$client = $_SERVER['REMOTE_HOST'];
stream_set_timeout(STDIN, 10000);
stream_set_timeout(STDOUT, 10000);
println('220 Mailgate.VANet.org ready');
expect(STDIN, 'HELO ');
println('250 Hello');
$line = expect(STDIN, 'MAIL FROM:');
if ($line === FALSE) return;
else if ($line === TRUE) goto expectMAILFROM;
else if (preg_match('/<([a-zA-Z0-9.-_]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9-.-]+)>/', $line, $frommatches) != 1) {
println('501 Syntax error');
goto expectMAILFROM;
print("250 Sender accepted\r\n");
$line = expect(STDIN, 'RCPT TO:');
if ($line === FALSE) return;
else if ($line === TRUE) goto expectMAILFROM;
else if (preg_match('/<([a-zA-Z0-9.-_]+)@([a-zA-Z0-9-.-]+)>/', $line, $tomatches) != 1) {
println('501 Syntax error');
goto expectRCPTTO;
if (substr($tomatches[2], -19) == '.mailgate.vanet.org') {
$tomatches[2] = substr($tomatches[2], 0, -19);
if (substr($tomatches[2], -4) != '.ano' && substr($client, 0, 2) != '1.') {
println('550 Relay access denied');
goto expectRCPTTO;
$rcptto = $tomatches[1].'@'.$tomatches[2];
if (substr($tomatches[2], -4) != '.ano') {
$mailfrom = $frommatches[1].'@'.$frommatches[2].'.mailgate.vanet.org';
} else {
$mailfrom = $frommatches[1].'@'.$frommatches[2];
if (getmxrr($tomatches[2], $mxes)) {
$mx = $mxes[0];
} else {
$mx = $tomatches[2];
$server = @fsockopen($mx, 25, $dummy, $dummy, 5000);
if ($server === FALSE) {
println('450 Could not connect to destination server: '.$tomatches[2]);
goto expectRCPTTO;
stream_set_timeout($server, 10000);
if (expectremote($server, '220') === FALSE) {
goto expectRCPTTO;
println($server, 'HELO mailgate.vanet.org');
if (expectremote($server, '250') === FALSE) {
goto expectRCPTTO;
println($server, 'MAIL FROM:<'.$mailfrom.'>');
if (expectremote($server, '250') === FALSE) {
goto expectRCPTTO;
println($server, 'RCPT TO:<'.$rcptto.'>');
if (expectremote($server, '250') === FALSE) {
goto expectRCPTTO;
print('250 Reciplient accepted: '.$rcptto);
$write = NULL;
$except = NULL;
while (TRUE) {
$read = array(STDIN, $server);
stream_select($read, $write, $except, NULL);
if (in_array(STDIN, $read)) {
$line = fread(STDIN, 1024);
if ($line === NULL || !strlen($line)) break;
fwrite($server, $line);
if (in_array($server, $read)) {
$line = fread($server, 1024);
if ($line === NULL || !strlen($line)) break;
fwrite(STDOUT, $line);
function println($stream, $str = NULL) {
if ($str === NULL) { $str = $stream; $stream = STDOUT; }
fwrite($stream, $str."\r\n");
function expect($stream, $expect) {
while (TRUE) {
if (feof($stream)) return FALSE;
$line = @stream_get_line($stream, 1024, "\r\n");
if ($line === FALSE) return FALSE;
if (substr($line, 0, strlen($expect)) == $expect) return $line;
switch (substr($line, 0, 4)) {
case 'HELO': case 'DATA': case 'MAIL': case 'RCPT':
println('503 Bad sequence of commands');
return TRUE;
println('500 Command not recognized');
function expectremote($stream, $expect) {
while (TRUE) {
if (feof($stream)) {
println('450 End of file from remote host');
return FALSE;
$line = @stream_get_line($stream, 1024, "\r\n");
if ($line === FALSE) {
println('450 Error while reading from remote host');
return FALSE;
if (substr($line, 0, 3) != $expect) {
println('450'.$line[3].'Remote error: '.$line);
if ($line[3] != '-') return FALSE;
} else {
if ($line[3] != '-') return $line;