw_graph(magic); continue; }
- if(global.drawsky) {
- XCopyArea(global.dpy,skypixmap,global.backbuffer,global.backgc,((camera.yr*5)+SKYW)%SKYW,0,WIDTH,global.height/2,0,0);
- }
- if(global.draw3d) {
-// draw_c2_line((c2_t){LEFT,0},(c2_t){RIGHT,0}); //horizon
- }
- if(time(0) == global.oldtime) {
- global.fps++;
- }
- else {
- global.oldtime=time(0);
- global.oldfps=global.fps;
- global.fps=0;
- }
- //XSetForeground(global.dpy, global.backgc,;
- if(global.debug) {
- snprintf(coords,sizeof(coords)-1,"debug: %s minimap: %d 3d: %d fps: %d shapes: %d",global.debug?"on":"off",global.drawminimap,global.draw3d,global.oldfps,global.shapes);
- XTextExtents(font,coords,strlen(coords),&direction,&ascent,&descent,&overall);
- XDrawString(global.dpy,global.backbuffer,global.backgc,global.xoff,global.height/2+(descent+0+ascent)*1,coords,strlen(coords));
- snprintf(coords,sizeof(coords)-1,"x: %d y: %d",global.mousex,global.mousey);
- XTextExtents(font,coords,strlen(coords),&direction,&ascent,&descent,&overall);
- XDrawString(global.dpy,global.backbuffer,global.backgc,global.xoff,global.height/2+(descent+0+ascent)*2,coords,strlen(coords));
- snprintf(coords,sizeof(coords)-1,"cx: %Lf cy: %Lf cz: %Lf",camera.p.x,camera.p.y,camera.p.z);
- XTextExtents(font,coords,strlen(coords),&direction,&ascent,&descent,&overall);
- XDrawString(global.dpy,global.backbuffer,global.backgc,global.xoff,global.height/2+(descent+0+ascent)*3,coords,strlen(coords));
- snprintf(coords,sizeof(coords)-1,"xr: %d yr: %d zr: %d",camera.xr,camera.yr,camera.zr);
- XTextExtents(font,coords,strlen(coords),&direction,&ascent,&descent,&overall);
- XDrawString(global.dpy,global.backbuffer,global.backgc,global.xoff,global.height/2+(descent+0+ascent)*4,coords,strlen(coords));
- }
-// if(global.drawminimap) {//this isn't even useful I guess.
- //cx1=(sinl(d2r(camera.yr+270))*7l);
- //cy1=(cosl(d2r(camera.yr+270))*7l);
- //cx2=(sinl(d2r(camera.yr+90))*7l);
- //cy2=(cosl(d2r(camera.yr+90))*7l);
-// draw_c2_line((c2_t){0,0},(c2_t){10,10});
-// draw_c2_line((c2_t){0,0},(c2_t){-10,10});
-// draw_c2_line((c2_t){10,10},(c2_t){-10,10});
-// }
-/* cube
- draw_c3_line((c3_t){-3,0,-3},(c3_t){-3,0,3});
- draw_c3_line((c3_t){-3,0,-3},(c3_t){-3,6,-3});
- draw_c3_line((c3_t){-3,0,-3},(c3_t){3,0,-3});
- draw_c3_line((c3_t){3,6,3},(c3_t){3,6,-3});
- draw_c3_line((c3_t){3,6,3},(c3_t){-3,6,3});
- draw_c3_line((c3_t){3,6,3},(c3_t){3,0,3});
- draw_c3_line((c3_t){-3,0,3},(c3_t){3,0,3});
- draw_c3_line((c3_t){-3,0,3},(c3_t){-3,6,3});
- draw_c3_line((c3_t){-3,6,-3},(c3_t){-3,6,3});
- draw_c3_line((c3_t){-3,6,-3},(c3_t){3,6,-3});
- draw_c3_line((c3_t){3,0,-3},(c3_t){3,0,3});
- draw_c3_line((c3_t){3,0,-3},(c3_t){3,6,-3});
- //floor grid
- for(i=-21;i<21;i+=3) {
- for(j=-21;j<21;j+=3) {
- //draw_c3_triangle((struct c3_triangle){"id",(c3_t){i,0,j},(c3_t){i,0,j+3},(c3_t){i+3,0,j}});
- draw_c3_line((c3_t){i,0,j},(c3_t){i,0,j+3});
- draw_c3_line((c3_t){i,0,j},(c3_t){i+3,0,j});
- }
- }
- //apply rotation?
- // load up the triangles to render... after applying rotation?
- for(i=0;global.shape[i];i++) {
- zs[i].s=global.shape[i];
- //rotate_shape(zs[i].s);
- }
- //
- if(1) {//global.zsort) {
- for(i=0;global.shape[i];i++) {
- zs[i].d=shitdist(*(zs[i].s),camera.p);
- }
- qsort(&zs,i,sizeof(zs[0]),(__compar_fn_t)compar);//sort these zs structs based on d.
- }
- //draw all triangles
- if(zs[0].s) {
- strcpy(global.selected_object,zs[0].s->id);
- }
- for(i=0;global.shape[i];i++) {
- //now we pick the color of this triangle!
- if(global.red_and_blue) {
- if(cn==0) {
- XSetForeground(global.dpy,global.backgc,;
- } else {
- XSetForeground(global.dpy,global.backgc,;
- }
-//tests of blending grayscale with red and blue
-// draw_c3_triangle(*(zs[i].t));
- } else {
- if(!strcmp(global.selected_object,zs[i].s->id)) {
- //XSetForeground(global.dpy,global.backgc,;
- } else {
- if(global.greyscale) {
- if(zs[i].d > 0) {
- if(zs[i].d < 100) {
- colori=zs[i].d;
- }
- }
- colori=(int)(zs[i].d)%100;
- XSetForeground(global.dpy,global.backgc,global.colors[(int)(100.0-(colori))].pixel);//picking the color here only works if...
- }
- }
- }
- draw_c3_shape(*(zs[i].s));
- }
- XSetForeground(global.dpy, global.backgc,;
- if(global.debug) {
- snprintf(coords,sizeof(coords)-1,"selected object: %s",global.selected_object);
- XTextExtents(font,coords,strlen(coords),&direction,&ascent,&descent,&overall);
- XDrawString(global.dpy,global.backbuffer,global.backgc,global.xoff,global.height/2+(descent+0+ascent)*5,coords,strlen(coords));
- }
- camera.p.z+=(global.split_flip)*(global.split*cosl(d2r(camera.yr+180)));
- camera.p.x+=(global.split_flip)*(global.split*sinl(d2r(camera.yr+180)));
- }
-//TODO: figure out what all this shit is and either update or remove.
-//DONT USE WIDTH for shit.
- x1=nextX(WIDTH/2,HEIGHT/2,d2r(camera.yr),40);
- y1=nextY(WIDTH/2,HEIGHT/2,d2r(camera.yr),40);
- x2=nextX(WIDTH/2,HEIGHT/2,d2r(camera.yr+180),80);
- y2=nextY(WIDTH/2,HEIGHT/2,d2r(camera.yr+180),80);
- XDrawLine(global.dpy,w,gc,WIDTH/2,HEIGHT/2,x1,y1);
- XDrawLine(global.dpy,w,gc,WIDTH/2,HEIGHT/2,x2,y2);
- XDrawLine(global.dpy,w,gc,0,HEIGHT/2,WIDTH,HEIGHT/2);
- x1=global.mousex;
- y1=global.mousey;
- real a=points_to_angle((c2_t){0,0},cs_to_c2((cs_t){x1,y1}));
- snprintf(coords,sizeof(coords)-1,"%llf",a);
- XTextExtents(font,coords,strlen(coords),&direction,&ascent,&descent,&overall);
- XDrawString(global.dpy,w,gc,global.xoff,(descent+0+ascent)*6,coords,strlen(coords));
- snprintf(coords,sizeof(coords)-1,"%llf",points_to_angle(cs_to_c2((cs_t){global.mousex,global.mousey}),(c2_t){0,0})+(M_PIl/2));
- XTextExtents(font,coords,strlen(coords),&direction,&ascent,&descent,&overall);
- XDrawString(global.dpy,w,gc,global.xoff,(descent+0+ascent)*7,coords,strlen(coords));
- XDrawLine(global.dpy,w,gc,global.mousex,global.mousey,global.width/2,global.height/2);
- real c=cosl(d2r(camera.yr) - a) * distance((c2_t){x1,y1},(c2_t){WIDTH/2,HEIGHT/2});
- x2=nextX(x1,y1,d2r(camera.yr-90),c);
- y2=nextY(x1,y1,d2r(camera.yr-90),c);
- XDrawLine(global.dpy,w,gc,x1,y1,x2,y2);
- camera.p.x = oldx;
- camera.p.z = oldz; //-= cn*CAMERA_SEPARATION;
-// XClearWindow(global.dpy, w);
- XCopyArea(global.dpy,global.backbuffer,w,gc,0,0,global.width,global.height,0,0);//move backbuffer to window
-// XCopyPlane(global.dpy,global.backbuffer,w,gc,0,0,global.width,global.height,0,0,0x000100);//move backbuffer to window
-void set_aspect_ratio() {
- XSizeHints *hints=XAllocSizeHints();
- hints->min_aspect.x=4*(global.split_screen / (global.red_and_blue ? global.split_screen : 1));
- hints->min_aspect.y=3;
- hints->max_aspect.x=4*(global.split_screen / (global.red_and_blue ? global.split_screen : 1));
- hints->max_aspect.y=3;
- hints->flags=PAspect;
- XSetWMNormalHints(global.dpy,global.w,hints);
-//push a string back into stdin so it can be read by the file loader. :P
-int selfcommand(char *s) {
- char t;
- if(!strlen(s)) return 0;
- ungetc(s[strlen(s)-1],stdin);
- t=s[strlen(s)-1];
- s[strlen(s)-1]=0;
- selfcommand(s);
- putchar(t);
- return 0;
-int keypress_handler(int sym) {
- char line[1024];
- real tmpx;
-// real tmpy; //unused atm
- real tmpz;
- switch(sym) {
- case XK_Return:
- snprintf(line,sizeof(line)-1,"%s action %s\n",global.user,global.selected_object);
- selfcommand(line);
- break;
- case XK_Up:
- tmpx=WALK_SPEED*sinl(d2r(camera.yr+90));
- tmpz=WALK_SPEED*cosl(d2r(camera.yr+90));
- camera.p.x+=tmpx;
- camera.p.z+=tmpz;
- snprintf(line,sizeof(line)-1,"%s move %Lf 0 %Lf 0 0 0 0 0 0\n",global.user,tmpx,tmpz);
- selfcommand(line);
- break;
- case XK_Down:
- tmpx=WALK_SPEED*sinl(d2r(camera.yr+270));
- tmpz=WALK_SPEED*cosl(d2r(camera.yr+270));
- camera.p.x+=tmpx;
- camera.p.z+=tmpz;
- snprintf(line,sizeof(line)-1,"%s move %Lf 0 %Lf 0 0 0 0 0 0\n",global.user,tmpx,tmpz);
- selfcommand(line);
- break;
- case XK_Left:
- tmpx=WALK_SPEED*sinl(d2r(camera.yr));
- tmpz=WALK_SPEED*cosl(d2r(camera.yr));
- camera.p.x+=tmpx;
- camera.p.z+=tmpz;
- snprintf(line,sizeof(line)-1,"%s move %Lf 0 %Lf 0 0 0 0 0 0\n",global.user,tmpx,tmpz);
- selfcommand(line);
- break;
- case XK_Right:
- tmpx=WALK_SPEED*sinl(d2r(camera.yr+180));
- tmpz=WALK_SPEED*cosl(d2r(camera.yr+180));
- camera.p.x+=tmpx;
- camera.p.z+=tmpz;
- snprintf(line,sizeof(line)-1,"%s move %Lf 0 %Lf 0 0 0 0 0 0\n",global.user,tmpx,tmpz);
- selfcommand(line);
- break;
- case XK_w:
- camera.p.y+=1;
- snprintf(line,sizeof(line)-1,"%s move 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0\n",global.user);
- selfcommand(line);
- break;
- case XK_s:
- camera.p.y-=1;
- snprintf(line,sizeof(line)-1,"%s move 0 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0\n",global.user);
- selfcommand(line);
- break;
- case XK_r:
- camera.xr+=5;
- while(camera.xr > 360) camera.xr-=360;
- break;
- case XK_y:
- camera.xr-=5;
- while(camera.xr < 0) camera.xr+=360;
- break;
- case XK_q:
- camera.yr+=5;
- while(camera.yr > 360) camera.yr-=360;
- break;
- case XK_e:
- camera.yr-=5;
- while(camera.yr < 0) camera.yr+=360;
- break;
- case XK_u:
- camera.zr+=5;
- while(camera.zr > 360) camera.zr-=360;
- break;
- case XK_o:
- camera.zr-=5;
- while(camera.zr < 0) camera.zr+=360;
- break;
- case XK_z: camera.zoom+=1; break;
- case XK_x: camera.zoom-=1; break;
- case XK_c: global.mmz*=1.1; break;
- case XK_v: global.mmz/=1.1; break;
- case XK_h: global.split+=1; break;
- case XK_j: global.split-=1; break;
- case XK_d:
- global.debug ^= 1;
- break;
- case XK_f:
- global.derp ^= 1;
- break;
- case XK_m:
- global.drawminimap += 1;
- global.drawminimap %= 4;
- break;
- case XK_a:
- global.drawsky ^= 1;
- break;
- case XK_3:
- global.draw3d += 1;
- global.draw3d %= 4;
- break;
- case XK_Escape:
- return -1;
- default:
- return 0;
- break;
- }
- return 1;
-int main(int argc,char *argv[]) {
- Cursor cursor;
- XEvent e;
- XSetWindowAttributes attributes;
- Window root,child;//why do I have this?
-// XColor toss;
- int i,j;
- char tmp[64];
- unsigned int mask;
- char redraw=0;
- if(argc < 2) {
- fprintf(stderr,"usage: hackvr yourname < from_others > to_others\n");
- return 1;
- } else {
- global.user=strdup(argv[1]);
- }
- fcntl(1,F_SETFL,O_NONBLOCK);//won't work
- setbuf(stdin,0);
- setbuf(stdout,0);
- printf("# Opening X Display... (%s)\n",getenv("DISPLAY"));
- if((global.dpy = XOpenDisplay(0)) == NULL) return printf("# failure.\n"),2;
- else printf("# done.\n");
- global.color_map=DefaultColormap(global.dpy, DefaultScreen(global.dpy));
- printf("# generating grays...\n");
- for(i=0;i<=100;i++) {
- snprintf(tmp,sizeof(tmp),"gray%d",i);
- XAllocNamedColor(global.dpy,global.color_map,tmp,&global.colors[i],&global.colors[i]);
- }
- printf("# done.\n");
- assert(global.dpy);
- global.split_screen=SPLIT_SCREEN;
- global.split_flip=-1;
- global.split=5;
- global.root_window=0;
- global.red_and_blue=RED_AND_BLUE;
- //global.colors[0]=BlackPixel(global.dpy,DefaultScreen(global.dpy));
-// int whiteColor = //WhitePixel(global.dpy, DefaultScreen(global.dpy));
- attributes.background_pixel=global.colors[0].pixel;
- if(global.root_window) {
- global.w = DefaultRootWindow(global.dpy); //this is still buggy.
- } else {
- global.w = XCreateWindow(global.dpy,DefaultRootWindow(global.dpy),0,0,WIDTH*(global.split_screen / (global.red_and_blue ? global.split_screen : 1)),HEIGHT,1,DefaultDepth(global.dpy,DefaultScreen(global.dpy)),InputOutput,DefaultVisual(global.dpy,DefaultScreen(global.dpy))\
- ,CWBackPixel, &attributes);
- set_aspect_ratio();
- XSelectInput(global.dpy, global.w, PointerMotionMask|StructureNotifyMask|ButtonPressMask|ButtonReleaseMask|KeyPressMask|ExposureMask);
- }
- XMapWindow(global.dpy, global.w);
- XStoreName(global.dpy,global.w,"hackvr");
- global.greyscale=1;
- global.zsort=1;
- global.shape[0]=0;//we'll allocate as we need more.
- global.gc=XCreateGC(global.dpy, global.w, 0, 0);
- if(global.red_and_blue) {
- global.width=WIDTH;
- } else {
- global.width=WIDTH*global.split_screen;
- }
- global.height=HEIGHT;
- global.backbuffer=XCreatePixmap(global.dpy,global.w,global.width,global.height,DefaultDepth(global.dpy,DefaultScreen(global.dpy)));
- global.cleanbackbuffer=XCreatePixmap(global.dpy,global.w,global.width,global.height,DefaultDepth(global.dpy,DefaultScreen(global.dpy)));
- global.fps=0;
- global.oldfps=0;
- global.oldtime=0;
-//backbuffer is uninitialized
- global.backgc=XCreateGC(global.dpy,global.backbuffer,0,0);
- cursor=XCreateFontCursor(global.dpy,XC_crosshair);
- XDefineCursor(global.dpy, global.w, cursor);
- XAllocNamedColor(global.dpy, global.color_map, "green", &, &;
- XAllocNamedColor(global.dpy, global.color_map, "red", &, &;
- XAllocNamedColor(global.dpy, global.color_map, "blue", &, &;
- XAllocNamedColor(global.dpy, global.color_map, "red", &global.redblue[0], &global.redblue[0]);
- XAllocNamedColor(global.dpy, global.color_map, "blue", &global.redblue[1], &global.redblue[1]);
- XSetForeground(global.dpy, global.gc,;
- XSetForeground(global.dpy, global.backgc, global.colors[0].pixel);//black. we're about to draw the blank background using this.
- XSetBackground(global.dpy, global.gc, global.colors[160].pixel);
- XSetBackground(global.dpy, global.backgc, global.colors[140].pixel);
- XFillRectangle(global.dpy,global.cleanbackbuffer,global.backgc,0,0,global.width,global.height);
- XSetForeground(global.dpy, global.backgc,;
-// XSetForeground(global.dpy, gc, whiteColor);
-// this was taking a "long" time.
- printf("# generating sky... ");
- skypixmap=XCreatePixmap(global.dpy,global.w,SKYW,SKYH,DefaultDepth(global.dpy,DefaultScreen(global.dpy)));
- for(i=0;i<SKYH;i++) {
- for(j=0;j<SKYW;j++) {
- if(i==0) sky[i][j]=rand()%2;
- else {
- sky[i][j]=(SKYRULE >> ((!!sky[i-1][(j+(SKYW)-1)%(SKYW)]<<2) | (!!sky[i-1][j]<<1) | (!!sky[i-1][j+1%(SKYW)])) & 1);
- if(sky[i][j]) {
- XDrawPoint(global.dpy,skypixmap,global.backgc,j,i);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- printf("done.\n");
- global.mapxoff=global.width/2;
- global.mapyoff=global.height/2;
- global.drawminimap=0;
- global.draw3d=1;
- global.force_redraw=1;//use this for checking proper fps I guess.
- camera.zoom=30.0l;
- camera.xr=270;
- camera.yr=270;
- camera.zr=0;
- global.mmz=1;
- camera.p.x=0;
- camera.p.z=6;
- camera.p.y=5;
- global.debug=0;
- printf("# entering main loop\n");
- for(;;) {
- redraw=global.force_redraw;
- while(XPending(global.dpy)) {//these are taking too long?
- XNextEvent(global.dpy, &e);
-// printf("# handling event with type: %d\n",e.type);
- switch(e.type) {
-// case Expose:
-// if(e.xexpose.count == 0) redraw=1;
-// break;
- case MotionNotify:
- redraw=1;
- XQueryPointer(global.dpy,global.w,&root,&child,&global.rmousex,&global.rmousey,&global.mousex,&global.mousey,&mask);
- break;
- case ButtonPress:
- redraw=1;
- global.buttonpressed=e.xbutton.button;
- break;
- case ButtonRelease:
- redraw=1;
- global.buttonpressed=0;
- break;
- case ConfigureNotify:
- redraw=1;
- XGetGeometry(global.dpy,global.w,&root,&global.x,&global.y,&global.width,&global.height,&global.border_width,&global.depth);
- if(global.width / (global.split_screen / (global.red_and_blue ? global.split_screen : 1 )) / 4 * 3 != global.height) {
- if(global.height * 3 / 4 == global.height) {
- printf("math doesn't work.\n");
- }
- printf("# DERPY WM CANT TAKE A HINT %d / %d / 4 * 3 = %d != %d\n",global.width,global.split_screen,global.width /global.split_screen /4 * 3,global.height);
- if(global.width / (global.split_screen / (global.red_and_blue ? global.split_screen : 1)) / 4 * 3 < global.height) {
- global.height=global.width / (global.split_screen / (global.red_and_blue ? global.split_screen : 1)) / 4 * 3;
- } else {
- global.width=global.height * 3 / 4 * (global.split_screen / (global.red_and_blue ? global.split_screen : 1));
- }
- }
- global.mapxoff=global.width/(global.split_screen / (global.red_and_blue ? global.split_screen : 1))/2;
- global.mapyoff=global.height/2;
- break;
- case KeyPress:
- redraw=1;
- if(keypress_handler(XLookupKeysym(&e.xkey,0)) == -1) {
- printf("# exiting\n");
- return 0;
- }
- break;
- default:
- //printf("# received event with type: %d\n",e.type);
- break;
- }
- }
- if(redraw && !global.headless) {
- draw_screen(global.dpy,global.w,global.gc);
- }
- switch(load_stdin()) {
- case -1:
- return 0;
- break;
- case 0:
- break;
- default:
- redraw=1;
- break;
- }
- }
- return 0;
diff --git a/tools/ b/tools/
index d8727e2..8173eee 100755
--- a/tools/
+++ b/tools/
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ my @tmp;
my $tmp;
open(FILE,$ARGV[1]) if $ARGV[1];
while(<FILE>) {
- chomp;
+ $_ =~ s/[\n\r]//g;
@linepart=split(/ /,$_,2);
if($com eq "v") {
diff --git a/tools/ b/tools/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..92d16a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+use strict;
+die "usage: name file\n" unless $ARGV[0];
+my $i;
+my $j;
+my $com;
+my @vertices;
+my @faces;
+my @linepart;
+my @parts;
+my @points;
+my @tmp;
+my $tmp;
+open(FILE,$ARGV[1]) if $ARGV[1];
+while(<FILE>) {
+ chomp;
+ $_ =~ s/[\r\n]//g;
+ @linepart=split(/ /,$_,2);
+ $com=$linepart[0];
+ if($com eq "v") {
+ push(@vertices,$linepart[1]);
+ }
+ if($com eq "f") {
+ push(@faces,$linepart[1]);
+ }
+#foreach $tmp (@vertices) {
+# foreach(@$tmp) {
+# print $tmp . "\n";
+# }
+foreach $tmp (@faces) {
+ @points=split(/ /,$tmp);
+ @points = map { $_ =~ s/\/.+$//g; $_; } @points;
+## print @points;
+ print $ARGV[0];
+ print " addshape ";
+ print @points+0;
+ for($i=0;$i<(@points);$i++) {
+ print " ";
+ print $vertices[$points[$i]-1];
+ }
+ print "\n";