Name | Description | Idle | Links |
Content |
md-content.git | Site content | 5 weeks | summarylogtree |
md-site.git | Site source code | 6 months | summarylogtree |
Epoch |
hackvr.git | Virtual Reality programm | 6 months | summarylogtree |
hago.git | HackingAllowedGo frontpage just for temporary displaying some basic info | 6 months | summarylogtree |
libhashtable.git | hastable implementation | 6 months | summarylogtree |
libidc.git | asynchronous input library | 6 months | summarylogtree |
libirc.git | IRC protocol handling library | 6 months | summarylogtree |
misc.git | misc scripts | 6 months | summarylogtree |
resdb.git | anonnet configs | 6 months | summarylogtree |
segfault.git | IRC bot | 6 months | summarylogtree |
segfault_home.git | IRC bot home directory | 6 months | summarylogtree |
uritools.git | oh. um. command-line uri manpulation utilities, tuff like uricut, urimatch, uric... | 6 months | summarylogtree |
Hardware |
cpu8.git | CPU related snippets | 6 months | summarylogtree |
cpu8_v.git | 8bit cpu implementation in verilog | 6 months | summarylogtree |
MacOS |
ADSBDecoder.git | ADSB Decoder with live map | | summarylogtree |
OCRImage.git | OCR convert image to text | | summarylogtree |
PrySDR.git | Software Defined Radio learning ground | | summarylogtree |
Projects |
agni.git | IRC bot | 6 months | summarylogtree |
dm.git | dm - datamatch bookmarking, data matching mini-language | 6 months | summarylogtree |
dwm-fancy.git | for dwm where added some patches. All is configurable with kernel menuconfig. | 6 months | summarylogtree |
dwm-pixel.git | dwm6.2 with patches and mods. All is configurable with kernel menuconfig. | 6 months | summarylogtree |
dwmstatus-pixel.git | updated dmwstatus to use ner font icons | 6 months | summarylogtree |
libarg++.git | Command line argument library C++. port of libarg | 6 months | summarylogtree |
libarg.git | Command line argument library | 6 months | summarylogtree |
libbuf.git | libbuf - binary buffer library, for easy loading/saving/copying/transforming/edi... | 6 months | summarylogtree |
libcmd.git | libcmd - embedable cli parser. Supports autocomplete and easy to add custom comm... | 6 months | summarylogtree |
libelf.git | libelf - ELF file manipulation library. Multi-arch, multi-bitnes, multi-endianes... | 6 months | summarylogtree |
libping.git | libping - ethernet level ping packet creation | 6 months | summarylogtree |
librusb.git | Experimental fork of libusb | 6 months | summarylogtree |
microbbs.git | MicroBBS old school style BBS | 6 months | summarylogtree |
netbytes.git | Netbytes - Netstrings for binary data | 6 months | summarylogtree |
pyairspy.git | Python3 airspy library wrapper | 6 months | summarylogtree |
pyairspyhf.git | Python3 airspyhf library wrapper | 6 months | summarylogtree |
r820sdr-init.git | Initial Xcode project with ready to use librtlsdr and libusb | | summarylogtree |
r820t-utils.git | Experimental fork of rtlsdr utilities | 6 months | summarylogtree |
r820t.git | Experimental fork of rtlsdr | 6 months | summarylogtree |
radiola.git | RTLSDR based sdr fm reciever | 6 months | summarylogtree |
Snippets |
NaiveFFT.git | Naive FFT implementation | | summarylogtree |
WasmAudio.git | Wasm Audio and FIR example | | summarylogtree |
code-snippets.git | Snippets examples | 6 months | summarylogtree |
compilation-snippets.git | Compilation examples | 6 months | summarylogtree |
jshack.git | GreaseMonkey script | 6 months | summarylogtree |
mqueue_examples.git | Mqueue examples | 6 months | summarylogtree |
wasm_fractal.git | Wasm fractal | 6 months | summarylogtree |
webusb.git | WebUSB examples | 6 months | summarylogtree |
Utils |
H64D-2.git | H64D-2 - hexdump with features VERSION2 | 6 months | summarylogtree |
MATCH-2.git | MATCH-2 - search pattern in file and print position, better then GREP | 6 months | summarylogtree |
PIPET-1.git | PIPET-1 - VERSION1 pipe transporter. Count bytes trannsfered throught pipes, can... | 6 months | summarylogtree |
dirwatch.git | E-poll diretory watcher and uploader | 6 months | summarylogtree |
ihe.git | interactive hex editor | 6 months | summarylogtree |
kconfig2h.git | Kernel config file parser to C header files | 6 months | summarylogtree |
notifylist.git | show list of notifications on dir | 6 months | summarylogtree |
Xos |
nmount.git | nmount - new mount, flexible approach to mount utility | 6 months | summarylogtree |
os201.git | DIY linux, not LFS based | 6 months | summarylogtree |
osystem.git | sytem utilities to use os201, simplistic coreutils in ocaml | 6 months | summarylogtree |