path: root/contrib/splicex/LINUX
diff options
authorresdb <resdb@d3v11-VM.(none)>2011-10-22 14:43:31 -0500
committerresdb <resdb@d3v11-VM.(none)>2011-10-22 14:43:31 -0500
commitfd78bbc2ba54cad2ae26019669c74a2c05464c9f (patch)
treef5ac78dd6ffb772e1355118a36cb6d40856d16d8 /contrib/splicex/LINUX
parentd65d5158288dd72b993fd2d44239c3f3d0247976 (diff)
removed splice3 and added splicex
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/splicex/LINUX')
3 files changed, 5295 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/splicex/LINUX/manual b/contrib/splicex/LINUX/manual
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a0959e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/splicex/LINUX/manual
@@ -0,0 +1,755 @@
+.TH SpliceX "" "" "" "Brute Force Utilities For GNU/Linux"
+--help Show help display and exit
+--command Parse passwords to this command
+--dictionary Path to custom dictionary(wordlist)
+--rtfm Show manual page and exit
+--restore Path to restore file
+--save Directory path to create save file
+--test Test output of command
+--time Manipulate timed iterations
+--usernames Path to username list
+--exh-l Use an exhaustive attack with letters only
+--exh-n Use an exhaustive attack with numbers only
+--exh-s Use an exhaustive attack with special characters only
+--exh-ln Use an exhaustive attack with letters and numbers only
+--exh-ls Use an exhaustive attack with letters and special
+ characters only
+--exh-ns Use an exhaustive attack with numbers and special
+ characters only
+--exh-all Use an exhaustive attack with all characters
+--exh-custom Use an exhaustive attack with custom characters
+--stdout Print only passwords to stdout
+-A Use alphabetical mixing module
+-B Use backwords module
+-C Use alternating caps module
+-L Use "L337" speak module
+-M Use MD5 module
+-N Use numerical mixing module
+-R Use regular words module
+-S Use special mixing module
+--mix-custom Use custom mixing module
+--wep-5 Use 5 character WEP module
+--wep-13 Use 13 character WEP module
+--wep-* Use 5 and 13 character WEP module
+--letters Use letter characters
+--numbers Use number characters
+--specials Use special characters
+--char-all Use all characters
+--no-char Override character usage
+--char-length Start and end with set character lengths
+--custom Use custom characters
+--deshadow Crack shadow hash sums
+--get-shadow Get the shadow info for a user
+--set-shadow Use the shadow info from a file
+--se-module Use the social engineering module
+--create Create a dictionary
+--debug Enable debugging
+splicex comes equipped with its own dictionary but is
+designed to use custom dictionaries as well. The
+dictionary should be in the following format: a plain
+text file with one word per line, no spaces between
+words, letters only. You do not have to follow the
+above guideline exactly but it is strongly suggested.
+============= NOT ACTUAL LINE ON FILE ===============
+============= NOT ACTUAL LINE ON FILE ===============
+splicex is capable of cycling through usernames as it
+would a dictionary. There is no default username list
+on splicex. The username list should be in the
+following format: a plain text file with one word per
+line, no spaces between words, letters only. You do
+not have to follow the above guideline exactly but it
+is strongly suggested.
+============= NOT ACTUAL LINE ON FILE ===============
+============= NOT ACTUAL LINE ON FILE ===============
+splicex is capable of restarting where it was stopped
+by using the --restore switch followed by the full path to
+a file. DO NOT modify these files or
+splicex may receive an error or not load at all.
+When restoring, if you set the --test switch you must
+manually set it again or splicex will not test for
+specified output. If saving splicex's status, then
+splicex will save to the specified directory as If already exists it will
+be overwritten so change the name of any original
+copies if you want to keep them. If saving a splicex
+session you should stop the process using the
+appropriate terminal feature before killing splicex
+to avoid corrupting the save file.
+-A -B -C -L -M -N -R -S --mix-custom --wep-5 --wep-13 --wep-* --se-module
+splicex comes equipped with several modules that mangle
+the words in the selected dictionary to create probable
+password combinations. You may use as many of these
+modules as you want. Some modules can take a few or more
+minutes to enhance a dictionary depending on the size
+of the selected dictionary.
+-A Alphabetical Mixing Module:
+This module puts several combinations of alphabet
+characters inside the words in the selected
+dictionary. IE:
+-B Backwards Module:
+This module creates backwards words from the
+selected dictionary. IE:
+-C Capitalization Module:
+This module recreates the words in the selected
+dictionary with alternating capitalizations.
+-L L337 Speak Module:
+This module converts the words in the selected
+dictionary to several versions of "l337 speak".
+-N Numerical Mixing Module:
+This module puts several combinations of number
+characters inside the words in the selected
+dictionary. IE:
+-R Regular Words Module:
+This module tells splicex to use the words in a
+selected dictionary as they are listed.
+-S Special Mixing Module:
+This module puts several combinations of special
+characters inside the words in the selected
+dictionary. IE:
+--mix-custom Custom Mixing Module:
+This module puts several combinations of user
+selected characters inside the words from the
+selected character list. IE:
+--mix-custom's list should only contain one character per
+line on a plain text file. If you select this
+module then modules -A, -N, -S will be ignored.
+============= NOT ACTUAL LINE ON FILE ===============
+============= NOT ACTUAL LINE ON FILE ===============
+If -A, -N, and/or -S options are selected then
+the modules will be combined. see also --char-all. IE:
+-M MD5 Module:
+This module generates md5 hash sums for
+words listed in the selected dictionary.
+--wep-*, --wep-5, --wep-13 WEP Modules:
+these two modules strip 5 or 13 character
+words from the selected dictionary and produce
+WEP compatible hex passwords. If your dictionary
+does not contain 5 or 13 character words then
+splicex will likely give an error.
+--se-module Social Engineering Module:
+see the social engineering section below for
+splicex appends alternating character tags to the beginning
+and/or ending of each password. By default splicex will use
+all standard keyboard characters but you can choose to use
+specific combinations. If one or more of the following
+options is omitted then only the selected options will be
+used ; they will be combined.
+--letters Use letter characters
+--numbers Use numbers characters
+--specials Use specials characters
+--custom Use custom characters from a list
+--custom list should only contain one character per
+line on a plain text file. If you select this
+module then other character flags will be ignored.
+If the custom list matches the selected dictionary
+then splicex will run in exhaustive mode.
+============= NOT ACTUAL LINE ON FILE ===============
+============= NOT ACTUAL LINE ON FILE ===============
+--letters, --numbers, and/or --specials
+--no-char Override character usage
+This option tells splicex not to make
+any character additions to passwords.
+--char-length Start and end with set character lengths
+This option tells splicex to start and stop with a set
+amount of characters. IE:
+The following will start with one character added and
+end with 3:
+splicex --char-length='1, 3'
+The following will generate only 6 character passwords:
+splicex --exh-custom='MyCharacters.txt' --char-length='6, 6'
+--se-module Social Engineering Module:
+splicex is equipped with a social engineering module to create
+concatenated words from the selected dictionary. This module
+allows for "Module Stacking". IE, if you select other other
+modules when setting this flag then compiled words will also
+be incorporated into the algorithm as if they appeared on the
+the selected dictionary itself.
+splicex comes with its own small program to compare a created hash
+sum, those found in /etc/shadow with an existing one given through
+user input. When using the deshadow option you will need to set
+exactly one of the --get-shadow or --set-shadow options. There is no
+need to use the --command or the --test flags when using this option
+because the values for each will be preset.
+--get-shadow Get the shadow info for a user
+see examples below for usage details.
+--set-shadow Use the shadow info from a file. This file should be
+in plain text and contain only one line with the
+following syntax:
+============= NOT ACTUAL LINE ON FILE ===============
+============= NOT ACTUAL LINE ON FILE ===============
+If you need to see an example Shadow entry you may
+use the following command:
+cat /etc/shadow | grep -i "$USER"
+splicex is capable of mounting a standard exhaustive attack.
+An exhaustive attack is a sure\-fire method to crack any
+password but this can also take large amounts of time
+depending on the length of a password. If it's necessary to
+use an exhaustive bruteforcing algorithm you may do so with
+one of the following options:
+This attack uses only letters.
+This attack uses only numbers.
+This attack uses only special characters.
+This attack uses only letters and numbers.
+This attack uses only letters and special characters.
+This attack uses only numbers and special characters.
+This attack uses all characters.
+This attack uses custom characters in a character list. IE:
+A character list should be in the following syntax:
+============= NOT ACTUAL LINE ON FILE ===============
+============= NOT ACTUAL LINE ON FILE ===============
+splicex has the option to skip the command and test flags
+and print only the created passwords to stdout. This is a
+useful flag if you're going to pipe the output to stdin
+on another program.
+The output will look similar to the following:
+splicex can create some regexp type functions
+using existing options:
+splicex --command='echo onePASSWORDthree' --test='onetwothree' --exh-l
+splicex --command='echo johnPASSWORD65' --test='john1965' --exh-custom='MyList.txt'
+splicex --command='echo ilovePASSWORD' -R --no-char --test='iloveqwerty'
+you may also want to see --se-module for more specific attacks.
+splicex contains some options worth going over again.
+--command='<insert command> PASSWORD' #must contain regexp 'PASSWORD'
+--time='10, 1' #timed iterations
+--custom='file.txt', -U 'file.txt', --dictionary='file.txt',
+--exh-custom='file.txt' #custom wordlists and/or character lists
+--no-char #useful flag to only use the generated wordlist
+#no characters will be appended to the passwords
+--stdout #prints only passwords
+--debug #helps to troubleshoot
+splicex --command="unrar -pPASSWORD t file.rar" --test="All OK" -R
+splicex --command="sshpass -pPASSWORD ssh user@host" --dictionary="wordlist" -L
+splicex --command="smbclient -L -Uusername%PASSWORD" -L
+splicex --deshadow --get-shadow="root" -R
+splicex --deshadow --set-shadow="/home/user/shadow.txt" -R
+--command="echo PASSWORD | aircrack-ng -b 00:11:22:33:44:55 -w - *.cap"\\
+--wep-5 --wep-13 --no-char --dictionary='MyWords.txt'\\
+--test='KEY FOUND'
+splicex --command='curl --user <user[:PASSWORD]>' -R
+SpliceX is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
+any later version.
+SpliceX is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+for more details. <>
diff --git a/contrib/splicex/LINUX/ b/contrib/splicex/LINUX/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..c8e11ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/splicex/LINUX/
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+import sys; sys.tracebacklimit = 0
+from crypt import crypt
+TestHash = crypt(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2])
+HashValue = sys.argv[3]
+if TestHash.__contains__(HashValue):
diff --git a/contrib/splicex/LINUX/ b/contrib/splicex/LINUX/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..8196423
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/splicex/LINUX/
@@ -0,0 +1,4533 @@
+HELP = """
+ __________ _ _ __ __ ______
+ / / / / ___| _ __ | (_) ___ ___\ \/ / / / / /
+ / / / /\___ \| '_ \| | |/ __/ _ \\\\ / / / / /
+ / / / / ___) | |_) | | | (_| __// \ / / / /
+/_/_/_/ |____/| .__/|_|_|\___\___/_/\_\/_/_/_/
+ |_|
+ --help Show help display and exit
+ --license Show license and exit
+ --command Parse passwords to this command
+ --dictionary Path to custom dictionary(wordlist)
+ --rtfm Show manual page and exit
+ --restore Path to restore file
+ --save Directory path to create save file
+ --test Test output of command
+ --time Manipulate timed iterations
+ --usernames Path to username list
+ --exh-l Use an exhaustive attack with letters only
+ --exh-n Use an exhaustive attack with numbers only
+ --exh-s Use an exhaustive attack with special characters only
+ --exh-ln Use an exhaustive attack with letters and numbers only
+ --exh-ls Use an exhaustive attack with letters and special
+ characters only
+ --exh-ns Use an exhaustive attack with numbers and special
+ characters only
+ --exh-all Use an exhaustive attack with all characters
+ --exh-custom Use an exhaustive attack with custom characters
+ --stdout Print only passwords to stdout
+ -A Use alphabetical mixing module
+ -B Use backwords module
+ -C Use alternating caps module
+ -L Use "L337" speak module
+ -M Use MD5 module
+ -N Use numerical mixing module
+ -R Use regular words module
+ -S Use special mixing module
+ --mix-custom Use custom mixing module
+ --wep-5 Use 5 character WEP module
+ --wep-13 Use 13 character WEP module
+ --wep-* Use 5 and 13 character WEP module
+ --letters Use letter characters
+ --numbers Use number characters
+ --specials Use special characters
+ --char-all Use all characters
+ --no-char Override character usage
+ --char-length Start and end with set character lengths
+ --custom Use custom characters
+ --deshadow Crack shadow hash sums
+ --get-shadow Get the shadow info for a user
+ --set-shadow Use the shadow info from a file
+ --se-module Use the social engineering module
+ --create Create a dictionary
+ --debug Enable debugging
+LICENSE = """
+ __________ _ _ __ __ ______
+ / / / / ___| _ __ | (_) ___ ___\ \/ / / / / /
+ / / / /\___ \| '_ \| | |/ __/ _ \\\\ / / / / /
+ / / / / ___) | |_) | | | (_| __// \ / / / /
+ /_/_/_/ |____/| .__/|_|_|\___\___/_/\_\/_/_/_/
+ |_|
+ SpliceX is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+ the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+ Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
+ any later version.
+ SpliceX is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+ for more details. <>
+import os
+import re
+import sys
+import spwd
+import getpass
+import os.path
+import getopt
+import time
+from hashlib import md5
+cmd = None
+dictionary = None
+save = None
+restore = None
+test = None
+TIME = None
+LENGTH = None
+usernames = None
+MixCustom = None
+ExhCustom = None
+Custom = None
+GetShadow = None
+SetShadow = None
+ExhL = False
+ExhN = False
+ExhS = False
+ExhLN = False
+ExhLS = False
+ExhNS = False
+ExhALL = False
+StdoutSwitch = False
+AlphaSwitch = False
+BWSwitch = False
+CapsSwitch = False
+L337Switch = False
+MD5Switch = False
+NumberSwitch = False
+RegularSwitch = False
+SpecialSwitch = False
+wep5 = False
+wep13 = False
+NoChar = False
+Letters = False
+Numbers = False
+Specials = False
+DeShadow = False
+SESwitch = False
+Create = False
+DebugSwitch = False
+for arg in sys.argv:
+ if '--command=' in arg:
+ cmd = arg.replace('--command=', '', 1)
+ elif '--dictionary=' in arg:
+ dictionary = arg.replace('--dictionary=', '', 1)
+ elif '--save=' in arg:
+ save = arg.replace('--save=', '', 1)
+ elif '--restore=' in arg:
+ restore = arg.replace('--restore=', '', 1)
+ elif '--test=' in arg:
+ test = arg.replace('--test=', '', 1)
+ elif '--time=' in arg:
+ TIME = arg.replace('--time=', '', 1)
+ elif '--char-length=' in arg:
+ LENGTH = arg.replace('--char-length=', '', 1)
+ elif '--usernames=' in arg:
+ usernames = arg.replace('--usernames=', '', 1)
+ elif '--mix-custom=' in arg:
+ MixCustom = arg.replace('--mix-custom=', '', 1)
+ elif '--exh-custom=' in arg:
+ ExhCustom = arg.replace('--exh-custom=', '', 1)
+ elif '--custom=' in arg:
+ Custom = arg.replace('--custom=', '', 1)
+ elif '--get-shadow=' in arg:
+ GetShadow = arg.replace('--get-shadow=', '', 1)
+ elif '--set-shadow=' in arg:
+ SetShadow = arg.replace('--set-shadow=', '', 1)
+ elif '--rtfm' in arg:
+ os.system("man /etc/splicex/splicex.1.gz")
+ sys.exit(0)
+ elif '--exh-l' in arg:
+ ExhL = True
+ elif '--exh-n' in arg:
+ ExhN = True
+ elif '--exh-s' in arg:
+ ExhS = True
+ elif '--exh-ln' in arg:
+ ExhLN = True
+ elif '--exh-ls' in arg:
+ ExhLS = True
+ elif '--exh-ns' in arg:
+ ExhNS = True
+ elif '--exh-all' in arg:
+ ExhALL = True
+ elif '--stdout' in arg:
+ StdoutSwitch = True
+ elif '-A' in arg:
+ AlphaSwitch = True
+ elif '-B' in arg:
+ BWSwitch = True
+ elif '-C' in arg:
+ CapsSwitch = True
+ elif '-L' in arg:
+ L337Switch = True
+ elif '-M' in arg:
+ MD5Switch = True
+ elif '-N' in arg:
+ NumberSwitch = True
+ elif '-R' in arg:
+ RegularSwitch = True
+ elif '-S' in arg:
+ SpecialSwitch = True
+ elif '--wep-5' in arg:
+ wep5 = True
+ elif '--no-13' in arg:
+ wep13 = True
+ elif '--wep-*' in arg:
+ wep5 = True
+ wep13 = True
+ elif '--no-char' in arg:
+ NoChar = True
+ elif '--letters' in arg:
+ Letters = True
+ elif '--numbers' in arg:
+ Numbers = True
+ elif '--specials' in arg:
+ Specials = True
+ elif '--char-all' in arg:
+ Letters = True
+ Numbers = True
+ Specials = True
+ elif '--deshadow' in arg:
+ DeShadow = True
+ elif '--se-module' in arg:
+ SESwitch = True
+ elif '--create' in arg:
+ Create = True
+ elif '--debug' in arg:
+ DebugSwitch = True
+ elif '--help' in arg:
+ sys.exit(HELP)
+ elif '--license' in arg:
+ sys.exit(LICENSE)
+if DebugSwitch is False:
+ sys.tracebacklimit = 0
+if ExhCustom is not None:
+ dictionary = ExhCustom
+ Custom = ExhCustom
+ExhSwitch = False
+if ExhL == True:
+ dictionary = "/etc/splicex/splicex.L"
+ Letters = True
+ Numbers = False
+ Specials = False
+ AlphaSwitch = False
+ BWSwitch = False
+ CapsSwitch = False
+ L337Switch = False
+ NumberSwitch = False
+ MD5Switch = False
+ RegularSwitch = True
+ SpecialSwitch = False
+ ExhSwitch = True
+if ExhN == True:
+ dictionary = "/etc/splicex/splicex.N"
+ Letters = False
+ Numbers = True
+ Specials = False
+ AlphaSwitch = False
+ BWSwitch = False
+ CapsSwitch = False
+ L337Switch = False
+ NumberSwitch = False
+ MD5Switch = False
+ RegularSwitch = True
+ SpecialSwitch = False
+ ExhSwitch = True
+if ExhS == True:
+ dictionary = "/etc/splicex/splicex.S"
+ Letters = False
+ Numbers = False
+ Specials = True
+ AlphaSwitch = False
+ BWSwitch = False
+ CapsSwitch = False
+ L337Switch = False
+ NumberSwitch = False
+ MD5Switch = False
+ RegularSwitch = True
+ SpecialSwitch = False
+ ExhSwitch = True
+if ExhLN == True:
+ dictionary = "/etc/splicex/splicex.LN"
+ Letters = True
+ Numbers = True
+ Specials = False
+ AlphaSwitch = False
+ BWSwitch = False
+ CapsSwitch = False
+ L337Switch = False
+ NumberSwitch = False
+ MD5Switch = False
+ RegularSwitch = True
+ SpecialSwitch = False
+ ExhSwitch = True
+if ExhLS == True:
+ dictionary = "/etc/splicex/splicex.LS"
+ Letters = True
+ Numbers = False
+ Specials = True
+ AlphaSwitch = False
+ BWSwitch = False
+ CapsSwitch = False
+ L337Switch = False
+ NumberSwitch = False
+ MD5Switch = False
+ RegularSwitch = True
+ SpecialSwitch = False
+ ExhSwitch = True
+if ExhNS == True:
+ dictionary = "/etc/splicex/splicex.NS"
+ Letters = False
+ Numbers = True
+ Specials = True
+ AlphaSwitch = False
+ BWSwitch = False
+ CapsSwitch = False
+ L337Switch = False
+ NumberSwitch = False
+ MD5Switch = False
+ RegularSwitch = True
+ SpecialSwitch = False
+ ExhSwitch = True
+if ExhALL == True:
+ dictionary = "/etc/splicex/splicex.ALL"
+ Letters = True
+ Numbers = True
+ Specials = True
+ AlphaSwitch = False
+ BWSwitch = False
+ CapsSwitch = False
+ L337Switch = False
+ NumberSwitch = False
+ MD5Switch = False
+ RegularSwitch = True
+ SpecialSwitch = False
+ ExhSwitch = True
+if Custom is not None and dictionary is not None:
+ if Custom == dictionary:
+ Letters = False
+ Numbers = True
+ Specials = True
+ AlphaSwitch = False
+ BWSwitch = False
+ CapsSwitch = False
+ L337Switch = False
+ NumberSwitch = False
+ MD5Switch = False
+ RegularSwitch = True
+ SpecialSwitch = False
+ ExhSwitch = True
+ShadowValue = []
+if DeShadow is True and SetShadow is None and GetShadow is None:
+ sys.exit("splicex: error: --deshadow requires --getshadow or --setshadow")
+if SetShadow is not None and GetShadow is not None:
+ sys.exit("splicex: error: --getshadow and --setshadow cannot be combined")
+elif not os.geteuid()==0 and GetShadow is not None:
+ sys.exit("splicex: error: --getshadow requires root privileges")
+elif os.geteuid()==0 and GetShadow is not None:
+ try:
+ ShadowValue = spwd.getspnam(GetShadow)[1]
+ except:
+ sys.exit("splicex: error: --getshadow: invalid user entered")
+elif SetShadow is not None and os.path.exists(SetShadow):
+ ShadowFile = open(SetShadow, 'r')
+ for line in ShadowFile:
+ line = line.replace('\n', '')
+ ShadowValue = line
+if SetShadow is not None and not os.path.exists(SetShadow):
+ sys.exit("splicex: error: --setshadow: shadow file does not exist")
+elif SetShadow is not None or GetShadow is not None:
+ ShadowSalt = ShadowValue.replace('$', '^1', 1)
+ ShadowSalt = ShadowSalt.replace('$', '^2', 1)
+ ShadowSalt = ShadowSalt.replace('$', '^3', 1)
+ ShadowSalt=ShadowSalt[ShadowSalt.find("^1"):ShadowSalt.find("^3")]
+ ShadowSalt = ShadowSalt.replace('^1', '$')
+ ShadowSalt = ShadowSalt.replace('^2', '$')
+ ShadowSalt = ShadowSalt + "$"
+ ShadowValue = ShadowValue.replace(':', '^1', 1)
+ ShadowValue = ShadowValue.replace(':', '^2', 1)
+ ShadowValue=ShadowValue[ShadowValue.find("^1")+2:ShadowValue.find("^2")]
+ ShadowValue = ShadowValue.replace('$', '\$')
+ ShadowSalt = ShadowSalt.replace('$', '\$')
+if restore is not None and os.path.exists(restore) is False:
+ sys.exit("splicex: error: restore file does not exist")
+elif restore is not None and os.path.exists(restore) is True:
+ RestoreSwitch = True
+ State = []
+ StateCount = 0
+ if RestoreSwitch is True:
+ RESTORE = open(restore, 'r')
+ for line in RESTORE:
+ line = line.replace('\n', '')
+ State.append(line)
+ StateCount += 1
+ StateCount -= 1
+ RestoreSwitch = False
+save = save
+Slash = "/"
+if save is not None and not os.path.isdir(save):
+ sys.exit("splicex: error: ( -s ) invalid directory")
+elif save is not None and os.path.isdir(save):
+ SaveSwitch = True
+ s = ""
+ up = 0
+ end = 0
+ for let in save:
+ end += 1
+ for let in save:
+ up += 1
+ if let == Slash and end == up:
+ s += ""
+ else:
+ s += let
+ save = s
+ save += Slash + ""
+ SaveSwitch = False
+SESwitch = SESwitch
+dictionary = dictionary
+if dictionary is None:
+ dictionary = "/etc/splicex/splicex.list"
+elif dictionary is not None and not os.path.exists(dictionary):
+ sys.exit("splicex: error: dictionary does not exist")
+usernames = usernames
+if usernames is None:
+ UserSwitch = False
+ UserStatus = ""
+elif usernames is not None and not os.path.exists(usernames):
+ sys.exit("splicex: error: username list does not exist")
+ UserSwitch = True
+ UserStatus = "TRYING: [USERNAME]:"
+if RestoreSwitch is False:
+ AlphaSwitch = AlphaSwitch
+ CapsSwitch = CapsSwitch
+ BWSwitch = BWSwitch
+ L337Switch = L337Switch
+ MD5Switch = MD5Switch
+ NumberSwitch = NumberSwitch
+ RegularSwitch = RegularSwitch
+ SpecialSwitch = SpecialSwitch
+ Letters = Letters
+ Numbers = Numbers
+ Specials = Specials
+ MixCustom = MixCustom
+ Custom = Custom
+ wep5 = wep5
+ wep13 = wep13
+ cmd = State[0]
+ dictionary = State[1]
+ MixCustom = State[2]
+ Custom = State[3]
+ if State[4] == "True":
+ ExhSwitch = True
+ else:
+ ExhSwitch = False
+ if State[5] == "True":
+ StdoutSwitch = True
+ else:
+ StdoutSwitch = False
+ usernames = State[6]
+ if State[7] == "True":
+ UserSwitch = True
+ else:
+ UserSwitch = False
+ if State[8] == "True":
+ AlphaSwitch = True
+ else:
+ AlphaSwitch = False
+ if State[9] == "True":
+ BWSwitch = True
+ else:
+ BWSwitch = False
+ if State[10] == "True":
+ CapsSwitch = True
+ else:
+ CapsSwitch = False
+ if State[11] == "True":
+ L337Switch = True
+ else:
+ L337Switch = False
+ if State[12] == "True":
+ MD5Switch = True
+ else:
+ MD5Switch = False
+ if State[13] == "True":
+ NumberSwitch = True
+ else:
+ NumberSwitch = False
+ if State[14] == "True":
+ RegularSwitch = True
+ else:
+ RegularSwitch = False
+ if State[15] == "True":
+ SpecialSwitch = True
+ else:
+ SpecialSwitch = False
+ if State[16] == "True":
+ Letters = True
+ else:
+ Letters = False
+ if State[17] == "True":
+ Numbers = True
+ else:
+ Numbers = False
+ if State[18] == "True":
+ Specials = True
+ else:
+ Specials = False
+ if State[19] == "True":
+ wep5 = True
+ else:
+ wep5 = False
+ if State[20] == "True":
+ wep13 = True
+ else:
+ wep13 = False
+ if State[21] == "True":
+ SESwitch = True
+ else:
+ SESwitch = False
+if StdoutSwitch is True:
+if Create is False and RestoreSwitch is False:
+ ShadowSwitch = DeShadow
+ if ShadowSwitch is True:
+ cmd = " PASSWORD '" + ShadowSalt + "' '" + ShadowValue + "'"
+ if cmd is None:
+ sys.exit("splicex: error: invalid usage")
+ else:
+ cmd = cmd.replace('','eval ', 1)
+if Create is False and RestoreSwitch is False:
+ if cmd.__contains__("PASSWORD"):
+ pass
+ else:
+ sys.exit("splicex: error: -c does not contain regexp `PASSWORD'")
+if usernames is not None and RestoreSwitch is False:
+ if cmd.__contains__("USERNAME"):
+ pass
+ else:
+ sys.exit("splicex: error: -c does not contain regexp `USERNAME'")
+if Create is True:
+ print('Creating dictionary and exiting')
+if Create is False and cmd.__contains__("splicex-deshadow"):
+if AlphaSwitch is False and BWSwitch is False and CapsSwitch is False\
+and L337Switch is False and NumberSwitch is False and RegularSwitch is False\
+and SpecialSwitch is False and MixCustom is None and MD5Switch is False\
+and wep5 is False and wep13 is False and SESwitch is False:
+ sys.exit("splicex: error: no modules selected: ( -A -B -C -L -M -N -R -S --mix-custom --wep-5 --wep-13 --wep-* --se-module)")
+CharsMain = ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i", "j", "k", "l", "m", "n", "o", "p", "q", "r", "s", "t", "u", "v", "w", "x", "y", "z",\
+ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N", "O", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U", "V", "W", "X", "Y", "Z",\
+ "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "0", "!", "@", "#", "$", "%", "^", "&", "*", "(", ")", "-", "_", "=", "+", "[", "]",\
+ "`", "~", "{", "}", "\\", "|", ";", ":", "\"", "'", "<", ",", ">", ".", "?", "/"]
+CharSet1 = ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i", "j", "k", "l", "m", "n", "o", "p", "q", "r", "s", "t", "u", "v", "w", "x", "y", "z",\
+ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N", "O", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U", "V", "W", "X", "Y", "Z",\
+ "!", "@", "#", "$", "%", "^", "&", "*", "(", ")", "-", "_", "=", "+", "[", "]", "{", "}", "\\", "|", ";", ":", "\"", "'", "<", ",",\
+ "`", "~", ">", ".", "?", "/", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "0"]
+CharSet2 = ["!", "@", "#", "$", "%", "^", "&", "*", "(", ")", "-", "_", "=", "+", "[", "]", "{", "}", "\\", "|", ";", ":", "\"", "'", "<", ",",\
+ "`", "~", ">", ".", "?", "/", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "0"]
+CharSet3 = ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i", "j", "k", "l", "m", "n", "o", "p", "q", "r", "s", "t", "u", "v", "w", "x", "y", "z",\
+ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N", "O", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U", "V", "W", "X", "Y", "Z",\
+ "!", "@", "#", "$", "%", "^", "&", "*", "(", ")", "-", "_", "=", "+", "[", "]", "{", "}", "\\", "|", ";", ":", "\"", "'", "<", ",",\
+ "`", "~", ">", ".", "?", "/"]
+CharSet4 = ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i", "j", "k", "l", "m", "n", "o", "p", "q", "r", "s", "t", "u", "v", "w", "x", "y", "z",\
+ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N", "O", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U", "V", "W", "X", "Y", "Z",\
+ "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "0"]
+CharSet5 = ["!", "@", "#", "$", "%", "^", "&", "*", "(", ")", "-", "_", "=", "+", "[", "]", "{", "}", "\\", "|", ";", ":", "\"", "'", "<", ",",\
+ "`", "~", ">", ".", "?", "/"]
+CharSet6 = ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i", "j", "k", "l", "m", "n", "o", "p", "q", "r", "s", "t", "u", "v", "w", "x", "y", "z",\
+ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N", "O", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U", "V", "W", "X", "Y", "Z"]
+CharSet7 = ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "0"]
+if Letters == True and Numbers == True and Specials == True:
+ Characters = CharSet1
+elif Letters == False and Numbers == True and Specials == True:
+ Characters = CharSet2
+elif Letters == True and Numbers == False and Specials == True:
+ Characters = CharSet3
+elif Letters == True and Numbers == True and Specials == False:
+ Characters = CharSet4
+elif Letters == False and Numbers == False and Specials == True:
+ Characters = CharSet5
+elif Letters == True and Numbers == False and Specials == False:
+ Characters = CharSet6
+elif Letters == False and Numbers == True and Specials == False:
+ Characters = CharSet7
+ Characters = CharSet1
+if Custom != "None" and RestoreSwitch is True:
+ if os.path.exists(Custom):
+ Characters = []
+ UserCharacters = open(Custom, 'r')
+ for line in UserCharacters:
+ Characters.append(line.replace('\n', ''))
+elif Custom is not None and RestoreSwitch is False:
+ if os.path.exists(Custom):
+ Characters = []
+ UserCharacters = open(Custom, 'r')
+ for line in UserCharacters:
+ Characters.append(line.replace('\n', ''))
+ else:
+ sys.exit("splicex: error: --custom list does not exist")
+EndCount = 0
+for CountChars in Characters:
+ EndCount += 1
+Char1 = []
+for a in range(0, EndCount):
+ Char1.append(Characters[a])
+Char2 = []
+for a in range(0, EndCount):
+ Char2.append("\\\\\\" + Characters[a])
+if AlphaSwitch == True and NumberSwitch == True and SpecialSwitch == True:
+ MixChars = CharSet1
+elif AlphaSwitch == False and NumberSwitch == True and SpecialSwitch == True:
+ MixChars = CharSet2
+elif AlphaSwitch == True and NumberSwitch == False and SpecialSwitch == True:
+ MixChars = CharSet3
+elif AlphaSwitch == True and NumberSwitch == True and SpecialSwitch == False:
+ MixChars = CharSet4
+elif AlphaSwitch == False and NumberSwitch == False and SpecialSwitch == True:
+ MixChars = CharSet5
+elif AlphaSwitch == True and NumberSwitch == False and SpecialSwitch == False:
+ MixChars = CharSet6
+elif AlphaSwitch == False and NumberSwitch == True and SpecialSwitch == False:
+ MixChars = CharSet7
+ MixChars = CharSet1
+if MixCustom != "None" and RestoreSwitch is True:
+ if os.path.exists(MixCustom):
+ MixChars = []
+ MixCharacters = open(MixCustom, 'r')
+ for line in MixCharacters:
+ MixChars.append(line.replace('\n', ''))
+elif MixCustom is not None and RestoreSwitch is False:
+ if os.path.exists(MixCustom):
+ MixChars = []
+ MixCharacters = open(MixCustom, 'r')
+ for line in MixCharacters:
+ MixChars.append(line.replace('\n', ''))
+ else:
+ sys.exit("splicex: error: -U list does not exist")
+Word = []
+def REGULAR():
+ ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r')
+ for line in ReadDictionary:
+ Word.append(line.replace('\n', ''))
+def L337():
+ ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r')
+ for line in ReadDictionary:
+ line = line.replace("a", "4", 1)
+ Word.append(line.replace('\n', ''))
+ ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r')
+ for line in ReadDictionary:
+ line = line.replace("a", "4")
+ Word.append(line.replace('\n', ''))
+ ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r')
+ for line in ReadDictionary:
+ line = line.replace("a", "@", 1)
+ Word.append(line.replace('\n', ''))
+ ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r')
+ for line in ReadDictionary:
+ line = line.replace("a", "@")
+ Word.append(line.replace('\n', ''))
+ ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r')
+ for line in ReadDictionary:
+ line = line.replace("a", "^", 1)
+ Word.append(line.replace('\n', ''))
+ ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r')
+ for line in ReadDictionary:
+ line = line.replace("a", "^")
+ Word.append(line.replace('\n', ''))
+ ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r')
+ for line in ReadDictionary:
+ line = line.replace("b", "8", 1)
+ Word.append(line.replace('\n', ''))
+ ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r')
+ for line in ReadDictionary:
+ line = line.replace("b", "8")
+ Word.append(line.replace('\n', ''))
+ ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r')
+ for line in ReadDictionary:
+ line = line.replace("e", "3", 1)
+ Word.append(line.replace('\n', ''))
+ ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r')
+ for line in ReadDictionary:
+ line = line.replace("e", "3")
+ Word.append(line.replace('\n', ''))
+ ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r')
+ for line in ReadDictionary:
+ line = line.replace("f", "ph", 1)
+ Word.append(line.replace('\n', ''))
+ ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r')
+ for line in ReadDictionary:
+ line = line.replace("g", "6", 1)
+ Word.append(line.replace('\n', ''))
+ ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r')
+ for line in ReadDictionary:
+ line = line.replace("g", "6")
+ Word.append(line.replace('\n', ''))
+ ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r')
+ for line in ReadDictionary:
+ line = line.replace("g", "9", 1)
+ Word.append(line.replace('\n', ''))
+ ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r')
+ for line in ReadDictionary:
+ line = line.replace("g", "9")
+ Word.append(line.replace('\n', ''))
+ ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r')
+ for line in ReadDictionary:
+ line = line.replace("h", "#", 1)
+ Word.append(line.replace('\n', ''))
+ ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r')
+ for line in ReadDictionary:
+ line = line.replace("h", "#")
+ Word.append(line.replace('\n', ''))
+ ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r')
+ for line in ReadDictionary:
+ line = line.replace("i", "1", 1)
+ Word.append(line.replace('\n', ''))
+ ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r')
+ for line in ReadDictionary:
+ line = line.replace("i", "1")
+ Word.append(line.replace('\n', ''))
+ ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r')
+ for line in ReadDictionary:
+ line = line.replace("i", "!", 1)
+ Word.append(line.replace('\n', ''))
+ ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r')
+ for line in ReadDictionary:
+ line = line.replace("i", "!")
+ Word.append(line.replace('\n', ''))
+ ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r')
+ for line in ReadDictionary:
+ line = line.replace("i", "|", 1)
+ Word.append(line.replace('\n', ''))
+ ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r')
+ for line in ReadDictionary:
+ line = line.replace("i", "|")
+ Word.append(line.replace('\n', ''))
+ ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r')
+ for line in ReadDictionary:
+ line = line.replace("k", "X", 1)
+ Word.append(line.replace('\n', ''))
+ ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r')
+ for line in ReadDictionary:
+ line = line.replace("k", "X")
+ Word.append(line.replace('\n', ''))
+ ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r')
+ for line in ReadDictionary:
+ line = line.replace("l", "1", 1)
+ Word.append(line.replace('\n', ''))
+ ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r')
+ for line in ReadDictionary:
+ line = line.replace("l", "1")
+ Word.append(line.replace('\n', ''))
+ ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r')
+ for line in ReadDictionary:
+ line = line.replace("l", "|", 1)
+ Word.append(line.replace('\n', ''))
+ ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r')
+ for line in ReadDictionary:
+ line = line.replace("l", "|")
+ Word.append(line.replace('\n', ''))
+ ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r')
+ for line in ReadDictionary:
+ line = line.replace("o", "0", 1)
+ Word.append(line.replace('\n', ''))
+ ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r')
+ for line in ReadDictionary:
+ line = line.replace("o", "0")
+ Word.append(line.replace('\n', ''))
+ ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r')
+ for line in ReadDictionary:
+ line = line.replace("s", "5", 1)
+ Word.append(line.replace('\n', ''))
+ ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r')
+ for line in ReadDictionary:
+ line = line.replace("s", "5")
+ Word.append(line.replace('\n', ''))
+ ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r')
+ for line in ReadDictionary:
+ line = line.replace("s", "$", 1)
+ Word.append(line.replace('\n', ''))
+ ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r')
+ for line in ReadDictionary:
+ line = line.replace("s", "$")
+ Word.append(line.replace('\n', ''))
+ ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r')
+ for line in ReadDictionary:
+ line = line.replace("t", "7", 1)
+ Word.append(line.replace('\n', ''))
+ ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r')
+ for line in ReadDictionary:
+ line = line.replace("t", "7")
+ Word.append(line.replace('\n', ''))
+ ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r')
+ for line in ReadDictionary:
+ line = line.replace("t", "+", 1)
+ Word.append(line.replace('\n', ''))
+ ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r')
+ for line in ReadDictionary:
+ line = line.replace("t", "+")
+ Word.append(line.replace('\n', ''))
+ ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r')
+ for line in ReadDictionary:
+ line = line.replace("z", "2", 1)
+ Word.append(line.replace('\n', ''))
+ ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r')
+ for line in ReadDictionary:
+ line = line.replace("z", "2")
+ Word.append(line.replace('\n', ''))
+ ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r')
+ for line in ReadDictionary:
+ line = line.replace("a", "4")
+ line = line.replace("b", "8")
+ line = line.replace("e", "3")
+ line = line.replace("f", "ph", 1)
+ line = line.replace("g", "6")
+ line = line.replace("h", "#")
+ line = line.replace("i", "1")
+ line = line.replace("l", "|")
+ line = line.replace("k", "X")
+ line = line.replace("o", "0")
+ line = line.replace("s", "5")
+ line = line.replace("t", "7")
+ line = line.replace("z", "2")
+ Word.append(line.replace('\n', ''))
+ ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r')
+ for line in ReadDictionary:
+ line = line.replace("a", "^")
+ line = line.replace("b", "8")
+ line = line.replace("e", "3")
+ line = line.replace("f", "ph", 1)
+ line = line.replace("g", "6")
+ line = line.replace("h", "#")
+ line = line.replace("i", "1")
+ line = line.replace("l", "|")
+ line = line.replace("k", "X")
+ line = line.replace("o", "0")
+ line = line.replace("s", "5")
+ line = line.replace("t", "7")
+ line = line.replace("z", "2")
+ Word.append(line.replace('\n', ''))
+ ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r')
+ for line in ReadDictionary:
+ line = line.replace("a", "4")
+ line = line.replace("b", "8")
+ line = line.replace("e", "3")
+ line = line.replace("f", "ph", 1)
+ line = line.replace("g", "9")
+ line = line.replace("h", "#")
+ line = line.replace("i", "1")
+ line = line.replace("l", "|")
+ line = line.replace("k", "X")
+ line = line.replace("o", "0")
+ line = line.replace("s", "5")
+ line = line.replace("t", "7")
+ line = line.replace("z", "2")
+ Word.append(line.replace('\n', ''))
+ ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r')
+ for line in ReadDictionary:
+ line = line.replace("a", "^")
+ line = line.replace("b", "8")
+ line = line.replace("e", "3")
+ line = line.replace("f", "ph", 1)
+ line = line.replace("g", "9")
+ line = line.replace("h", "#")
+ line = line.replace("i", "1")
+ line = line.replace("l", "|")
+ line = line.replace("k", "X")
+ line = line.replace("o", "0")
+ line = line.replace("s", "5")
+ line = line.replace("t", "7")
+ line = line.replace("z", "2")
+ Word.append(line.replace('\n', ''))
+ ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r')
+ for line in ReadDictionary:
+ line = line.replace("a", "4")
+ line = line.replace("b", "8")
+ line = line.replace("e", "3")
+ line = line.replace("f", "ph", 1)
+ line = line.replace("g", "&")
+ line = line.replace("h", "#")
+ line = line.replace("i", "1")
+ line = line.replace("l", "|")
+ line = line.replace("k", "X")
+ line = line.replace("o", "0")
+ line = line.replace("s", "5")
+ line = line.replace("t", "7")
+ line = line.replace("z", "2")
+ Word.append(line.replace('\n', ''))
+ ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r')
+ for line in ReadDictionary:
+ line = line.replace("a", "^")
+ line = line.replace("b", "8")
+ line = line.replace("e", "3")
+ line = line.replace("f", "ph", 1)
+ line = line.replace("g", "&")
+ line = line.replace("h", "#")
+ line = line.replace("i", "1")
+ line = line.replace("l", "|")
+ line = line.replace("k", "X")
+ line = line.replace("o", "0")
+ line = line.replace("s", "5")
+ line = line.replace("t", "7")
+ line = line.replace("z", "2")
+ Word.append(line.replace('\n', ''))
+ ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r')
+ for line in ReadDictionary:
+ line = line.replace("a", "4")
+ line = line.replace("b", "8")
+ line = line.replace("e", "3")
+ line = line.replace("f", "ph", 1)
+ line = line.replace("g", "6")
+ line = line.replace("h", "#")
+ line = line.replace("i", "1")
+ line = line.replace("l", "|")
+ line = line.replace("k", "X")
+ line = line.replace("o", "0")
+ line = line.replace("s", "5")
+ line = line.replace("t", "7")
+ line = line.replace("z", "2")
+ Word.append(line.replace('\n', ''))
+ ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r')
+ for line in ReadDictionary:
+ line = line.replace("a", "^")
+ line = line.replace("b", "8")
+ line = line.replace("e", "3")
+ line = line.replace("f", "ph", 1)
+ line = line.replace("g", "6")
+ line = line.replace("h", "#")
+ line = line.replace("i", "1")
+ line = line.replace("l", "|")
+ line = line.replace("k", "X")
+ line = line.replace("o", "0")
+ line = line.replace("s", "5")
+ line = line.replace("t", "7")
+ line = line.replace("z", "2")
+ Word.append(line.replace('\n', ''))
+ ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r')
+ for line in ReadDictionary:
+ line = line.replace("a", "4")
+ line = line.replace("b", "8")
+ line = line.replace("e", "3")
+ line = line.replace("f", "ph", 1)
+ line = line.replace("g", "9")
+ line = line.replace("h", "#")
+ line = line.replace("i", "|")
+ line = line.replace("l", "1")
+ line = line.replace("k", "X")
+ line = line.replace("o", "0")
+ line = line.replace("s", "5")
+ line = line.replace("t", "7")
+ line = line.replace("z", "2")
+ Word.append(line.replace('\n', ''))
+ ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r')
+ for line in ReadDictionary:
+ line = line.replace("a", "^")
+ line = line.replace("b", "8")
+ line = line.replace("e", "3")
+ line = line.replace("f", "ph", 1)
+ line = line.replace("g", "9")
+ line = line.replace("h", "#")
+ line = line.replace("i", "|")
+ line = line.replace("l", "1")
+ line = line.replace("k", "X")
+ line = line.replace("o", "0")
+ line = line.replace("s", "5")
+ line = line.replace("t", "7")
+ line = line.replace("z", "2")
+ Word.append(line.replace('\n', ''))
+ ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r')
+ for line in ReadDictionary:
+ line = line.replace("a", "4")
+ line = line.replace("b", "8")
+ line = line.replace("e", "3")
+ line = line.replace("f", "ph", 1)
+ line = line.replace("g", "&")
+ line = line.replace("h", "#")
+ line = line.replace("i", "|")
+ line = line.replace("l", "1")
+ line = line.replace("k", "X")
+ line = line.replace("o", "0")
+ line = line.replace("s", "5")
+ line = line.replace("t", "7")
+ line = line.replace("z", "2")
+ Word.append(line.replace('\n', ''))
+ ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r')
+ for line in ReadDictionary:
+ line = line.replace("a", "^")
+ line = line.replace("b", "8")
+ line = line.replace("e", "3")
+ line = line.replace("f", "ph", 1)
+ line = line.replace("g", "&")
+ line = line.replace("h", "#")
+ line = line.replace("i", "|")
+ line = line.replace("l", "1")
+ line = line.replace("k", "X")
+ line = line.replace("o", "0")
+ line = line.replace("s", "5")
+ line = line.replace("t", "7")
+ line = line.replace("z", "2")
+ Word.append(line.replace('\n', ''))
+def BW():
+ ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r')
+ for line in ReadDictionary:
+ Word.append(line[::-1].replace('\n', ''))
+def CAPS():
+ ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r')
+ for line in ReadDictionary:
+ line = line.replace('\n', '')
+ up = 0
+ a = ""
+ for let in line:
+ if up == 0:
+ a += let.upper()
+ else:
+ a += let
+ up ^= 1
+ Word.append(a)
+ ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r')
+ for line in ReadDictionary:
+ line = line.replace('\n', '')
+ up = 0
+ a = ""
+ for let in line:
+ if up == 1:
+ a += let.upper()
+ else:
+ a += let
+ up ^= 1
+ Word.append(a)
+ ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r')
+ for line in ReadDictionary:
+ line = line.replace('\n', '')
+ up = 0
+ a = ""
+ for let in line:
+ if up <= 1:
+ a += let.upper()
+ up = up + 1
+ else:
+ a += let
+ up = up + 1
+ Word.append(a)
+ ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r')
+ for line in ReadDictionary:
+ line = line.replace('\n', '')
+ up = 0
+ a = ""
+ for let in line:
+ if up <= 2:
+ a += let.upper()
+ up = up + 1
+ else:
+ a += let
+ up = up + 1
+ Word.append(a)
+ ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r')
+ for line in ReadDictionary:
+ line = line.replace('\n', '')
+ a = 0
+ b = 1
+ c = ""
+ for let in line:
+ a = a + 1
+ for let in line:
+ if a != b:
+ b = b + 1
+ c += let
+ else:
+ c += let.upper()
+ Word.append(c)
+ ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r')
+ for line in ReadDictionary:
+ line = line.replace('\n', '')
+ a = 0
+ b = 1
+ c = ""
+ for let in line:
+ a = a + 1
+ a = a - 1
+ for let in line:
+ if b < a:
+ b = b + 1
+ c += let
+ else:
+ c += let.upper()
+ Word.append(c)
+ ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r')
+ for line in ReadDictionary:
+ line = line.replace("a", "A", 1)
+ if line.__contains__("A"):
+ Word.append(line.replace('\n', ''))
+ ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r')
+ for line in ReadDictionary:
+ line = line.replace("a", "A")
+ if line.__contains__("A"):
+ Word.append(line.replace('\n', ''))
+ ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r')
+ for line in ReadDictionary:
+ line = line.replace("b", "B", 1)
+ if line.__contains__("B"):
+ Word.append(line.replace('\n', ''))
+ ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r')
+ for line in ReadDictionary:
+ line = line.replace("b", "B")
+ if line.__contains__("B"):
+ Word.append(line.replace('\n', ''))
+ ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r')
+ for line in ReadDictionary:
+ line = line.replace("c", "C", 1)
+ if line.__contains__("C"):
+ Word.append(line.replace('\n', ''))
+ ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r')
+ for line in ReadDictionary:
+ line = line.replace("c", "C")
+ if line.__contains__("C"):
+ Word.append(line.replace('\n', ''))
+ ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r')
+ for line in ReadDictionary:
+ line = line.replace("d", "D", 1)
+ if line.__contains__("D"):
+ Word.append(line.replace('\n', ''))
+ ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r')
+ for line in ReadDictionary:
+ line = line.replace("d", "D")
+ if line.__contains__("D"):
+ Word.append(line.replace('\n', ''))
+ ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r')
+ for line in ReadDictionary:
+ line = line.replace("e", "E", 1)
+ if line.__contains__("E"):
+ Word.append(line.replace('\n', ''))
+ ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r')
+ for line in ReadDictionary:
+ line = line.replace("e", "E")
+ if line.__contains__("E"):
+ Word.append(line.replace('\n', ''))
+ ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r')
+ for line in ReadDictionary:
+ line = line.replace("f", "F", 1)
+ if line.__contains__("F"):
+ Word.append(line.replace('\n', ''))
+ ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r')
+ for line in ReadDictionary:
+ line = line.replace("f", "F")
+ if line.__contains__("F"):
+ Word.append(line.replace('\n', ''))
+ ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r')
+ for line in ReadDictionary:
+ line = line.replace("g", "G", 1)
+ if line.__contains__("G"):
+ Word.append(line.replace('\n', ''))
+ ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r')
+ for line in ReadDictionary:
+ line = line.replace("g", "G")
+ if line.__contains__("G"):
+ Word.append(line.replace('\n', ''))
+ ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r')
+ for line in ReadDictionary:
+ line = line.replace("h", "H", 1)
+ if line.__contains__("H"):
+ Word.append(line.replace('\n', ''))
+ ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r')
+ for line in ReadDictionary:
+ line = line.replace("h", "H")
+ if line.__contains__("H"):
+ Word.append(line.replace('\n', ''))
+ ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r')
+ for line in ReadDictionary:
+ line = line.replace("i", "I", 1)
+ if line.__contains__("I"):
+ Word.append(line.replace('\n', ''))
+ ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r')
+ for line in ReadDictionary:
+ line = line.replace("i", "I")
+ if line.__contains__("I"):
+ Word.append(line.replace('\n', ''))
+ ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r')
+ for line in ReadDictionary:
+ line = line.replace("j", "J", 1)
+ if line.__contains__("J"):
+ Word.append(line.replace('\n', ''))
+ ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r')
+ for line in ReadDictionary:
+ line = line.replace("j", "J")
+ if line.__contains__("J"):
+ Word.append(line.replace('\n', ''))
+ ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r')
+ for line in ReadDictionary:
+ line = line.replace("k", "K", 1)
+ if line.__contains__("K"):
+ Word.append(line.replace('\n', ''))
+ ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r')
+ for line in ReadDictionary:
+ line = line.replace("k", "K")
+ if line.__contains__("K"):
+ Word.append(line.replace('\n', ''))
+ ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r')
+ for line in ReadDictionary:
+ line = line.replace("l", "L", 1)
+ if line.__contains__("L"):
+ Word.append(line.replace('\n', ''))
+ ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r')
+ for line in ReadDictionary:
+ line = line.replace("l", "L")
+ if line.__contains__("L"):
+ Word.append(line.replace('\n', ''))
+ ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r')
+ for line in ReadDictionary:
+ line = line.replace("m", "M", 1)
+ if line.__contains__("M"):
+ Word.append(line.replace('\n', ''))
+ ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r')
+ for line in ReadDictionary:
+ line = line.replace("m", "M")
+ if line.__contains__("M"):
+ Word.append(line.replace('\n', ''))
+ ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r')
+ for line in ReadDictionary:
+ line = line.replace("n", "N", 1)
+ if line.__contains__("N"):
+ Word.append(line.replace('\n', ''))
+ ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r')
+ for line in ReadDictionary:
+ line = line.replace("n", "N")
+ if line.__contains__("N"):
+ Word.append(line.replace('\n', ''))
+ ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r')
+ for line in ReadDictionary:
+ line = line.replace("o", "O", 1)
+ if line.__contains__("O"):
+ Word.append(line.replace('\n', ''))
+ ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r')
+ for line in ReadDictionary:
+ line = line.replace("o", "O")
+ if line.__contains__("O"):
+ Word.append(line.replace('\n', ''))
+ ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r')
+ for line in ReadDictionary:
+ line = line.replace("p", "P", 1)
+ if line.__contains__("P"):
+ Word.append(line.replace('\n', ''))
+ ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r')
+ for line in ReadDictionary:
+ line = line.replace("p", "P")
+ if line.__contains__("P"):
+ Word.append(line.replace('\n', ''))
+ ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r')
+ for line in ReadDictionary:
+ line = line.replace("q", "Q", 1)
+ if line.__contains__("Q"):
+ Word.append(line.replace('\n', ''))
+ ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r')
+ for line in ReadDictionary:
+ line = line.replace("q", "Q")
+ if line.__contains__("Q"):
+ Word.append(line.replace('\n', ''))
+ ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r')
+ for line in ReadDictionary:
+ line = line.replace("r", "R", 1)
+ if line.__contains__("R"):
+ Word.append(line.replace('\n', ''))
+ ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r')
+ for line in ReadDictionary:
+ line = line.replace("r", "R")
+ if line.__contains__("R"):
+ Word.append(line.replace('\n', ''))
+ ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r')
+ for line in ReadDictionary:
+ line = line.replace("s", "S", 1)
+ if line.__contains__("S"):
+ Word.append(line.replace('\n', ''))
+ ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r')
+ for line in ReadDictionary:
+ line = line.replace("s", "S")
+ if line.__contains__("S"):
+ Word.append(line.replace('\n', ''))
+ ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r')
+ for line in ReadDictionary:
+ line = line.replace("t", "T", 1)
+ if line.__contains__("T"):
+ Word.append(line.replace('\n', ''))
+ ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r')
+ for line in ReadDictionary:
+ line = line.replace("t", "T")
+ if line.__contains__("T"):
+ Word.append(line.replace('\n', ''))
+ ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r')
+ for line in ReadDictionary:
+ line = line.replace("u", "U", 1)
+ if line.__contains__("U"):
+ Word.append(line.replace('\n', ''))
+ ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r')
+ for line in ReadDictionary:
+ line = line.replace("u", "U")
+ if line.__contains__("U"):
+ Word.append(line.replace('\n', ''))
+ ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r')
+ for line in ReadDictionary:
+ line = line.replace("v", "V", 1)
+ if line.__contains__("V"):
+ Word.append(line.replace('\n', ''))
+ ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r')
+ for line in ReadDictionary:
+ line = line.replace("v", "V")
+ if line.__contains__("V"):
+ Word.append(line.replace('\n', ''))
+ ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r')
+ for line in ReadDictionary:
+ line = line.replace("w", "W", 1)
+ if line.__contains__("W"):
+ Word.append(line.replace('\n', ''))
+ ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r')
+ for line in ReadDictionary:
+ line = line.replace("w", "W")
+ if line.__contains__("W"):
+ Word.append(line.replace('\n', ''))
+ ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r')
+ for line in ReadDictionary:
+ line = line.replace("x", "X", 1)
+ if line.__contains__("X"):
+ Word.append(line.replace('\n', ''))
+ ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r')
+ for line in ReadDictionary:
+ line = line.replace("x", "X")
+ if line.__contains__("X"):
+ Word.append(line.replace('\n', ''))
+ ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r')
+ for line in ReadDictionary:
+ line = line.replace("y", "Y", 1)
+ if line.__contains__("Y"):
+ Word.append(line.replace('\n', ''))
+ ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r')
+ for line in ReadDictionary:
+ line = line.replace("y", "Y")
+ if line.__contains__("Y"):
+ Word.append(line.replace('\n', ''))
+ ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r')
+ for line in ReadDictionary:
+ line = line.replace("z", "Z", 1)
+ if line.__contains__("Z"):
+ Word.append(line.replace('\n', ''))
+ ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r')
+ for line in ReadDictionary:
+ line = line.replace("z", "Z")
+ if line.__contains__("Z"):
+ Word.append(line.replace('\n', ''))
+def MIX():
+ for Input in MixChars:
+ ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r')
+ for line in ReadDictionary:
+ line = line.replace('\n', '')
+ up = 0
+ a = ""
+ for let in line:
+ if up <= 1:
+ a += let + Input
+ up = up + 1
+ else:
+ a += let
+ up = up + 1
+ Word.append(a)
+ for Input in MixChars:
+ for Input2 in MixChars:
+ ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r')
+ for line in ReadDictionary:
+ line = line.replace('\n', '')
+ up = 0
+ a = ""
+ for let in line:
+ if up == 1:
+ a += Input + let + Input2
+ up = up + 1
+ else:
+ a += let
+ up = up + 1
+ Word.append(a)
+ for Input in MixChars:
+ ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r')
+ for line in ReadDictionary:
+ line = line.replace('\n', '')
+ a = 0
+ b = 1
+ c = ""
+ for let in line:
+ a = a + 1
+ for let in line:
+ if a != b:
+ b = b + 1
+ c += let
+ else:
+ c += Input + let
+ Word.append(c)
+ for Input in MixChars:
+ for Input2 in MixChars:
+ ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r')
+ for line in ReadDictionary:
+ line = line.replace('\n', '')
+ a = 0
+ b = 0
+ c = ""
+ for let in line:
+ a = a + 1
+ a = a - 2
+ for let in line:
+ if b == a:
+ b = b + 1
+ c += Input + let + Input2
+ else:
+ c += let
+ b = b + 1
+ Word.append(c)
+def MD5():
+ ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r')
+ for line in ReadDictionary:
+ Word.append(md5(line.replace('\n', '')).hexdigest())
+def WEP5():
+ ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r')
+ for line in ReadDictionary:
+ i = 0
+ for let in line:
+ i += 1
+ i -= 1
+ if i == 5:
+ line = line.encode('hex')
+ line = line.replace('\n', '')
+ Word.append(line.replace('0a', ''))
+def WEP13():
+ ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r')
+ for line in ReadDictionary:
+ i = 0
+ for let in line:
+ i += 1
+ i -= 1
+ if i == 13:
+ line = line.encode('hex')
+ line = line.replace('\n', '')
+ Word.append(line.replace('0a', ''))
+def SOCEN():
+ socen = []
+ socen_a = []
+ socen_words = []
+ try:
+ for i in Word:
+ socen_words.append(i.replace('\n', ''))
+ except:
+ pass
+ ReadDictionary = open(dictionary, 'r')
+ for line in ReadDictionary:
+ socen_words.append(line.replace('\n', ''))
+ socen_words = list(set(socen_words))
+ for i in socen_words:
+ for let in i:
+ try:
+ let += 1
+ break
+ except:
+ socen_a.append(let)
+ break
+ for a in socen_a:
+ socen_words.append(a)
+ for a in socen_words:
+ x = 0
+ for let in a:
+ x += 1
+ if x > 1:
+ Word.append(a)
+ for a in socen_words:
+ for b in socen_words:
+ x = 0
+ for let in a:
+ x += 1
+ n = 0
+ for let in b:
+ n += 1
+ if x > 1 or n > 1 and a != b:
+ Word.append(a + b)
+ for a in socen_words:
+ for b in socen_words:
+ for c in socen_words:
+ if a != b and a != c and b != c:
+ Word.append(a + b + c)
+if RegularSwitch is True:
+if BWSwitch is True:
+ BW()
+if CapsSwitch is True:
+ CAPS()
+if L337Switch is True:
+ L337()
+if MD5Switch is True:
+ MD5()
+if wep5 is True:
+ WEP5()
+if wep13 is True:
+ WEP13()
+if SESwitch is True:
+DoMix = False
+if AlphaSwitch is True:
+ DoMix = True
+if NumberSwitch is True:
+ DoMix = True
+if SpecialSwitch is True:
+ DoMix = True
+if MixCustom != None and MixCustom != "None":
+ DoMix = True
+if DoMix is True:
+ MIX()
+User = []
+if UserSwitch == True:
+ UserCount = 0
+ ReadUsernames = open(usernames, 'r')
+ for line in ReadUsernames:
+ User.append(line.replace('\n', ''))
+ UserCount += 1
+ User.append("")
+ UserCount = 1
+if not Word:
+ sys.exit("splicex: error: compiled empty wordlist")
+Word = list(set(Word))
+WordCount = 0
+ShowWord = []
+PassWd = []
+for Input in Word:
+ ShowWord.append(Input)
+ c = ""
+ for let in Input:
+ c += "\\\\\\" + let
+ PassWd.append(c)
+if TIME != None:
+ try:
+ TIME = TIME.split(", ")
+ sleep_now = int(TIME[0])
+ sleep_for = int(TIME[1])
+ except:
+ sys.exit("splicex: error: invalid --time arguments")
+ sleep_now = 0
+ sleep_for = 0
+if LENGTH != None:
+ try:
+ LENGTH = LENGTH.split(", ")
+ length_start = int(LENGTH[0])
+ length_end = int(LENGTH[1])
+ if length_end > 10:
+ length_end = 10
+ if ExhSwitch is True:
+ length_start -= 1
+ length_end -= 1
+ except:
+ sys.exit("splicex: error: invalid --char-length arguments")
+ length_start = 0
+ length_end = 10
+def BF1():
+ global cmd
+ WordCount = 0
+ for CountWords in ShowWord:
+ WordCount += 1
+ StartTime = time.time()
+ StartTime = StartTime - 1
+ PassAmount = 0
+ timeup = 0
+ for u in range(StateU, UserCount):
+ if length_start > 0:
+ break
+ if length_end < 0:
+ sys.exit('splicex: unable to find password')
+ for x in range(StateW, WordCount):
+ if SaveSwitch is True:
+ WriteSave = []
+ FILE = open(save, 'w')
+ WriteSave.append(str(cmd))
+ WriteSave.append(str(dictionary))
+ WriteSave.append(str(MixCustom))
+ WriteSave.append(str(Custom))
+ WriteSave.append(str(ExhSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(StdoutSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(usernames))
+ WriteSave.append(str(UserSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(AlphaSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(BWSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(CapsSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(L337Switch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(MD5Switch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(NumberSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(RegularSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(SpecialSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(Letters))
+ WriteSave.append(str(Numbers))
+ WriteSave.append(str(Specials))
+ WriteSave.append(str(wep5))
+ WriteSave.append(str(wep13))
+ WriteSave.append(str(SESwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(u))
+ WriteSave.append(str(x))
+ for WriteStates in WriteSave:
+ FILE.write(WriteStates + "\n")
+ FILE.close()
+ PassAmount += 1
+ Timer = int(round(float(time.time() - StartTime)))
+ Speed = PassAmount / Timer
+ NewShowWord = ShowWord[x]
+ NewPassWd = PassWd[x]
+ timeup += 1
+ if timeup == sleep_now:
+ time.sleep(sleep_for)
+ timeup = 0
+ print("[splicex]: " + str(Speed) + "/s " + User[u].replace(" ", "") + " " + NewShowWord.replace(" ", ""))
+ output = os.popen(cmd.replace("PASSWORD", NewPassWd.replace(" ", "")).replace("USERNAME", User[u].replace(" ", ""))).read()
+ if test == None:
+ print(output)
+ elif output.__contains__(test):
+ print("[PASSWORD FOUND]: " + NewShowWord)
+ sys.exit(0)
+ else:
+ print(output)
+def BF2():
+ global cmd
+ if NoChar is True:
+ sys.exit('splicex: unable to find password')
+ WordCount = 0
+ for CountWords in ShowWord:
+ WordCount += 1
+ StartTime = time.time()
+ StartTime = StartTime - 1
+ PassAmount = 0
+ timeup = 0
+ for u in range(StateU, UserCount):
+ if length_start > 1:
+ break
+ if length_end < 1:
+ sys.exit('splicex: unable to find password')
+ for a in range(StateA, EndCount):
+ for x in range(StateW, WordCount):
+ if SaveSwitch is True:
+ WriteSave = []
+ FILE = open(save, 'w')
+ WriteSave.append(str(cmd))
+ WriteSave.append(str(dictionary))
+ WriteSave.append(str(MixCustom))
+ WriteSave.append(str(Custom))
+ WriteSave.append(str(ExhSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(StdoutSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(usernames))
+ WriteSave.append(str(UserSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(AlphaSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(BWSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(CapsSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(L337Switch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(MD5Switch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(NumberSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(RegularSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(SpecialSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(Letters))
+ WriteSave.append(str(Numbers))
+ WriteSave.append(str(Specials))
+ WriteSave.append(str(wep5))
+ WriteSave.append(str(wep13))
+ WriteSave.append(str(SESwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(u))
+ WriteSave.append(str(x))
+ WriteSave.append(str(a))
+ for WriteStates in WriteSave:
+ FILE.write(WriteStates + "\n")
+ FILE.close()
+ PassAmount += 1
+ Timer = int(round(float(time.time() - StartTime)))
+ Speed = PassAmount / Timer
+ NewShowWord = Char1[a] + ShowWord[x]
+ NewPassWd = Char2[a] + PassWd[x]
+ timeup += 1
+ if timeup == sleep_now:
+ time.sleep(sleep_for)
+ timeup = 0
+ print("[splicex]: " + str(Speed) + "/s " + User[u].replace(" ", "") + " " + NewShowWord.replace(" ", ""))
+ output = os.popen(cmd.replace("PASSWORD", NewPassWd.replace(" ", "")).replace("USERNAME", User[u].replace(" ", ""))).read()
+ if test == None:
+ print(output)
+ elif output.__contains__(test):
+ print("[PASSWORD FOUND]: " + NewShowWord)
+ sys.exit(0)
+ else:
+ print(output)
+ if ExhSwitch is False:
+ PassAmount += 1
+ Timer = int(round(float(time.time() - StartTime)))
+ Speed = PassAmount / Timer
+ NewShowWord = ShowWord[x] + Char1[a]
+ NewPassWd = PassWd[x] + Char2[a]
+ timeup += 1
+ if timeup == sleep_now:
+ time.sleep(sleep_for)
+ timeup = 0
+ print("[splicex]: " + str(Speed) + "/s " + User[u].replace(" ", "") + " " + NewShowWord.replace(" ", ""))
+ output = os.popen(cmd.replace("PASSWORD", NewPassWd.replace(" ", "")).replace("USERNAME", User[u].replace(" ", ""))).read()
+ if test == None:
+ print(output)
+ elif output.__contains__(test):
+ print("[PASSWORD FOUND]: " + NewShowWord)
+ sys.exit(0)
+ else:
+ print(output)
+def BF3():
+ global cmd
+ if NoChar is True:
+ sys.exit('splicex: unable to find password')
+ WordCount = 0
+ for CountWords in ShowWord:
+ WordCount += 1
+ StartTime = time.time()
+ StartTime = StartTime - 1
+ PassAmount = 0
+ timeup = 0
+ for u in range(StateU, UserCount):
+ if length_start > 2:
+ break
+ if length_end < 2:
+ sys.exit('splicex: unable to find password')
+ for a in range(StateA, EndCount):
+ for b in range(StateB, EndCount):
+ for x in range(StateW, WordCount):
+ if SaveSwitch is True:
+ WriteSave = []
+ FILE = open(save, 'w')
+ WriteSave.append(str(cmd))
+ WriteSave.append(str(dictionary))
+ WriteSave.append(str(MixCustom))
+ WriteSave.append(str(Custom))
+ WriteSave.append(str(ExhSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(StdoutSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(usernames))
+ WriteSave.append(str(UserSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(AlphaSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(BWSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(CapsSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(L337Switch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(MD5Switch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(NumberSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(RegularSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(SpecialSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(Letters))
+ WriteSave.append(str(Numbers))
+ WriteSave.append(str(Specials))
+ WriteSave.append(str(wep5))
+ WriteSave.append(str(wep13))
+ WriteSave.append(str(SESwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(u))
+ WriteSave.append(str(x))
+ WriteSave.append(str(a))
+ WriteSave.append(str(b))
+ for WriteStates in WriteSave:
+ FILE.write(WriteStates + "\n")
+ FILE.close()
+ PassAmount += 1
+ Timer = int(round(float(time.time() - StartTime)))
+ Speed = PassAmount / Timer
+ NewShowWord = Char1[a] + ShowWord[x] + Char1[b]
+ NewPassWd = Char2[a] + PassWd[x] + Char2[b]
+ timeup += 1
+ if timeup == sleep_now:
+ time.sleep(sleep_for)
+ timeup = 0
+ print("[splicex]: " + str(Speed) + "/s " + User[u].replace(" ", "") + " " + NewShowWord.replace(" ", ""))
+ output = os.popen(cmd.replace("PASSWORD", NewPassWd.replace(" ", "")).replace("USERNAME", User[u].replace(" ", ""))).read()
+ if test == None:
+ print(output)
+ elif output.__contains__(test):
+ print("[PASSWORD FOUND]: " + NewShowWord)
+ sys.exit(0)
+ else:
+ print(output)
+ if ExhSwitch is False:
+ PassAmount += 1
+ Timer = int(round(float(time.time() - StartTime)))
+ Speed = PassAmount / Timer
+ NewShowWord = Char1[a] + Char1[b] + ShowWord[x]
+ NewPassWd = Char2[a] + Char2[b] + PassWd[x]
+ timeup += 1
+ if timeup == sleep_now:
+ time.sleep(sleep_for)
+ timeup = 0
+ print("[splicex]: " + str(Speed) + "/s " + User[u].replace(" ", "") + " " + NewShowWord.replace(" ", ""))
+ output = os.popen(cmd.replace("PASSWORD", NewPassWd.replace(" ", "")).replace("USERNAME", User[u].replace(" ", ""))).read()
+ if test == None:
+ print(output)
+ elif output.__contains__(test):
+ print("[PASSWORD FOUND]: " + NewShowWord)
+ sys.exit(0)
+ else:
+ print(output)
+ PassAmount += 1
+ Timer = int(round(float(time.time() - StartTime)))
+ Speed = PassAmount / Timer
+ NewShowWord = ShowWord[x] + Char1[b] + Char1[a]
+ NewPassWd = PassWd[x] + Char2[b] + Char2[a]
+ timeup += 1
+ if timeup == sleep_now:
+ time.sleep(sleep_for)
+ timeup = 0
+ print("[splicex]: " + str(Speed) + "/s " + User[u].replace(" ", "") + " " + NewShowWord.replace(" ", ""))
+ output = os.popen(cmd.replace("PASSWORD", NewPassWd.replace(" ", "")).replace("USERNAME", User[u].replace(" ", ""))).read()
+ if test == None:
+ print(output)
+ elif output.__contains__(test):
+ print("[PASSWORD FOUND]: " + NewShowWord)
+ sys.exit(0)
+ else:
+ print(output)
+def BF4():
+ global cmd
+ if NoChar is True:
+ sys.exit('splicex: unable to find password')
+ WordCount = 0
+ for CountWords in ShowWord:
+ WordCount += 1
+ StartTime = time.time()
+ StartTime = StartTime - 1
+ PassAmount = 0
+ timeup = 0
+ for u in range(StateU, UserCount):
+ if length_start > 3:
+ break
+ if length_end < 3:
+ sys.exit('splicex: unable to find password')
+ for a in range(StateA, EndCount):
+ for b in range(StateB, EndCount):
+ for c in range(StateC, EndCount):
+ for x in range(StateW, WordCount):
+ if SaveSwitch is True:
+ WriteSave = []
+ FILE = open(save, 'w')
+ WriteSave.append(str(cmd))
+ WriteSave.append(str(dictionary))
+ WriteSave.append(str(MixCustom))
+ WriteSave.append(str(Custom))
+ WriteSave.append(str(ExhSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(StdoutSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(usernames))
+ WriteSave.append(str(UserSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(AlphaSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(BWSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(CapsSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(L337Switch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(MD5Switch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(NumberSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(RegularSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(SpecialSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(Letters))
+ WriteSave.append(str(Numbers))
+ WriteSave.append(str(Specials))
+ WriteSave.append(str(wep5))
+ WriteSave.append(str(wep13))
+ WriteSave.append(str(SESwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(u))
+ WriteSave.append(str(x))
+ WriteSave.append(str(a))
+ WriteSave.append(str(b))
+ WriteSave.append(str(c))
+ for WriteStates in WriteSave:
+ FILE.write(WriteStates + "\n")
+ FILE.close()
+ PassAmount += 1
+ Timer = int(round(float(time.time() - StartTime)))
+ Speed = PassAmount / Timer
+ NewShowWord = Char1[c] + Char1[a] + ShowWord[x] + Char1[b]
+ NewPassWd = Char2[c] + Char2[a] + PassWd[x] + Char2[b]
+ timeup += 1
+ if timeup == sleep_now:
+ time.sleep(sleep_for)
+ timeup = 0
+ print("[splicex]: " + str(Speed) + "/s " + User[u].replace(" ", "") + " " + NewShowWord.replace(" ", ""))
+ output = os.popen(cmd.replace("PASSWORD", NewPassWd.replace(" ", "")).replace("USERNAME", User[u].replace(" ", ""))).read()
+ if test == None:
+ print(output)
+ elif output.__contains__(test):
+ print("[PASSWORD FOUND]: " + NewShowWord)
+ sys.exit(0)
+ else:
+ print(output)
+ if ExhSwitch is False:
+ PassAmount += 1
+ Timer = int(round(float(time.time() - StartTime)))
+ Speed = PassAmount / Timer
+ NewShowWord = Char1[b] + ShowWord[x] + Char1[a] + Char1[c]
+ NewPassWd = Char2[b] + PassWd[x] + Char2[a] + Char2[c]
+ timeup += 1
+ if timeup == sleep_now:
+ time.sleep(sleep_for)
+ timeup = 0
+ print("[splicex]: " + str(Speed) + "/s " + User[u].replace(" ", "") + " " + NewShowWord.replace(" ", ""))
+ output = os.popen(cmd.replace("PASSWORD", NewPassWd.replace(" ", "")).replace("USERNAME", User[u].replace(" ", ""))).read()
+ if test == None:
+ print(output)
+ elif output.__contains__(test):
+ print("[PASSWORD FOUND]: " + NewShowWord)
+ sys.exit(0)
+ else:
+ print(output)
+ PassAmount += 1
+ Timer = int(round(float(time.time() - StartTime)))
+ Speed = PassAmount / Timer
+ NewShowWord = Char1[c] + Char1[a] + Char1[b] + ShowWord[x]
+ NewPassWd = Char2[c] + Char2[a] + Char2[b] + PassWd[x]
+ timeup += 1
+ if timeup == sleep_now:
+ time.sleep(sleep_for)
+ timeup = 0
+ print("[splicex]: " + str(Speed) + "/s " + User[u].replace(" ", "") + " " + NewShowWord.replace(" ", ""))
+ output = os.popen(cmd.replace("PASSWORD", NewPassWd.replace(" ", "")).replace("USERNAME", User[u].replace(" ", ""))).read()
+ if test == None:
+ print(output)
+ elif output.__contains__(test):
+ print("[PASSWORD FOUND]: " + NewShowWord)
+ sys.exit(0)
+ else:
+ print(output)
+ PassAmount += 1
+ Timer = int(round(float(time.time() - StartTime)))
+ Speed = PassAmount / Timer
+ NewShowWord = ShowWord[x] + Char1[b] + Char1[a] + Char1[c]
+ NewPassWd = PassWd[x] + Char2[b] + Char2[a] + Char2[c]
+ timeup += 1
+ if timeup == sleep_now:
+ time.sleep(sleep_for)
+ timeup = 0
+ print("[splicex]: " + str(Speed) + "/s " + User[u].replace(" ", "") + " " + NewShowWord.replace(" ", ""))
+ output = os.popen(cmd.replace("PASSWORD", NewPassWd.replace(" ", "")).replace("USERNAME", User[u].replace(" ", ""))).read()
+ if test == None:
+ print(output)
+ elif output.__contains__(test):
+ print("[PASSWORD FOUND]: " + NewShowWord)
+ sys.exit(0)
+ else:
+ print(output)
+def BF5():
+ global cmd
+ if NoChar is True:
+ sys.exit('splicex: unable to find password')
+ WordCount = 0
+ for CountWords in ShowWord:
+ WordCount += 1
+ StartTime = time.time()
+ StartTime = StartTime - 1
+ PassAmount = 0
+ timeup = 0
+ for u in range(StateU, UserCount):
+ if length_start > 4:
+ break
+ if length_end < 4:
+ sys.exit('splicex: unable to find password')
+ for a in range(StateA, EndCount):
+ for b in range(StateB, EndCount):
+ for c in range(StateC, EndCount):
+ for d in range(StateD, EndCount):
+ for x in range(StateW, WordCount):
+ if SaveSwitch is True:
+ WriteSave = []
+ FILE = open(save, 'w')
+ WriteSave.append(str(cmd))
+ WriteSave.append(str(dictionary))
+ WriteSave.append(str(MixCustom))
+ WriteSave.append(str(Custom))
+ WriteSave.append(str(ExhSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(StdoutSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(usernames))
+ WriteSave.append(str(UserSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(AlphaSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(BWSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(CapsSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(L337Switch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(MD5Switch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(NumberSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(RegularSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(SpecialSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(Letters))
+ WriteSave.append(str(Numbers))
+ WriteSave.append(str(Specials))
+ WriteSave.append(str(wep5))
+ WriteSave.append(str(wep13))
+ WriteSave.append(str(SESwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(u))
+ WriteSave.append(str(x))
+ WriteSave.append(str(a))
+ WriteSave.append(str(b))
+ WriteSave.append(str(c))
+ WriteSave.append(str(d))
+ for WriteStates in WriteSave:
+ FILE.write(WriteStates + "\n")
+ FILE.close()
+ PassAmount += 1
+ Timer = int(round(float(time.time() - StartTime)))
+ Speed = PassAmount / Timer
+ NewShowWord = Char1[c] + Char1[a] + ShowWord[x] + Char1[b] + Char1[d]
+ NewPassWd = Char2[c] + Char2[a] + PassWd[x] + Char2[b] + Char2[d]
+ timeup += 1
+ if timeup == sleep_now:
+ time.sleep(sleep_for)
+ timeup = 0
+ print("[splicex]: " + str(Speed) + "/s " + User[u].replace(" ", "") + " " + NewShowWord.replace(" ", ""))
+ output = os.popen(cmd.replace("PASSWORD", NewPassWd.replace(" ", "")).replace("USERNAME", User[u].replace(" ", ""))).read()
+ if test == None:
+ print(output)
+ elif output.__contains__(test):
+ print("[PASSWORD FOUND]: " + NewShowWord)
+ sys.exit(0)
+ else:
+ print(output)
+ if ExhSwitch is False:
+ PassAmount += 1
+ Timer = int(round(float(time.time() - StartTime)))
+ Speed = PassAmount / Timer
+ NewShowWord = Char1[c] + Char1[a] + Char1[b] + Char1[d] + ShowWord[x]
+ NewPassWd = Char2[c] + Char2[a] + Char2[b] + Char2[d] + PassWd[x]
+ timeup += 1
+ if timeup == sleep_now:
+ time.sleep(sleep_for)
+ timeup = 0
+ print("[splicex]: " + str(Speed) + "/s " + User[u].replace(" ", "") + " " + NewShowWord.replace(" ", ""))
+ output = os.popen(cmd.replace("PASSWORD", NewPassWd.replace(" ", "")).replace("USERNAME", User[u].replace(" ", ""))).read()
+ if test == None:
+ print(output)
+ elif output.__contains__(test):
+ print("[PASSWORD FOUND]: " + NewShowWord)
+ sys.exit(0)
+ else:
+ print(output)
+ PassAmount += 1
+ Timer = int(round(float(time.time() - StartTime)))
+ Speed = PassAmount / Timer
+ NewShowWord = ShowWord[x] + Char1[d] + Char1[b] + Char1[a] + Char1[c]
+ NewPassWd = PassWd[x] + Char2[d] + Char2[b] + Char2[a] + Char2[c]
+ timeup += 1
+ if timeup == sleep_now:
+ time.sleep(sleep_for)
+ timeup = 0
+ print("[splicex]: " + str(Speed) + "/s " + User[u].replace(" ", "") + " " + NewShowWord.replace(" ", ""))
+ output = os.popen(cmd.replace("PASSWORD", NewPassWd.replace(" ", "")).replace("USERNAME", User[u].replace(" ", ""))).read()
+ if test == None:
+ print(output)
+ elif output.__contains__(test):
+ print("[PASSWORD FOUND]: " + NewShowWord)
+ sys.exit(0)
+ else:
+ print(output)
+def BF6():
+ global cmd
+ if NoChar is True:
+ sys.exit('splicex: unable to find password')
+ WordCount = 0
+ for CountWords in ShowWord:
+ WordCount += 1
+ StartTime = time.time()
+ StartTime = StartTime - 1
+ PassAmount = 0
+ timeup = 0
+ for u in range(StateU, UserCount):
+ if length_start > 5:
+ break
+ if length_end < 5:
+ sys.exit('splicex: unable to find password')
+ for a in range(StateA, EndCount):
+ for b in range(StateB, EndCount):
+ for c in range(StateC, EndCount):
+ for d in range(StateD, EndCount):
+ for e in range(StateE, EndCount):
+ for x in range(StateW, WordCount):
+ if SaveSwitch is True:
+ WriteSave = []
+ FILE = open(save, 'w')
+ WriteSave.append(str(cmd))
+ WriteSave.append(str(dictionary))
+ WriteSave.append(str(MixCustom))
+ WriteSave.append(str(Custom))
+ WriteSave.append(str(ExhSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(StdoutSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(usernames))
+ WriteSave.append(str(UserSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(AlphaSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(BWSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(CapsSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(L337Switch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(MD5Switch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(NumberSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(RegularSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(SpecialSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(Letters))
+ WriteSave.append(str(Numbers))
+ WriteSave.append(str(Specials))
+ WriteSave.append(str(wep5))
+ WriteSave.append(str(wep13))
+ WriteSave.append(str(SESwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(u))
+ WriteSave.append(str(x))
+ WriteSave.append(str(a))
+ WriteSave.append(str(b))
+ WriteSave.append(str(c))
+ WriteSave.append(str(d))
+ WriteSave.append(str(e))
+ for WriteStates in WriteSave:
+ FILE.write(WriteStates + "\n")
+ FILE.close()
+ PassAmount += 1
+ Timer = int(round(float(time.time() - StartTime)))
+ Speed = PassAmount / Timer
+ NewShowWord = Char1[e] + Char1[c] + Char1[a] + ShowWord[x] + Char1[b] + Char1[d]
+ NewPassWd = Char2[e] + Char2[c] + Char2[a] + PassWd[x] + Char2[b] + Char2[d]
+ timeup += 1
+ if timeup == sleep_now:
+ time.sleep(sleep_for)
+ timeup = 0
+ print("[splicex]: " + str(Speed) + "/s " + User[u].replace(" ", "") + " " + NewShowWord.replace(" ", ""))
+ output = os.popen(cmd.replace("PASSWORD", NewPassWd.replace(" ", "")).replace("USERNAME", User[u].replace(" ", ""))).read()
+ if test == None:
+ print(output)
+ elif output.__contains__(test):
+ print("[PASSWORD FOUND]: " + NewShowWord)
+ sys.exit(0)
+ else:
+ print(output)
+ if ExhSwitch is False:
+ PassAmount += 1
+ Timer = int(round(float(time.time() - StartTime)))
+ Speed = PassAmount / Timer
+ NewShowWord = Char1[d] + Char1[b] + ShowWord[x] + Char1[a] + Char1[c] + Char1[e]
+ NewPassWd = Char2[d] + Char2[b] + PassWd[x] + Char2[a] + Char2[c] + Char2[e]
+ timeup += 1
+ if timeup == sleep_now:
+ time.sleep(sleep_for)
+ timeup = 0
+ print("[splicex]: " + str(Speed) + "/s " + User[u].replace(" ", "") + " " + NewShowWord.replace(" ", ""))
+ output = os.popen(cmd.replace("PASSWORD", NewPassWd.replace(" ", "")).replace("USERNAME", User[u].replace(" ", ""))).read()
+ if test == None:
+ print(output)
+ elif output.__contains__(test):
+ print("[PASSWORD FOUND]: " + NewShowWord)
+ sys.exit(0)
+ else:
+ print(output)
+ PassAmount += 1
+ Timer = int(round(float(time.time() - StartTime)))
+ Speed = PassAmount / Timer
+ NewShowWord = Char1[e] + Char1[c] + Char1[a] + Char1[b] + Char1[d] + ShowWord[x]
+ NewPassWd = Char2[e] + Char2[c] + Char2[a] + Char2[b] + Char2[d] + PassWd[x]
+ timeup += 1
+ if timeup == sleep_now:
+ time.sleep(sleep_for)
+ timeup = 0
+ print("[splicex]: " + str(Speed) + "/s " + User[u].replace(" ", "") + " " + NewShowWord.replace(" ", ""))
+ output = os.popen(cmd.replace("PASSWORD", NewPassWd.replace(" ", "")).replace("USERNAME", User[u].replace(" ", ""))).read()
+ if test == None:
+ print(output)
+ elif output.__contains__(test):
+ print("[PASSWORD FOUND]: " + NewShowWord)
+ sys.exit(0)
+ else:
+ print(output)
+ PassAmount += 1
+ Timer = int(round(float(time.time() - StartTime)))
+ Speed = PassAmount / Timer
+ NewShowWord = ShowWord[x] + Char1[d] + Char1[b] + Char1[a] + Char1[c] + Char1[e]
+ NewPassWd = PassWd[x] + Char2[d] + Char2[b] + Char2[a] + Char2[c] + Char2[e]
+ timeup += 1
+ if timeup == sleep_now:
+ time.sleep(sleep_for)
+ timeup = 0
+ print("[splicex]: " + str(Speed) + "/s " + User[u].replace(" ", "") + " " + NewShowWord.replace(" ", ""))
+ output = os.popen(cmd.replace("PASSWORD", NewPassWd.replace(" ", "")).replace("USERNAME", User[u].replace(" ", ""))).read()
+ if test == None:
+ print(output)
+ elif output.__contains__(test):
+ print("[PASSWORD FOUND]: " + NewShowWord)
+ sys.exit(0)
+ else:
+ print(output)
+def BF7():
+ global cmd
+ if NoChar is True:
+ sys.exit('splicex: unable to find password')
+ WordCount = 0
+ for CountWords in ShowWord:
+ WordCount += 1
+ StartTime = time.time()
+ StartTime = StartTime - 1
+ PassAmount = 0
+ timeup = 0
+ for u in range(StateU, UserCount):
+ if length_start > 6:
+ break
+ if length_end < 6:
+ sys.exit('splicex: unable to find password')
+ for a in range(StateA, EndCount):
+ for b in range(StateB, EndCount):
+ for c in range(StateC, EndCount):
+ for d in range(StateD, EndCount):
+ for e in range(StateE, EndCount):
+ for f in range(StateF, EndCount):
+ for x in range(StateW, WordCount):
+ if SaveSwitch is True:
+ WriteSave = []
+ FILE = open(save, 'w')
+ WriteSave.append(str(cmd))
+ WriteSave.append(str(dictionary))
+ WriteSave.append(str(MixCustom))
+ WriteSave.append(str(Custom))
+ WriteSave.append(str(ExhSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(StdoutSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(usernames))
+ WriteSave.append(str(UserSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(AlphaSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(BWSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(CapsSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(L337Switch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(MD5Switch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(NumberSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(RegularSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(SpecialSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(Letters))
+ WriteSave.append(str(Numbers))
+ WriteSave.append(str(Specials))
+ WriteSave.append(str(wep5))
+ WriteSave.append(str(wep13))
+ WriteSave.append(str(SESwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(u))
+ WriteSave.append(str(x))
+ WriteSave.append(str(a))
+ WriteSave.append(str(b))
+ WriteSave.append(str(c))
+ WriteSave.append(str(d))
+ WriteSave.append(str(e))
+ WriteSave.append(str(f))
+ for WriteStates in WriteSave:
+ FILE.write(WriteStates + "\n")
+ FILE.close()
+ PassAmount += 1
+ Timer = int(round(float(time.time() - StartTime)))
+ Speed = PassAmount / Timer
+ NewShowWord = Char1[e] + Char1[c] + Char1[a] + ShowWord[x] + Char1[b] + Char1[d] + Char1[f]
+ NewPassWd = Char2[e] + Char2[c] + Char2[a] + PassWd[x] + Char2[b] + Char2[d] + Char2[f]
+ timeup += 1
+ if timeup == sleep_now:
+ time.sleep(sleep_for)
+ timeup = 0
+ print("[splicex]: " + str(Speed) + "/s " + User[u].replace(" ", "") + " " + NewShowWord.replace(" ", ""))
+ output = os.popen(cmd.replace("PASSWORD", NewPassWd.replace(" ", "")).replace("USERNAME", User[u].replace(" ", ""))).read()
+ if test == None:
+ print(output)
+ elif output.__contains__(test):
+ print("[PASSWORD FOUND]: " + NewShowWord)
+ sys.exit(0)
+ else:
+ print(output)
+ if ExhSwitch is False:
+ PassAmount += 1
+ Timer = int(round(float(time.time() - StartTime)))
+ Speed = PassAmount / Timer
+ NewShowWord = Char1[e] + Char1[c] + Char1[a] + Char1[b] + Char1[d] + Char1[f] + ShowWord[x]
+ NewPassWd = Char2[e] + Char2[c] + Char2[a] + Char2[b] + Char2[d] + Char2[f] + PassWd[x]
+ timeup += 1
+ if timeup == sleep_now:
+ time.sleep(sleep_for)
+ timeup = 0
+ print("[splicex]: " + str(Speed) + "/s " + User[u].replace(" ", "") + " " + NewShowWord.replace(" ", ""))
+ output = os.popen(cmd.replace("PASSWORD", NewPassWd.replace(" ", "")).replace("USERNAME", User[u].replace(" ", ""))).read()
+ if test == None:
+ print(output)
+ elif output.__contains__(test):
+ print("[PASSWORD FOUND]: " + NewShowWord)
+ sys.exit(0)
+ else:
+ print(output)
+ PassAmount += 1
+ Timer = int(round(float(time.time() - StartTime)))
+ Speed = PassAmount / Timer
+ NewShowWord = ShowWord[x] + Char1[f] + Char1[d] + Char1[b] + Char1[a] + Char1[c] + Char1[e]
+ NewPassWd = PassWd[x] + Char2[f] + Char2[d] + Char2[b] + Char2[a] + Char2[c] + Char2[e]
+ timeup += 1
+ if timeup == sleep_now:
+ time.sleep(sleep_for)
+ timeup = 0
+ print("[splicex]: " + str(Speed) + "/s " + User[u].replace(" ", "") + " " + NewShowWord.replace(" ", ""))
+ output = os.popen(cmd.replace("PASSWORD", NewPassWd.replace(" ", "")).replace("USERNAME", User[u].replace(" ", ""))).read()
+ if test == None:
+ print(output)
+ elif output.__contains__(test):
+ print("[PASSWORD FOUND]: " + NewShowWord)
+ sys.exit(0)
+ else:
+ print(output)
+def BF8():
+ global cmd
+ if NoChar is True:
+ sys.exit('splicex: unable to find password')
+ WordCount = 0
+ for CountWords in ShowWord:
+ WordCount += 1
+ StartTime = time.time()
+ StartTime = StartTime - 1
+ PassAmount = 0
+ timeup = 0
+ for u in range(StateU, UserCount):
+ if length_start > 7:
+ break
+ if length_end < 7:
+ sys.exit('splicex: unable to find password')
+ for a in range(StateA, EndCount):
+ for b in range(StateB, EndCount):
+ for c in range(StateC, EndCount):
+ for d in range(StateD, EndCount):
+ for e in range(StateE, EndCount):
+ for f in range(StateF, EndCount):
+ for g in range(StateG, EndCount):
+ for x in range(StateW, WordCount):
+ if SaveSwitch is True:
+ WriteSave = []
+ FILE = open(save, 'w')
+ WriteSave.append(str(cmd))
+ WriteSave.append(str(dictionary))
+ WriteSave.append(str(MixCustom))
+ WriteSave.append(str(Custom))
+ WriteSave.append(str(ExhSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(StdoutSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(usernames))
+ WriteSave.append(str(UserSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(AlphaSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(BWSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(CapsSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(L337Switch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(MD5Switch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(NumberSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(RegularSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(SpecialSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(Letters))
+ WriteSave.append(str(Numbers))
+ WriteSave.append(str(Specials))
+ WriteSave.append(str(wep5))
+ WriteSave.append(str(wep13))
+ WriteSave.append(str(SESwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(u))
+ WriteSave.append(str(x))
+ WriteSave.append(str(a))
+ WriteSave.append(str(b))
+ WriteSave.append(str(c))
+ WriteSave.append(str(d))
+ WriteSave.append(str(e))
+ WriteSave.append(str(f))
+ WriteSave.append(str(g))
+ for WriteStates in WriteSave:
+ FILE.write(WriteStates + "\n")
+ FILE.close()
+ PassAmount += 1
+ Timer = int(round(float(time.time() - StartTime)))
+ Speed = PassAmount / Timer
+ NewShowWord = Char1[g] + Char1[e] + Char1[c] + Char1[a] + ShowWord[x] + Char1[b] + Char1[d] + Char1[f]
+ NewPassWd = Char2[g] + Char2[e] + Char2[c] + Char2[a] + PassWd[x] + Char2[b] + Char2[d] + Char2[f]
+ timeup += 1
+ if timeup == sleep_now:
+ time.sleep(sleep_for)
+ timeup = 0
+ print("[splicex]: " + str(Speed) + "/s " + User[u].replace(" ", "") + " " + NewShowWord.replace(" ", ""))
+ output = os.popen(cmd.replace("PASSWORD", NewPassWd.replace(" ", "")).replace("USERNAME", User[u].replace(" ", ""))).read()
+ if test == None:
+ print(output)
+ elif output.__contains__(test):
+ print("[PASSWORD FOUND]: " + NewShowWord)
+ sys.exit(0)
+ else:
+ print(output)
+ if ExhSwitch is False:
+ PassAmount += 1
+ Timer = int(round(float(time.time() - StartTime)))
+ Speed = PassAmount / Timer
+ NewShowWord = Char1[f] + Char1[d] + Char1[b] + ShowWord[x] + Char1[a] + Char1[c] + Char1[e] + Char1[g]
+ NewPassWd = Char2[f] + Char2[d] + Char2[b] + PassWd[x] + Char2[a] + Char2[c] + Char2[e] + Char2[g]
+ timeup += 1
+ if timeup == sleep_now:
+ time.sleep(sleep_for)
+ timeup = 0
+ print("[splicex]: " + str(Speed) + "/s " + User[u].replace(" ", "") + " " + NewShowWord.replace(" ", ""))
+ output = os.popen(cmd.replace("PASSWORD", NewPassWd.replace(" ", "")).replace("USERNAME", User[u].replace(" ", ""))).read()
+ if test == None:
+ print(output)
+ elif output.__contains__(test):
+ print("[PASSWORD FOUND]: " + NewShowWord)
+ sys.exit(0)
+ else:
+ print(output)
+ PassAmount += 1
+ Timer = int(round(float(time.time() - StartTime)))
+ Speed = PassAmount / Timer
+ NewShowWord = Char1[g] + Char1[e] + Char1[c] + Char1[a] + Char1[b] + Char1[d] + Char1[f] + ShowWord[x]
+ NewPassWd = Char2[g] + Char2[e] + Char2[c] + Char2[a] + Char2[b] + Char2[d] + Char2[f] + PassWd[x]
+ timeup += 1
+ if timeup == sleep_now:
+ time.sleep(sleep_for)
+ timeup = 0
+ print("[splicex]: " + str(Speed) + "/s " + User[u].replace(" ", "") + " " + NewShowWord.replace(" ", ""))
+ output = os.popen(cmd.replace("PASSWORD", NewPassWd.replace(" ", "")).replace("USERNAME", User[u].replace(" ", ""))).read()
+ if test == None:
+ print(output)
+ elif output.__contains__(test):
+ print("[PASSWORD FOUND]: " + NewShowWord)
+ sys.exit(0)
+ else:
+ print(output)
+ PassAmount += 1
+ Timer = int(round(float(time.time() - StartTime)))
+ Speed = PassAmount / Timer
+ NewShowWord = ShowWord[x] + Char1[f] + Char1[d] + Char1[b] + Char1[a] + Char1[c] + Char1[e] + Char1[g]
+ NewPassWd = PassWd[x] + Char2[f] + Char2[d] + Char2[b] + Char2[a] + Char2[c] + Char2[e] + Char2[g]
+ timeup += 1
+ if timeup == sleep_now:
+ time.sleep(sleep_for)
+ timeup = 0
+ print("[splicex]: " + str(Speed) + "/s " + User[u].replace(" ", "") + " " + NewShowWord.replace(" ", ""))
+ output = os.popen(cmd.replace("PASSWORD", NewPassWd.replace(" ", "")).replace("USERNAME", User[u].replace(" ", ""))).read()
+ if test == None:
+ print(output)
+ elif output.__contains__(test):
+ print("[PASSWORD FOUND]: " + NewShowWord)
+ sys.exit(0)
+ else:
+ print(output)
+def BF9():
+ global cmd
+ if NoChar is True:
+ sys.exit('splicex: unable to find password')
+ WordCount = 0
+ for CountWords in ShowWord:
+ WordCount += 1
+ StartTime = time.time()
+ StartTime = StartTime - 1
+ PassAmount = 0
+ timeup = 0
+ for u in range(StateU, UserCount):
+ if length_start > 8:
+ break
+ if length_end < 8:
+ sys.exit('splicex: unable to find password')
+ for a in range(StateA, EndCount):
+ for b in range(StateB, EndCount):
+ for c in range(StateC, EndCount):
+ for d in range(StateD, EndCount):
+ for e in range(StateE, EndCount):
+ for f in range(StateF, EndCount):
+ for g in range(StateG, EndCount):
+ for h in range(StateH, EndCount):
+ for x in range(StateW, WordCount):
+ if SaveSwitch is True:
+ WriteSave = []
+ FILE = open(save, 'w')
+ WriteSave.append(str(cmd))
+ WriteSave.append(str(dictionary))
+ WriteSave.append(str(MixCustom))
+ WriteSave.append(str(Custom))
+ WriteSave.append(str(ExhSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(StdoutSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(usernames))
+ WriteSave.append(str(UserSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(AlphaSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(BWSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(CapsSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(L337Switch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(MD5Switch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(NumberSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(RegularSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(SpecialSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(Letters))
+ WriteSave.append(str(Numbers))
+ WriteSave.append(str(Specials))
+ WriteSave.append(str(wep5))
+ WriteSave.append(str(wep13))
+ WriteSave.append(str(SESwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(u))
+ WriteSave.append(str(x))
+ WriteSave.append(str(a))
+ WriteSave.append(str(b))
+ WriteSave.append(str(c))
+ WriteSave.append(str(d))
+ WriteSave.append(str(e))
+ WriteSave.append(str(f))
+ WriteSave.append(str(g))
+ WriteSave.append(str(h))
+ for WriteStates in WriteSave:
+ FILE.write(WriteStates + "\n")
+ FILE.close()
+ PassAmount += 1
+ Timer = int(round(float(time.time() - StartTime)))
+ Speed = PassAmount / Timer
+ NewShowWord = Char1[g] + Char1[e] + Char1[c] + Char1[a] + ShowWord[x] + Char1[b] + Char1[d] + Char1[f] + Char1[h]
+ NewPassWd = Char2[g] + Char2[e] + Char2[c] + Char2[a] + PassWd[x] + Char2[b] + Char2[d] + Char2[f] + Char2[h]
+ timeup += 1
+ if timeup == sleep_now:
+ time.sleep(sleep_for)
+ timeup = 0
+ print("[splicex]: " + str(Speed) + "/s " + User[u].replace(" ", "") + " " + NewShowWord.replace(" ", ""))
+ output = os.popen(cmd.replace("PASSWORD", NewPassWd.replace(" ", "")).replace("USERNAME", User[u].replace(" ", ""))).read()
+ if test == None:
+ print(output)
+ elif output.__contains__(test):
+ print("[PASSWORD FOUND]: " + NewShowWord)
+ sys.exit(0)
+ else:
+ print(output)
+ if ExhSwitch is False:
+ PassAmount += 1
+ Timer = int(round(float(time.time() - StartTime)))
+ Speed = PassAmount / Timer
+ NewShowWord = Char1[g] + Char1[e] + Char1[c] + Char1[a] +Char1[b] + Char1[d] + Char1[f] + Char1[h] + ShowWord[x]
+ NewPassWd = Char2[g] + Char2[e] + Char2[c] + Char2[a] + Char2[b] + Char2[d] + Char2[f] + Char2[h] + PassWd[x]
+ timeup += 1
+ if timeup == sleep_now:
+ time.sleep(sleep_for)
+ timeup = 0
+ print("[splicex]: " + str(Speed) + "/s " + User[u].replace(" ", "") + " " + NewShowWord.replace(" ", ""))
+ output = os.popen(cmd.replace("PASSWORD", NewPassWd.replace(" ", "")).replace("USERNAME", User[u].replace(" ", ""))).read()
+ if test == None:
+ print(output)
+ elif output.__contains__(test):
+ print("[PASSWORD FOUND]: " + NewShowWord)
+ sys.exit(0)
+ else:
+ print(output)
+ PassAmount += 1
+ Timer = int(round(float(time.time() - StartTime)))
+ Speed = PassAmount / Timer
+ NewShowWord = ShowWord[x] + Char1[h] + Char1[f] + Char1[d] + Char1[b] + Char1[a] + Char1[c] + Char1[e] + Char1[g]
+ NewPassWd = PassWd[x] + Char2[h] + Char2[f] + Char2[d] + Char2[b] + Char2[a] + Char2[c] + Char2[e] + Char2[g]
+ timeup += 1
+ if timeup == sleep_now:
+ time.sleep(sleep_for)
+ timeup = 0
+ print("[splicex]: " + str(Speed) + "/s " + User[u].replace(" ", "") + " " + NewShowWord.replace(" ", ""))
+ output = os.popen(cmd.replace("PASSWORD", NewPassWd.replace(" ", "")).replace("USERNAME", User[u].replace(" ", ""))).read()
+ if test == None:
+ print(output)
+ elif output.__contains__(test):
+ print("[PASSWORD FOUND]: " + NewShowWord)
+ sys.exit(0)
+ else:
+ print(output)
+def BF10():
+ global cmd
+ if NoChar is True:
+ sys.exit('splicex: unable to find password')
+ WordCount = 0
+ for CountWords in ShowWord:
+ WordCount += 1
+ StartTime = time.time()
+ StartTime = StartTime - 1
+ PassAmount = 0
+ timeup = 0
+ for u in range(StateU, UserCount):
+ if length_start > 9:
+ break
+ if length_end < 9:
+ sys.exit('splicex: unable to find password')
+ for a in range(StateA, EndCount):
+ for b in range(StateB, EndCount):
+ for c in range(StateC, EndCount):
+ for d in range(StateD, EndCount):
+ for e in range(StateE, EndCount):
+ for f in range(StateF, EndCount):
+ for g in range(StateG, EndCount):
+ for h in range(StateH, EndCount):
+ for i in range(StateI, EndCount):
+ for x in range(StateW, WordCount):
+ if SaveSwitch is True:
+ WriteSave = []
+ FILE = open(save, 'w')
+ WriteSave.append(str(cmd))
+ WriteSave.append(str(dictionary))
+ WriteSave.append(str(MixCustom))
+ WriteSave.append(str(Custom))
+ WriteSave.append(str(ExhSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(StdoutSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(usernames))
+ WriteSave.append(str(UserSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(AlphaSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(BWSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(CapsSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(L337Switch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(MD5Switch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(NumberSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(RegularSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(SpecialSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(Letters))
+ WriteSave.append(str(Numbers))
+ WriteSave.append(str(Specials))
+ WriteSave.append(str(wep5))
+ WriteSave.append(str(wep13))
+ WriteSave.append(str(SESwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(u))
+ WriteSave.append(str(x))
+ WriteSave.append(str(a))
+ WriteSave.append(str(b))
+ WriteSave.append(str(c))
+ WriteSave.append(str(d))
+ WriteSave.append(str(e))
+ WriteSave.append(str(f))
+ WriteSave.append(str(g))
+ WriteSave.append(str(h))
+ WriteSave.append(str(i))
+ for WriteStates in WriteSave:
+ FILE.write(WriteStates + "\n")
+ FILE.close()
+ PassAmount += 1
+ Timer = int(round(float(time.time() - StartTime)))
+ Speed = PassAmount / Timer
+ NewShowWord = Char1[i] + Char1[g] + Char1[e] + Char1[c] + Char1[a] + ShowWord[x] + Char1[b] + Char1[d] + Char1[f] + Char1[h]
+ NewPassWd = Char2[i] + Char2[g] + Char2[e] + Char2[c] + Char2[a] + PassWd[x] + Char2[b] + Char2[d] + Char2[f] + Char2[h]
+ timeup += 1
+ if timeup == sleep_now:
+ time.sleep(sleep_for)
+ timeup = 0
+ print("[splicex]: " + str(Speed) + "/s " + User[u].replace(" ", "") + " " + NewShowWord.replace(" ", ""))
+ output = os.popen(cmd.replace("PASSWORD", NewPassWd.replace(" ", "")).replace("USERNAME", User[u].replace(" ", ""))).read()
+ if test == None:
+ print(output)
+ elif output.__contains__(test):
+ print("[PASSWORD FOUND]: " + NewShowWord)
+ sys.exit(0)
+ else:
+ print(output)
+ if ExhSwitch is False:
+ PassAmount += 1
+ Timer = int(round(float(time.time() - StartTime)))
+ Speed = PassAmount / Timer
+ NewShowWord = Char1[h] + Char1[f] + Char1[d] + Char1[b] + ShowWord[x] + Char1[a] + Char1[c] + Char1[e] + Char1[g] + Char1[i]
+ NewPassWd = Char2[h] + Char2[f] + Char2[d] + Char2[b] + PassWd[x] + Char2[a] + Char2[c] + Char2[e] + Char2[g] + Char2[i]
+ timeup += 1
+ if timeup == sleep_now:
+ time.sleep(sleep_for)
+ timeup = 0
+ print("[splicex]: " + str(Speed) + "/s " + User[u].replace(" ", "") + " " + NewShowWord.replace(" ", ""))
+ output = os.popen(cmd.replace("PASSWORD", NewPassWd.replace(" ", "")).replace("USERNAME", User[u].replace(" ", ""))).read()
+ if test == None:
+ print(output)
+ elif output.__contains__(test):
+ print("[PASSWORD FOUND]: " + NewShowWord)
+ sys.exit(0)
+ else:
+ print(output)
+ PassAmount += 1
+ Timer = int(round(float(time.time() - StartTime)))
+ Speed = PassAmount / Timer
+ NewShowWord = Char1[i] + Char1[g] + Char1[e] + Char1[c] + Char1[a] + ShowWord[x] + Char1[b] + Char1[d] + Char1[f] + Char1[h] + ShowWord[x]
+ NewPassWd = Char2[i] + Char2[g] + Char2[e] + Char2[c] + Char2[a] + PassWd[x] + Char2[b] + Char2[d] + Char2[f] + Char2[h] + PassWd[x]
+ timeup += 1
+ if timeup == sleep_now:
+ time.sleep(sleep_for)
+ timeup = 0
+ print("[splicex]: " + str(Speed) + "/s " + User[u].replace(" ", "") + " " + NewShowWord.replace(" ", ""))
+ output = os.popen(cmd.replace("PASSWORD", NewPassWd.replace(" ", "")).replace("USERNAME", User[u].replace(" ", ""))).read()
+ if test == None:
+ print(output)
+ elif output.__contains__(test):
+ print("[PASSWORD FOUND]: " + NewShowWord)
+ sys.exit(0)
+ else:
+ print(output)
+ PassAmount += 1
+ Timer = int(round(float(time.time() - StartTime)))
+ Speed = PassAmount / Timer
+ NewShowWord = ShowWord[x] + Char1[h] + Char1[f] + Char1[d] + Char1[b] + Char1[a] + Char1[c] + Char1[e] + Char1[g] + Char1[i]
+ NewPassWd = PassWd[x] + Char2[h] + Char2[f] + Char2[d] + Char2[b] + Char2[a] + Char2[c] + Char2[e] + Char2[g] + Char2[i]
+ timeup += 1
+ if timeup == sleep_now:
+ time.sleep(sleep_for)
+ timeup = 0
+ print("[splicex]: " + str(Speed) + "/s " + User[u].replace(" ", "") + " " + NewShowWord.replace(" ", ""))
+ output = os.popen(cmd.replace("PASSWORD", NewPassWd.replace(" ", "")).replace("USERNAME", User[u].replace(" ", ""))).read()
+ if test == None:
+ print(output)
+ elif output.__contains__(test):
+ print("[PASSWORD FOUND]: " + NewShowWord)
+ sys.exit(0)
+ else:
+ print(output)
+def BF11():
+ global cmd
+ if NoChar is True:
+ sys.exit('splicex: unable to find password')
+ WordCount = 0
+ for CountWords in ShowWord:
+ WordCount += 1
+ StartTime = time.time()
+ StartTime = StartTime - 1
+ PassAmount = 0
+ timeup = 0
+ for u in range(StateU, UserCount):
+ if length_start > 10:
+ break
+ if length_end < 10:
+ sys.exit('splicex: unable to find password')
+ for a in range(StateA, EndCount):
+ for b in range(StateB, EndCount):
+ for c in range(StateC, EndCount):
+ for d in range(StateD, EndCount):
+ for e in range(StateE, EndCount):
+ for f in range(StateF, EndCount):
+ for g in range(StateG, EndCount):
+ for h in range(StateH, EndCount):
+ for i in range(StateI, EndCount):
+ for j in range(StateJ, EndCount):
+ for x in range(StateW, WordCount):
+ if SaveSwitch is True:
+ WriteSave = []
+ FILE = open(save, 'w')
+ WriteSave.append(str(cmd))
+ WriteSave.append(str(dictionary))
+ WriteSave.append(str(MixCustom))
+ WriteSave.append(str(Custom))
+ WriteSave.append(str(ExhSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(StdoutSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(usernames))
+ WriteSave.append(str(UserSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(AlphaSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(BWSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(CapsSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(L337Switch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(MD5Switch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(NumberSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(RegularSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(SpecialSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(Letters))
+ WriteSave.append(str(Numbers))
+ WriteSave.append(str(Specials))
+ WriteSave.append(str(wep5))
+ WriteSave.append(str(wep13))
+ WriteSave.append(str(SESwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(u))
+ WriteSave.append(str(x))
+ WriteSave.append(str(a))
+ WriteSave.append(str(b))
+ WriteSave.append(str(c))
+ WriteSave.append(str(d))
+ WriteSave.append(str(e))
+ WriteSave.append(str(f))
+ WriteSave.append(str(g))
+ WriteSave.append(str(h))
+ WriteSave.append(str(i))
+ WriteSave.append(str(j))
+ for WriteStates in WriteSave:
+ FILE.write(WriteStates + "\n")
+ FILE.close()
+ PassAmount += 1
+ Timer = int(round(float(time.time() - StartTime)))
+ Speed = PassAmount / Timer
+ NewShowWord = Char1[i] + Char1[g] + Char1[e] + Char1[c] + Char1[a] + ShowWord[x] + Char1[b] + Char1[d] + Char1[f] + Char1[h] + Char1[j]
+ NewPassWd = Char2[i] + Char2[g] + Char2[e] + Char2[c] + Char2[a] + PassWd[x] + Char2[b] + Char2[d] + Char2[f] + Char2[h] + Char2[j]
+ timeup += 1
+ if timeup == sleep_now:
+ time.sleep(sleep_for)
+ timeup = 0
+ print("[splicex]: " + str(Speed) + "/s " + User[u].replace(" ", "") + " " + NewShowWord.replace(" ", ""))
+ cmd = os.popen(cmd.replace("PASSWORD", NewPassWd.replace(" ", "")).replace('USERNAME', User[u].replace(" ", "")))
+ if test == None:
+ print(output)
+ elif output.__contains__(test):
+ print("[PASSWORD FOUND]: " + NewShowWord)
+ sys.exit(0)
+ else:
+ print(output)
+ if ExhSwitch is False:
+ PassAmount += 1
+ Timer = int(round(float(time.time() - StartTime)))
+ Speed = PassAmount / Timer
+ NewShowWord = Char1[i] + Char1[g] + Char1[e] + Char1[c] + Char1[a] + Char1[b] + Char1[d] + Char1[f] + Char1[h] + Char1[j] + ShowWord[x]
+ NewPassWd = Char2[i] + Char2[g] + Char2[e] + Char2[c] + Char2[a] + Char2[b] + Char2[d] + Char2[f] + Char2[h] + Char2[j] + PassWd[x]
+ timeup += 1
+ if timeup == sleep_now:
+ time.sleep(sleep_for)
+ timeup = 0
+ print("[splicex]: " + str(Speed) + "/s " + User[u].replace(" ", "") + " " + NewShowWord.replace(" ", ""))
+ output = os.popen(cmd.replace("PASSWORD", NewPassWd.replace(" ", "")).replace("USERNAME", User[u].replace(" ", ""))).read()
+ if test == None:
+ print(output)
+ elif output.__contains__(test):
+ print("[PASSWORD FOUND]: " + NewShowWord)
+ sys.exit(0)
+ else:
+ print(output)
+ PassAmount += 1
+ Timer = int(round(float(time.time() - StartTime)))
+ Speed = PassAmount / Timer
+ NewShowWord = ShowWord[x] + Char1[j] + Char1[h] + Char1[f] + Char1[d] + Char1[b] + Char1[a] + Char1[c] + Char1[e] + Char1[g] + Char1[i]
+ NewPassWd = PassWd[x] + Char2[j] + Char2[h] + Char2[f] + Char2[d] + Char2[b] + Char2[a] + Char2[c] + Char2[e] + Char2[g] + Char2[i]
+ timeup += 1
+ if timeup == sleep_now:
+ time.sleep(sleep_for)
+ timeup = 0
+ print("[splicex]: " + str(Speed) + "/s " + User[u].replace(" ", "") + " " + NewShowWord.replace(" ", ""))
+ output = os.popen(cmd.replace("PASSWORD", NewPassWd.replace(" ", "")).replace("USERNAME", User[u].replace(" ", ""))).read()
+ if test == None:
+ print(output)
+ elif output.__contains__(test):
+ print("[PASSWORD FOUND]: " + NewShowWord)
+ sys.exit(0)
+ else:
+ print(output)
+def SBF1():
+ WordCount = 0
+ for CountWords in ShowWord:
+ WordCount += 1
+ for u in range(StateU, UserCount):
+ if length_start > 0:
+ break
+ if length_end < 0:
+ sys.exit(0)
+ for x in range(StateW, WordCount):
+ if SaveSwitch is True:
+ WriteSave = []
+ FILE = open(save, 'w')
+ WriteSave.append(str(cmd))
+ WriteSave.append(str(dictionary))
+ WriteSave.append(str(MixCustom))
+ WriteSave.append(str(Custom))
+ WriteSave.append(str(ExhSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(StdoutSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(usernames))
+ WriteSave.append(str(UserSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(AlphaSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(BWSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(CapsSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(L337Switch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(MD5Switch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(NumberSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(RegularSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(SpecialSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(Letters))
+ WriteSave.append(str(Numbers))
+ WriteSave.append(str(Specials))
+ WriteSave.append(str(wep5))
+ WriteSave.append(str(wep13))
+ WriteSave.append(str(SESwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(u))
+ WriteSave.append(str(x))
+ for WriteStates in WriteSave:
+ FILE.write(WriteStates + "\n")
+ FILE.close()
+ NewShowWord = ShowWord[x]
+ print(NewShowWord.replace(" ", ""))
+def SBF2():
+ WordCount = 0
+ for CountWords in ShowWord:
+ WordCount += 1
+ if NoChar is True:
+ sys.exit(0)
+ for u in range(StateU, UserCount):
+ if length_start > 1:
+ break
+ if length_end < 1:
+ sys.exit(0)
+ for a in range(StateA, EndCount):
+ for x in range(StateW, WordCount):
+ if SaveSwitch is True:
+ WriteSave = []
+ FILE = open(save, 'w')
+ WriteSave.append(str(cmd))
+ WriteSave.append(str(dictionary))
+ WriteSave.append(str(MixCustom))
+ WriteSave.append(str(Custom))
+ WriteSave.append(str(ExhSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(StdoutSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(usernames))
+ WriteSave.append(str(UserSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(AlphaSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(BWSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(CapsSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(L337Switch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(MD5Switch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(NumberSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(RegularSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(SpecialSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(Letters))
+ WriteSave.append(str(Numbers))
+ WriteSave.append(str(Specials))
+ WriteSave.append(str(wep5))
+ WriteSave.append(str(wep13))
+ WriteSave.append(str(SESwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(u))
+ WriteSave.append(str(x))
+ WriteSave.append(str(a))
+ for WriteStates in WriteSave:
+ FILE.write(WriteStates + "\n")
+ FILE.close()
+ NewShowWord = Char1[a] + ShowWord[x]
+ print(NewShowWord.replace(" ", ""))
+ if ExhSwitch is False:
+ NewShowWord = ShowWord[x] + Char1[a]
+ print(NewShowWord.replace(" ", ""))
+def SBF3():
+ WordCount = 0
+ for CountWords in ShowWord:
+ WordCount += 1
+ if NoChar is True:
+ sys.exit(0)
+ for u in range(StateU, UserCount):
+ if length_start > 2:
+ break
+ if length_end < 2:
+ sys.exit(0)
+ for a in range(StateA, EndCount):
+ for b in range(StateB, EndCount):
+ for x in range(StateW, WordCount):
+ if SaveSwitch is True:
+ WriteSave = []
+ FILE = open(save, 'w')
+ WriteSave.append(str(cmd))
+ WriteSave.append(str(dictionary))
+ WriteSave.append(str(MixCustom))
+ WriteSave.append(str(Custom))
+ WriteSave.append(str(ExhSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(StdoutSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(usernames))
+ WriteSave.append(str(UserSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(AlphaSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(BWSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(CapsSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(L337Switch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(MD5Switch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(NumberSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(RegularSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(SpecialSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(Letters))
+ WriteSave.append(str(Numbers))
+ WriteSave.append(str(Specials))
+ WriteSave.append(str(wep5))
+ WriteSave.append(str(wep13))
+ WriteSave.append(str(SESwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(u))
+ WriteSave.append(str(x))
+ WriteSave.append(str(a))
+ WriteSave.append(str(b))
+ for WriteStates in WriteSave:
+ FILE.write(WriteStates + "\n")
+ FILE.close()
+ NewShowWord = Char1[a] + ShowWord[x] + Char1[b]
+ print(NewShowWord.replace(" ", ""))
+ if ExhSwitch is False:
+ NewShowWord = Char1[a] + Char1[b] + ShowWord[x]
+ print(NewShowWord.replace(" ", ""))
+ NewShowWord = ShowWord[x] + Char1[b] + Char1[a]
+ print(NewShowWord.replace(" ", ""))
+def SBF4():
+ WordCount = 0
+ for CountWords in ShowWord:
+ WordCount += 1
+ if NoChar is True:
+ sys.exit(0)
+ for u in range(StateU, UserCount):
+ if length_start > 3:
+ break
+ if length_end < 3:
+ sys.exit(0)
+ for a in range(StateA, EndCount):
+ for b in range(StateB, EndCount):
+ for c in range(StateC, EndCount):
+ for x in range(StateW, WordCount):
+ if SaveSwitch is True:
+ WriteSave = []
+ FILE = open(save, 'w')
+ WriteSave.append(str(cmd))
+ WriteSave.append(str(dictionary))
+ WriteSave.append(str(MixCustom))
+ WriteSave.append(str(Custom))
+ WriteSave.append(str(ExhSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(StdoutSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(usernames))
+ WriteSave.append(str(UserSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(AlphaSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(BWSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(CapsSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(L337Switch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(MD5Switch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(NumberSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(RegularSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(SpecialSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(Letters))
+ WriteSave.append(str(Numbers))
+ WriteSave.append(str(Specials))
+ WriteSave.append(str(wep5))
+ WriteSave.append(str(wep13))
+ WriteSave.append(str(SESwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(u))
+ WriteSave.append(str(x))
+ WriteSave.append(str(a))
+ WriteSave.append(str(b))
+ WriteSave.append(str(c))
+ for WriteStates in WriteSave:
+ FILE.write(WriteStates + "\n")
+ FILE.close()
+ NewShowWord = Char1[c] + Char1[a] + ShowWord[x] + Char1[b]
+ print(NewShowWord.replace(" ", ""))
+ if ExhSwitch is False:
+ NewShowWord = Char1[b] + ShowWord[x] + Char1[a] + Char1[c]
+ print(NewShowWord.replace(" ", ""))
+ NewShowWord = Char1[c] + Char1[a] + Char1[b] + ShowWord[x]
+ print(NewShowWord.replace(" ", ""))
+ NewShowWord = ShowWord[x] + Char1[b] + Char1[a] + Char1[c]
+ print(NewShowWord.replace(" ", ""))
+def SBF5():
+ WordCount = 0
+ for CountWords in ShowWord:
+ WordCount += 1
+ if NoChar is True:
+ sys.exit(0)
+ for u in range(StateU, UserCount):
+ if length_start > 4:
+ break
+ if length_end < 4:
+ sys.exit(0)
+ for a in range(StateA, EndCount):
+ for b in range(StateB, EndCount):
+ for c in range(StateC, EndCount):
+ for d in range(StateD, EndCount):
+ for x in range(StateW, WordCount):
+ if SaveSwitch is True:
+ WriteSave = []
+ FILE = open(save, 'w')
+ WriteSave.append(str(cmd))
+ WriteSave.append(str(dictionary))
+ WriteSave.append(str(MixCustom))
+ WriteSave.append(str(Custom))
+ WriteSave.append(str(ExhSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(StdoutSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(usernames))
+ WriteSave.append(str(UserSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(AlphaSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(BWSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(CapsSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(L337Switch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(MD5Switch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(NumberSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(RegularSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(SpecialSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(Letters))
+ WriteSave.append(str(Numbers))
+ WriteSave.append(str(Specials))
+ WriteSave.append(str(wep5))
+ WriteSave.append(str(wep13))
+ WriteSave.append(str(SESwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(u))
+ WriteSave.append(str(x))
+ WriteSave.append(str(a))
+ WriteSave.append(str(b))
+ WriteSave.append(str(c))
+ WriteSave.append(str(d))
+ for WriteStates in WriteSave:
+ FILE.write(WriteStates + "\n")
+ FILE.close()
+ NewShowWord = Char1[c] + Char1[a] + ShowWord[x] + Char1[b] + Char1[d]
+ print(NewShowWord.replace(" ", ""))
+ if ExhSwitch is False:
+ NewShowWord = Char1[c] + Char1[a] + Char1[b] + Char1[d] + ShowWord[x]
+ print(NewShowWord.replace(" ", ""))
+ NewShowWord = ShowWord[x] + Char1[d] + Char1[b] + Char1[a] + Char1[c]
+ print(NewShowWord.replace(" ", ""))
+def SBF6():
+ WordCount = 0
+ for CountWords in ShowWord:
+ WordCount += 1
+ if NoChar is True:
+ sys.exit(0)
+ for u in range(StateU, UserCount):
+ if length_start > 5:
+ break
+ if length_end < 5:
+ sys.exit(0)
+ for a in range(StateA, EndCount):
+ for b in range(StateB, EndCount):
+ for c in range(StateC, EndCount):
+ for d in range(StateD, EndCount):
+ for e in range(StateE, EndCount):
+ for x in range(StateW, WordCount):
+ if SaveSwitch is True:
+ WriteSave = []
+ FILE = open(save, 'w')
+ WriteSave.append(str(cmd))
+ WriteSave.append(str(dictionary))
+ WriteSave.append(str(MixCustom))
+ WriteSave.append(str(Custom))
+ WriteSave.append(str(ExhSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(StdoutSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(usernames))
+ WriteSave.append(str(UserSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(AlphaSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(BWSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(CapsSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(L337Switch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(MD5Switch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(NumberSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(RegularSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(SpecialSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(Letters))
+ WriteSave.append(str(Numbers))
+ WriteSave.append(str(Specials))
+ WriteSave.append(str(wep5))
+ WriteSave.append(str(wep13))
+ WriteSave.append(str(SESwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(u))
+ WriteSave.append(str(x))
+ WriteSave.append(str(a))
+ WriteSave.append(str(b))
+ WriteSave.append(str(c))
+ WriteSave.append(str(d))
+ WriteSave.append(str(e))
+ for WriteStates in WriteSave:
+ FILE.write(WriteStates + "\n")
+ FILE.close()
+ NewShowWord = Char1[e] + Char1[c] + Char1[a] + ShowWord[x] + Char1[b] + Char1[d]
+ print(NewShowWord.replace(" ", ""))
+ if ExhSwitch is False:
+ NewShowWord = Char1[d] + Char1[b] + ShowWord[x] + Char1[a] + Char1[c] + Char1[e]
+ print(NewShowWord.replace(" ", ""))
+ NewShowWord = Char1[e] + Char1[c] + Char1[a] + Char1[b] + Char1[d] + ShowWord[x]
+ print(NewShowWord.replace(" ", ""))
+ NewShowWord = ShowWord[x] + Char1[d] + Char1[b] + Char1[a] + Char1[c] + Char1[e]
+ print(NewShowWord.replace(" ", ""))
+def SBF7():
+ WordCount = 0
+ for CountWords in ShowWord:
+ WordCount += 1
+ if NoChar is True:
+ sys.exit(0)
+ for u in range(StateU, UserCount):
+ if length_start > 6:
+ break
+ if length_end < 6:
+ sys.exit(0)
+ for a in range(StateA, EndCount):
+ for b in range(StateB, EndCount):
+ for c in range(StateC, EndCount):
+ for d in range(StateD, EndCount):
+ for e in range(StateE, EndCount):
+ for f in range(StateF, EndCount):
+ for x in range(StateW, WordCount):
+ if SaveSwitch is True:
+ WriteSave = []
+ FILE = open(save, 'w')
+ WriteSave.append(str(cmd))
+ WriteSave.append(str(dictionary))
+ WriteSave.append(str(MixCustom))
+ WriteSave.append(str(Custom))
+ WriteSave.append(str(ExhSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(StdoutSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(usernames))
+ WriteSave.append(str(UserSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(AlphaSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(BWSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(CapsSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(L337Switch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(MD5Switch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(NumberSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(RegularSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(SpecialSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(Letters))
+ WriteSave.append(str(Numbers))
+ WriteSave.append(str(Specials))
+ WriteSave.append(str(wep5))
+ WriteSave.append(str(wep13))
+ WriteSave.append(str(SESwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(u))
+ WriteSave.append(str(x))
+ WriteSave.append(str(a))
+ WriteSave.append(str(b))
+ WriteSave.append(str(c))
+ WriteSave.append(str(d))
+ WriteSave.append(str(e))
+ WriteSave.append(str(f))
+ for WriteStates in WriteSave:
+ FILE.write(WriteStates + "\n")
+ FILE.close()
+ NewShowWord = Char1[e] + Char1[c] + Char1[a] + ShowWord[x] + Char1[b] + Char1[d] + Char1[f]
+ print(NewShowWord.replace(" ", ""))
+ if ExhSwitch is False:
+ NewShowWord = Char1[e] + Char1[c] + Char1[a] + Char1[b] + Char1[d] + Char1[f] + ShowWord[x]
+ print(NewShowWord.replace(" ", ""))
+ NewShowWord = ShowWord[x] + Char1[f] + Char1[d] + Char1[b] + Char1[a] + Char1[c] + Char1[e]
+ print(NewShowWord.replace(" ", ""))
+def SBF8():
+ WordCount = 0
+ for CountWords in ShowWord:
+ WordCount += 1
+ if NoChar is True:
+ sys.exit(0)
+ for u in range(StateU, UserCount):
+ if length_start > 7:
+ break
+ if length_end < 7:
+ sys.exit(0)
+ for a in range(StateA, EndCount):
+ for b in range(StateB, EndCount):
+ for c in range(StateC, EndCount):
+ for d in range(StateD, EndCount):
+ for e in range(StateE, EndCount):
+ for f in range(StateF, EndCount):
+ for g in range(StateG, EndCount):
+ for x in range(StateW, WordCount):
+ if SaveSwitch is True:
+ WriteSave = []
+ FILE = open(save, 'w')
+ WriteSave.append(str(cmd))
+ WriteSave.append(str(dictionary))
+ WriteSave.append(str(MixCustom))
+ WriteSave.append(str(Custom))
+ WriteSave.append(str(ExhSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(StdoutSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(usernames))
+ WriteSave.append(str(UserSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(AlphaSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(BWSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(CapsSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(L337Switch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(MD5Switch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(NumberSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(RegularSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(SpecialSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(Letters))
+ WriteSave.append(str(Numbers))
+ WriteSave.append(str(Specials))
+ WriteSave.append(str(wep5))
+ WriteSave.append(str(wep13))
+ WriteSave.append(str(SESwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(u))
+ WriteSave.append(str(x))
+ WriteSave.append(str(a))
+ WriteSave.append(str(b))
+ WriteSave.append(str(c))
+ WriteSave.append(str(d))
+ WriteSave.append(str(e))
+ WriteSave.append(str(f))
+ WriteSave.append(str(g))
+ for WriteStates in WriteSave:
+ FILE.write(WriteStates + "\n")
+ FILE.close()
+ NewShowWord = Char1[g] + Char1[e] + Char1[c] + Char1[a] + ShowWord[x] + Char1[b] + Char1[d] + Char1[f]
+ print(NewShowWord.replace(" ", ""))
+ if ExhSwitch is False:
+ NewShowWord = Char1[f] + Char1[d] + Char1[b] + ShowWord[x] + Char1[a] + Char1[c] + Char1[e] + Char1[g]
+ print(NewShowWord.replace(" ", ""))
+ NewShowWord = Char1[g] + Char1[e] + Char1[c] + Char1[a] + Char1[b] + Char1[d] + Char1[f] + ShowWord[x]
+ print(NewShowWord.replace(" ", ""))
+ NewShowWord = ShowWord[x] + Char1[f] + Char1[d] + Char1[b] + Char1[a] + Char1[c] + Char1[e] + Char1[g]
+ print(NewShowWord.replace(" ", ""))
+def SBF9():
+ WordCount = 0
+ for CountWords in ShowWord:
+ WordCount += 1
+ if NoChar is True:
+ sys.exit(0)
+ for u in range(StateU, UserCount):
+ if length_start > 8:
+ break
+ if length_end < 8:
+ sys.exit(0)
+ for a in range(StateA, EndCount):
+ for b in range(StateB, EndCount):
+ for c in range(StateC, EndCount):
+ for d in range(StateD, EndCount):
+ for e in range(StateE, EndCount):
+ for f in range(StateF, EndCount):
+ for g in range(StateG, EndCount):
+ for h in range(StateH, EndCount):
+ for x in range(StateW, WordCount):
+ if SaveSwitch is True:
+ WriteSave = []
+ FILE = open(save, 'w')
+ WriteSave.append(str(cmd))
+ WriteSave.append(str(dictionary))
+ WriteSave.append(str(MixCustom))
+ WriteSave.append(str(Custom))
+ WriteSave.append(str(ExhSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(StdoutSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(usernames))
+ WriteSave.append(str(UserSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(AlphaSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(BWSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(CapsSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(L337Switch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(MD5Switch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(NumberSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(RegularSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(SpecialSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(Letters))
+ WriteSave.append(str(Numbers))
+ WriteSave.append(str(Specials))
+ WriteSave.append(str(wep5))
+ WriteSave.append(str(wep13))
+ WriteSave.append(str(SESwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(u))
+ WriteSave.append(str(x))
+ WriteSave.append(str(a))
+ WriteSave.append(str(b))
+ WriteSave.append(str(c))
+ WriteSave.append(str(d))
+ WriteSave.append(str(e))
+ WriteSave.append(str(f))
+ WriteSave.append(str(g))
+ WriteSave.append(str(h))
+ for WriteStates in WriteSave:
+ FILE.write(WriteStates + "\n")
+ FILE.close()
+ NewShowWord = Char1[g] + Char1[e] + Char1[c] + Char1[a] + ShowWord[x] + Char1[b] + Char1[d] + Char1[f] + Char1[h]
+ print(NewShowWord.replace(" ", ""))
+ if ExhSwitch is False:
+ NewShowWord = Char1[g] + Char1[e] + Char1[c] + Char1[a] +Char1[b] + Char1[d] + Char1[f] + Char1[h] + ShowWord[x]
+ print(NewShowWord.replace(" ", ""))
+ NewShowWord = ShowWord[x] + Char1[h] + Char1[f] + Char1[d] + Char1[b] + Char1[a] + Char1[c] + Char1[e] + Char1[g]
+ print(NewShowWord.replace(" ", ""))
+def SBF10():
+ WordCount = 0
+ for CountWords in ShowWord:
+ WordCount += 1
+ if NoChar is True:
+ sys.exit(0)
+ for u in range(StateU, UserCount):
+ if length_start > 9:
+ break
+ if length_end < 9:
+ sys.exit(0)
+ for a in range(StateA, EndCount):
+ for b in range(StateB, EndCount):
+ for c in range(StateC, EndCount):
+ for d in range(StateD, EndCount):
+ for e in range(StateE, EndCount):
+ for f in range(StateF, EndCount):
+ for g in range(StateG, EndCount):
+ for h in range(StateH, EndCount):
+ for i in range(StateI, EndCount):
+ for x in range(StateW, WordCount):
+ if SaveSwitch is True:
+ WriteSave = []
+ FILE = open(save, 'w')
+ WriteSave.append(str(cmd))
+ WriteSave.append(str(dictionary))
+ WriteSave.append(str(MixCustom))
+ WriteSave.append(str(Custom))
+ WriteSave.append(str(ExhSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(StdoutSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(usernames))
+ WriteSave.append(str(UserSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(AlphaSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(BWSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(CapsSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(L337Switch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(MD5Switch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(NumberSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(RegularSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(SpecialSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(Letters))
+ WriteSave.append(str(Numbers))
+ WriteSave.append(str(Specials))
+ WriteSave.append(str(wep5))
+ WriteSave.append(str(wep13))
+ WriteSave.append(str(SESwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(u))
+ WriteSave.append(str(x))
+ WriteSave.append(str(a))
+ WriteSave.append(str(b))
+ WriteSave.append(str(c))
+ WriteSave.append(str(d))
+ WriteSave.append(str(e))
+ WriteSave.append(str(f))
+ WriteSave.append(str(g))
+ WriteSave.append(str(h))
+ WriteSave.append(str(i))
+ for WriteStates in WriteSave:
+ FILE.write(WriteStates + "\n")
+ FILE.close()
+ NewShowWord = Char1[i] + Char1[g] + Char1[e] + Char1[c] + Char1[a] + ShowWord[x] + Char1[b] + Char1[d] + Char1[f] + Char1[h]
+ print(NewShowWord.replace(" ", ""))
+ if ExhSwitch is False:
+ NewShowWord = Char1[h] + Char1[f] + Char1[d] + Char1[b] + ShowWord[x] + Char1[a] + Char1[c] + Char1[e] + Char1[g] + Char1[i]
+ print(NewShowWord.replace(" ", ""))
+ NewShowWord = Char1[i] + Char1[g] + Char1[e] + Char1[c] + Char1[a] + ShowWord[x] + Char1[b] + Char1[d] + Char1[f] + Char1[h] + ShowWord[x]
+ print(NewShowWord.replace(" ", ""))
+ NewShowWord = ShowWord[x] + Char1[h] + Char1[f] + Char1[d] + Char1[b] + Char1[a] + Char1[c] + Char1[e] + Char1[g] + Char1[i]
+ print(NewShowWord.replace(" ", ""))
+def SBF11():
+ WordCount = 0
+ for CountWords in ShowWord:
+ WordCount += 1
+ if NoChar is True:
+ sys.exit(0)
+ for u in range(StateU, UserCount):
+ if length_start > 10:
+ break
+ if length_end < 10:
+ sys.exit(0)
+ for a in range(StateA, EndCount):
+ for b in range(StateB, EndCount):
+ for c in range(StateC, EndCount):
+ for d in range(StateD, EndCount):
+ for e in range(StateE, EndCount):
+ for f in range(StateF, EndCount):
+ for g in range(StateG, EndCount):
+ for h in range(StateH, EndCount):
+ for i in range(StateI, EndCount):
+ for j in range(StateJ, EndCount):
+ for x in range(StateW, WordCount):
+ if SaveSwitch is True:
+ WriteSave = []
+ FILE = open(save, 'w')
+ WriteSave.append(str(cmd))
+ WriteSave.append(str(dictionary))
+ WriteSave.append(str(MixCustom))
+ WriteSave.append(str(Custom))
+ WriteSave.append(str(ExhSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(StdoutSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(usernames))
+ WriteSave.append(str(UserSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(AlphaSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(BWSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(CapsSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(L337Switch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(MD5Switch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(NumberSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(RegularSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(SpecialSwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(Letters))
+ WriteSave.append(str(Numbers))
+ WriteSave.append(str(Specials))
+ WriteSave.append(str(wep5))
+ WriteSave.append(str(wep13))
+ WriteSave.append(str(SESwitch))
+ WriteSave.append(str(u))
+ WriteSave.append(str(x))
+ WriteSave.append(str(a))
+ WriteSave.append(str(b))
+ WriteSave.append(str(c))
+ WriteSave.append(str(d))
+ WriteSave.append(str(e))
+ WriteSave.append(str(f))
+ WriteSave.append(str(g))
+ WriteSave.append(str(h))
+ WriteSave.append(str(i))
+ WriteSave.append(str(j))
+ for WriteStates in WriteSave:
+ FILE.write(WriteStates + "\n")
+ FILE.close()
+ NewShowWord = Char1[i] + Char1[g] + Char1[e] + Char1[c] + Char1[a] + ShowWord[x] + Char1[b] + Char1[d] + Char1[f] + Char1[h] + Char1[j]
+ print(NewShowWord.replace(" ", ""))
+ if ExhSwitch is False:
+ NewShowWord = Char1[i] + Char1[g] + Char1[e] + Char1[c] + Char1[a] + Char1[b] + Char1[d] + Char1[f] + Char1[h] + Char1[j] + ShowWord[x]
+ print(NewShowWord.replace(" ", ""))
+ NewShowWord = ShowWord[x] + Char1[j] + Char1[h] + Char1[f] + Char1[d] + Char1[b] + Char1[a] + Char1[c] + Char1[e] + Char1[g] + Char1[i]
+ print(NewShowWord.replace(" ", ""))
+if Create is True:
+ CFILE = open("splicex.create", 'w')
+ for WCreate in ShowWord:
+ CFILE.write(WCreate + "\n")
+ CFILE.close()
+ sys.exit(0)
+if RestoreSwitch is False:
+ StateCount = 0
+if RestoreSwitch is False and StdoutSwitch is False:
+ StateU = 0
+ StateW = 0
+ StateA = 0
+ StateB = 0
+ StateC = 0
+ StateD = 0
+ StateE = 0
+ StateF = 0
+ StateG = 0
+ StateH = 0
+ StateI = 0
+ StateJ = 0
+ BF1()
+ BF2()
+ BF3()
+ BF4()
+ BF5()
+ BF6()
+ BF7()
+ BF8()
+ BF9()
+ BF10()
+ BF11()
+ sys.exit("splicex: unable to find password")
+if StateCount == 22 and RestoreSwitch is True and StdoutSwitch is False:
+ StateU = int(State[22])
+ StateW = 0
+ StateA = 0
+ StateB = 0
+ StateC = 0
+ StateD = 0
+ StateE = 0
+ StateF = 0
+ StateG = 0
+ StateH = 0
+ StateI = 0
+ StateJ = 0
+ BF1()
+ StateW = 0
+ StateA = 0
+ StateB = 0
+ StateC = 0
+ StateD = 0
+ StateE = 0
+ StateF = 0
+ StateG = 0
+ StateH = 0
+ StateI = 0
+ StateJ = 0
+ BF2()
+ BF3()
+ BF4()
+ BF5()
+ BF6()
+ BF7()
+ BF8()
+ BF9()
+ BF10()
+ BF11()
+ sys.exit("splicex: unable to find password")
+if StateCount == 21 and RestoreSwitch is True and StdoutSwitch is False:
+ StateU = int(State[22])
+ StateW = int(State[23])
+ StateA = 0
+ StateB = 0
+ StateC = 0
+ StateD = 0
+ StateE = 0
+ StateF = 0
+ StateG = 0
+ StateH = 0
+ StateI = 0
+ StateJ = 0
+ BF1()
+ StateW = 0
+ StateA = 0
+ StateB = 0
+ StateC = 0
+ StateD = 0
+ StateE = 0
+ StateF = 0
+ StateG = 0
+ StateH = 0
+ StateI = 0
+ StateJ = 0
+ BF2()
+ BF3()
+ BF4()
+ BF5()
+ BF6()
+ BF7()
+ BF8()
+ BF9()
+ BF10()
+ BF11()
+ sys.exit("splicex: unable to find password")
+elif StateCount == 24 and RestoreSwitch is True and StdoutSwitch is False:
+ StateU = int(State[22])
+ StateW = int(State[23])
+ StateA = int(State[24])
+ StateB = 0
+ StateC = 0
+ StateD = 0
+ StateE = 0
+ StateF = 0
+ StateG = 0
+ StateH = 0
+ StateI = 0
+ StateJ = 0
+ BF2()
+ StateW = 0
+ StateA = 0
+ StateB = 0
+ StateC = 0
+ StateD = 0
+ StateE = 0
+ StateF = 0
+ StateG = 0
+ StateH = 0
+ StateI = 0
+ StateJ = 0
+ BF3()
+ BF4()
+ BF5()
+ BF6()
+ BF7()
+ BF8()
+ BF9()
+ BF10()
+ BF11()
+ sys.exit("splicex: unable to find password")
+elif StateCount == 25 and RestoreSwitch is True and StdoutSwitch is False:
+ StateU = int(State[22])
+ StateW = int(State[23])
+ StateA = int(State[24])
+ StateB = int(State[25])
+ StateC = 0
+ StateD = 0
+ StateE = 0
+ StateF = 0
+ StateG = 0
+ StateH = 0
+ StateI = 0
+ StateJ = 0
+ BF3()
+ StateW = 0
+ StateA = 0
+ StateB = 0
+ StateC = 0
+ StateD = 0
+ StateE = 0
+ StateF = 0
+ StateG = 0
+ StateH = 0
+ StateI = 0
+ StateJ = 0
+ BF4()
+ BF5()
+ BF6()
+ BF7()
+ BF8()
+ BF9()
+ BF10()
+ BF11()
+ sys.exit("splicex: unable to find password")
+elif StateCount == 26 and RestoreSwitch is True and StdoutSwitch is False:
+ StateU = int(State[22])
+ StateW = int(State[23])
+ StateA = int(State[24])
+ StateB = int(State[25])
+ StateC = int(State[26])
+ StateD = 0
+ StateE = 0
+ StateF = 0
+ StateG = 0
+ StateH = 0
+ StateI = 0
+ StateJ = 0
+ BF4()
+ StateW = 0
+ StateA = 0
+ StateB = 0
+ StateC = 0
+ StateD = 0
+ StateE = 0
+ StateF = 0
+ StateG = 0
+ StateH = 0
+ StateI = 0
+ StateJ = 0
+ BF5()
+ BF6()
+ BF7()
+ BF8()
+ BF9()
+ BF10()
+ BF11()
+ sys.exit("splicex: unable to find password")
+elif StateCount == 27 and RestoreSwitch is True and StdoutSwitch is False:
+ StateU = int(State[22])
+ StateW = int(State[23])
+ StateA = int(State[24])
+ StateB = int(State[25])
+ StateC = int(State[26])
+ StateD = int(State[27])
+ StateE = 0
+ StateF = 0
+ StateG = 0
+ StateH = 0
+ StateI = 0
+ StateJ = 0
+ BF5()
+ StateW = 0
+ StateA = 0
+ StateB = 0
+ StateC = 0
+ StateD = 0
+ StateE = 0
+ StateF = 0
+ StateG = 0
+ StateH = 0
+ StateI = 0
+ StateJ = 0
+ BF6()
+ BF7()
+ BF8()
+ BF9()
+ BF10()
+ BF11()
+ sys.exit("splicex: unable to find password")
+elif StateCount == 28 and RestoreSwitch is True and StdoutSwitch is False:
+ StateU = int(State[22])
+ StateW = int(State[23])
+ StateA = int(State[24])
+ StateB = int(State[25])
+ StateC = int(State[26])
+ StateD = int(State[27])
+ StateE = int(State[28])
+ StateF = 0
+ StateG = 0
+ StateH = 0
+ StateI = 0
+ StateJ = 0
+ BF6()
+ StateW = 0
+ StateA = 0
+ StateB = 0
+ StateC = 0
+ StateD = 0
+ StateE = 0
+ StateF = 0
+ StateG = 0
+ StateH = 0
+ StateI = 0
+ StateJ = 0
+ BF7()
+ BF8()
+ BF9()
+ BF10()
+ BF11()
+ sys.exit("splicex: unable to find password")
+elif StateCount == 29 and RestoreSwitch is True and StdoutSwitch is False:
+ StateU = int(State[22])
+ StateW = int(State[23])
+ StateA = int(State[24])
+ StateB = int(State[25])
+ StateC = int(State[26])
+ StateD = int(State[27])
+ StateE = int(State[28])
+ StateF = int(State[29])
+ StateG = 0
+ StateH = 0
+ StateI = 0
+ StateJ = 0
+ BF7()
+ StateW = 0
+ StateA = 0
+ StateB = 0
+ StateC = 0
+ StateD = 0
+ StateE = 0
+ StateF = 0
+ StateG = 0
+ StateH = 0
+ StateI = 0
+ StateJ = 0
+ BF8()
+ BF9()
+ BF10()
+ BF11()
+ sys.exit("splicex: unable to find password")
+elif StateCount == 30 and RestoreSwitch is True and StdoutSwitch is False:
+ StateU = int(State[22])
+ StateW = int(State[23])
+ StateA = int(State[24])
+ StateB = int(State[25])
+ StateC = int(State[26])
+ StateD = int(State[27])
+ StateE = int(State[28])
+ StateF = int(State[29])
+ StateG = int(State[30])
+ StateH = 0
+ StateI = 0
+ StateJ = 0
+ BF8()
+ StateW = 0
+ StateA = 0
+ StateB = 0
+ StateC = 0
+ StateD = 0
+ StateE = 0
+ StateF = 0
+ StateG = 0
+ StateH = 0
+ StateI = 0
+ StateJ = 0
+ BF9()
+ BF10()
+ BF11()
+ sys.exit("splicex: unable to find password")
+elif StateCount == 30 and RestoreSwitch is True and StdoutSwitch is False:
+ StateU = int(State[22])
+ StateW = int(State[23])
+ StateA = int(State[24])
+ StateB = int(State[25])
+ StateC = int(State[26])
+ StateD = int(State[27])
+ StateE = int(State[28])
+ StateF = int(State[29])
+ StateG = int(State[30])
+ StateH = int(State[31])
+ StateI = 0
+ StateJ = 0
+ BF9()
+ StateW = 0
+ StateA = 0
+ StateB = 0
+ StateC = 0
+ StateD = 0
+ StateE = 0
+ StateF = 0
+ StateG = 0
+ StateH = 0
+ StateI = 0
+ StateJ = 0
+ BF10()
+ BF11()
+ sys.exit("splicex: unable to find password")
+elif StateCount == 32 and RestoreSwitch is True and StdoutSwitch is False:
+ StateU = int(State[22])
+ StateW = int(State[23])
+ StateA = int(State[24])
+ StateB = int(State[25])
+ StateC = int(State[26])
+ StateD = int(State[27])
+ StateE = int(State[28])
+ StateF = int(State[29])
+ StateG = int(State[30])
+ StateH = int(State[31])
+ StateI = int(State[32])
+ StateJ = 0
+ BF10()
+ StateW = 0
+ StateA = 0
+ StateB = 0
+ StateC = 0
+ StateD = 0
+ StateE = 0
+ StateF = 0
+ StateG = 0
+ StateH = 0
+ StateI = 0
+ StateJ = 0
+ BF11()
+ sys.exit("splicex: unable to find password")
+elif StateCount == 33 and RestoreSwitch is True and StdoutSwitch is False:
+ StateU = int(State[22])
+ StateW = int(State[23])
+ StateA = int(State[24])
+ StateB = int(State[25])
+ StateC = int(State[26])
+ StateD = int(State[27])
+ StateE = int(State[28])
+ StateF = int(State[29])
+ StateG = int(State[30])
+ StateH = int(State[31])
+ StateI = int(State[32])
+ StateJ = int(State[33])
+ BF11()
+ sys.exit("splicex: unable to find password")
+if RestoreSwitch is False and StdoutSwitch is True:
+ StateU = 0
+ StateW = 0
+ StateA = 0
+ StateB = 0
+ StateC = 0
+ StateD = 0
+ StateE = 0
+ StateF = 0
+ StateG = 0
+ StateH = 0
+ StateI = 0
+ StateJ = 0
+ SBF1()
+ SBF2()
+ SBF3()
+ SBF4()
+ SBF5()
+ SBF6()
+ SBF7()
+ SBF8()
+ SBF9()
+ SBF10()
+ SBF11()
+ sys.exit(0)
+if StateCount == 22 and RestoreSwitch is True and StdoutSwitch is True:
+ StateU = int(State[22])
+ StateW = 0
+ StateA = 0
+ StateB = 0
+ StateC = 0
+ StateD = 0
+ StateE = 0
+ StateF = 0
+ StateG = 0
+ StateH = 0
+ StateI = 0
+ StateJ = 0
+ SBF1()
+ StateW = 0
+ StateA = 0
+ StateB = 0
+ StateC = 0
+ StateD = 0
+ StateE = 0
+ StateF = 0
+ StateG = 0
+ StateH = 0
+ StateI = 0
+ StateJ = 0
+ SBF2()
+ SBF3()
+ SBF4()
+ SBF5()
+ SBF6()
+ SBF7()
+ SBF8()
+ SBF9()
+ SBF10()
+ SBF11()
+ sys.exit(0)
+if StateCount == 23 and RestoreSwitch is True and StdoutSwitch is True:
+ StateU = int(State[22])
+ StateW = int(State[23])
+ StateA = 0
+ StateB = 0
+ StateC = 0
+ StateD = 0
+ StateE = 0
+ StateF = 0
+ StateG = 0
+ StateH = 0
+ StateI = 0
+ StateJ = 0
+ SBF1()
+ StateW = 0
+ StateA = 0
+ StateB = 0
+ StateC = 0
+ StateD = 0
+ StateE = 0
+ StateF = 0
+ StateG = 0
+ StateH = 0
+ StateI = 0
+ StateJ = 0
+ SBF2()
+ SBF3()
+ SBF4()
+ SBF5()
+ SBF6()
+ SBF7()
+ SBF8()
+ SBF9()
+ SBF10()
+ SBF11()
+ sys.exit(0)
+elif StateCount == 24 and RestoreSwitch is True and StdoutSwitch is True:
+ StateU = int(State[22])
+ StateW = int(State[23])
+ StateA = int(State[24])
+ StateB = 0
+ StateC = 0
+ StateD = 0
+ StateE = 0
+ StateF = 0
+ StateG = 0
+ StateH = 0
+ StateI = 0
+ StateJ = 0
+ SBF2()
+ StateW = 0
+ StateA = 0
+ StateB = 0
+ StateC = 0
+ StateD = 0
+ StateE = 0
+ StateF = 0
+ StateG = 0
+ StateH = 0
+ StateI = 0
+ StateJ = 0
+ SBF3()
+ SBF4()
+ SBF5()
+ SBF6()
+ SBF7()
+ SBF8()
+ SBF9()
+ SBF10()
+ SBF11()
+ sys.exit(0)
+elif StateCount == 25 and RestoreSwitch is True and StdoutSwitch is True:
+ StateU = int(State[22])
+ StateW = int(State[23])
+ StateA = int(State[24])
+ StateB = int(State[25])
+ StateC = 0
+ StateD = 0
+ StateE = 0
+ StateF = 0
+ StateG = 0
+ StateH = 0
+ StateI = 0
+ StateJ = 0
+ SBF3()
+ StateW = 0
+ StateA = 0
+ StateB = 0
+ StateC = 0
+ StateD = 0
+ StateE = 0
+ StateF = 0
+ StateG = 0
+ StateH = 0
+ StateI = 0
+ StateJ = 0
+ SBF4()
+ SBF5()
+ SBF6()
+ SBF7()
+ SBF8()
+ SBF9()
+ SBF10()
+ SBF11()
+ sys.exit(0)
+elif StateCount == 25 and RestoreSwitch is True and StdoutSwitch is True:
+ StateU = int(State[22])
+ StateW = int(State[23])
+ StateA = int(State[24])
+ StateB = int(State[25])
+ StateC = int(State[26])
+ StateD = 0
+ StateE = 0
+ StateF = 0
+ StateG = 0
+ StateH = 0
+ StateI = 0
+ StateJ = 0
+ SBF4()
+ StateW = 0
+ StateA = 0
+ StateB = 0
+ StateC = 0
+ StateD = 0
+ StateE = 0
+ StateF = 0
+ StateG = 0
+ StateH = 0
+ StateI = 0
+ StateJ = 0
+ SBF5()
+ SBF6()
+ SBF7()
+ SBF8()
+ SBF9()
+ SBF10()
+ SBF11()
+ sys.exit(0)
+elif StateCount == 27 and RestoreSwitch is True and StdoutSwitch is True:
+ StateU = int(State[22])
+ StateW = int(State[23])
+ StateA = int(State[24])
+ StateB = int(State[25])
+ StateC = int(State[26])
+ StateD = int(State[27])
+ StateE = 0
+ StateF = 0
+ StateG = 0
+ StateH = 0
+ StateI = 0
+ StateJ = 0
+ SBF5()
+ StateW = 0
+ StateA = 0
+ StateB = 0
+ StateC = 0
+ StateD = 0
+ StateE = 0
+ StateF = 0
+ StateG = 0
+ StateH = 0
+ StateI = 0
+ StateJ = 0
+ SBF6()
+ SBF7()
+ SBF8()
+ SBF9()
+ SBF10()
+ SBF11()
+ sys.exit(0)
+elif StateCount == 28 and RestoreSwitch is True and StdoutSwitch is True:
+ StateU = int(State[22])
+ StateW = int(State[23])
+ StateA = int(State[24])
+ StateB = int(State[25])
+ StateC = int(State[26])
+ StateD = int(State[27])
+ StateE = int(State[28])
+ StateF = 0
+ StateG = 0
+ StateH = 0
+ StateI = 0
+ StateJ = 0
+ SBF6()
+ StateW = 0
+ StateA = 0
+ StateB = 0
+ StateC = 0
+ StateD = 0
+ StateE = 0
+ StateF = 0
+ StateG = 0
+ StateH = 0
+ StateI = 0
+ StateJ = 0
+ SBF7()
+ SBF8()
+ SBF9()
+ SBF10()
+ SBF11()
+ sys.exit(0)
+elif StateCount == 29 and RestoreSwitch is True and StdoutSwitch is True:
+ StateU = int(State[22])
+ StateW = int(State[23])
+ StateA = int(State[24])
+ StateB = int(State[25])
+ StateC = int(State[26])
+ StateD = int(State[27])
+ StateE = int(State[28])
+ StateF = int(State[29])
+ StateG = 0
+ StateH = 0
+ StateI = 0
+ StateJ = 0
+ SBF7()
+ StateW = 0
+ StateA = 0
+ StateB = 0
+ StateC = 0
+ StateD = 0
+ StateE = 0
+ StateF = 0
+ StateG = 0
+ StateH = 0
+ StateI = 0
+ StateJ = 0
+ SBF8()
+ SBF9()
+ SBF10()
+ SBF11()
+ sys.exit(0)
+elif StateCount == 30 and RestoreSwitch is True and StdoutSwitch is True:
+ StateU = int(State[22])
+ StateW = int(State[23])
+ StateA = int(State[24])
+ StateB = int(State[25])
+ StateC = int(State[26])
+ StateD = int(State[27])
+ StateE = int(State[28])
+ StateF = int(State[29])
+ StateG = int(State[30])
+ StateH = 0
+ StateI = 0
+ StateJ = 0
+ SBF8()
+ StateW = 0
+ StateA = 0
+ StateB = 0
+ StateC = 0
+ StateD = 0
+ StateE = 0
+ StateF = 0
+ StateG = 0
+ StateH = 0
+ StateI = 0
+ StateJ = 0
+ SBF9()
+ SBF10()
+ SBF11()
+ sys.exit(0)
+elif StateCount == 31 and RestoreSwitch is True and StdoutSwitch is True:
+ StateU = int(State[22])
+ StateW = int(State[23])
+ StateA = int(State[24])
+ StateB = int(State[25])
+ StateC = int(State[26])
+ StateD = int(State[27])
+ StateE = int(State[28])
+ StateF = int(State[29])
+ StateG = int(State[30])
+ StateH = int(State[31])
+ StateI = 0
+ StateJ = 0
+ SBF9()
+ StateW = 0
+ StateA = 0
+ StateB = 0
+ StateC = 0
+ StateD = 0
+ StateE = 0
+ StateF = 0
+ StateG = 0
+ StateH = 0
+ StateI = 0
+ StateJ = 0
+ SBF10()
+ SBF11()
+ sys.exit(0)
+elif StateCount == 32 and RestoreSwitch is True and StdoutSwitch is True:
+ StateU = int(State[22])
+ StateW = int(State[23])
+ StateA = int(State[24])
+ StateB = int(State[25])
+ StateC = int(State[26])
+ StateD = int(State[27])
+ StateE = int(State[28])
+ StateF = int(State[29])
+ StateG = int(State[30])
+ StateH = int(State[31])
+ StateI = int(State[32])
+ StateJ = 0
+ SBF10()
+ StateW = 0
+ StateA = 0
+ StateB = 0
+ StateC = 0
+ StateD = 0
+ StateE = 0
+ StateF = 0
+ StateG = 0
+ StateH = 0
+ StateI = 0
+ StateJ = 0
+ SBF11()
+ sys.exit(0)
+elif StateCount == 33 and RestoreSwitch is True and StdoutSwitch is True:
+ StateU = int(State[22])
+ StateW = int(State[23])
+ StateA = int(State[24])
+ StateB = int(State[25])
+ StateC = int(State[26])
+ StateD = int(State[27])
+ StateE = int(State[28])
+ StateF = int(State[29])
+ StateG = int(State[30])
+ StateH = int(State[31])
+ StateI = int(State[32])
+ StateJ = int(State[33])
+ SBF11()
+ sys.exit(0)
+sys.exit("splicex: unknown error: please report bug to author")