path: root/contrib/splice3/LINUX/manual
diff options
authord3v11 <d3v11@d3v11.ano>2011-09-23 00:12:08 -0500
committerd3v11 <d3v11@d3v11.ano>2011-09-23 00:12:08 -0500
commite7437b31a5bb66fcce4bb32239d6c4b87cf84741 (patch)
tree81856c3c0b8dcdc76e4010aa746efd7a394e16dd /contrib/splice3/LINUX/manual
parentefb8058dbf54c06a017d2a346405be4076aac5c2 (diff)
added splice3 to resdb/contrib
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/splice3/LINUX/manual')
1 files changed, 784 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/splice3/LINUX/manual b/contrib/splice3/LINUX/manual
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8d3c071
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/splice3/LINUX/manual
@@ -0,0 +1,784 @@
+.TH splice3 "1" "sep 2011" "splice3" "Brute Force Utilities"
+splice3 - manual page for splice3
+Brute Force Utilities For The Linux Shell.
+-h, --help show the help message and exit
+-c, Parse passwords to this command
+Command must contain regexp PASSWORD.
+splice3 -c"command PASSWORD"
+-d Path to custom dictionary(wordlist)
+splice3 -d"/home/user/wordlist"
+If this option is unset then splice3
+will use its default dictionary.
+--rtfm Show manual page and exit
+-r Path to restore file
+splice3 -r"/home/user/"
+-s Directory path to create save file
+splice3 -s"/home/user"
+-t Test output of -c's command
+splice3 -t"All OK"
+--time Manipulate timed iterations
+splice3 can pause its attack for
+a specified amount of seconds per
+every specified amount of iterations.
+splice3 --time="12, 360"
+The above will tell splice3 to pause
+360 seconds after trying every 12 passwords.
+-u Path to username list
+splice3 -u"/home/user/userlist"
+If you use this command the regexp
+`USERNAME' will be required in the
+given -c command. See -c flag for
+--exh-l Use an exhaustive attack with letters only
+--exh-n Use an exhaustive attack with numbers only
+--exh-s Use an exhaustive attack with special characters only
+--exh-ln Use an exhaustive attack with letters and numbers only
+--exh-ls Use an exhaustive attack with letters and special
+characters only
+--exh-ns Use an exhaustive attack with numbers and special
+characters only
+--exh-lns Use an exhaustive attack with all characters
+--exh-custom Use an exhaustive attack with custom characters
+splice3 --exh-custom='character list'
+--stdout Print only passwords to stdout
+-A Use alphabetical mixing module
+-B Use backwards module
+-C Use alternating caps module
+-L Use "L337" speak module
+-M Use MD5 module
+-N Use numerical mixing module
+-R Use regular words module
+-S Use special mixing module
+-U Use custom mixing module
+splice3 -U"/home/user/list"
+--wep-5 Use 5 char WEP module
+splice3 will strip 5 char words
+from the dictionary and convert
+them to WEP compatible passwords.
+--wep-13 Use 13 char WEP module
+splice3 will strip 13 char words
+from the dictionary and convert
+them to WEP compatible passwords.
+--letters Use letter characters
+--numbers Use number characters
+--specials Use special characters
+--no-char Override character usage
+--custom Use custom characters
+splice3 --custom="/home/user/list"
+--deshadow Crack shadow hash sums
+--getshadow Get the shadow info for a user
+splice3 --getshadow="username"
+See deshadow below for details.
+--setshadow Use the shadow info from a file
+splice3 --setshadow="/home/user/shadow"
+See deshadow below for details.
+--se-create a weird modular dictionary option.
+splice3 will create concatenated words from
+dictionary as "" and then load
+it with selected modules.
+--create Create a dictionary and exit. splice3
+will create a dictionary with a user
+selected wordlist and the selected
+Modules. The new dictionary will be
+created in your current directory as
+-v, --version Show splice3's version number and exit
+--debug Enable debugging
+Allows debugging and traceback reporting from splice3.
+splice3 comes equipped with its own dictionary but is
+designed to use custom dictionaries as well. The
+dictionary should be in the following format: a plain
+text file with one word per line, no spaces between
+words, letters only. You do not have to follow the
+above guideline exactly but it is strongly suggested.
+============= NOT ACTUAL LINE ON FILE ===============
+============= NOT ACTUAL LINE ON FILE ===============
+splice3 is capable of cycling through usernames as it
+would a dictionary. There is no default username list
+on splice3. The username list should be in the
+following format: a plain text file with one word per
+line, no spaces between words, letters only. You do
+not have to follow the above guideline exactly but it
+is strongly suggested.
+============= NOT ACTUAL LINE ON FILE ===============
+============= NOT ACTUAL LINE ON FILE ===============
+splice3 is capable of restarting where it was stopped
+by using the -r switch followed by the full path to
+a file. DO NOT modify these files or
+splice3 may receive an error or not load at all.
+When restoring, if you set the -t switch you must
+manually set it again or splice3 will not test for
+specified output. If saving splice3's status, then
+splice3 will save to the specified directory as If already exists it will
+be overwritten so change the name of any original
+copies if you want to keep them. If saving a splice3
+session you should stop the process using the
+appropriate terminal feature before killing splice3
+to avoid corrupting the save file.
+-s "/path/to/save/directory/"
+-r "/path/to/"
+-A -B -C -L -M -N -R -S -U --wep-5 --wep-13
+splice3 comes equipped with several modules that mangle
+the words in the selected dictionary to create probable
+password combinations. You may use as many of these
+modules as you want. Some modules can take a few or more
+minutes to enhance a dictionary depending on the size
+of the selected dictionary.
+-A Alphabetical Mixing Module:
+This module puts several combinations of alphabet
+characters inside the words in the selected
+dictionary. IE:
+-B Backwards Module:
+This module creates backwards words from the
+selected dictionary. IE:
+-C Capitalization Module:
+This module recreates the words in the selected
+dictionary with alternating capitalizations.
+-L L337 Speak Module:
+This module converts the words in the selected
+dictionary to several versions of "l337 speak".
+-N Numerical Mixing Module:
+This module puts several combinations of number
+characters inside the words in the selected
+dictionary. IE:
+-R Regular Words Module:
+This module tells splice3 to use the words in a
+selected dictionary as they are listed.
+-S Special Mixing Module:
+This module puts several combinations of special
+characters inside the words in the selected
+dictionary. IE:
+-U Custom Mixing Module:
+This module puts several combinations of user
+selected characters inside the words from the
+selected character list. IE:
+-U's list should only contain one character per
+line on a plain text file. If you select this
+module then modules -A, -N, -S will be ignored.
+============= NOT ACTUAL LINE ON FILE ===============
+============= NOT ACTUAL LINE ON FILE ===============
+If -A, -N, and/or -S options are selected then
+the modules will be combined. IE:
+-M MD5 Module:
+This module generates md5 hash sums for
+words listed in the selected dictionary.
+--wep-* WEP Modules:
+these two modules strip 5 or 13 character
+words from the selected dictionary and produce
+WEP compatible hex passwords.
+splice3 appends alternating character tags to the beginning
+and/or ending of each password. By default splice3 will use
+all standard keyboard characters but you can choose to use
+specific combinations. If one or more of the following
+options is omitted then only the selected options will be
+used ; they will be combined.
+--letters Use letter characters
+--numbers Use numbers characters
+--specials Use specials characters
+--custom Use custom characters from a list
+--custom list should only contain one character per
+line on a plain text file. If you select this
+module then other character flags will be ignored.
+If the custom list matches the selected dictionary
+then splice3 will run in exhaustive mode.
+============= NOT ACTUAL LINE ON FILE ===============
+============= NOT ACTUAL LINE ON FILE ===============
+--letters, --numbers, and/or --specials
+splice3 comes with its own small program to compare a created hash
+sum, those found in /etc/shadow with an existing one given through
+user input. When using the deshadow option you will need to set
+exactly one of the --getshadow or --setshadow options. There is no
+need to use the -c CMD or the -t TEST flags when using this option
+because the values for each will be preset.
+--getshadow Get the shadow info for a user
+see examples below for usage details.
+--setshadow Use the shadow info from a file. This file should be
+in plain text and contain only one line with the
+following syntax:
+============= NOT ACTUAL LINE ON FILE ===============
+============= NOT ACTUAL LINE ON FILE ===============
+If you need to see an example Shadow entry you may
+use the following command:
+cat /etc/shadow | grep -i "$USER"
+splice3 is capable of mounting a standard exhaustive attack.
+An exhaustive attack is a sure\-fire method to crack any
+password but this can also take large amounts of time
+depending on the length of a password. If it's necessary to
+use an exhaustive bruteforcing algorithm you may do so with
+one of the following options:
+This attack uses only letters.
+This attack uses only numbers.
+This attack uses only special characters.
+This attack uses only letters and numbers.
+This attack uses only letters and special characters.
+This attack uses only numbers and special characters.
+This attack uses all characters.
+splice3 has the option to skip the command and test flags
+and print only the created passwords to stdout. This is a
+useful flag if you're going to pipe the output to stdin
+on another program.
+The output will look similar to the following:
+splice3 can create some regexp type functions
+using existing options:
+splice3 --command='echo onePASSWORDthree' --test='onetwothree' --exh-l
+splice3 -c 'echo johnPASSWORD65' --test='john1965' --exh-custom='MyList.txt'
+splice3 --command='echo ilovePASSWORD' -R --no-char --test='iloveqwerty'
+you may also want to see --se-create for more specific attacks.
+splice3 contains some options worth going over again.
+--command='<insert command> PASSWORD' #must contain regexp 'PASSWORD'
+--time='10, 1' #timed iterations
+--custom='file.txt', -U 'file.txt', --dictionary='file.txt',
+--exh-custom='file.txt' #custom wordlists and/or character lists
+--no-char #useful flag to only use the generated wordlist
+#no characters will be appended to the passwords
+--stdout #prints only passwords
+--debug #helps to troubleshoot
+splice3 -c"unrar -pPASSWORD t file.rar" -t"All OK" -ACLNRS
+splice3 -c"sshpass -pPASSWORD ssh user@host" -d"wordlist" -L
+splice3 -c"smbclient -L -Uusername%PASSWORD" -L
+splice3 --deshadow --getshadow="root" -ACLNRS
+splice3 --deshadow --setshadow="/home/user/shadow.txt" -ACLNRS
+--command='echo PASSWORD | aircrack-ng -b 00:11:22:33:44:55 -w - *.cap'\\
+--wep-5 --wep-13 --no-char --dictionary='MyWords.txt'\\
+--test='KEY FOUND'
+splice3 -c"curl --user <user[:PASSWORD]>" -R
+This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+(at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program. If not, see <>.