path: root/airspyhf_rx.py
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'airspyhf_rx.py')
1 files changed, 128 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/airspyhf_rx.py b/airspyhf_rx.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9770054
--- /dev/null
+++ b/airspyhf_rx.py
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+import os
+from airspyhf import *
+from ctypes import *
+import time
+import sys
+import wave
+import struct
+import argparse
+parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+args = parser.parse_args()
+print("Check airspyHF version")
+p = airspyhf_lib_version_t()
+print(f"libairspyhf version {p.major_version}.{p.minor_version}.{p.revision}")
+print("Get list of devices if there is any")
+ndev = libairspyhf.airspyhf_list_devices(None,0)
+print("Found %d devices"%(ndev))
+for devi in range(0,ndev):
+ serial = c_uint64(0)
+ libairspyhf.airspyhf_list_devices(byref(serial),devi+1)
+ print("Device %d: Serial number %s"%(int(devi),hex(serial.value) ))
+print("try to open device")
+dev_p = airspyhf_device_t_p(None)
+ret = libairspyhf.airspyhf_open_sn(dev_p,0x3b52ab5dada12535)
+print("open_sn: Returned %d"%(ret))
+if (ret != 0):
+ print("airspyhf_open_sn returned != 0, error")
+ sys.exit()
+print("List sample rates")
+nsrates = c_uint32(0)
+ret = libairspyhf.airspyhf_get_samplerates(dev_p,byref(nsrates),c_uint32(0))
+print("ret %d"%ret)
+print("sample rates %d"% nsrates.value)
+supportet_samplerates = (c_uint32*4)(0)
+ret = libairspyhf.airspyhf_get_samplerates(dev_p,supportet_samplerates,nsrates)
+print("ret %d"%ret)
+for i in range(0,nsrates.value):
+ print("Sample rates %d"% supportet_samplerates[i])
+#try to get some samples
+ret = libairspyhf.airspyhf_set_samplerate(dev_p, supportet_samplerates[3])
+print(f"airspyhf_set_samplerate ret={ret}")
+ret = libairspyhf.airspyhf_set_hf_agc(dev_p, 1)
+print(f"airspyhf_set_hf_agc ret={ret}")
+ret = libairspyhf.airspyhf_set_hf_agc_threshold(dev_p, 0)
+print(f"airspyhf_set_hf_agc_threshold ret={ret}")
+sample_count = 0
+wave_file = wave.open("record.wav","w")
+def read_samples(transfer):
+ global sample_count
+ global wave_file
+ #print("Python call back")
+ t = transfer.contents
+ bytes_to_write = t.sample_count * 4 * 2
+ rx_buffer = t.samples
+ #print(f"{bytes_to_write} bytes receieved")
+ sample_count += t.sample_count
+ for i in range(0,t.sample_count):
+ d_re = t.samples[i].re
+ d_im = t.samples[i].im
+ data = struct.pack("<f",d_re) # FIX ?!
+ wave_file.writeframesraw(data)
+ data = struct.pack("<f", d_im) # FIX ?!
+ wave_file.writeframesraw(data)
+ #print("End call back")
+ return 0
+read_samples_cb = airspyhf_sample_block_cb_fn(read_samples)
+ret = libairspyhf.airspyhf_start(dev_p, airspyhf_sample_block_cb_fn(read_samples), None)
+print(f"airspyhf_start ret={ret}")
+#ret = airspyhf.libairspyhf.py_cb_wrapper(dev_p)
+#print(f"airspyhf_start ret={ret}")
+ret = libairspyhf.airspyhf_set_freq(dev_p, 3865000)
+print(f"airspyhf_set_freq ret={ret}")
+count = 0
+ while (libairspyhf.airspyhf_is_streaming(dev_p)) and (count < 3):
+ print("Main loop")
+ time.sleep(1)
+ count += 1
+ print("Error in main loop")
+ret = libairspyhf.airspyhf_stop(dev_p)
+print(f"airspyhf_stop ret={ret}")
+#Not close for now
+ret = libairspyhf.close(dev_p)
+print("closed: Returned %d"%(ret))
+print(f"Total samples received {sample_count}")
+print("All is ok")