path: root/segfault.c
diff options
authorepoch <>2014-02-05 04:27:07 -0600
committerepoch <>2014-02-05 04:27:07 -0600
commit8ea60384731c92fe1daa64160f6cacc33177066d (patch)
treed68c6d74cab9b5d76562d386da5addba15eca40f /segfault.c
parent517add9afbc9ffbc0cf3425074ecb093fa59fdca (diff)
first useful commit. hopefully it compiles...
Diffstat (limited to 'segfault.c')
1 files changed, 1002 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/segfault.c b/segfault.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f3721b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/segfault.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1002 @@
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdarg.h>
+#include <signal.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <irc.h>
+#include <time.h>
+#include "config.h"
+#define SERVER ""
+#define PORT "6667"
+#define NICK "SegFault"
+#define LINE_LIMIT line_limit
+#define LINELEN 400
+#define RAWLOG "./files/rawlog"
+#define LOG "./files/log"
+#define NEWS_PIPE "./files/news"
+#define LINKS_FILE "/var/www/docs/IRClinks.txt"
+#define NEWS_FILE "/var/www/cgi-bin/info/news.html"
+#define PID_FILE "./files/"
+#define MAXTAILS 400 //just to have it more than the system default.
+#define BS 502
+//!c uses 56 for its tail.
+// 56 = 32 + 16 + 8 = 0x38 = 0x20+0x10+0x8 = SPAM | BEGIN | MSG
+#define TAILO_RAW (0x1)
+#define TAILO_EVAL (0x2)
+#define TAILO_CLOSE (0x4)
+#define TAILO_MSG (0x8)
+#define TAILO_BEGIN (0x10)
+#define TAILO_SPAM (0x20) //Spam control is enabled for this stream.
+#define TAILO_ENDMSG (0x40) //show a message when the tail reaches the end of a chunk
+#define TAILO_Q_EVAL (TAILO_EVAL|TAILO_CLOSE|TAILO_BEGIN) //0x2+0x4+0x10= 2+4+16=22
+int start_time;
+char *redo;
+int redirect_to_fd;
+int line_limit;
+int debug;
+timer_t timer;
+int lines_sent;
+//this should add a line to an outgoing queue?
+void mywrite(int fd,char *b) {
+ if(!b) return;
+ if(fd<0) return;
+ write(fd,b,strlen(b));
+ lines_sent++;
+void ircmode(int fd,char *channel,char *mode,char *nick) {
+ int sz=5+strlen(channel)+1+strlen(mode)+1+strlen(nick)+3;//"MODE ", " ", " ","\r\n\0"
+ char *hrm=malloc(sz+1);
+ if(!hrm) return (void)mywrite(fd,"QUIT :malloc error 1! holy shit!\r\n");
+ snprintf(hrm,sz,"MODE %s %s %s\r\n",channel,mode,nick);
+ write(fd,hrm,strlen(hrm));
+ free(hrm);
+void privmsg(int fd,char *who,char *msg) {
+ int i=0;
+ char *chunk;
+ if(!who) {
+ who="epoch";
+ msg="didn't have a who. sending this.";
+ }
+ if(!msg) {
+ who="epoch";
+ msg="didn't have a message. sending this.";
+ }
+ if(!msg && !who) {
+ who="epoch";
+ msg="didn't have a message or a who. sending this.";
+ }
+ int sz;
+ int cs;
+ for(i=0;i<strlen(msg);i+=LINELEN) {
+ cs=(strlen(msg+i)<=LINELEN)?strlen(msg+i):LINELEN;
+ sz=8+strlen(who)+2+cs+3;//"PRIVMSG ", " :", "\r\n\0";
+ char *hrm=malloc(sz);
+ if(!hrm) return (void)mywrite(fd,"QUIT :malloc error 2! holy shit!\r\n");
+ chunk=strndup(msg+i, cs );
+ snprintf(hrm,sz+1,"PRIVMSG %s :%s\r\n",who,chunk);
+ mywrite(fd,hrm);//not this...
+ free(hrm);
+ free(chunk);
+ }
+struct tail {
+ FILE *fp;
+ char *file;
+ char *to;
+ char *args;
+ char opt;
+ unsigned int inode;
+ int lines;
+} tailf[MAXTAILS];
+void message_handler(int fd,char *from,char *nick,char *msg,int redones);
+void c_untail(int fd,char *from, char *file);
+char *format_magic(int fd,char *from,char *nick,char *orig_fmt,char *arg) {
+ int i;
+ int c=1;
+ char *fmt=strdup(orig_fmt);
+ for(i=0;fmt[i];i++) {
+ if(fmt[i] == '%') {
+ i++;
+ switch(fmt[i]) {
+ case 0:
+ printf("error! last character is a '%%'!!!\n");
+ exit(1);
+ case 'u':
+ case 'f':
+ case 's':
+ c++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ char **args=malloc((sizeof(char *)) * (c + 1));
+ c=0;
+ for(i=0;fmt[i];i++) {
+ if(fmt[i] == '%') {
+ i++;
+ switch(fmt[i]) {
+ case 0:
+ printf("error! last character is a '%%'!!!\n");
+ exit(1);
+ case 'u':
+ args[c]=nick;
+ fmt[i]='s';
+ c++;
+ break;
+ case 'f':
+ args[c]=from;
+ fmt[i]='s';
+ c++;
+ break;
+ case 's':
+ args[c]=arg;
+ c++;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// args[c]=0;
+// for(i=0;i<c;i++) {
+// printf("args[%d]=%s\n",i,args[i]);
+// }
+// printf("format string: %s\nc: %d\n",fmt,c);
+ int sz=vprintf(fmt,(va_list)args)+1;
+// printf("\nsize: %d\n",sz);
+ char *output=malloc(sz);
+ vsnprintf(output,sz,fmt,(va_list)args);
+ free(fmt);
+ return output;
+//get rid of this?
+char *good_format_string(int fd,char *from,char *line) {
+ int i;
+ char tmp[256];
+ int scount=0;
+ for(i=0;line[i];i++) {
+ if(line[i] == '%') {
+ if(!line[i+1]) {
+ privmsg(fd,from,"bad format string. you have a % as the last character.");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if(line[i+1] == 's') scount++;
+ if( (line[i+1] != 's' && line[i+1] != '%') || (line[i+1] == 's' && scount>1)) {
+ privmsg(fd,from,"can only use %s and only once.");
+ snprintf(tmp,sizeof(tmp)-1,"bad format string: %s",line);
+ privmsg(fd,from,tmp);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ i++;
+ }
+ }
+ return line;
+//this has a LOT of shit in it.
+unsigned long oldtime;
+void extra_handler(int fd) {
+ if(oldtime == time(0) && lines_sent > LINES_SENT_LIMIT) {//if it is still the same second, skip this function.
+ return;
+ } else {//different second. reset count.
+ lines_sent=0;
+ }
+ int i;
+ int tmpo;
+ static int mmerp=0;
+ char tmp[BS+1];
+ char *tmp2;
+ if(redirect_to_fd != -1) {
+ fd=redirect_to_fd;
+ }
+ for(i=0;i<MAXTAILS;i++) {
+ if(tailf[i].fp) {
+ if(feof(tailf[i].fp)) {
+ clearerr(tailf[i].fp);
+ if(tailf[i].opt & TAILO_CLOSE) {//use for eval
+ c_untail(fd,tailf[i].to,tailf[i].file);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ tmpo=ftell(tailf[i].fp);
+ if(!(tailf[i].opt & TAILO_BEGIN)) {
+ if(fseek(tailf[i].fp,0,SEEK_END) == -1) {
+ while(fgetc(tailf[i].fp) != -1);//this is used on named pipes usually.
+ }
+ }
+ if(ftell(tailf[i].fp) < tmpo) {
+ privmsg(fd,tailf[i].to,"tailed file shrank! resetting to NEW eof.");
+ } else {
+ fseek(tailf[i].fp,tmpo,SEEK_SET);//???
+ }
+ if(tailf[i].lines != -1) {
+ if(fgets(tmp,BS-1,tailf[i].fp) ) {//for some reason using sizeof(tmp) didn't work. >_>
+ tailf[i].lines++;
+ mmerp=0;
+ if(strchr(tmp,'\r')) *strchr(tmp,'\r')=0;
+ if(strchr(tmp,'\n')) *strchr(tmp,'\n')=0;
+ if(tailf[i].opt & TAILO_EVAL) {//eval
+ if(tailf[i].args) { //only format magic evaled file lines if they have args.
+ tmp2=format_magic(fd,tailf[i].to,NICK,tmp,tailf[i].args);
+ } else {
+ tmp2=strdup(tmp);
+ if(!tmp2) return perror("ZOMG malloc error in eval section!!!");
+ }
+ message_handler(fd,tailf[i].to,NICK,tmp2,0); // FIX ME?!? don't use NICK... make it a global for segfault's nick.
+ free(tmp2);
+ }
+ if(tailf[i].opt & TAILO_RAW) {//raw
+ tmp2=malloc(strlen(tmp)+3);
+ snprintf(tmp2,strlen(tmp)+3,"%s\r\n",tmp);
+ mywrite(fd,tmp2);
+ free(tmp2);
+ }
+ if(tailf[i].opt & TAILO_MSG) {//just msg the lines.
+ privmsg(fd,tailf[i].to,tmp);
+ }
+ if(tailf[i].lines >= LINE_LIMIT && (tailf[i].opt & TAILO_SPAM)) {
+ tailf[i].lines=-1; //lock it.
+ privmsg(fd,tailf[i].to,"--more--");
+ }
+ } else {
+ if(tailf[i].lines != 0 && (tailf[i].opt & TAILO_ENDMSG)) {
+ privmsg(fd,tailf[i].to,"---------- TAILO_ENDMSG border ----------");
+ }
+ tailf[i].lines=0;
+ }
+ } else {
+ //don't PM in here. shows a LOT of shit.
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void file_tail(int fd,char *from,char *file,char *args,char opt) {
+ int i,j;
+ int fdd;
+ char tmp[256];
+ struct stat st;
+ for(i=0;i<MAXTAILS;i++) {
+ if(tailf[i].fp == 0) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if(i == MAXTAILS -1) {
+ exit(3);
+ }
+ fdd=open(file,O_RDONLY|O_NONBLOCK,0);//HAVE to open named pipes as nonblocking.
+ fstat(fdd,&st);
+ for(j=0;j<MAXTAILS;j++) {
+ if(tailf[j].fp && tailf[j].file && tailf[j].inode) {
+ if(tailf[j].inode == st.st_ino) {
+ if(debug) privmsg(fd,from,"THIS FILE IS ALREADY BEING TAILED ELSEWHERE!");
+ //i=j;
+ //break;//reuse it.
+ //return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(!(tailf[i].fp=fdopen(fdd,"r"))) {
+ snprintf(tmp,sizeof(tmp),"failed to open file: %s\n",file);
+ privmsg(fd,from,tmp);
+ } else {
+ fcntl(fileno(tailf[i].fp),F_SETFL,O_NONBLOCK);
+ if(!(opt & TAILO_BEGIN)) fseek(tailf[i].fp,0,SEEK_END);
+ tailf[i].to=malloc(strlen(from)+1);
+ if(!tailf[i].to) return (void)mywrite(fd,"QUIT :malloc error 3!!!\r\n");
+ strcpy(tailf[i].to,from);
+ tailf[i].file=malloc(strlen(file)+1);
+ if(!tailf[i].file) return (void)mywrite(fd,"QUIT :malloc error 4!!!\r\n");
+ tailf[i].opt=opt;
+ tailf[i].inode=st.st_ino;
+ tailf[i].args=args?strdup(args):0;
+ if(args) if(!tailf[i].args) return (void)mywrite(fd,"QUIT :malloc error 5!!! (well, strdup)\r\n");
+ tailf[i].lines=0;
+ strcpy(tailf[i].file,file);
+ }
+void c_botup(int fd,char *from) {
+ char tmp[256];
+ snprintf(tmp,sizeof(tmp)-1,"botup: %lu",time(0)-start_time);
+ privmsg(fd,from,tmp);
+void c_leettail(int fd,char *from,char *file) {
+ short a=file[0]-'0';
+ short b=file[1]-'0';
+ short c=(a*10)+(b);
+ char *args;
+ if((args=strchr(file,' '))) {
+ *args=0;
+ args++;
+ }
+ file_tail(fd,from,file+2,args,c);
+void c_changetail(int fd,char *from,char *line) {
+ char *merp;
+ int i;
+ //if(line == 0) return mywrite(fd,"QUIT :line == 0 in changetail\r\n");
+ //if(from == 0) return mywrite(fd,"QUIT :from == 0 in changetail\r\n");
+ if((merp=strchr(line,' '))) {
+ *merp=0;
+ merp++;
+ }
+ for(i=0;i<MAXTAILS;i++) {
+ //if(tailf[i].file == 0) return mywrite(fd,"QUIT :tailf[i].file == 0 in changetail\r\n");
+ if(tailf[i].file) {
+ if(!strcmp(tailf[i].file,line)) {
+ free(tailf[i].to);
+ tailf[i].to=strdup(merp);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ privmsg(fd,from,"error");
+void startup_stuff(int fd) {
+ mywrite(fd,"OPER g0d WAFFLEIRON\r\n");
+ mywrite(fd,"JOIN #cmd\r\n");
+ c_leettail(fd,"#cmd","22./scripts/startup");
+struct alias {
+ char *original;
+ char *target;
+ struct alias *prev;// doubly linked list.
+ struct alias *next;
+} *a_start,*a_end;
+#if 0 ////////////////////////// HASH TABLE SHIT /////////////////////////////////
+unsigned short hash(char *v) {//maybe use a seeded rand()? :) yay FreeArtMan.
+ unsigned short h=0;
+ //I only need the first two bytes hashed anyway. I'll make this better later.
+ h=((*v)<<8)+(v?*(v+1):0);
+ return h;
+struct hitem {//with a stick
+ char *key
+ struct *alias value;//run through this linked list if it isn't the right one.
+struct **hitem hashtable;
+void inittable() {
+ int i;
+ hashtable=malloc(sizeof(char *)*TSIZE);
+ if(!hashtable) return (void *)fprintf(stderr,"malloc error 6 in hash table.\n");
+ for(i=0;i<TSIZE;i++) {
+ hashtable[i]=0;
+ }
+void setkey_h(char *key,struct alias *value) {
+ unsigned short h=hash(key);
+ printf("setting: %s(%d)=a struct that contains a lot of shit.\n",key,h,value);
+ if(!hashtable[h]) { //empty bucket!
+ hashtable[h]=malloc(sizeof(struct item));
+ hashtable[h]->key=key;
+ hashtable[h]->value=value;//strdup this
+ return;
+ }
+ //filled bucket... oh shit.
+ if(!strcmp(hashtable[h]->key,key)) { //same key. just change the value.
+ hashtable[h]->value=value;//free previous and strdup.
+ return;
+ }
+ else { //collision! add to the linked list.
+ for
+ }
+#endif ///////////////////////// HASH TABLE SHIT /////////////////////////////////
+void debug_time(int fd,char *from,char *msg) {
+ char tmp[100];
+// struct itimerspec whattime;
+ if(debug) {
+// timer_gettime(timer,&whattime);
+// snprintf(tmp,511,"%d.%d %d.%d",
+// whattime.it_interval.tv_sec,
+// whattime.it_value.tv_nsec,
+// whattime.it_value.tv_sec,
+// whattime.it_value.tv_nsec);
+ snprintf(tmp,99,"%lu %s",time(0),msg?msg:"(no message)");//time() returns time_t which on BSD is a long.
+ privmsg(fd,from,tmp);
+ }
+void c_aliases(int fd,char *from,char *line) {
+ struct alias *m;
+ char tmp[512];
+ int i=0,j=0;
+// debug_time(fd,from);
+ if(!line){
+ privmsg(fd,from,"usage: !aliases [search-term]");
+ return;
+ }
+ for(m=a_start;m;m=m->next) {
+ if(strcasestr(m->target,line) || strcasestr(m->original,line)) {
+ snprintf(tmp,sizeof(tmp)-1,"%s -> %s",m->original,m->target);
+ privmsg(fd,from,tmp);
+ i++;
+ }
+ j++;
+ }
+ snprintf(tmp,sizeof(tmp)-1,"found %d of %d aliases",i,j);
+ privmsg(fd,from,tmp);
+// debug_time(fd,from);
+void c_rmalias(int fd,char *from,char *line) {
+ struct alias *m;
+ for(m=a_start;m;m=m->next) {
+ if(!strcmp(line,m->original)) {
+ if(m->next == 0) {
+ a_end=m->prev;
+ }
+ if(m->prev == 0) {
+ a_start=m->next;
+ free(m->target);
+ free(m->original);
+ free(m);
+ }
+ else {
+ m->prev->next=m->next;
+ }
+ privmsg(fd,from,"alias deleted");
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ privmsg(fd,from,"alias not found");
+ return;
+void c_kill(int fd,char *from,char *line) {
+ char *csig=line;
+ char *cpid=strchr(line,' ');
+ if(cpid) {
+ *cpid=0;
+ cpid++;
+ } else {
+ privmsg(fd,from,"usage: !kill signum pid");
+ return;
+ }
+ int sig=atoi(csig);
+ int pid=atoi(cpid);
+ if(sig && pid) {
+ if(kill(pid,sig)) privmsg(fd,from,"kill error");
+ else privmsg(fd,from,"signal sent");
+ } else {
+ privmsg(fd,from,"pid or sig is 0. something is odd.");
+ }
+void c_alias(int fd,char *from,char *line) {
+ char *derp=strchr(line,' ');
+ struct alias *tmp;
+ char tmps[256];
+ if(!derp) {
+ for(tmp=a_start;tmp;tmp=tmp->next) {
+ if(!strcmp(line,tmp->original)) {
+ privmsg(fd,from,tmp->target);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ privmsg(fd,from,"not an alias.");
+ return;
+ }
+ //line=good_format_string(fd,from,line);
+ if(!line) return;
+ *derp=0;
+ for(tmp=a_start;tmp;tmp=tmp->next) {
+ if(!strcmp(line,tmp->original)) {
+ snprintf(tmps,sizeof(tmps)-1,"duplicate alias: %s",line);
+ privmsg(fd,from,tmps);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ tmp=a_end;
+ struct alias *tmp2=malloc(sizeof(struct alias)+20);
+ if(!tmp2) return (void)mywrite(fd,"QUIT :malloc error 7!!!\r\n");
+ if(a_end == 0) {
+ a_end=tmp2;
+ a_start=tmp2;
+ a_end->prev=0;
+ } else {
+ a_end->next=tmp2;
+ a_end=tmp2;
+ a_end->prev=tmp;
+ }
+ a_end->target=strdup(derp+1);
+ a_end->original=strdup(line);
+ a_end->next=0;
+void c_id(int fd,char *from) {
+ char tmp[512];
+ snprintf(tmp,sizeof(tmp)-1,"u:%d g:%d eu:%d eg:%d",getuid(),getgid(),geteuid(),getegid());
+ privmsg(fd,from,tmp);
+void c_leetuntail(int fd,char *from,char *line) {
+ char *frm=line;
+ char *file=0;
+ int frmN=0;
+ int i;
+ char tmp[512];
+ if((file=strchr(line,' '))) {
+ *file=0;
+ file++;
+ }
+ if(file) {
+ if(*frm == '*') {
+ for(i=0;i<MAXTAILS;i++) {
+ if(tailf[i].fp && !strcmp(tailf[i].file,file)) {
+ //c_untail(fd,tailf[i].to,file);
+ fclose(tailf[i].fp);
+ tailf[i].fp=0;
+ free(tailf[i].to);
+ free(tailf[i].file);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ snprintf(tmp,sizeof(tmp)-1,"%s from %s not being tailed.",file,frm);
+ privmsg(fd,from,tmp);
+ } else {
+ c_untail(fd,frm,file);
+ }
+ } else {
+ frmN=atoi(frm);
+ if(frmN < MAXTAILS && tailf[frmN].fp) {
+ fclose(tailf[frmN].fp);
+ tailf[frmN].fp=0;
+ free(tailf[frmN].to);
+ free(tailf[frmN].file);
+ snprintf(tmp,sizeof(tmp)-1,"untailed file tail #%d.",frmN);
+ } else {
+ snprintf(tmp,sizeof(tmp)-1,"file tail #%d isn't a valid number.",frmN);
+ }
+ privmsg(fd,from,tmp);
+ }
+void c_tailunlock(int fd,char *from,char *file) {
+ int i;
+ for(i=0;i<MAXTAILS;i++) {
+ if(tailf[i].fp) {
+ if(!strcmp(file,tailf[i].file)) {
+ tailf[i].lines=0;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ privmsg(fd,from,"file not found in the tail list.");
+void c_untail(int fd,char *from, char *file) {
+ int i;
+ for(i=0;i<MAXTAILS;i++) {
+ if(tailf[i].fp) {
+ if(!strcmp(from,tailf[i].to) && !strcmp(file,tailf[i].file)) {
+ fclose(tailf[i].fp);
+ tailf[i].fp=0;
+ free(tailf[i].to);
+ free(tailf[i].file);
+ //privmsg(fd,from,"tailed file no longer being tailed.");
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ privmsg(fd,from,"I don't know what file you're talking about.");
+ privmsg(fd,from,"You have to be in the same channel that the tail was set in.");
+char append_file(int fd,char *from,char *file,char *line,unsigned short nl) {
+ int fdd;
+ char tmp[512];
+ char derp[2];
+ derp[0]=(char)nl;
+ derp[1]=0;
+ FILE *fp;
+ if(line == 0) return mywrite(fd,"QUIT :line == 0 in append_file\r\n"),-1;
+ fdd=open(file,O_WRONLY|O_NONBLOCK|O_APPEND|O_CREAT,0640);//HAVE to open named pipes as nonblocking.
+ if(fdd == -1) {
+ snprintf(tmp,sizeof(tmp)-1,"Couldn't open file (%s) fd:%d for a LOT of modes... figure out out.",file,fdd);
+ privmsg(fd,from,tmp);
+ privmsg(fd,from,strerror(errno));
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if(!(fp=fdopen(fdd,"a"))) {
+ snprintf(tmp,sizeof(tmp)-1,"Couldn't fdopen file (%s) fd:%d for appending.",file,fdd);
+ privmsg(fd,from,tmp);
+ privmsg(fd,from,strerror(errno));
+ return 0;
+ }
+ fcntl(fileno(fp),F_SETFL,O_NONBLOCK);
+ fseek(fp,0,SEEK_END);//is this right for named pipes?
+ //if(fprintf(fp,"%s%s",line,(char *)
+ // ( nl != 0 ?
+ // &nl :
+ // (unsigned short *)"" )
+ if(fprintf(fp,"%s\n",line
+ ) < 0) {
+ privmsg(fd,from,"error writing to file.");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ fflush(fp);//???
+ fflush(fp);
+ fclose(fp);
+ return 1;
+void c_leetappend(int fd,char *from,char *msg) {
+ unsigned short nl;
+ char *file=msg;
+ char *snl=0;
+ char *line=0;
+ if((snl=strchr(msg,' '))) {
+ *snl=0;
+ snl++;
+ if((line=strchr(snl,' '))) {
+ *line=0;
+ line++;
+ }
+ }
+ if(!snl || !line) {
+ privmsg(fd,from,"usage: !leetappend file EOL-char-dec line-to-put");
+ return;
+ }
+ nl=((snl[0]-'0')*10)+((snl[1]-'0'));
+ append_file(fd,from,file,line,nl);
+char *tailmode_to_txt(int mode) {//this needs to be updated.
+ if(mode & TAILO_RAW) return "raw";
+ if(mode & TAILO_MSG) return "msg";
+ if(mode & TAILO_EVAL) return "eval";
+ return "undef";
+void c_tails(int fd,char *from) {
+ int i;
+ int l;
+ char *tmp;
+ //privmsg(fd,from,"filename@filepos --msg|raw-> IRCdestination");
+ for(i=0;i<MAXTAILS;i++) {
+ if(tailf[i].fp) {
+ l=(strlen(tailf[i].file) + strlen(tailf[i].to) + 50);//??? hack. fix it.
+ tmp=malloc(l);
+ if(!tmp) return (void)mywrite(fd,"QUIT :malloc error 8\r\n");
+ snprintf(tmp,l,"%s [i:%d] @ %ld (%d) --[%s(%02x)]--> %s",tailf[i].file,tailf[i].inode,ftell(tailf[i].fp),tailf[i].lines,tailmode_to_txt(tailf[i].opt),tailf[i].opt,tailf[i].to);
+ privmsg(fd,from,tmp);
+ free(tmp);
+ }
+ }
+char recording,recording_raw;
+void c_record(int fd,char *from,char *line) {
+ if(*line == '0') {
+ privmsg(fd,from,"no longer recording IRC.");
+ recording=0;
+ return;
+ }
+ if(*line == '1') {
+ recording=1;
+ unlink(LOG);
+ privmsg(fd,from,"recording IRC.");
+ return;
+ }
+ privmsg(fd,from,recording?"1":"0");
+void c_rawrecord(int fd,char *from,char *line) {
+ if(*line == '0') {
+ privmsg(fd,from,"no longer recording raw IRC.");
+ recording_raw=0;
+ return;
+ }
+ if(*line == '1') {
+ recording_raw=1;
+ unlink(RAWLOG);
+ privmsg(fd,from,"recording raw IRC.");
+ return;
+ }
+ privmsg(fd,from,recording_raw?"1":"0");
+void c_leetsetout(int fd,char *from,char *msg) {
+ if(redirect_to_fd != -1) close(redirect_to_fd);
+ redirect_to_fd=open(msg+3,((msg[0]-'0')*100) + ((msg[1]-'0')*10) + (msg[2]-'0'),022);
+ if(redirect_to_fd == -1) {
+ privmsg(fd,from,"failed to open file as redirect:");
+ privmsg(fd,from,msg+3);
+ }
+void c_linelimit(int fd,char *from,char *msg) {
+ char tmp[256];
+ //struct itimerspec settime;
+ //settime.it_interval.tv_sec=0;
+ //settime.it_interval.tv_nsec=10;
+ //settime.it_value.tv_nsec=0;
+ //settime.it_value.tv_nsec=10;
+ if(!msg) {
+ snprintf(tmp,255,"current spam line limit: %d (debug: %d)",line_limit,debug);
+ privmsg(fd,from,tmp);
+ }
+ else {
+ if(atoi(msg) > 1) {
+ line_limit=atoi(msg);
+ snprintf(tmp,255,"spam line limit set to: %d",line_limit);
+ privmsg(fd,from,tmp);
+ } else {
+ privmsg(fd,from,"please set the limit to > 1... oi. (btw, debug has been flipped)");
+ debug^=1;
+// if(debug) {
+// if(timer_create(CLOCK_REALTIME,SIGEV_NONE,&timer) == -1) {
+// privmsg(fd,from,(debug=0,"error making debug timer. shit."));
+// }
+// if(timer_settime(timer,0,&settime,&settime) == -1) {
+// privmsg(fd,from,(debug=0,"error setting debug timer. shit."));
+// }
+// }
+// else if(timer_delete(timer) == -1) {
+// privmsg(fd,from,"error deleting timer. shit.");
+// }
+ }
+ }
+void c_resetout(int fd,char *from) {
+ redirect_to_fd=-1;
+ privmsg(fd,from,"output reset");
+void message_handler(int fd,char *from,char *nick,char *msg,int redones) {
+ struct alias *m;
+ char *tmp2;
+ char tmp[512];
+ int sz;
+ //debug_time(fd,from);
+ if(redirect_to_fd != -1) {
+ fd=redirect_to_fd;
+ }
+ if(recording) {
+ debug_time(fd,from,"writing to log...");
+ append_file(fd,"raw",LOG,msg,'\n');
+ debug_time(fd,from,"finished writing to log.");
+ }
+ if(*msg != '!') {
+ return;
+ }
+ //this section could probably be made a LOT shorter with
+ //an array of structs that contain command and function pointer.
+ //... meh. it'd just be a LITTLE bit shorter.
+ // this still seems horrible though. all those constants in there that are just strlen()s...
+ if(!strncmp(msg,"!leetsetout ",12)) {
+ c_leetsetout(fd,from,msg+12);
+ }
+ else if(!strncmp(msg,"!whoami",7)) {
+ privmsg(fd,from,nick);
+ }
+ else if(!strncmp(msg,"!whereami",9)) {
+ privmsg(fd,from,from);
+ }
+ else if(!strncmp(msg,"!resetout",9)) {
+ c_resetout(fd,from);
+ }
+ else if(!strncmp(msg,"!botup",6)) {
+ c_botup(fd,from);
+ }
+ else if(!strncmp(msg,"!linelimit",10)) {
+ c_linelimit(fd,from,*(msg+10)?msg+11:0);
+ }
+ else if(!strncmp(msg,"!tailunlock ",12)) {
+ c_tailunlock(fd,from,msg+12);
+ }
+ else if(!strncmp(msg,"!changetail ",12)) {
+ c_changetail(fd,from,msg+12);
+ }
+ else if(!strncmp(msg,"!tails",6)) {
+ c_tails(fd,from);
+ }
+ else if(!strncmp(msg,"!record ",8)) {
+ c_record(fd,from,msg+8);
+ }
+ else if(!strncmp(msg,"!rawrecord ",11)) {
+ c_rawrecord(fd,from,msg+11);
+ }
+ else if(!strncmp(msg,"!leettail ",10)) {
+ c_leettail(fd,from,msg+10);
+ }
+ else if(!strncmp(msg,"!leetuntail ",12)) {
+ c_leetuntail(fd,from,msg+12);
+ }
+ else if(!strncmp(msg,"!leetappend ",12)) {
+ c_leetappend(fd,from,msg+12);
+ }
+ else if(!strncmp(msg,"!untail ",8)) {
+ c_untail(fd,from,msg+8);
+ }
+ else if(!strncmp(msg,"!raw ",5)) {
+ tmp2=malloc(strlen(msg)-5+3);
+ snprintf(tmp2,strlen(msg)-5+2,"%s\r\n",msg+5);
+ mywrite(fd,tmp2);
+ free(tmp2);
+ //write(fd,msg+5,strlen(msg)-5);
+ //write(fd,"\r\n",2);
+ }
+ else if(!strncmp(msg,"!say ",5)) {
+ privmsg(fd,from,msg+5);
+ }
+ else if(!strncmp(msg,"!id",3)) {
+ c_id(fd,from);
+ }
+ else if(!strncmp(msg,"!kill ",6)) {
+ c_kill(fd,from,msg+6);
+ }
+ else if(!strncmp(msg,"!alias ",7)) {
+ c_alias(fd,from,msg+7);
+ }
+ else if(!strncmp(msg,"!rmalias ",9)) {
+ c_rmalias(fd,from,msg+9);
+ }
+ else if(!strncmp(msg,"!aliases",8)) {
+ c_aliases(fd,from,*(msg+8)?msg+9:0);
+ }
+ else if(redones < 5) {
+ debug_time(fd,from,"checking aliases...");
+ for(m=a_start;m;m=m->next) {//optimize this. hash table?
+ if(!strncmp(msg,m->original,strlen(m->original)) && (msg[strlen(m->original)]==' ' || msg[strlen(m->original)] == 0)) {//this allows !c to get called when using !c2 if !c2 is defined after !c. >_>
+ sz=(strlen(msg)-strlen(m->original)+strlen(m->target)+1);
+ //redo=malloc(sz);
+ //if(!redo) (void *)mywrite(fd,"QUIT :malloc error 9!!!\r\n");
+ //this is where the format string is used...
+ //generate an array based on the format string containing %N stuff in the right order.
+ // %u = user, %f = from (user/channel)
+ // handling it here would be a bitch. maybe
+ // redo=apply_alias(fd,from,sz,m->target) ??? new function would probably be good.
+ redo=format_magic(fd,from,nick,m->target,*(msg+strlen(m->original)+1)=='\n'?"":(msg+strlen(m->original)+1));
+ //snprintf(redo,sz,m->target,*(msg+strlen(m->original)+1)=='\n'?"":(msg+strlen(m->original)+1) );
+ message_handler(fd,from,nick,redo,redones+1);
+ free(redo);
+ redo=0;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ debug_time(fd,from,"finished checking aliases. not found.");
+ //privmsg(fd,from,msg);
+ // '!c ' + (msg - '!');
+// sz=(strlen(msg)+4);
+// redo=malloc(sz);
+// if(!redo) (void *)mywrite(fd,"QUIT :malloc error 10!!!\r\n");
+// snprintf(redo,sz-1,"!c %s",msg+1);
+// privmsg(fd,from,redo);
+// message_handler(fd,from,nick,redo,redones+1);
+// free(redo);
+ redo=0;
+ snprintf(tmp,sizeof(tmp),"unknown command: %s",msg);
+ privmsg(fd,from,tmp);
+// privmsg(fd,from,"I don't know what you're talking about, man.");
+ }
+ if(redones >=5) {
+ privmsg(fd,from,"too much recursion.");
+ }
+ //debug_time(fd,from);
+void line_handler(int fd,char *line) {//this should be built into the libary?
+ //static int flag=0;
+ //char *a=" 366 ";
+ char *s=line;
+ char *nick=0,*name=0,*host=0;
+ char *t=0,*u=0;
+ if(strchr(line,'\r')) *strchr(line,'\r')=0;
+ if(strchr(line,'\n')) *strchr(line,'\n')=0;
+ //:nick!name@host MERP DERP :message
+ //strchr doesn't like null pointers. :/ why not just take them and return null?
+ //check that I haven't gone past the end of the string? nah. it should take care of itself.
+ if(recording_raw) {
+ append_file(fd,"epoch",RAWLOG,line,'\n');
+ }
+ if((nick=strchr(line,':'))) {
+ *nick=0;
+ nick++;
+ if((name=strchr(nick,'!'))) {
+ *name=0;
+ name++;
+ if((host=strchr(name,'@'))) {
+ *host=0;
+ host++;
+ if((s=strchr(host,' '))) {
+ *s=0;
+ s++;
+ if((t=strchr(s,' '))) {
+ *t=0;
+ t++;
+ if((u=strchr(t,' '))) {//:
+ *u=0;
+ u++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //printf("<%s!%s@%s> '%s' '%s' '%s'\n",nick,name,host,s,t,u);
+ //if(to_file!=0) {
+ // fd=
+ //}
+ if(s && t && u) {
+ if(!strcmp(s,"PRIVMSG")) {
+ u++;
+ if(*t == '#')//channel.
+ message_handler(fd,t,nick,u,0);
+ else
+ message_handler(fd,nick,nick,u,0);
+ }
+ }
+ if(s && nick && t) {
+ if(!strcmp(s,"JOIN")) {
+ ircmode(fd,t+1,"+v",nick);
+ }
+ }
+int main(int argc,char *argv[]) {
+ int fd;
+ int c;
+ chdir("/home/segfault");
+ redirect_to_fd=-1;
+ debug=0;
+ lines_sent=0;
+ line_limit=25;
+ recording=0;
+ recording_raw=0;
+ start_time=time(0);
+ a_start=0;
+ a_end=0;
+ redo=0;
+ printf("starting segfault...\n");
+ for(c=0;c<MAXTAILS;c++) tailf[c].fp=0;
+ fd=ircConnect(SERVER,PORT,argc>1?argv[1]:NICK,"segfault segfault segfault :segfault");
+ startup_stuff(fd);
+ return runit(fd,line_handler,extra_handler);