path: root/doc/
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authorIvo Smits <>2011-01-03 01:23:54 +0100
committerIvo Smits <>2011-01-03 01:23:54 +0100
commit54446ae8f9b59b6985bb9450e03f4f9551dcac81 (patch)
tree4c6d99627dc945346e5666bdf5b5ef1075f1dd5a /doc/
parent2b9ae99d110bf26e8bf2dddfd97e95caab115ca1 (diff)
Last fix
Diffstat (limited to 'doc/')
1 files changed, 11 insertions, 12 deletions
diff --git a/doc/ b/doc/
index 0585338..b897a0e 100644
--- a/doc/
+++ b/doc/
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
=head1 AnoNet, Take 2!
Welcome to AnoNet! AnoNet is a highly decentralized darknet, aiming to create a censorship resistant network free from government influence and restrictions. AnoNet uses an IP network to accomplish this, as an alternative to the existing internet.
-=head2 Theory
+You can read more information about AnoNet below, or on L<>.
+=head2 Theory
=item *
L<anonymity in general and its place in AnoNet in particular|>
@@ -16,12 +16,10 @@ L<quick introduction to darknets and anonymity in general and AnoNet2 in particu
=head2 How to Join
There are many ways to join AnoNet. If you just want to hang out with
us and chat, it's very easy:
=begin xhtml
<tr><td>HTTP WebChatZ<></td><td>L<KwaakNet|></td><td>Hidden IP, username and realname, custom nickname (note 1)</td></tr>
@@ -35,19 +33,18 @@ Z<><table>
<tr><td>IRCZ<></td><td>L<UFO|irc://></td><td>Visible IP, username and realname (warning!)</td></tr>
<tr><td>TelnetZ<></td><td>L<SRN|telnet://></td><td>Hidden IP and username, custom nickname</td></tr>
=end xhtml
+=item *
Note 1: your browser may send information that can be used to identify you. Although this information is not directly visible to other chat users, it may be sent in clear text over the internet and over anonet.
+=item *
Note 2: your IRC client always sends your configured username, realname and possibly also hostname. Although this information is not directly visible to other chat users, it may be sent in clear text over the internet and over anonet. You should therefore always properly configure your IRC client!
-If you're feeling adventurous enough to connect at the IP level, L<UFO has a client port|>.
-Once you're online, you can reconnect to IRC from inside AnoNet:
+If you're feeling adventurous enough to connect at the IP level, L<UFO has a client port|>. Once you're online, you can reconnect to IRC from inside AnoNet:
<tr><th>ProtocolZ<></th><th>Service using DNSZ<></th><th>Service using IP (no DNS)</th><th>Anonymity</th></tr>
<tr><td>HTTP WebChatZ<></td><td>L<sevilNatas (KwaakNet)|http://www.sevilnatas.ano/chat.html></td><td></td><td>Hidden IP, username and realname, custom nickname (note 1)</td></tr>
@@ -61,9 +58,12 @@ Z<><table>
<tr><td>JabberZ<></td><td>irc.somerandomnick.ano (RendezVous MUC)</td><td></td><td>Unknown</td></tr>
+=item *
Note 1: your browser may send information that can be used to identify you. Although this information is not directly visible to other chat users, it may be sent in clear text over the internet and over anonet.
+=item *
Note 2: your IRC client always sends your configured username, realname and possibly also hostname. Although this information is not directly visible to other chat users, it may be sent in clear text over the internet and over anonet. You should therefore always properly configure your IRC client!
For more information about anonimity on IRC, see L<this page|irc_anonimity>.
@@ -72,7 +72,6 @@ For more information about anonimity on IRC, see L<this page|irc_anonimity>.
Note that if your only aim in joining AnoNet is to search Google anonymously, you can save yourself the hassle L<by just heading over to Scroogle|>. If you're looking to browse the rest of the public Internet anonymously, though, we now have outbound proxies, which you're more than welcome to use. (L<Here's a service that tries to show you what you're likely to be leaking, right now.|>)
=head2 Why to Join
(Note: There's now L<a separate page with links to many more reasons to
join AnoNet|>.)