path: root/hackvr_term/hackvr_term.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'hackvr_term/hackvr_term.c')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 176 deletions
diff --git a/hackvr_term/hackvr_term.c b/hackvr_term/hackvr_term.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 5c15119..0000000
--- a/hackvr_term/hackvr_term.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,176 +0,0 @@
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include "libtmt/tmt.h"
-//these numbers include the space between characters
-//apple401 font is this wide:
-//#define FONTW 14
-//#define FONTH 16
-//epoch font is this wide:
-#define FONTW 6
-#define FONTH 10
-//////////////////////////////////// hey. you can do some config here. either preload glyphs or re-read font file each time.
-//comment out the next line if you want what is probably the slow version. might be safer and use less memory though.
-//maybe just put the font file in ram. linux caches that crap anyway, right?
-//testing showed preloading was at least 10x faster.
-//only 8-bit characters atm.
-//and we'll need to malloc the amount of lines each character will have.
-//and malloc each line in that glyph...
-//or just set it statically.
-#define MAXCHARACTER 256
-void preload_glyphs() {
- char line[MAXCHARSPERGLYPHLINE];//tmp storage
- FILE *fp;
- int charN;
- int i;
- for(i=0;i<MAXCHARACTER;i++) {
- glyphs[i][0][0]=0;//zero out the first byte of the first line of every glyph. we'll mark the end if we actually read something
- }
- if((fp=fopen("font","r")) == NULL) {
- fprintf(stderr,"hackvr_term: failed to open font file.\n");
- return;
- }
- for(i=0;fgets(line,sizeof(line)-1,fp) != 0;i++) {
- if(charN != strtol(line,0,16)) {
- i=0;
- charN=strtol(line,0,16);
- }
- strcpy(glyphs[charN][i],line);
- glyphs[charN][i+1][0]=0;//mark the end here. if we do it inside the conditional it won't mark the last one.
- }
- fclose(fp);
-void hackvr_draw_character(int c,int r,const TMTCHAR *ch) {
- char *line;
- int i,ret=0;
- printf("term_%02d_%02d addshape %d 4 -1 -3 0 5 -3 0 5 7 0 -1 7 0\n",c,r,ch->;
- for(i=0,line=glyphs[ch->c][0];line[0];i++,line=glyphs[ch->c][i]) {
- ret=1;
- printf("term_%02d_%02d addshape %d %s",c,r,ch->a.fg == -1 ? 17 : ch->a.fg + 15,line+strlen("XX addshape X"));
- }
- if(ret) {//if we drew something we should place it somewhere.
- printf("term_%02d_%02d move %d %d 0\n",c,r,c*FONTW,-r*FONTH);
- }
-void hackvr_draw_character(int c,int r,const TMTCHAR *ch) {//this is slow but allows you to change the font between each character... if you really wanted that.
- int i;
- FILE *fp;
- char str[16];
- char line[256];//whatever
- if(ch->c < 128) {
- snprintf(str,sizeof(str)-1,"%02lx",ch->c);
- } else {
- snprintf(str,sizeof(str)-1,"%08lx",ch->c);
- }
- if((fp=fopen("font","r")) == NULL ) {
- printf("# fail to open font\n");
- return;
- }
- printf("term_%02d_%02d addshape %d 4 -1 -3 0 5 -3 0 5 7 0 -1 7 0\n",c,r,ch->;
- for(i=0;fgets(line,sizeof(line)-1,fp) != 0;i++) {
- if(!strncmp(str,line,2)) {
- printf("term_%02d_%02d addshape %d %s",c,r,ch->a.fg==-1?2:ch->a.fg+15,line+strlen("XX addshape X "));
- }
- }
- if(i) printf("term_%02d_%02d move %d %d 0\n",c,r,c*FONTW,-r*FONTH);
- fclose(fp);
-void callback(tmt_msg_t m,TMT *vt, const void *a,void *vt_old) {
- static int cr_old=0;
- static int cc_old=0;
- const TMTSCREEN *s_old=tmt_screen(vt_old);
- const TMTSCREEN *s=tmt_screen(vt);
- const TMTPOINT *c=tmt_cursor(vt);
- const TMTCHAR *ch;
- switch(m) {
- case TMT_MSG_BELL:
- printf("term set global.beep\n");
- break;
- for (size_t r = 0; r < s->nline; r++){
- if (s->lines[r]->dirty){
- for (size_t c = 0; c < s->ncol; c++){
- if(memcmp(&(s->lines[r]->chars[c]),&(s_old->lines[r]->chars[c]),sizeof(TMTCHAR))) {
- ch=&(s->lines[r]->chars[c]);
- printf("term_%02d_%02d deletegroup term_%02d_%02d\n",c,r,c,r);
- hackvr_draw_character(c,r,ch);
- memcpy(&(s_old->lines[r]->chars[c]),&(s->lines[r]->chars[c]),sizeof(TMTCHAR));
- }
- }
- }
- }
- break;
- case TMT_MSG_ANSWER://what does this do?
- fprintf(stderr,"ANSWER: %s\n",(const char *)a);
- break;
- printf("cursor move %d %d 0\n", (c->c - cc_old) * 5, - (c->r - cr_old) * 9);//calculate relative movement needed based on previous and current positions.
- cr_old=c->r;
- cc_old=c->c;
- break;
- if(!strcmp(a,"t")) {
- printf("cursor deletegroup cursor\n");//just delete it and redraw the cursor.
- printf("cursor addshape 2 4 0 -2 0 4 -2 0 4 6 0 0 6 0\n");//let's pretend this is how cursors should be.
- printf("cursor move %d %d 0\n",c->c * 5,-c->r * 9);
- }
- if(!strcmp(a,"f")) {
- printf("cursor deletegroup cursor\n");
- cr_old=0;
- cc_old=0;
- }
- break;
- default:
- fprintf(stderr,"unhandled message type: %d\n",m);
- }
- return;
-int main(int argc,char *argv[]) {
- char in[16];
- if(argc < 3) return fprintf(stderr,"usage: ./hackvr_term rows cols\n"),1;
- int r=atoi(argv[2]);
- int ret=0;
- int c=atoi(argv[1]);
- printf("# hackvr_term: preloading glyphs\n");
- preload_glyphs();
- printf("# hackvr_term: done.\n");
- setbuf(stdin,0);
- setbuf(stdout,0);
- TMT *vt_old = tmt_open(r,c,NULL,NULL,NULL);
- if(!vt_old) return fprintf(stderr,"failed to open tmt's virtual terminal for storage"),1;
- TMT *vt = tmt_open(r,c,callback,vt_old,NULL);
- if(!vt) return fprintf(stderr,"failed to open tmt's virtual terminal"),1;
- //read from stdin and write to terminal.
- while((ret=read(0,in,16)) != 0) {//16 bytes at a time work?
- if(ret == -1) {
- if(errno == EAGAIN) continue;
- break;
- }
- tmt_write(vt,in,ret);
- }
- tmt_close(vt);
- return 0;