path: root/alu/v0.1
diff options
authordianshi <>2022-01-05 21:03:04 +0000
committerdianshi <>2022-01-05 21:03:04 +0000
commitb623b638fe1a0189416892415a1728839768539e (patch)
treeca71a74631f322dd4f1e407f7848a0395ade0a87 /alu/v0.1
parent87d81f71cb794bbaf653098bfd88d0f59d7b20d5 (diff)
Added ALU
Diffstat (limited to 'alu/v0.1')
3 files changed, 130 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/alu/v0.1/Makefile b/alu/v0.1/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0459ab3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/alu/v0.1/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+ iverilog -g2005-sv -o alu alu.v
+ iverilog -g2005-sv -o test_alu testbench_alu.v alu.v
+ vvp test_alu
+ gtkwave test_alu.vcd
diff --git a/alu/v0.1/alu.v b/alu/v0.1/alu.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..da62f66
--- /dev/null
+++ b/alu/v0.1/alu.v
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+module alu(
+ input [7:0]a,b,
+ input [3:0]alu_sel,
+ output [7:0]alu_out,
+ output carry_out
+reg [7:0]alu_result;
+wire [8:0]tmp;
+assign alu_out=alu_result; //result from alu
+assign tmp = {1'b0,a}+{1'b0,b};
+assign carry_out = tmp[8]; //carry out result
+always @(*)
+ case (alu_sel)
+ 4'b0000: //addition
+ alu_result = a+b;
+ 4'b0001: //substraction
+ alu_result = a-b;
+ 4'b0010: //multiplication
+ alu_result = a*b;
+ 4'b0011: //division
+ alu_result = a/b;
+ 4'b0100: //logical shift left
+ alu_result = a<<1;
+ 4'b0101: //logical shift right
+ alu_result = a>>1;
+ 4'b0110: //rotate right
+ alu_result = {a[6:0],a[7]};
+ 4'b0111: //rotate left
+ alu_result = {a[0],a[7:1]};
+ 4'b1000: //and
+ alu_result = a&b;
+ 4'b1001: //or
+ alu_result = a|b;
+ 4'b1010: //xor
+ alu_result = a^b;
+ 4'b1011: //nor
+ alu_result = ~(a|b);
+ 4'b1100: //nand
+ alu_result = ~(a&b);
+ 4'b1101: //xnor
+ alu_result = ~(a^b);
+ 4'b1110: //greate comparison
+ alu_result = (a>b)?8'b1:8'b0;
+ 4'b1111:
+ alu_result = (a==b)?8'b1:8'b0;
+ default:
+ alu_result = a+b;
+ endcase
+endmodule \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/alu/v0.1/testbench_alu.v b/alu/v0.1/testbench_alu.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9902e5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/alu/v0.1/testbench_alu.v
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+`timescale 1ns/1ps
+module testbench_alu;
+reg [7:0]var_1=0;
+reg [7:0]var_2=0;
+reg [3:0]op_sel;
+reg carry;
+//wire val;
+//wire out;
+wire [7:0]out;
+//assign val=data;
+alu uut (
+ .a(var_1),
+ .b(var_2),
+ .alu_sel(op_sel),
+ .alu_out(out),
+ .carry_out(carry)
+initial begin
+ $display("addition");
+ $dumpfile("test_alu.vcd");
+ $dumpvars(0,testbench_alu);
+ var_1=0;
+ var_2=0;
+ op_sel=0;
+ #10 var_1=1;
+ var_2=0;
+ #10 var_1=0;
+ var_2=1;
+ #10 var_1=16;
+ var_2=16;
+ #10 var_1=64;
+ var_2=64;
+ $display("substraction");
+ $display("multiplication");
+ $display("division");
+ $display("logical shift left");
+ $display("logical shift right");
+ $display("rotate right");
+ $display("rotate left");
+ $display("and");
+ $display("or");
+ $display("xor");
+ $display("nor");
+ $display("nand");
+ $display("xnor");
+ $display("greater comparison");
+ $display("equal comparison");
+initial begin
+ $monitor("At time %t d1=%h(%0d) d2=%h(%0d) op_sel=%0d out=%h(%0d)",$time,var_1,var_1,var_2,var_2,op_sel,out,out);
+endmodule \ No newline at end of file